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Winery? Nothing — Page 184

“Can it grow? Hehe, it can grow, it’s good, not bad…” Hearing Conan muttering to himself, some idiots lowered their heads and laughed out loud, relieved, and Fukuyama really felt disgusted.

Happy with this code?Don’t think about what you just said, and what will your adoptive mother pay next? 977

Fukuyama really felt that it was fortunate that his son was not such a person. Although he was a little mixed and didn’t like studying, at least he didn’t cause much trouble.

If there is such a son, he would rather slap on the wall and have no descendants!


Fujimine Yukiko made a few calls, and Sato Miwako also called one, but unfortunately they were all busy, so they should be on the phone.

After all, if you didn’t answer before, no one answered.

Seeing Yuxizi’s anxious, pleading, and helpless appearance, Fukuyama also softened his heart, waved his hand and said, “I’ll help you this time, but it’s not an example. Of course, you have to call later.”

Tengfeng is as beautiful as Kiko, and she will not refuse to come to Mu Qiye.

“Thank you, Professor Fukuda~” Fujimine Yukiko quickly thanked.

Hearing Professor Fukuda’s words, Conan’s mouth twitched a few times, and he couldn’t help but give him a blank look: Did you say that?What’s not an example, there must be no next time!

He thought firmly.But I can’t help but feel a little cold when I boast, I feel as if I will experience this kind of thing again, maybe not once…

An illusion, it must be an illusion…

Conan kept reminding himself that Fukuyama also asked the nurse to push him to the operating room. Looking at Conan lying on the hospital bed, he felt very unhappy. Or, during the operation, he would be cut and fed to the dog?

(Thanks to Xiaoao Cangsheng for the 100 VIP point reward, thank you for the monthly pass, thank you for the continuous support of Starlight 399, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 284: Maolilan’s case opens

Flagship Villa.

In Nakiri Alice’s room, Mu Qiye just hung up the phone from Concubine Miles.

I don’t know how Concubine Miles got the news of the incident at the [*]-chome of Mikacho so quickly. After guessing that Edogawa Conan might be the target of this attack, she was terrified and kept it from Mao Lilan. After Mao Lilan fell asleep, she gave Mu Lilan. Seven nights called.

Just had a relationship, Mu Qiye couldn’t help but let her go.

Fortunately, Concubine Miles is not the kind of person who needs to talk too much, and is smart and independent enough, so it is not too difficult to appease.

“Forget it, it’s a hassle again, the difference is not big.”

After rubbing the hair of Alice Nakiri who was tired and sleeping, Mu Qiye just smiled and answered an extra call. , Maolilan’s matter is similar to what was estimated, um, maybe it’s more serious, and it’s not a big deal.

In a flash, Mu Qiye disappeared without a trace.

Erina’s room turned off the lights, but she didn’t actually fall asleep, she just wanted to hide Mi Zhang from Feishako and the others, tossing and turning on c.

“What do you think?”

The slender figure suddenly appeared, and even Nakiri Erina couldn’t help but startled, but after seeing through the moonlight that it was Mu Qiye, she patted the bear slowly and said, “It scared me to death, it really appeared suddenly. Woolen cloth!”

Thinking of this, Nakiri Erina couldn’t help but look at Mu Qiye curiously.

Space magic is one of the more forbidden abilities. Even if he knew that Aojiao Niu was strict, Mu Qiye didn’t explain it.

(omit… ).

Mu Qiye sat on the sofa with Erina in his arms, basking in the moon.

Erina rubbed in Mu Qiye’s arms, looked up at Mu Qiye and said, “Are you and Alice…”

Although she didn’t have time to pay attention to Alice today, the chef’s nose is very smart. When Mu Qiye came, she could clearly smell Alice’s body.

“Well, what’s wrong?” With a tilt of his head, Mu Qiye also remembered coming to Erina’s room just now, and forgot to deal with it.

Raising Erina’s chin, Mu Qiye smiled lightly.

Nakiri Erina’s face turned red, knowing that Mu Qiye didn’t care, and that she didn’t think she was too lenient, she shook her head, and said with some complexity in her heart: “It’s nothing, I just think it’s weird, I and Alice are too. Sisters~”~”

As a child, when she was at her lowest, Alice’s departure hit her hard.She complained about her for a long time, why did she leave like this without accompanying her…

Thinking of this, she felt a little depressed and unconfident in her heart.She knew that, rationally, she shouldn’t blame Alice, she had no reason to force Alice to accompany her, even though Alice was his sister.

But they are sisters and best friends…

“Hehe, in the future too~” (omitted…)


Next room.

Shinto Feishako, who was also not asleep, widened her eyes: This is familiar…


Around nine o’clock the next day.

After the farewell ceremony, the Qiben family will send the Qiben Hao possession, and of course, Qiben Ichiro is buried in the ancestral land of the Qiben family.

However, there is indeed a lot of controversy over Hamoto Ichiro’s burial in his ancestral land.

Many relatives learned of what happened, and Hamoto Mariko and Hamoto Beilang also lost power. They refused to bury Hamoto Ichiro in their ancestral land on the grounds that Hamoto Ichiro was suspected of killing Hamoto Haozang. pulse meaning.

Therefore, there was also a little quarrel with Hachimoto Mariko’s family, and it was only after Hunmoto Xiajiang agreed that Hachimoto Ichiro would be buried in his ancestral land.

Because of this, Hachimoto Beilang had a lot of goodwill towards Huoben Xiajiang, and Hashimoto Mariko heaved a sigh of relief. Of course, what happened next, no one knows.

A person came to the port to send the Nakiri sisters aboard.

Of course, there are also Hishako, Yoshino Yuki and Sakaki Ryoko.They are all students of Totsuki College, and they have to participate in the dormitory training in two days, so they have to leave.

“Let’s go.”

After stretching, Mu Qiye let a few people on the boat leisurely, and finally he could rest for a few days.

“Hum!” Nakiri Alice still held her head high, and pretended to give Mu Qiye a few hums in disdain, saying that it had nothing to do with Mu Qiye, but she didn’t know that Erina already knew about them.

Erina Nakiri did not reveal it either.She is about the same as Alice.

However, seeing Alice’s humming, she felt too pretentious and wanted to hide it, so she dismissed the idea, blushed a little, nodded and boarded the Nakiri family’s luxury cruise ship.

“Mr. Mu, Er and I are leaving.”

“Mr. Mu, goodbye.”

The first one was Yoshino Yuki, who seemed a bit hasty and rude, and the second one was Sakaki Ryoko, which made people unable to find many loopholes.

He smiled and nodded lightly, indicating that the two of them should go up first.

Yoshino Yuki ran away immediately, and Sakaki Ryoko glanced at Hishako Shinto who had a complicated face and walked up.

“‘ ‖ Brother~”

Xinto Feishazi looked at Mu Qiye tangled, twisting the corners of his clothes with both hands, not knowing how to speak.

“Okay, don’t think about it.”

Smiling and rubbing Feishazi’s head, Mu Qiye said lightly, “It’s all about me, what a big deal? No matter what, you are my sister~”

Seeing Mu Qiye’s doting expression, Xinto Feishazi’s heart calmed down, and looked at Mu Qiye moved: “Brother~”

“Okay, let’s go, I’ll see you in three days!”

After knocking on the head of Xinto Feishazi, Mu Qiye smiled.

“I’m not too young~”

Xinto Feishazi retorted in a low voice, still enjoying it in his heart, and then raised his head and said firmly, “Well, I will definitely work hard, brother, you should go back early too!”

“haha okay.”


Xinto Feishazi got on the boat and watched the luxury cruise ship leave. Mu Qiye moved his body and stretched out his hand to lift it slightly. Not far away, the cruise ship of Qiben’s family couldn’t help but rise a little.

“It is estimated that (Nuo Zhaozhao) plans to reach an intermediate-level magician, and this world can become a weakened version of Magneto. Well, the scope of use is even greater than him!” The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Mu Qiye turned around, and walked lazily towards Qiben’s villa. .


Tokyo District Court, the case concerning Maorilan officially opened.

This case can be said to have caused quite a stir, and the door was surrounded by reporters from various TV, newspaper, and magazine websites.

Conan endured the severe pain, and dragged his half-crippled body to the scene.It’s a pity that without identity, I can’t get in at all, so I can only wait anxiously in the car outside.

And it wasn’t Fujimine Yukiko who was driving, but Takagi Shibu.

(Thanks to Xiaoao Cangsheng for the 100 VIP point reward, thank you for the monthly pass, thank you for the continuous support of Starlight 399, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 285: Such a Trial

It’s easy to ask Shibu Takagi to help.

It can be seen that Takagi Shibu likes Sato Miwako.Takagi Shibu’s ability is poor, and he has no guts. It just so happens that his reasoning reputation is also well-known in the Tiaozi Bureau. It is easy for Takagi Shibu to bring him out.

Of course, this is also because from last night, mother Youxizi didn’t even want to talk to him. When she heard that she wanted to come to Xiaolan’s trial and testify, she even directly said don’t harm Xiaolan, which made him even more speechless.

He was also very sad about what happened yesterday.But his purpose and plan are all right!

It will be a success next time!

Look, this time, Xiaolan will definitely be acquitted!

court, court.

The plaintiff, the defendant, and the lawyers of the two parties went to court one after another and arrived at their own positions.

The judge declared the trial to begin.

Maori Kogoro, dressed in a suit, was anxiously in the courtroom, hearing the trial in the gallery.

“Your Majesty, this is the daily information of our defender.”

Concubine Miles argued on the grounds from the very beginning, using Maorilan’s daily behaviors and experiences as supporting materials to defend.

It proves that Maurilan’s character has not had any conflict with the victim Ryoichi Takahashi before, indicating that Maurilan has no reason to kill the victim Ryoichi Takahashi.

This is also in line with the ideas of Maori Lan and Maori Kogoro, the situation at that time.There is no other evidence that can conclusively prove that Mao Lilan did not intentionally kill the victim Ryoichi Takahashi.

“Objection, Your Honor!”

The plaintiff’s lawyer, Fujii Tang, was also very straightforward.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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