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Winery? Nothing — Page 193

This kind of man, even if he spends a lot of money on a one-night stand, he will make a lot of money!

Many people have begun to envy Concubine Miles and Yukiko.

This scene also instantly raised the image of Mu Qiye in their minds to a point where they could almost look up.

Similarly, many people have taken out their mobile phones one after another.

On the forums about Mu Qiye, Mao Lilan’s case, Fei Mi, You Xizi and others, various comments and messages were posted on Weibo, and some briefly described what happened just now.

On the elevator, Mu Qiye made no secret of his disgust and contempt for Mouri Kogoro and Conan, treating them like shit, no matter how much they asked, he didn’t open his mouth, just hugged Yukiko and took advantage of Kiko.

“Mom, isn’t this bad? Have you ever thought about my father?” Conan had a black line, and at the risk of being beaten, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for his father, Kudo Yusaku.

Tengfeng Yukiko was also a little embarrassed, but thinking of Mu Qiye’s words and Conan’s reaction just now, she couldn’t help being a little angry, pretending not to hear.

Mu Qiye mocked directly: “Hehe, I think of your father? When you were in your villa, in Lingzi’s holiday villa, you had a hole in your head. Why didn’t you think of it at that time?”

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro and Tachibana Maya were stunned for a moment, and looked at Conan suspiciously: Did this happen before, did you see it?Or not blocked yet?


Conan’s face was flushed red when he was blocked, and he retorted: “I stopped, I can’t beat you!”

He felt that this was right, if he could beat Mu Qiye, he would never allow this to happen.

Mouri Kogoro and Tachibana Mayo also nodded secretly.

Mu Qiye smiled coldly: “Really? You stop it every time? Are you sure it’s just for this reason? You are really thinking about your father Kudo Yusaku. Are you sure you have thought about how to solve this matter?”

“I…” Hearing this, Conan hesitated and became unconfident.He really is absolutely thinking about his father, and has no idea of ​​asking his mother to help him solve the problem?

Being mentioned by Mu Qiye, Tengfeng Yukiko also looked at Conan with some doubts, thinking about the scene of being taken advantage of by Mu Qiye, Conan’s reaction, and her proposal to meet Mu Qiye and talk about Conan’s actions…

Suddenly, Fujimine Yukiko suddenly looked at Conan in shock and disbelief: “Conan, you…”

“I don’t~”

Conan immediately retorted, bowing his head, but his tone was not very confident.  …

In fact, at the beginning, he was really angry that his mother was taken advantage of by Mu Qiye, and he didn’t tell his father Yusaku Kudo because of the relationship between his mother and his father.

But my mother was taken advantage of by Mu Qiye again and again, and nothing happened that went too far.He inevitably thought of solving the problem for him through his mother. Anyway, it wasn’t a big deal, and it wasn’t just one or two times to take advantage of it.

After Mu Qiye mentioned it, thinking about it carefully, it seems…

“Hehe, did you know that, stupid thing, white-eyed wolf!” Mu Qiye made a mocking conclusion without hesitation.

Looking at Conan’s expression, Fujimine Yukiko was even more disappointed, smiled bitterly, and felt sad and miserable… I thought Conan was helping her hide it, but I didn’t expect Conan to use her to solve the problem.

How ironic!

Mouri Kogoro and Tachibana Mayo looked at Conan with disdain, and Tachibana Mayo immediately took a few steps away from Conan, while Mouri Kogoro was obviously much lighter.

When she thought about it, it was wrong for Conan to think this way, but Yukiko couldn’t have an ambiguous relationship with Mu Qiye behind the back of Kudo Yusaku, and now it’s even more open to Gongming.

However, thinking of his purpose of catching up with Mu Qiye, he wisely didn’t say it right away.

“Ding~” When the stairs reached the seventh floor, the stair door opened, Mu Qiye walked out generously with Yukiko in his arms, Mouri Kogoro hurriedly caught up, Conan thought about it, and walked over with a cane.

We must ask the reason why Fei Miles did not do his best in Xiaolan’s case and let Xiaolan go to prison!

After watching 4.8 until everyone else went out, Tachibana Maya, who lost her memory, looked around, not knowing what to do next.I also wanted to go down, but at the moment when I went down the stairs, a clear bell suddenly sounded in my mind.

The sound of the bell passed through the ear canal, and it seemed to be transmitted directly to her mind, forming ripples in her mind, clearing everything in her mind!

Tachibana Maye stopped suddenly, and his eyes lost focus.

Pictures began to appear in my mind, which were the scenes I experienced in my memory…

Orphaned, bullied, adopted…killer, commissioned…car accident!

Orange night!

I am the killer Tachibana Maya, the killer Tachibana Maya who was entrusted to kill Fujii Tang, and was suddenly hit by a car when retreating!

A gleam of light flashed in her eyes, and Tachibana Maya remembered everything she once had!

(Thanks to Du Lianxing for at least 5 monthly tickets, thank you son Shi Wushuang~ for monthly tickets, thank Bingyan for monthly tickets, thank you for 1024, 9983, 73 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 298: Maori Kogoro’s Firmness!

“Mu Qiye, what is the reason why Miles didn’t try his best?!!” Mouri Kogoro and Conan were still reluctant, and when they opened the hotel door, they directly blocked him and Yukiko.

Seeing the elevator door closed, Tachibana Maiya went downstairs.

Mu Qiye couldn’t help sneering, and an impatient one kicked them out: “Two idiots, what do you think you are? Dare to stand in my way?”

Conan and Mouri Kogoro were kicked like a ball by Mu Qiye and kicked directly to the wall.

This time it is not as open to the sea as before.

At least [*]% of the strength was used, and the two hit the wall, and the wall made a dull sound.

After the two fell, they hugged their stomachs like a bean worm, their faces flushed, and they felt that it was difficult to breathe, and their saliva flowed out uncontrollably.

Seeing Conan like this, Tengfeng Yukiko’s heart tightened, after all, it was her son.

Thinking of Concubine Miles, Mu Qiye still couldn’t help sneering: “When so many people said that Miles didn’t do their best, have you considered Miles? Saying you are idiots, white-eyed wolves look up to you!”

That aloof and contemptuous attitude made the two of them embarrassed for a while.But it was the truth that made them a little ashamed: they were so anxious that they really didn’t think about Fei Mi.

“In the end, what’s the reason?”

Mouri Kogoro lost his questioning tone and raised his head with a low profile.

“Haha, do you want to know?” He looked at Kogoro Mouri playfully, and looked at Conan by the way. Thinking that Xizi was still by his side, Mu Qiye temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​asking them to kneel down and beg him.

He Shi Shiran smiled and looked at Conan: “Do you know his identity?”

Mouri Kogoro frowned suddenly, why is he still related to Conan?Then he nodded and said, “…I see.”

I was more or less suspicious before.

When Conan came this time, Mouri Kogoro also asked Conan, thinking of fbi, cia, many people in the police knew about it, and Conan told Mouri Kogoro without hiding it.

“Heh, I know I can’t say it at this time?” Mu Qiye said sarcastically.

Mouri Kogoro was a little ashamed, but he also said seriously: “Conan’s matter is different from Mile’s matter, this matter…”

“Don’t use your serious expression, I look like I want to vomit. Also, don’t call Miles, you really don’t deserve the special code. If you dare to continue to call, I will hit you once if I hear it, stupid thing. !”

Mu Qiye interrupted directly, knowing what Maori Kogoro was thinking.Silent is that Conan’s business is too big, and even related to Conan’s life, and saying that Fei Miles does not try his best will only damage the name of Fei Miles.

He clenched his fingers tightly, and was insulted by Mu Qiye one after another, and Maori Kogoro was even more embarrassed, especially Mu Qiye didn’t let him call Fei Mi Mile, Fei Mi Mi was his wife!

Conan was somewhat relieved, at least he didn’t scold him this time.

“Do you know the reason for the incident in Rice Flower Town?”

Mu Qiye was too lazy to say anything to him.

It’s just that Concubine Miles has something to do with him. If Mouri Kogoro keeps saying this, he won’t be able to say it without taking action.

Kill… I don’t plan to do this for the time being.

Eunuch, it is inevitable that Conan will think that the person has something to do with him.It is best to use this method for the time being.

“I know, could it be…” Mouri Kogoro nodded, not too stupid. When he mentioned Mihuacho, he looked at Conan after thinking about the place where it happened. Could it be him?

“Just because of this?!!!” Conan’s eyes widened, trying to understand this.

In fact, he had thought about it before, but he just ignored it subconsciously and flashed by, not wanting to be sure that Fei Mi didn’t try his best to let Xiao Lan go to prison had something to do with him.

“What does this have to do with Xiaolan? There are FBI, public security, CIA…” Conan immediately retorted, trying to prove that Mu Qiye’s words had little ground.

Mu Qiye sneered and said, “It doesn’t matter? Then I’ll make you half-crippled, or put it in a wine barrel and put it on display at Jingguo Shrine. It has nothing to do with wanting to lead out Yusaku Kudo? Who else… … what’s the use? The result?”

“I…” Conan was suddenly dumbfounded, and his face flushed red for a while.

Hearing Mu Qiye say that the fbi, the public security and these people are useless, and finally he was a little unconvinced and said: “Why is it useless? This time it was just a sneak attack, and … Xiaolan doesn’t know my identity, they are not convinced about my identity. orchid……”

“Fuck you numb, get out!” If it wasn’t too far away, Mu Qiye would definitely kick him again, too lazy to say anything, just opened the door, hugged Youxizi and entered the room.

“Bang!” The door slammed shut.

Conan and Mouri Kogoro came back to their senses.


Conan stretched out Erkang’s hand again, looking at the closed door hesitantly, his heart was complicated, some wanted to stop it, but he felt deeply powerless.

In the room, Mu Qiye went to Yuxizi and pressed…

“Let’s go~”

Outside the door, Mouri Kogoro sighed, and his expression became even lower when he got up, and he somewhat understood what Concubine Miles thought.

Conan nodded sadly and wanted to stand up, but there was a tingling pain in his right knee, and he fell down again, his face suddenly darkened: “Dr. Li…”

“Here you~”

Mouri Kogoro picked up the crutches in the distance and walked over to give it to Conan. After thinking about it, he still picked him up and carried it on his back.

Conan showed a little surprise, and it was the first time that the uncle was carrying him.

After that, his expression became dull, and he said 990 solemnly: “Uncle Maori, you say, Xiaolan is really because…”

“There’s part of it.”

Maori Kogoro said with a complicated expression, then shook his head again, and said with a firm expression: “However, this is not Ying… The reason why she didn’t do her best to let Xiaolan go to prison!”

Mu Qiye was right, he did owe Concubine Miles, and he didn’t think about her.There are many ways to protect Xiaolan, there is no need to send Xiaolan to prison, the note, the government… will protect them!

With the approval of Kogoro Mouri, Conan also became energetic, clenched his fists, and his eyes were firm: “Yes, you must find a good lawyer to rescue Xiaolan!”

But thinking of the lawyer, their expressions darkened again.Because of the relationship with Concubine Miles, Mu Qiye’s attitude was unclear. Even if he filed a lawsuit against Xiaolan, few well-known lawyers said yes.

“By the way, what about Sister Tachibana?” Conan looked left and right, and then he remembered that Tachibana Maya had disappeared at some point.

“Huh?” Mori Kogoro couldn’t help frowning.

(Thanks to Du Lianxing for at least 5 monthly tickets, thank you son Shi Wushuang~ for monthly tickets, thank Bingyan for monthly tickets, thank you for 1024, 9983, 73 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 299: The task is completed, make money!


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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