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Winery? Nothing — Page 196

Then, Nakiri Onora, who was looking at Yoshino Yuki, widened her eyes again, the corners of her mouth twitched, her eyelids twitched… Good guy, it’s not… no… You really know how to play, Mu Qiye!


Cup House Hotel.

After all, I just came back, so I have to go back anyway.

Well, maybe it’s time to find a time to visit Mao Lilan… Don’t worry so much.

r playing with the girl’s skin, Mu Qiye asked with a smile, “Would you like to go back with me to see Lingzi and the others?”

Yukiko’s personality is not bad, her figure and appearance are also very good, and she is also smart. If you want to come, she will not hold him back. It is still ok to take it back.

“Huh?” Tengfeng Yuxizi was stunned for a moment, but he didn’t expect Mu Qiye to have plans to bring her home. His face was slightly red, and his heart was warm. After thinking about it, he shook his head and said.

“No need, it’s fine to be outside.” It’s a little embarrassing to come and go. She hasn’t divorced yet, and even if she does, she’s been married before. Second, there are Conan and Yusaku…

Thinking of this, her expression became a little down.

Seeing Yuxizi’s thoughts, Mu Qiye also smiled and didn’t care too much.Yusaku Kudo is actually dead and is now his slave.

Conan…is his most tool person. Anyway, he didn’t expect him to die so soon, and it’s nothing to take care of him temporarily.

“Conan has been targeted. Isn’t it related to the fbi and the police? Let’s get a new identity.”

Mu Qiye smiled and rubbed Yuxizi’s hair, and said, “Appearance and identity must be changed, the change should be bigger, at least the whole appearance or something.”

“According to his character, even if he changed his identity, he would definitely be uneasy. Yi Rong would never be able to hide it. If he was still involved with you, it would be easy to guess his identity.”

“Change of identity? Appearance?” Tengfeng Yuxizi’s eyes lit up, what Mu Qiye said was indeed a good suggestion, and more importantly, Mu Qiye gave Conan an idea for her.

Although it is unlikely to help Conan, it is still a huge turning point, and I can’t help but feel happy and moved.

“Thank you~” Tengfeng Yukiko looked at Mu Qiye gratefully.

Touching her lips, Mu Qiye smiled and said with an attitude: “No, it’s just a word. Of course, if he’s looking for trouble for me and I can’t bear it anymore, don’t blame me.”

“Well, no, I know.”

Fujimine Yukiko assured that, in fact, she didn’t have much confidence in Conan’s character… But she still decided to try her best to persuade Conan.After all, Conan is her and Yusaku’s son.

If reminded, Conan is still stubborn and violates Dao Mu Qiye’s bottom line, she can’t do anything about it.

She also does her best.

Mu Qiye nodded, knowing what Youxizi was thinking.

Even if he kills Conan in the future, he has to give Yukiko a vaccination first. It really doesn’t work, and he doesn’t mind erasing Yukiko’s memory.

“Then live… let’s live in a villa in the port area for the time being. I lived there before, and everything is good. I have a few acquaintances, and I also bring a few bodyguards by the way.” Mu Qiye said with a smile, Yan Ye, Gui The heart is still there, just get together a table…

“Well, good.” Tengfeng Yuxizi didn’t think much, but thought that Mu Qiye was expressing his attitude.She lived in the villa where Mu Qiye lived before, and it was not bad for her, and she valued it very much.

After chatting for a while, Mu Qiye went to take a shower and left.

Turning over on C, Tengfeng Yukiko’s mind was full of Mu Qiye’s figure and what she just said.

“Youxizi, don’t think about it!”

Her face was even redder, but she couldn’t help but feel a little sweet in her heart.

Feeling a bit inappropriate, she hasn’t divorced yet… But she couldn’t divert her attention at all, and finally she focused on Mu Qiye’s suggestion to Conan 0……

At least, it’s about Conan.

Change your identity, change your appearance…

FBI, the public security can’t protect Conan for long. The incident in Mihua Town a few days ago also made her feel their inadequacies and the determination of the black organization.

Help to make Conan easy?

Absolutely not!

Handing over the bank card and various information to Conan was originally to tell Conan that he was not as powerful as he thought, fearless, and there were too many things he was incapable of.

It also made him see the gap with Mu Qiye clearly, and dispelled the idea of ​​targeting Mu Qiye.

Helping now, undoubtedly means that he can still use her help to make him do things more unscrupulously. For Mu Qiye, he may also use himself…

This is never impossible, whether it is Conan or Kudo Yusaku, the most important thing is never her, the truth, the law, always more important than her…

Thinking of this, Fujimine Yukiko’s mood dropped: At first, it was because Kudo Yusaku was excellent, handsome, and gentle… Now think about it, what else is there?

Abandoning some and marrying Kudo Yusaku just like this is rash and not a wise decision.

Some irritable took out the phone.

Just now… um, the phone rang, but I was busy and didn’t answer…

“Chris? Why did she call?”

Looking at the display of the missed call on the mobile phone, Fujimine Yukiko was slightly stunned. Chris is not usually the type to call her.

Unless, the two are in a city and are going to meet.

Chris is in Tokyo?

Subconsciously, I wanted to dial back, but I found that there were two unread text messages displayed on the text message, 4.8.

One of them, as expected, was from Chris Wynyard, who said he was in Tokyo and invited her to meet and chat.The other is Conan’s.

I want her to help him disguise him, and I want to remind her that she is Kudo Yusaku’s wife. He won’t tell Kudo Yusaku about this time, but it won’t happen again…

“Hehe, really…”

For the first time, Yukiko Fujimine felt that this son was really disgusting, really disgusting.

Promise an easy deal for him?

After knowing that Conan used her before, she was inevitably a little extreme.However, it was her son after all, so she couldn’t be too cruel. Thinking about Mu Qiye’s words, she still sent it in the past, but with anger, there was a certain change.

“Plastic surgery, transgender!”

(Thanks to Du Lianxing for at least 5 monthly tickets, thanks to Feng Yuteng for monthly tickets, thanks to Bingyan monthly tickets, thanks to 1024 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 303: Another Mao Lilan, fight to see Conan


On the street, Conan’s eyes widened when he saw the text message from his mother, Tengfeng Yukiko, and he was stunned.

Don’t be so cruel, right?Mom, plastic surgery,…

He was totally depressed….

“What’s the matter, Conan?”

Seeing that Conan’s expression was wrong, Mouri Kogoro asked with a frown.

Conan quickly closed the cover of the phone, waved his hand with a smirk and said, “No, no, Uncle Mori, even my mother is still angry and doesn’t agree to help.”

He didn’t want Uncle Cinderella to know about this.

It’s too embarrassing, and if Uncle Maori knows that he is gone (Shen Lue), it is probably impossible to allow him to be with Xiaolan.

Mouri Kogoro didn’t doubt it, but his brows furrowed a little deeper: “Is that so? It will be troublesome in the future.”

His reasoning level, he still understands a bit.

With Conan’s current reputation as a bad street, if there is no Kiko to help Conan disguise.Not to mention that there is little chance of entry from Tiaozi. Officer Mumu has already been transferred away. It is a daily entrustment. It is estimated that Conan cannot participate in the case.

Relying on him alone, the efficiency of solving the case will definitely decrease a lot!

Seeing Mouri Kogoro frowning at him, how could Conan not know what Mouri Kogoro is worried about?Worried that Kogoro Mouri would leave him alone, leaving him alone.

He hurriedly said: “It’s just that my mother is upset for a while. By the way, doesn’t Uncle Maori like to drink? I have a lot of money now, so let’s have a few drinks when I go back!”

Unhappy for a while?

Thinking of his mother Tengfeng Yuxizi looking at his heartbroken and painful expression in the elevator, Conan felt very guilty, and now he gave him most of the money, it is estimated that he might not help.

But looking at the eyes of the people around him and thinking about Tiaozi’s hostility towards him, Conan had a headache.Thanks to him helping them solve a lot of cases before, ungrateful stuff!

I feel a little resentful in my heart, but I have to admit that I really have to rely on them in the future.

Plastic surgery,……?

(omit… ).

You can make up your face, if you have to, or…


Hearing the wine, Mouri Kogoro’s eyes lit up.

Then frowned again, Conan called and said that when he wanted to provide money and filed a lawsuit against Xiaolan, he decided that he would not drink before Xiaolan came out.

But when he thought about the irony that Mu Qiye said in the Cuphu Hotel, he couldn’t refute the irony, and he was distressed and nodded. , Thinking about the taste and feeling of drinking, I couldn’t help but pursed my lips and nodded: “Well, okay, just buy… a few bottles, just a few bottles.”

“A few bottles are not enough, Uncle Maori, let’s put a few boxes first, more than a dozen boxes, I want the best ones, Blue Ribbon, Space Barley, and there’s no shortage of money now!”

Conan wanted to divert Mouri Kogoro’s attention, but also felt that if Mouri Kogoro knew that he had not omitted, he would discriminate against him and prevent Xiaolan from interacting with him.

After thinking about it, I plan to give Mouri Kogoro a good impression in advance. When I know it later, I will also consider today’s affection.After all, his relationship with Xiaolan is very deep, and he is temporarily gone…

“Blue Ribbon, Space Barley?!!”

Mouri Kogoro originally wanted to refuse, but when he heard these two brands, his eyes widened and he couldn’t help swallowing.He used to drink at most one strain, both of which are the most expensive types of beer.

“This, isn’t it?”

Mouri Kogoro scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and couldn’t help but feel a little more favorable towards Conan.

Looking at Mouri Kogoro’s expression, Conan was even more excited: “How can you, Uncle Mouri is a famous detective, how can you drink ordinary things? Now that I have money, I will buy the best!”

“Really? Haha~” Under Conan’s praise, Mouri Kogoro couldn’t help but smile, and his sorrow was reduced a lot.Well, just drink a little, not tomorrow!

Both of them feel much better.

When crossing the road, I looked at the two people in the road and suddenly widened my eyes.

“Xiao Lan?!!”


The two were simply confused.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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