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Winery? Nothing — Page 182

Sakaki Ryoko was startled, took a step back, and jumped down so high?

Mu Qiye approached, frivolously raised Sakaki Ryoko’s chin, and said with a wicked smile, “What? Do you have an opinion?”

“Ah… um…”

Seeing Mu Qiye’s expression, Sakaki Ryoko’s face turned slightly red, and she closed her eyes a little overwhelmed.

Mu Qiye has such a personality, from the moment she got involved with Mu Qiye, she thought of this kind of thing happening.There is nothing to accept or not to accept, and I can’t resist if I don’t want to. Besides, except for a little bit of infatuation, Mu Qiye is also good.

However, Mu Qiye still didn’t play poker with her happily now.

Today is indeed a little empty, not so anxious. Ryoko Sakaki has a good figure and looks. If there is time, I can put her together with Yoshino Yuki and Tiansuohui, and fight against the landlord.

Also, the phone rang.

“It’s so good!” He smiled and kissed Ryoko Sakaki, Mu Qiye let go of Ryoko Sakaki’s chin, took out his mobile phone, and looked at the TV display, it was the police chief Bai Mazheng.

“Mr. White Horse, your call is at an untimely time.”

Mu Qiye answered the phone with a hint of impatience in his tone.Sakaki Ryoko blushed, and immediately avoided a few steps. After thinking about it, she still stood obediently behind Mu Qiye.

Bai Ma was stunned when he called.

Soon, he guessed that it might disturb Mu Qiye’s good things, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his heart was even more speechless: The chaebol’s life is really enviable, either in the pursuit of women, or in the way of women.

Think about it, his life was really hard.What I have to do every day is that, during this time, I wipe my ass everywhere, especially the Tokyo Slip Bureau.

That is to say, the son is not bad, he is in a high position.If he really develops the longevity medicine, maybe he can become the first and second batch of longevity people.

(Thanks to Xiaoao Cangsheng for the 100 VIP point reward, thank you for the monthly pass, monthly pass of 152, 34654, 250, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 281: The Next Slip Board Candidates

It’s good to think about it, and my son will be back in a few months.

The white horse had a smile on his face, and his eyes narrowed even more.

Put these aside, and simply tell Mu Qiye what you know.

If you can hide this from others, the chaebols like Mu Qiye should not think about it.Politics, scribbles, let alone the parties involved.Also, not all people in [-]-chome~ are dead.

Some people definitely saw it, but they didn’t dare to come out.

Needless to say, Conan Kudo Yukiko, there are still a few alive, and one is in the basement, just hiding from being smashed by furniture, and lucky not to be found- Dr. Aga…

It’s better to just say it, appear frank, or directly discuss the conditions.

Mu Qiye’s character in this respect is very good.

Do things simply, don’t negotiate the price, just say what you ask,

“By the way, the Maurilan incident is a public event. Too many people know about it, and we don’t have much to do. We can only say that the appropriate situation favors Maurilan.”

It’s all public events, and Maolilan obviously doesn’t have too many debate points. He seems to be a well-known lawyer, and they are not easy to handle.

eh?Can you do that?

Hearing that Hakuba was blaming Kudo Yusaku for most of the fault, Mu Qiye was also surprised.Can you do that?He just wanted to find a suitable identity for Yusaku Kudo’s appearance in the future, but he didn’t expect it to cause such consequences.

However, it is also a good thing.

If Kudo Yusaku was alive, even if he didn’t cry and fainted to the toilet, his face would definitely look like coal.

“Okay, request… just owe it. I’ll tell you later if you ask for it. Of course, it won’t make you too embarrassed.”

Bai Ma was so straightforward, Mu Qiye couldn’t say anything.

This matter didn’t do him any harm. Instead, it solved the bad effects of Moon Shadow Island and some other things. As for the request, he couldn’t think of it for a while.

Where is Maurilan?

It doesn’t hurt to spend a few days or even months in jail.

“Happy, please call Mr. Mu if you have something to do. Of course, I also hope that Mr. Mu will make more calls and make requests.” Bai Ma had a smile on his face.The latter sentence is accentuated, obviously referring to something else.

This is also true.If you can make a phone call, it means that it is not too illegal. If you don’t make a phone call, it is actually difficult to deal with.If you don’t ask for it, it’s more troublesome…

“Okay.” Mu Qiye smiled, knowing what Bai Ma Zheng meant.

Of course, that is to say, listen, if it is not troublesome, he still does not want to trouble these people.

Lack of favors, handles, is a problem.

He still hopes to solve it by himself!

They are all smart people and know what the other person means.

After a few chats, he simply hung up the phone.

Bai Mazheng has nothing to lose, his goal has been achieved.Don’t worry about Yukiko Kudo finding Mu Qiye, and Mu Qiye used a fishing boat to put pressure on them, and everyone knew it.

As for what’s illegal?

Mu Qiye is a smart person. Even if he did something illegal, it would not be so easy for people to find evidence and seize the cause. Besides, even if it did happen, it would not have much impact on him. Depending on the situation, there are others. Decide how to solve it.

He is now more concerned about the Tokyo Tiaozi Bureau.

The incident on Moon Shadow Island and tonight’s incident… A large number of people are about to be dismissed or relocated.

To be honest, the Tokyo Tiaozi Bureau is not at all at fault, especially what happened tonight. Is there something wrong with the emergency rescue?If it were someone else, it is estimated that this choice would also be made, and this kind of thing would also happen.

However, after all, it caused a major impact, and also caused a lot of losses to the police station.

Especially Mu Mu Shisan, he had to be demoted, and if he still wanted to be a spy, he had to be transferred from afar.Not only did he agree to Mu Qiye, but he also helped him just now and had to do something, and he also told Mu Mu Shisan that he was helping him…

This matter is easy to solve, the important thing is the following vacancies.

The Tokyo Tiaozi Bureau must have some cadres dismissed to be responsible for this matter, and give the public an explanation, but those who fill it in need to be carefully considered.

This thing gave me a headache.

Don’t talk about him, even the above is probably a headache.

No way, who made him the police chief?

Working in the Tokyo Tiaozi Bureau, in fact, the ability is second, the title of incompetence has long been played, and there is nothing in the point of incompetence.

The important thing is to be a human being and to handle relationships well…

Tokyo is now the capital, and there are messy chaebols, clubs, bigwigs, everywhere.

If the relationship with these people is not handled well, even if the case is solved, it will make them dissatisfied and find something, which is probably more serious than not solving the case.More importantly, many of these people really can’t move…


Thinking of this, Bai Mazheng has some headaches, how good is it if nothing changes?

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

here comes…

Of course, trouble is trouble, and he also has several candidates for management.

The first Osaka prefectural police chief, police surveillance service department Hiraizang, first-class crime-solving ability, but also know how to be a man.

In Osaka, the chaebol, the power is not weaker than that of Tokyo’s original capital, Osaka, and they have done almost nothing wrong. They are indeed a good candidate.

It’s just that Hattori Heizang is considered familiar in Osaka. There is no reason for him to go to Tokyo. He may not be willing.Second, he went to Tokyo, and there was no one in Osaka who could take his place, and Osaka was a problem.

Temporarily crossed out.

The second is the police inspector Masatoshi Matsumoto, the chief of the First Section of the Criminal Division of the Metropolitan Police Department.


Originally, he was from the Tokyo Criminal Division, and he was familiar with it.It’s just that there are some problems with personality, and I don’t like talking and dealing.But her daughter, Sayuri Matsumoto, is a music teacher at Tedan High School.

She was a senior a few years before Mu Qiye, so she probably knew each other.Now he is the second of the Suzuki family, Suzuki Sonoko’s music teacher, and he has a good relationship with Suzuki Sonoko.

The most important thing is this.

The two big chaebols are related, and even if there is a problem with their personality, it doesn’t really matter that much.Even Matsumoto Sayuri seems to be getting married in a few months…

Tentatively, may be appropriately promoted.

The third is Nakamori Yinzo of the Police Department of the Intelligent Criminal Investigation Department of the Second Section of the Criminal Division of the Jianggutian Metropolitan Police Department.His temper is a little hotter, and it is easy to get overwhelmed, but he has a strong sense of justice and a good reasoning ability, much like Mu Mu Shisan.

However, they have a good daughter who looks like Maorilan, if…

The fourth one is also from Osaka. It is Hiroyama Ginjiro Nagayama, the Criminal Department of the Police Headquarters. He has good ability and personality, and he is very good at getting things done. Basically, he is a weakened version of Hattori Heizo.

However, Hattori Heizang will not necessarily release people. His daughter Toyama and Ye and Hattori Heizang’s family are also childhood sweethearts, so they are temporarily crossed out.

the fifth……

(Thanks to Xiaoao Cangsheng for the 100 VIP point reward, thank you for the monthly pass, monthly pass of 152, 34654, 250, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly tickets, for rewards, for support, for comments…) For a long time.

Chapter 282: Master, cut it!

On the way back to Qiben villa, Mu Qiye and Sakaki Ryoko also met Yoshino Yuki who came looking for them, and they returned to the castle together.

In the hall of the castle, the mourners have all left, and the Qiben family is watching the spirit.It’s not like I have to stay here all night, and there must be someone at all times.

With a simple nod and greeting, Mu Qiye arrived at the restaurant.

It was getting late, and there were not many people.

Of course, Nakiri Erina and Nakiri Alice were all there, and Hishako Shinto who got the news came back soon.

A group of people sat down to form a table, and the old butler Suzuki also made a round table, regardless of priority.

“Xia Jiang and the others have already used it, Mr. Mu, three, please use it~” The old butler Suzuki squinted his eyes and saluted respectfully, and the three of them naturally included the sister “Jiuqiqi” who had a good relationship with Mu Qiye. Hu Fei sand.

Shinto Hishako’s face was flushed, and she and Erina-sama were messing around in the quilt for more than an hour, and they slept together with a confused head.I didn’t hear what he said at all, otherwise I would have retorted that she was Erina’s entourage.

Nakiri Erina was also a little embarrassed.

It’s just, think about the feeling of being with Feishazi… It’s a little weird, um, not bad, it’s interesting, try again when you get a chance, it seems that some special attributes have been unlocked.

Nakiri Alice raised her head and snorted, in fact, her heart was very empty.Mu Qiye had a relationship with her before and was sleeping with her in his arms. Fortunately, Mu Qiye left at some point, otherwise it would be troublesome.

Mu Qiye just sat down.

Nakiri Alice’s eyes widened, her body stiffened, her face flushed slightly: This guy…


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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