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Winery? Nothing — Page 188

Egutian High School 2nd year Class B.

Sitting on the chair in the back row, Kuroba Kaito spread his legs apart, hoping that everything last night was a dream, but the burning pain below told her that everything was real!

“Damn, Baga, don’t let me find out who you are, otherwise…” Hei Yu gritted his teeth in a hurry, his mind filled with the figure of the man with the machine gun.

It’s just… It was too far away last night, and his vision was a little dark. In order to save the kid, he didn’t pay too much attention, so he didn’t see the other side’s appearance clearly.

Forget it, go find that kid in a few days, Conan Edogawa?

Dreaming of being a detective, bad deeds, what an unpleasant kid!

Kuroba Kuito gritted his teeth, and after investigating the kid’s information, he regretted saving him even more.

My, elephant…

after class.

“Fight, fight!”

The long brown hair is [-]% similar to Ma Lilan, but Aoko Nakamori, who does not have the sharp horns of the heroine, is carrying a bento box, and some angrily yells at Kuroba Kuito, who is obviously absent-minded.

“Okay, I’m bored, what’s the matter?”

Looking up at Mori Aoko in his eyes, Kuroba Kuito’s expression softened, this childhood sweetheart is one of his fetters.

Even if he doesn’t like his identity as a thief, Kidd, he always says that Kidd is a thief or something, and has a father who is slapped around by her every time.But he still likes this kind, innocent, lively, and sometimes fried childhood sweetheart 990.

Afterwards, his expression froze, and his face became ugly: mine, elephant…

“Kaidou, what’s the matter with you? I’ve called you so many times and you don’t agree?”

Seeing that Kuroba Kuito’s expression was wrong, Nakamori Aoko’s attitude also calmed down. She looked at him with concern, thinking he was sick, and touched Kuito’s and her foreheads to compare the temperature,

“I just thought of some bad things, don’t think about it.”

Nakamori Aoko’s concern made Kuroba Kuito smile lightly. He pushed away Nakamori Aoko’s hand that was touching his forehead, took out a blue candle from his bosom, covered it with his hand and blew lightly, and the candle became He handed over a blue flower.

Aoko Nakamori’s eyes lit up, and he took it. Other thoughts were thrown away, and he said, “I’ll play these little tricks to fool girls. It’s time to eat, let’s go…”

Saying that, she took the flowers and the bento box and walked out briskly.

“meal time?

“Looking at the back of Nakamori Aoko leaving, Kuroba quickly twitched the corners of his mouth, and was about to cry without tears.

This weather, so hot, sweaty, and still walking…

Kuroba Kaito felt that the whole world was dark, and he knew that he would not come to school because of his illness, so he pretended to be a woolen yarn!

“Quick fight?”

“Okay, here we come~”

If you don’t go, Nakamori Aoko will definitely lose his temper, and it is estimated that he will remember the whole afternoon…


She mustered up her courage to grit her teeth, and Hei Yu quickly fought the pain, but she still had to pretend that nothing happened.If Aoko or other classmates know that he is about to lose the elephant in the black feather fight, then he will die as soon as possible…

Even if it hurts, you have to endure it, pretend to be relaxed, the same as usual!


Won’t bleed?

“Afternoon gym class, let’s play football together!”

“Kaidou classmate, can I have dinner together?”

“Quick fight…”


Facing the greetings of acquaintances and the flattery of female classmates, Kuroba Kaito was almost tortured.

Just talk, pat me on the shoulder, hug my neck?

Also, seeing the shy expression of the female classmate, he would think of the elephant he lost…

Moreover, when Nakamori Aoko saw this, a black line appeared on her forehead, and she walked faster with a snort!

Mud horse!

After finally getting rid of the entanglement of the classmates perfectly, I saw a girl with wine red hair came into view.

“Classmate Hongzi? Why did you come back? Didn’t you transfer? Did you transfer back again?”

Nakamori Aoko trotted over.

Although what she said sounded a little unpleasant, but looking at her happy face, you knew that she was still very happy to see her!

“This crazy woman…”

Looking at Koizumi Koizumi, Kuroba Kuito pouted, disapproving of the woman who called herself a witch at first.

“Something unexpected, come back.” Koizumi (ajei) Hongzi smiled slightly.

After leaving Mikacho last night, I returned to the old castle in Egutian.Before Mu Qiye came back, Conan was stared at by Tiaozi again, and there was no acquaintance there, so he planned to come here for a walk.

Nakamori Aoko’s character is still very likable, she can barely count as more than half a friend, and there is a Kuroba Kaito who is not attracted by her charm.

“Che, why are you back?” Kuroba came over and said indifferently with his head held high.

Although she was in the same class as Koizumi Hongzi, it took only a few days for Koizumi Hongzi to transfer, and as soon as she came up, she caused a sensation in this school, and almost all the men in the school were obsessed with her.

What’s the big deal, I’m still Kaito Kid!

He even said boldly that he wanted him to be her captive, slave, and submerged under her charm. Even a man didn’t have much affection for him.


With a proud and confident smile on her face, Koizumi Koizumi looked at Kuroba Kuito, but she was still slightly stunned: “Are you injured?”

Although he didn’t have Mu Qiye’s look-and-see skills, he could sense a person’s emotional changes and see if a person was injured, and it was easy to see where they were injured.

His eyes fell on Kuroba Kuito’s lower god, showing a little stunned, where… is he injured?

This special code… found?

Heiyu Kuidou’s face darkened, the corners of his mouth twitched, he never thought that this was just a matter of a few eyes, Koizumi Hongzi found out that he was injured, and seemed to be certain that he was…

“Injured? Kuaidou are you injured? Where are you injured?”

Nakamori Aoko showed a surprised expression, and looked at Kuroba Kuito suspiciously. She didn’t notice it at all. Thinking about it, Kuaito was indeed a bit strange today, and the speed of walking was slow.

“Don’t listen to this woman’s nonsense, let’s go, let’s go~” Kuroba Kaito pretended not to care, and endured the pain and stepped forward, pulling Nakamori Aoko to leave.

Although Aoko Nakamori wanted to say something, Kuroba Kuito took the initiative to hold her hand a few times, her face flushed slightly, and she forgot to talk to Koizumi Hongko.

“Interesting~” Koizumi Hongko just smiled, I didn’t expect that Kaitou Kidd was injured there, and it didn’t seem to be generally serious, could it be a permanent damage?

“If you want to recover, you can come to me.”

He tentatively transmitted the voice directly to Heiyu Kuidou’s ears, his footsteps paused slightly, Heiyu Kuidou’s eyes lit up, and he frowned slightly…

He naturally wanted to recover his body and did not want to be a eunuch, but Koizumi Hongzi was not a doctor, but a woman who was talking and talking, how could he help him?

“Kaito, what’s wrong?” Nakamori Aoko looked at Kuroba Kaito who had stopped walking with some doubts, and Kuroba forced a smile: “It’s nothing, let’s go eat!”

“Oh, good~”

(Thanks to Du Lianxing for at least 5 monthly passes, thank you for the monthly pass of the son, Shi Wushuang~, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 291: Code Name, Greed

“It looks really serious!”

Looking at the pace of Kuroba Kuito’s departure, Koizumi Koizumi also keenly noticed the emotional fluctuations of Kuroba Kuito before, and then a confident smile filled the corner of his mouth: “Phantom Thief Kid? It seems that he will soon become my servant. It’s gone!”

Her own charm is actually similar to magic.

I didn’t capture Kaito Kid before, but it was because Kuroba Kaito fell in love with Nakamori Aoko. ~Emotionally, it’s special.

The second reason is that Kuroba Kuito’s mental strength is indeed not weak, and he is even more confident in the identity of the phantom thief Kid, and he is even more disdainful to pursue simple beauty with everyone, so that he can resist – her almost magical charm.

It’s easy now, Kuroba Kaito has a lack of spirituality, whether it is self-confidence or mentally weaker, if you move a little bit of stimulation, it will definitely become her toy.

“Just make him a toy?”

Koizumi Hongzi thought about it for a while, and felt a little pity, and wanted him to be willing to indulge in her beauty and be unable to extricate himself!

Forget it, think about it later.

Shaking his head lightly, he put aside these thoughts, and was quicker than Kuroba.She was more interested in who caused this aftermath. After all, Kuroba Kuito’s ability to reach out and react is not weak.

Thinking of the broken magic mirror, I couldn’t help being a little speechless. If there was a magic mirror, it would be simple.The magic mirror can not only locate, but also query, what happened within a certain range.

Of course, it is not impossible.

He turned his hand to take out a crystal ball, turned his right hand into a sword finger, closed his eyes and chanted the magic spell, and a dark red magic circle appeared under his feet, shining with dazzling brilliance.

The long wine red hair is automatic without wind, and Koizumi Hongko, who has a good appearance in the magic circle, seems to be standing on the stage of a person, and she is very charming!

It’s just a pity that no one else can see it.


The crystal ball in her hand shone brightly, and then Koizumi Hongzi immediately opened her eyes and immediately threw the crystal ball out. Before the crystal ball fell to the ground, it exploded and scattered randomly.

Summoning the scythe and wand, Koizumi Koizumi dispelled it at will, and then, with a look of interest on his face: “It’s a protective spell again, it seems to be stronger than the one that destroyed the magic mirror last time, there are not many Eastern magicians, could it be from the West? ?”


Next to the Qimoto Island Waterfall.

Mu Qiye, who was transforming Shuichi Akai, also noticed this magic check, and the ring and cloak all exuded a wonderful brilliance.

“Does Koizumi Hongzi know what happened last night?” Mu Qiye’s expression condensed slightly.

Because of the breakthrough in strength, he can already use shielding magic to directly shield his exploration.That is to say, even if the other party is a magician, he can’t find any trace of him by simply using inspection and prophecy magic on him.

Even if he is strong and does not have a certain degree of exploration, he must first break through his various shielding magics to trigger various defensive magics in the second stage, but this time it directly triggers the various defensive magics in the second stage, skipping one step. Phase shield magic.

In other words, the other party was using something as a reference to find out who did it, and then found it on him.Therefore, the first stage of personal shielding magic was not triggered.

When you think about why you are investigating, you will naturally think of what happened last night.Magical energy is a dark fire attribute, and Kuroba Kuito and Koizumi Koizumi are in the same school, so she naturally guessed Koizumi Koizumi.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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