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Winery? Nothing — Page 190

“These are several bank cards in my name, with a total of more than [*] million yen, I left [*] million, the rest are here, those are your identity information, related insurance, identity prove……”

Seeing that Tengfeng Yukiko seemed to be coming for real, Conan suddenly looked at Yukiko in surprise: “Mom, what are you doing? Just take these…”

“Needless to say.”

Tengfeng Yukiko waved his hand, looking tired, and said firmly in his eyes: “I have already decided, I don’t want to participate in your business. You won’t tell me, and I can’t change anything, whether it’s you or your father Kudo. Excellent work…”

“Ms. Yukiko!”

Judy couldn’t help but look at Yukiko Fujimine, this is the rhythm of severing ties with Conan and Yusaku Kudo!

Tengfeng Yukiko shook her head gently, indicating that she would not change, and told Judy to stop persuading her. She looked at Conan and said, “This is all the funds I can move. If you don’t believe it, you can ask your father. As for other funds, I only know There is a part in the safe, when the rest of your father contacts you, you can talk about it yourself 09.”


Looking at Fujimine Yukiko’s expression, Conan was sure that maybe his mother Yukiko was here this time, and he couldn’t help but say, “I’ll tell you later, why don’t you just listen to your words? Mom, you…”

“Do you believe this?”

Fujimine Yukiko looked at Conan with some self-deprecation: “I know that you and your father are both smart and have their own ideas. I can’t compare with them at all. However, I also have my own ideas.”

“I don’t want to endure this feeling of being excluded, I don’t know anything, I feel like a fool, I don’t want to bear it anymore. I don’t want to tell you about other things. If you can contact your father, let him contact me and me talk.”

After speaking, Fujimine Yukiko turned around and left.


Looking at the back of Fujimine Yukiko leaving, Conan wanted to refute the block.

But whether he and his father, Yusaku Kudo, concealed important matters, or whether his mother was not smart enough to tell his mother about important matters in the future… These are the truth.

My mother has limited intelligence and is too pushy to control her mouth. Some things tell her that it will undoubtedly cost her a lot of precious time and take a lot of unnecessary risks…

Maybe it’s a good thing for Mom to get out.

Can you really get out?Is it really a good thing?

When Fujimine Yukiko left, a few police officers quietly followed Fujimine Yukiko.

Walking out of the hospital, looking at the blue sky, Fujimine Yukiko breathed a brief sigh of relief,

When he lowered his head, his expression became solemn again,

Conan is her biological son, how could she easily abandon him?

It’s just that some things really don’t make sense, and Conan doesn’t listen to him.

People like fbi, cia, and public security really just want to help Conan?

How is it that he has been in the entertainment industry, and he has also acted in many detective cases.Perhaps she used the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman, and the mind of a little woman.But what if these people really want to use Conan as an experimental tool to study drugs for rejuvenation?

But what if I tell Conan?

Conan wouldn’t believe it at all, and he was even willing to cooperate with the look on his face, but what was the result of the cooperation?

No one can guarantee!

More importantly, there are Mu Qiye and Xiaolan. Xiaolan has already been sent to prison by Miles, and there will be no problems for the time being. But as soon as Mu Qiye comes back, what will happen if Conan provokes Mu Qiye again? ?

Although there is no phone confirmation, it is clear that the people like Tiaozi and FBI treat her so preferentially this time, and there are definitely reasons for Mu Qiye.

Conan offended Mu Qiye before.

Mu Qiye kicked his leg upright, and broke Conan’s bones, causing people to beat him up… What will happen now?

She couldn’t even think about it.

Mu Qiye wasn’t the kind of person who could endure everything for the sake of a woman, let alone that she hadn’t had a relationship with Mu Qiye.

“Let’s get in touch again~”

Tengfeng Yukiko thought with a wry smile and picked up the phone, but there was an inexplicable throbbing in her heart, a throbbing that she didn’t want to admit.

Holding Huanben Xiajiang, Mu Qiye answered the phone: “What’s the matter, Youxizi?”

“Let’s chat when we come back~” Yukiko Fujimine said relaxedly.

“Well, good~”


In the ward.

Mom’s departure has become inevitable, and Conan has also put aside her affairs for the time being. Now the most important thing is Xiaolan’s affairs.

His eyes fell on the bank cards left by Yukiko Tengfeng, and Conan was somewhat relieved. With these more than [*] million yuan, he could definitely hire a top lawyer to win the case for Xiaolan and let Xiaolan leave. prison.

Barely enough to reach the mobile phone on the table next to him, Conan hurriedly opened the flip to find Kogoro Mouri’s phone number, and called immediately.


Maori Detective Agency.

There was Yoko Okino’s entertainment program on TV, Kogoro Mouri was sitting on the floor drinking beer, numbing himself, and the floor was full of wine bottles!

“Come on, Yoko, Yoko, come on!!” Mouri Kogoro was drunk, his face was rosy, and he shouted happily, but there was no happy expression in his face.

Helpless, yes, he was helpless and confused.

The scene after today’s trial is constantly recalled in my mind.

He didn’t believe that Fei Mile would want her biological daughter to go to prison, and he didn’t believe that Fei Mile would even openly call him a horse, frame him, beat him in public, and plan to sue him.When Xiaolan was in prison, she had to fight a lawsuit with her, and deprived him of the right to visit Xiaolan…

But, it’s all true…

He knew that Fei mile might have her reasons, but he really couldn’t understand what Fei mile was thinking, and why she had to send her biological daughter to prison!

“Dundun~” Depressed, he drank a bottle of beer. Kogoro Mouri felt that it was not enough. He reached out and touched it a few times, and finally picked up the beer beside him…

When Xiaolan was here, he should be stopped at this time.

Some self-deprecating smiles, shaking his head to put these aside.

He can’t do anything now except think.He slapped the bottle opener on the table with a slap, but now his vision is a little blurry, and he only touched it several times. When he opened it, he couldn’t open the bottle cap several times.

“Ahhhh…” Maori Kogoro yelled angrily, and threw out a wine starter and smashed it on the TV, the screen of the TV was smashed directly, the 990 made a bang explosion, thick smoke came out, and the electric spark…

“Hahaha…” Seeing the damaged TV and everything around it like a garbage dump, Kogoro Mouri laughed instead, laughing at himself, and laying on the sofa with a wine bottle decadently…

His Maori Kogoro is a piece of trash!

Just trash!

Thinking of everything he is now, it is not difficult to imagine that in a few days, he will definitely lose to Concubine Miles in the custody lawsuit of Xiaolan.

“Jingle bell, jingle bell…”

Suddenly the phone rang, Maori Kogoro just raised his head and continued to lie down, he is a waste, a complete waste!

“Jingle bell, jingle bell…”

The phone went off and on, off and on…

“The special code is so noisy, who is…”

Mouri Kogoro was really annoyed by the noise, dragged his body, swayed step by step, staggered to the desk, finally grabbed the phone, and said with a drunken smile: “Hello, I’m a famous detective, Mouri Kogoro. , Detective, Maori…”

“Uncle Maori, what’s the matter with you?” On the other end of the phone, Conan had a black line. He was really a wasteful uncle, and then he didn’t care about anything else, and said seriously: “Uncle Maori, let’s rescue Sister Xiaolan together, let’s start again. Find a lawyer and I’ll pay!”

(Thanks to Du Lianxing for at least 5 monthly tickets, thank you son Shi Wushuang~ for monthly tickets, thank Bingyan for monthly tickets, thank you for 1024, 9983, 73 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(Think about it, I still wrote this one, after the Green Haters Alliance is still very important and powerful!)

Chapter 294: Layout

When they returned to the Chimoto Villa, all those who came to attend the ritual simply left.

Many of the ones left behind are those who are preparing to cooperate with Mu Qiye to make money, or prepare loans, bankers who provide loans, and the like.These are all resources, Taro Sakai, Kota Asakawa, Asuka Shimizu will not let them go.

Of course, they are also responsible, Mu Qiye basically doesn’t care about business.

After a brief chat, they were recorded separately before letting them leave.After all, resources belong to resources, and some procedures must be followed, and more importantly, the business of Qiben Group must be connected.

Flagship Group’s business is very traditional.

Real estate, construction, heavy industry, materials, automobiles, parts, mobile phones…

There are all kinds of messes, just like Mu Qiye thought, there are not many businesses that can cooperate with each other, and the management is too bloated and wastes resources.

After some exchanges, the three came up with the idea of ​​selling some inferior industries, or dividing the enterprise and selling related shares.Likewise, management cuts and reforms…

It’s also a hassle!

Mu Qiye rubbed his brows and agreed with their suggestion.

Because the business connection is imperative, the establishment of the group can only be postponed.

Fortunately, the assets of the Qiben family have also been accounted for.

It is much higher than expected, about 2450 billion yen.

Actually it’s not that much higher.

It’s just that prices have skyrocketed recently, and the value of fixed assets, food ingredients, and pastures has been soaring. This is the estimated value after prices stabilize after a period of time.

If it is as before, it is not bad to have 1300 billion yen.

The impact of this is relatively mild. In fact, the market value of some daily basic industries, land, and real estate-related industries is soaring.

He is the big head of the big head.

Originally, the estimated value of the Qiye market under his name was only about 1000 billion yen, but now it has soared directly to more than 3500 billion yen, and the estimated market value in the future has soared to more than 10000 billion yen!

It’s like a special code and a rocket. Almost all of them have become top chaebols. Who should I turn to?

Who made his name the most in addition to the food base, pastures, orchards… followed by all kinds of land?In the entire book, or even the entire world, it is estimated that few have more than these assets in his grasp.

Of course, the loan amount has also skyrocketed.

Now the loan limit has been directly increased to 30000 trillion yen, and, only temporarily, after the establishment of the group and the listing, this limit will undoubtedly be higher!

It’s like a dream!

Mu Qiye

Bloodline: Soul Eater


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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