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Winery? Nothing — Page 197

Did you see Maorilan and Kudo Shinichi on the road?

This… Isn’t Xiao Lan in prison?

another me?

Although he was puzzled, Maori Kogoro couldn’t help but ran over immediately and grabbed Maurilan’s shoulder: “Xiaolan!”

Conan thought about it, and immediately followed, I’ll see who impersonates me!


“Huh? Huh?”

Nakamori Aoko was stunned for a while, then turned to see the uncle in front of him, and quickly figured out the identity of the other party, showing a bit of rejection, and immediately struggled and said: “You misunderstood Mr. Mouri, I am Nakamori Aoko, Jiang Gutian, I just came to Tokyo with my father. My father is Ginzo Nakamori, and he is also the police department of the Second Division of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Metropolitan Police Department who just transferred to Tokyo to work.”

People who beat women upright and who are still ex-wives are the most annoying!

“What? Aren’t you Xiaolan? Is my father still the police department of the Criminal Department working in Tokyo?!!”

Mouri Kogoro was stunned, unable to believe it.

Although he felt that the other party’s voice and tone were not the same, he still expected that the other party was really Xiaolan. Xiaolan didn’t go to prison, and how could people look so similar? ! 990!

“Mr. Mori, please let me go!”

Looking at the hand still clutching her shoulder, Nakamori Aoko frowned even deeper.

She didn’t want to be in contact with people like Kogoro Mouri, not to mention that her father Nakamori Ginzo also said that this kind of man is the least responsible, and will only throw the blame on women!

Beside him, Conan was also staring at Kuroba Kaito who accompanied Aoko Nakamori to familiarize himself with the environment.

Damn it, I saved this kid!

This kid made me lose and I got shot…

Kuroba Kuito gritted his teeth secretly and glared at Conan.

Unlike the one with the machine gun, he was going to save Conan, so he could see clearly.This little suit, bow and square glasses, simply remember it in my heart!

Conan is a little puzzled, what is this guy looking at me for?We shouldn’t have met, right?

Afterwards, he smiled and said in a sincere tone: “How does the eldest brother dress up as the new brother? The big brother admires the new brother very much?”

(Thanks to Du Lianxing for at least 5 monthly tickets, thanks to Feng Yuteng for monthly tickets, thanks to Bingyan monthly tickets, thanks to 1024 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 304: Qingzi lives in Tokyo

“Cut, those useless detectives?”

Kuroba Kuidou raised his chin, pointed his nostrils at Conan, and said with a look of disdain, “Whether it’s a detective or a smuggler, they’re just a follower behind the thief!”


Conan and Mouri Kogoro’s faces suddenly sank, and they were also slightly startled: There is a problem with this answer, why did it involve the thief?


Hearing this, a black line appeared on Nakamori Aoko’s forehead, and took the opportunity to break free from Mouri Kogoro’s hand that was grabbing her shoulder, and tugged at his ear unhappily: “You are just like Kaito Kid, you only know a little magic. , actually spoke for Kidd again!”

“It was supposed to be~”

Kuroba Kuito retorted: “Kid the thief is the most powerful, that’s not a little magic, otherwise your father won’t always be able to catch him, and…”

A useless detective, a kid, he speaks without any scruples.

Conan and Mouri Kogoro nodded suddenly: “So that’s the case, this guy named Kuaidou is the fanboy of the thief, Kaito Kid…”

Through the words of Nakamori Aoko, they also basically determined that this person is not Xiaolan, and that Nakamori Yinsan should have been the person in charge of arresting Kaito Kidd.

Thinking that Nakamori Qingzi is not Xiaolan, Mouri Kogoro can’t help but feel a little lost.

Looking at Nakamori Qingzi and Xiaolan, they are at least [*]% similar, even if the hair does not stick out the small horns, Conan is also a little surprised, it’s too similar… Unfortunately, it’s not Xiaolan.

I don’t think I looked at him again and he was carved out of the same mold, um, the guy called Kuaidou with a low profile, he was unhappy for a while.

This guy is so lucky to have Xiao Lan who likes him!

He’s still an admirer of that thief, Kidd, the thief… It’s so embarrassing to his authentic Kudo Shinichi, he’s not worthy of this girl named Nakamori Aoko!

Conan rolled his eyes, feeling that Aoko Nakamori must be rescued.

As for Kaito Kidd saving him?

Well, when you catch him, just let him go once.Thinking about the unknown object that seemed to fall from the sky that night, his eyes lit up slightly, and he wouldn’t be…

Suddenly, his mood changed.

This is also an investigation, a basis for proving Kidd!

Kaitou Kid is not him, he is definitely not young, it is impossible to grow again…

Kuroba, who was arguing with Aoko, boasted that he was cold, and looked around vigilantly, who is paying attention to me?Then he frowned at the inexplicably smirking Conan: “Little devil, what are you laughing at~”? “

Conan came back to his senses, waved his hand quickly, and said with a smile, “No, haha, no~”

It would be interesting to let others know that Kaitou Kidd is a eunuch!

Kuroba Kuito’s face darkened, and he always felt that this kid was thinking something bad for him.And beside him, Nakamori Aoko, who was pulling his ear, turned even darker: “Kaidou, I’m talking to you!”

Saying that, the hand that was pulling Kuaidou’s ears tightened.

Kuroba Kuaidou screamed for a while, and Nakamori Qingzi heard it, and felt that it was too much, so she quickly let go and warmed up.Kuroba Kaito pretended to be miserable again…

Seeing Aoko Nakamori, who was so courteous to Xiaolan, was being played by this guy called Kuaidou, and she was so close to each other.

The breaths of Conan and Mouri Kogoro suddenly became gloomy, and they stared at this kid named Kuaidou, feeling that they couldn’t restrain the violent energy in their bodies…

Nakamori Aoko and Kuroba Kuito didn’t care about them, but it was always a public place. They quickly said goodbye to them, and ran to the opposite side without waiting for them to reply.

“Xiaolan…” Both Conan and Mouri Kogoro extended Erkang’s hand, wanting to say something, to catch up with Nakamori Aoko, but think about it, the other party was Nakamori Aoko, not Xiaolan, and they were not familiar with it, so they had to stop in the end. down.

Far away from Conan and Kogoro Mori.

Nakamori Qingzi was relieved when she saw them following up, she stopped, and said with some relief, “Fortunately, I didn’t catch up, I hate people like them the most!”

One is a kid with bad deeds and a habit of lying, and the godfather is still a wanted criminal Kudo Yusaku, and the other is a person who beat up his ex-wife directly, so she doesn’t want to have anything to do with them.

Kuroba Kaito subconsciously wanted to refute, she was used to bickering with Aoko.

But thinking about Mouri Kogoro and Conan, especially the kid Conan, he couldn’t help nodding his head and said, “That’s right, especially that kid is so annoying, he laughs like a fool!”

He didn’t like Conan at all.


Aoko Nakamori felt that it was wrong to say that as a child. Thinking about Conan’s deeds found on the Internet, she finally nodded in agreement: “Yes, that child is indeed a bit annoying!”

“However, the one called Mouri Kogoro…” Recalling the excited look of Mouri Kogoro looking at her, Nakamori Aoko felt that Mouri Kogoro wasn’t so unbearable.

“‘ ‘Cut, they’re all detectives, trash!”

Kuroba Kaito looked disdainful, he didn’t like detectives, Tiaozi and the like.

Aoko Nakamori frowned, with a worried expression on his face before he refuted, Kuroba Kuito quickly said: “By the way, what are you doing in Tokyo? Why don’t you stay in Jianggutian, Tokyo has nothing good and no acquaintances. A lot of people think of you as Maurilan in jail.”

“I think so too!” Hearing this, Aoko Nakamori said helplessly, “I can’t do anything about it. My father was suddenly transferred to Tokyo to work. I can’t go to school in Jianggutian alone, can I?”

She didn’t care that much about being recognized as Mao Lilan, and even felt a little happy.

Maybe it was because of the similarity with Mao Lilan, my father and she had a lot of goodwill towards Mao Lilan, and they also felt that in the case of Mao Lilan, Mao Lilan did the right thing and should not be sentenced.

Of course, she is also a little unhappy when the people around (Nonuo’s) are always watching, discussing, and constantly explaining.More importantly, she really has no acquaintances in Tokyo.

Well, fortunately, classmate Hongzi is here too!

Nakamori Qingzi felt a little relieved, but Kuroba Kuito gritted his teeth secretly: “Damn, I don’t know which idiot transferred your father, and I don’t know why…”

Although Jianggutian is good, it is far from the capital Tokyo.Nakamori Yinsan didn’t have any outstanding performance in Jiang Gutian, and even if he caught him, he couldn’t even touch his tail. I really don’t know how to adjust to Tokyo!

You know, in this case, actually, this is a promotion!

(Thanks to Du Lianxing for at least 5 monthly tickets, thanks to Feng Yuteng for monthly tickets, thanks to Bingyan monthly tickets, thanks to 1024 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) Change.

Chapter 305: Koizumi Hongzi, Conan was fired

Didan High School sophomore and class b.

“Huh? Someone spoke ill of me?”

On the seat of the gods in the second row by the window, Koizumi Koizumi rubbed her nose.

Ordinary people speak ill of her, and she is unlikely to notice.

However, if she is familiar with people, she can still feel a thing or two.Of course, not so sure.

He shook his head slightly to put it aside.

Now she is more concerned about Mu Qiye. Tomorrow is the dormitory study at Yuanyue College. According to the relationship between Mu Qiye and the Nakiri family, she will definitely come back in the next two days, right?

“I really look forward to meeting, who is the person behind him?” The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Koizumi Hongzi was somewhat looking forward to meeting Mu Qiye.

Seeing Koizumi Hongzi actually laughing, the boys around her who secretly looked at her widened their eyes, and their eyes were about to burst out: wow, classmate Hongzi is even more beautiful when she smiles!

Koizumi Hongzi didn’t care that much, they were all ordinary people.

In front, Suzuki Sonoko has a black line: Haga, is it so beautiful?

On the third day of Xiaolan’s absence, I really want to…

Looking at Suzuki Sonoko in front, Koizumi Koizumi smiled softly: This Suzuki family’s second is still a bit like 990, a bit like Aoko, maybe even more interesting than Aoko.

Another riot.

The teacher on the podium twitched: “…”

Koizumi Hongko didn’t care and looked out the window.

No matter if Mu Qiye was originally a wizard, a magician, or someone behind Mu Qiye, it was always a blessing to meet someone of the same kind.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if it’s a magician or a wizard.

Generally, they are rather mysterious. As long as they don’t completely sell their souls to demons who have special needs, most of them are withdrawn, especially those from the East.

Forget it, it’s not bad to see Xia Mu Qiye.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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