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Winery? Nothing — Page 189

“Trouble, fortunately, the repulsion is almost the same, the power, and the subordinates…” Mu Qiye somewhat regretted thinking of the spear-shattering quick-fighting bird, which led to Koizumi Hongzi.

If I knew it earlier, I would let Kuroba Kuidou go this time, anyway, there will be a chance in the future!

Of course, it’s just some regrets, yes, I still have some confidence in dealing with Koizumi Hongzi.Besides, with his current influence on R Ben, Koizumi Hongzi could not be without scruples.

“The big deal is to hide for a while, or turn the target for him.” With a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, Mu Qiye looked at Shuichi Akai who was hanging.

The original appearance is almost invisible.

After merging the cells of animals such as poisonous snakes, black widows, terrifying birds, and pterodactyls, Akai Shuichi couldn’t help but not get fat, and his height was raised to two meters, and he looked a little thinner.

The cane that binds him has turned into a chain, with bat-like wings growing out of his back, eight legs like a spider, and he can spit out spider silk…

“So, the flying mutant Spider-Man?”

The compound eyes stared at Mu Qiye, Akai Xiuyi had lost his mind. He only knew that he hated the person in front of him. Although it didn’t work, he kept spreading his legs and spit out cobwebs, which eventually turned into cobwebs.

“That’s about it.”

Restrained, able to fly, and strong enough, Mu Qiye nodded with satisfaction. As a thug, his basic ability was almost at this level.

Then the branches were turned into spears, and the two spears directly penetrated Akai Shuichi’s kidneys.


His throat trembled rapidly, and Shuichi Akai made a sound wave.Compared with the previous pain, this is not bad.It is also a place worthy of surprise. Of course, he cannot break through his protective barrier at all.

Black and red blood that seemed to be poisoned continued to flow out of the wound. The blood fell on the ground, and the plants withered at a speed visible to the naked eye. It seemed that the toxicity was indeed not weak, and it was estimated that it was comparable to that of parasites.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

“The ability to recover is still a little short.”

With a flick of his finger, the two spears were pulled out. Mu Qiye noticed that his body was starting to repair but was obviously too slow, and shook his head dissatisfiedly: “It seems that we will continue, the fusion of salamanders and lizards… It’s a pity SpongeBob SquarePants , the gap between octopus and the like is too big, [*]% of it won’t work…

“Ah, ah…”


After half an hour.

Seeing Shuuichi Akai’s dense wounds recovering quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, Mu Qiye nodded with satisfaction: “At least the pistol doesn’t have much effect on him, of course, the magic resistance is indeed a little worse, and it is normal not to fuse magic creatures. …”

To be cautious, Mu Qiye still did not give Akai Shuichi a fusion of magical creatures.Biotechnology is not uncommon in various urban novels, and if there are magical creatures, it is not necessarily.

……… 0

The soul fragments of at least five people collected last night floated out of his hands, entered the magic circle and merged with Shuichi Akai… In fact, at this time, he was no longer Shuichi Akai.

When fusing the genes of various creatures, he also fused the souls of these creatures, and lost a lot of Akai Shuichi’s soul. At most, it can be said that it is a humanoid creature with some memories of Akai Shuichi.

As the soul fragments merged into Shuichi Akai’s body, the magic circle once again emitted a dazzling light, and the surrounding aura was continuously absorbed by the magic circle and merged into Shuichi Akai’s body, providing the energy to fuse the soul.

“Ah…” The repulsion and fusion of the soul is more painful than the physical body, and the soul of Shuichi Akai, which was originally broken, was almost vanished under this broken fusion.

As the souls merged with each other, Akai Shuichi’s resistance gradually stopped. Instead, he showed an expression of enjoyment, enjoying the improvement of soul energy, and the new soul was gradually formed!

“It’s now!”

A gleam of light flashed in Mu Qiye’s eyes, and the condensed slave contract was also formed at this moment, entering the eyebrows of Akai Shuichi, and integrating into the new soul.


A minute or so.

Akai Xiuyi opened his eyes and looked at Mu Qiye who was sitting on the sofa, with a frenzied expression: “Master!”

Feeling that the slave contract was untouched, Mu Qiye smiled, looked at him and said, “Okay, from now on, your code name is greed!”

(Thanks to Du Lianxing for at least 5 monthly tickets, thank you son Shi Wushuang~ for monthly tickets, thank Bingyan for monthly tickets, thank you for 1024, 9983, 73 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly tickets, for rewards, for support, for comments…) For a long time.

Chapter 292: Found Xia Jiang

“Yes Master!”

The chains that bound him were removed, and Greed fell directly to the ground.Active hands and feet, eight spider legs are still moving back and forth, and flapping their wings, it seems that they are adapting to this body.

A ray of light shot out.

Greedy and vigilantly looked towards Mu Qiye’s side, seeing that it was from Mu Qiye, there was no resistance.After the light hits, there is no reaction, but even if ordinary people see it, they will subconsciously ignore him.

In the Harry Potter world, it’s called the Muggle Repelling Curse.

“Get used to it and see if there is any dissatisfaction.”

Looking at greed with interest, Mu Qiye was looking forward to showing greed.

“I know my master!”

The meaning of Mu Qiye was almost directly transmitted to his mind from the slave contract, which could almost perfectly convey the intention of understanding Mu Qiye. “Nine Nine Zero”

Knowing that Mu Qiye asked him to test his body to see if there was anything that could be improved.

Greed obviously has basic common sense, or experience about the remaining fused memories in his mind, picking up two of the four chains that bound him just now with one hand and pulling it hard towards the middle.

The two big trees that the two of them could only hug, were pulled to the side and swayed by him, almost leaving the ground.

It is worthy of integrating the consciousness of many animals, and the greedy nature is directly exposed. This is not satisfactory, and I also ask Mu Qiye to see if he can continue to improve him.

Mu Qiye nodded and agreed, unless the slave contract set in that situation was three or four levels higher than him, and it had to be covered by a higher-level contract, the responsibility could not be lifted at all.

However, let him continue to practice his body first.

The ability of spider legs is also good, and its strength has surpassed that of ordinary bones, almost comparable to steel.With the nails, it can easily penetrate the fur, and the pulling force can tear the body of the wild boar.

Of course, compared to the physical body, the recovery ability of spider legs is much worse.If it breaks, it will take him at least four or five days to recover.

Others, whether it is climbing or running, are extremely fast.

Vertical jumps can reach five or six meters, and distance jumps can also reach seven or eight meters…

It’s that the bat’s wings are a little worse,

Of course, it is estimated that there are also reasons for its own weight and body weight, and the flight speed is faster than that of pigeons.

needs improvement!

Of course, this is also the reason why some of them have just become proficient in their bodies and have not yet exerted their full strength.However, it’s not bad. In the future, greed will be his Bat King, responsible for controlling, commanding, and the flying creatures he transformed.

After thinking about it carefully, Mu Qiye decided to hide his wings and spider legs.Although it may reduce some of his strength, at least it looks pleasing to the eye, and it can be exposed in an emergency, and it can also cause unexpected effects.

“Master, someone is here!” His ears trembled slightly, his face was greedy and excited, obviously inheriting the aggressiveness of wild animals, and his ears also had the effect of sound wave positioning.

“Well, let’s go around first, around eleven o’clock in the evening, come back here to find me, don’t let others see, and don’t hurt anyone, when you take action,”

Mu Qiye was even more satisfied.

The meaning of greed is defense and killing, and this character is obviously more in line with his mind.However, this is his territory, and he is still very kind before others take action against him.

“Got it, Master!” There was no loss on his face, he nodded greedily and obediently, jumped, jumped over the river bank and quickly disappeared from sight.

The damage that will be done, the chained trees, etc. will be cleaned up.

After removing all kinds of magic, he jumped on the branch, Mu Qiye leaned against the trunk, dozing lazily.

In fact, the magic of consciousness is also quickly comprehending, familiar with the surrounding element rules and environment.Magicians are lonely people, and it is actually the most orthodox way to practice in such a place with strong elements.

Of course, it also depends on the mood.

Just like what he is most suitable for is the darkness of feng shui, and he also likes to practice in this area with many elements.

Not long after, Huan Ben Xiajiang came over.There were five bodyguards behind him, and one of them was Shuichi Ito.Xia Jiang had just inherited the title of Patriarch, so even if the Qi Ben family didn’t have the guts, it would be better to be on the safe side.

It’s time to eat.

Ito Shuichi knew from Suzuki Ryoko and Kasugano Saki that the meal time of Mu Qiye is not fixed, and sometimes he eats outside. There are also many restaurants on Chimoto Island.  …

After telling Qiben Xiajiang, Huanben Xiajiang still intends to visit.

This was what she thought, and the old housekeeper Suzuki also agreed with her approach, so she still wanted to express it. After inquiring, she found this place.

“At this.”

After stretching, Mu Qiye jumped straight down from the tree, which immediately startled Xiajiang.

Shuichi Ito was also secretly shocked, sighing, how come it was nearly four meters high just now?Jumping down so easily, landing footsteps so lightly, awesome!

Then they bowed.

After reacting, Huoben Xiajiang also blushed and said, “Well, I see that you didn’t come to dinner at noon, and the housekeeper Suzuki also asked me to come to you.”

After all, she hadn’t had a relationship yet, and she didn’t feel a little shy when she thought of being bullied by Mu Qiye every time she met.

“You guys leave first.”

Mu Qiye glanced at Ito Xiu a few, saying that it would be fine to leave it to him, Ito Xiu looked at each other, thought of Mu Qiye’s strength, simply nodded, said goodbye and left.

It has nothing to do with majesty or prestige.Even if the old man Nakiri told them to leave, the bodyguards must first consider whether it is safe, and they will leave only after they are sure of safety.

“…” Huo Ben Xiajiang’s face turned even redder and lowered his head.

Mu Qiye smiled, dragged her to the river, and asked: 4.8 “How is it? Do you still need to go back?”

“Grandpa has been cremated, and the French has been done.”

Mentioning this, Xiajiang’s face couldn’t help being a little gloomy, and he was still sad for the death of his grandfather Qiben Haozang. As for Qiben Ichiro, it was a bit complicated.

“That’s good, don’t be too sad, your grandfather doesn’t want to see you like this.”

“Well, I know, you say, is there really a heaven in the world?”

“Well, yes, there are angels~”


(Thanks to Du Lianxing for at least 5 monthly tickets, thank you son Shi Wushuang~ for monthly tickets, thank Bingyan for monthly tickets, thank you for 1024, 9983, 73 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(I’ll be back in the next chapter!)

Chapter 293 : The Green Haters Alliance Begins!

Five o’clock in the afternoon, Rice Flower Central Hospital.

Fujimine Yukiko finally re-applied the bank card, and put several bank cards, Conan’s identity certificate and other materials on the cabinet beside the hospital bed.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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