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Winery? Nothing — Page 191

Occupation: Mage (primary Demon God)

Skills: Slow, Copy, Convert, Bewitch…

Strength: one-star intermediate

World Class: One Star Intermediate

Treasures: Book of the Dead, Heart of Magic, Mage Set…

Value Points: 8554, 8430

After the exchange, the value points soared again, but unfortunately, there is still a long way to go before 1 million value points…

After the asset accounting and evaluation, the other members of the Qiben family were naturally enthusiastic.

If they…

While they were all there during dinner, Mu Qiye directly asked Hamoto Ichiro’s choice.Hamoto Ichiro still chose to work in the Hamoto Group, but looking at his reluctant expression, he knew that it was Mariko Hamoto who forced him to make the decision.

Seven Nights is still very authentic.

There are too many flag-owned enterprises, and the assessed value is much higher than planned.

Mu Qiye asked Taro Sakai and the others to screen out six companies with limited development potential and good development, and let them choose, and then they would directly transfer the equity to them.

The other members of the Qiben family breathed a sigh of relief.

It is also a business, and even if it is sold, it can make a lot of money.Not caring about eating, a group of people left one after another and went to the next door to pick a business.


Seeing this scene, Qi Ben Xia Jiang sighed and shook his head. Grandpa had just died, and this was the first night of burial…

She somewhat knew why her grandfather left her inheritance to her who didn’t understand anything.

The old butler Suzuki also sighed, secretly admiring Mu Qiye’s methods.

Although Mu Qiye has the control and management rights of the Qiben Group, and has the support of Xia Jiang, it is almost the same as owning the entire Qiben Group.But if from the very beginning, it starts to divide, eliminates part of the Qiben family’s properties, and lays off staff, even if it is for the Qiben consortium, the reputation will not be good.

Those who handed over several companies to the Qiben family were different.

According to their situation, will they work hard after they get a business?Even the flag general II and the flag Ichiro are impossible, selling is the only option!

Compared with selling it, almost all the employees of the company become someone else’s, layoffs are nothing, and the people who sell it are still the people of the flag family.The people of Qibenjia started to sell these good companies.

Then Mu Qiye eliminates the group’s inferior assets and sells some companies that have no growth potential?

As expected of Mu Qiye~

“Let’s go~”~”

After the meal, Mu Qiye wiped his mouth, smiled and got up to look at Qiben Xiajiang.

“Ah, oh~” Chimoto Xiajiang blushed, stood up in a panic, and almost dropped the cutlery, the old butler Suzuki smiled, it seemed, it was not bad.


A violent storm.

After Huo Ben Xiajiang fell into a tired slumber, Mu Qiye added a sleep magic to her, and after she finished wearing it, she rushed to the side of the waterfall.

Greed waited here early, and had a full meal.

Compared with transforming the bloodline, it is much easier to recover the wings and spider legs. They can both be folded and put into the back. It is also possible to modify his body structure. Mu Qiye chose the third option.

Just like the transformation of a monster, Mu Qiye directly took back his wings and spider legs and merged them into his body and bones. They originally grew out of his body, and there was no rejection, which formed his second form.

However, this is already the realm of magic.

It doesn’t matter if you think about it. When you really want to use him, it doesn’t matter whether you expose the identity of the magician or not, and there is actually energy in the greedy body, but the preference for the physical body is not magic.

Although this form can only be regarded as the second form, and it can exert up to [*]% or [*]% of its strength, it looks good.Perhaps it is the fusion of many human souls and ideas, and greed is also quite satisfactory.

Opening the storage space, Mu Qiye released the corpses of Kudo Yusaku and (Nonuo’s) Calvados with dry vinegar.

After breaking into the slave contract, deleting all the memories of the two, leaving only common sense and experience, they spent 300000 value points to exchange the vampire blood and the necromancer blood for the two.

Yusaku Kudo’s vampire blood is not afraid of light, and his strength is also relatively weak.

Calvados’ necromancer, with the magic he extracted from the magic book, also gave him five bottles of primary magic power growth potion and primary spiritual growth potion.

It’s a pity that there are not enough resources to support, and then we can only rely on blood-sucking and sacrifice. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages. Mu Qiye decided to let them do things separately and develop their forces.

Of course, there is also the purpose of diverting the eyes of others.

(Thanks to Du Lianxing for at least 5 monthly tickets, thank you son Shi Wushuang~ for monthly tickets, thank Bingyan for monthly tickets, thank you for 1024, 9983, 73 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 295: A date with Kiko and Conan

Time flies, another day in the blink of an eye.

There was nothing serious about Qiben Island, Mu Qiye had a good rest for a day, and went around the island with Xia Jiang.

There is a lot going on off the island.

First, Kogoro Mouri and Conan got together again. Kogoro Mouri, as Mourilan’s father, plans to find another lawyer for Mourilan and file a new lawsuit. The legal fee for the lawsuit has reached 1000 million yen!

Then there was Fujii Tang, the lawyer representing the plaintiff Takahashi and his wife in the Mao Lilan case, who was killed in the hotel. It is still unclear who the real culprit is.

Now Mouri Kogoro, Conan is adjusting the matter.

Called to inform his concubine Miles, suspected it was him, and was a little moved.

Mu Qiye: …

I haven’t had time to start yet?

Regarding the exchange of fire with terrorist organizations in Mihua Town, which resulted in the death of more than [*] civilians, the third is the death of many people, fbi, public security, and cia, and the serial explosion of vehicles in the Tokyo Tiaozi Bureau has also announced that it will lead to fbi, public security and public security. , Tiaozi Bureau, the major suspect with heavy losses is Kudo Yusaku.

Yusaku Kudo is now wanted, calling on him to surrender or explain clearly.

Hehe, this number of deaths is really enough!

As they expected, more than 990% of the attention of all walks of life was focused on Yusaku Kudo, a world-famous novelist who was a positive character before. Internet, newspapers, media… Various social platforms, media software, Yusaku Kudo All works were scolded by word of mouth,

However, Tokyo, Osaka and other places are also panicking. This kind of thing happens in Tokyo, and no one can expect it to happen here.

Various chaebols and forces have also begun to recruit bodyguards and subordinates.

r The major cities and districts in this region are obviously already in a state of turmoil, and there is a tendency for them to become explosive barrels.Societies, small gangs, have also begun to expand their influence, and chaos lives on!


the next day.

Huoben Xiajiang also participated in the first seven of Qiben Haozang, and the Qiben family also stayed on Qiben Island. Of course, to be cautious, he also kept all the bodyguards on Qiben Island to protect Huben Xiajiang.

After taking the ferry back to Tokyo, Mu Qiye took a taxi to the Rice Flower Hotel.

“Mu, Mr. Mu?!!”

The front desk of the hotel was startled, but I didn’t expect to see Mu Qiye.

Mu Qiye smiled kindly: “Room 703, I have an appointment with Ms. Yukiko.”

“Oh, I see, Mr. Mu, please wait…”

The female front desk was busy looking for the keys for Mu Qiye, and by the way, according to Tengfeng (ajei) Yukiko’s instructions, when Mu Qiye came, she called her.

Whether you Xizi or Mu Qiye were celebrities, she still remembered them clearly.

“This is already the twelfth hotel!”

At this moment, a female voice came from outside the hotel door.

Such a coincidence?

Mu Qiye was slightly surprised and looked over with interest.

The person who spoke was a short-haired beauty with a plump figure and a headband in professional attire. The beauty pushed the hotel door open, but her expression looked a little sad.

However, what interested Mu Qiye most was not this beauty, but the two people next to the beauty, one big and one small.The one with the big [*]-stroke beard is Mouri Kogoro who is a little decadent, and the small one is Edogawa Conan, who is leaning on crutches and wearing square glasses.

Of course, there were also a lot of police officers and fbi who were planning to fish…

Originally, Conan and Mouri Kogoro planned to investigate the real murderer of Fujii Tang’s case, but in the hospital they met this short-haired beauty in a purple suit who was hit by a car and had amnesia.

Because there are no other clues for the time being, the Tiaozi Bureau also does not plan to cooperate because of Kudo Yusaku’s affairs, Conan’s bad deeds, and Mu Qiye’s reasons, so they plan to help this short-haired beauty first.

“Mu Qiye?!!”

After seeing Mu Qiye, both Mouri Kogoro and Conan frowned, and they didn’t like Mu Qiye.

Maori Xiaogoro and Mu Qiye are old conflicts, and the scandal between Mu Qiye and Fei Mi is getting worse now. He also suspects that Fei Mi didn’t try his best to defend Xiao Lan and let Xiao Lan go to prison. There are also reasons for Mu Qiye, not to mention Conan Having said that, all kinds of beatings, pits, abuse…

Seeing Mu Qiye, he shivered subconsciously.

“Welcome, Tachibana.”

The waitress passing by saw the short-haired beauty and greeted politely.


The short-haired beauty looked at the waitress curiously and said, “Tachi… Tachibana??? Are you talking about me???”

Conan and Mouri Kogoro also temporarily shifted their targets, their eyes lit up slightly, and Conan asked a question directly: “Sister waiter, do you know this sister?”

Conan skillfully sells innocence.

But now there are too many negative news about Conan. Conan is the godson of the wanted criminal Kudo Yusaku. Even the waitress frowned when she saw Conan, and finally nodded and said, “Yes, Tachibana is our hotel. My guest, does Tachibana need any help?”

Looking at the waitress and looking at the woman beside her, it is very likely that it is the so-called Tachibana, Conan is a black line, what did I do?That man really isn’t my dad!

“This waiter, can you tell me about this lady?” Kogoro Mouri couldn’t help but ask, he still wanted to help this woman retrieve her memory, not to mention a beauty!

Orange true night?Killer Orange?

Hearing the name of the waitress, Mu Qiye’s eyes lit up slightly, thinking of the relevant plot about Tachibana Maye in the plot.

It seems that for some unknown reason, Tachibana Mayo was entrusted to kill Kogoro Mori, but he lost his memory in a car accident in the middle of the road, and then… forgot, and as a result, he fought Xiaolan in the corridor or something, and then it seems that died……

It’s so far away that I can’t really remember the plot.

However, Tachibana Maya’s skills seem to be good, and she looks okay. If she can be hired as a subordinate, it would be a good choice.

As for the identity of the killer…


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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