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Winery? Nothing — Page 20

Gin said no hope, but Vodka knew that Gin was most likely expecting, expecting Mu Qiye to provoke them, and then personally send Mu Qiye to hell!

“Let eldest brother feel dangerous, don’t you? How is it possible? Is he also a member of another organization? Or… Guard, FBI, Tiaozi Elite?”

Vodka thought it was a reasonable inference.

“It’s not very likely. Mu Qiye is a public figure. His experience can be easily found out. It can’t be faked. It should be something else.”

Chapter 33: You Xizi is always eighteen years old

“It’s almost, it’s just a little bit more meow!”

What if Suzuki Ryoko was killed and died here?

Don’t think about it.

Mu Qiye’s first thought was not to kill the gin and vodka to avenge Suzuki Lingzi, but to kill the Suzuki family first!

How terrible is the revenge of a big chaebol in R Ben?

These guys can directly change the policy and contact the escort team!

Although it wasn’t because of him, it was also with him, so it could be considered a secondary reason.

Will the Suzuki family let him go?

Ridiculous idea!

Although it seems that it is unlikely that vodka will be used, what if it is?It’s really close to that!

“You don’t know them, do you?”

Suzuki Lingzi also saw that Mu Qiye and the two of them were not as harmonious as they seemed.

But I never thought that the biggest threat was actually Mu Qiye. If she really died just now, their family would have been written in the book of death by Mu Qiye!


Mu Qiye looked at Lingzi Suzuki, who didn’t know who he was facing just now, with lingering fear and helplessness: “Didn’t you just call me if you have something? I’m not busy?”

“Oh, I know.”

Suzuki Ryoko lowered her head, her face full of apology.

“Okay, I didn’t say you’re wrong, it’s just that it’s easy to do wrong things with good intentions. If you can’t solve it, you can find someone who can solve it. This is the best choice.”

Mu Qiye knocked Suzuki Lingzi on the head, not thinking that she was immersed in self-blame.

A smile appeared on Suzuki Ryoko’s face again.

“Let’s go, have a meal with me, be shocked!”

It’s finally over, a must eat!

Nonsense, do this again, my heart is going to jump out!

“What to eat?”

When this happened, Suzuki Ryoko lost her interest in visiting the amusement park.

What’s more, the temperature has dropped now, and it’s a bit cold to stay outside.Might as well go to the store to warm up.

“Um… Ramen, I haven’t eaten it for a long time.”

“Me too, when I passed by just now, I seemed to see a ramen restaurant~”

“Well, I saw it too~”


Mu Qiye put his arms around Lingzi Suzuki’s waist and swayed out of sight.

Just left soon.

Putting on an orange sweater, little white trousers, and wearing an orange coat, Yukiko Kudo rushed over and looked around angrily: “Huh? Where did those two little devils go? Damn, they walked so fast!”

Saying that, I couldn’t help but sneeze!

“We must teach a lesson, teach that little pervert!”

Kudo Yukiko quickened her pace and searched again, but her luck was still a little worse. She had seen Kudo Shinichi, Xiaolan, and Sonoko, but they had not been found yet.

As a smart mother, it is impossible for her to disturb her son and his daughter-in-law on a date.

Well, although there is one more, but it doesn’t matter.

At four o’clock, she finally saw Mu Qiye in the ramen shop.

Yukiko Kudo pushed open the door and walked over aggressively!

“Boss, add a bowl!”

Mu Qiye looked at Tengfeng Yukiko and waved, and ordered a bowl of ramen for Kudo Yukiko.

“Tell me, are you a ghost!”

Tengfeng Yukiko slapped the table and stared at Mu Qiye fiercely.I fell on the ground seven or eight times, and it is strange that no one has touched it!

It’s not a small weapon, coupled with the action of bending over… um, very fierce, very sincere.Unfortunately, wearing clothes.Of course, there is still some distance from not wearing clothes, and if you measure it, it will not be far.

“Huh? Who is this?”

Although I have an impression of Fujimine Youkiko and I have seen her photos, but the photos are photos after all, and Suzuki Ryoko still didn’t recognize her for a while.

“Tengfeng Yukiko, the most famous female star of R Ben more than ten years ago.”

Mu Qiye took a mouthful of ramen and introduced it without any respect, with a faint smile on his face that made Tengfeng Yukiko feel bad.

“Qi, Ben, is now known to the world, fans everywhere!”

Tengfeng Yukiko was very disgusted with the attribution made more than ten years ago, as if she was out of breath, and sat down with a proud face, but the young waiter who came here obviously didn’t give her much face, just surprised by her beauty After a few glances, he asked what he wanted to eat.

“I’m so stingy, I only eat ramen when I treat guests, and I don’t eat delicious food!” Tengfeng Yukiko felt a little pain in her face, and said another sentence to Mu Qiye, but she still ordered the most expensive beef ramen, and added a lot of side dishes. A large portion of Kobe steak.

“Oh, so it’s Ms. Kudo, nice to meet you.”

After Suzuki Lingzi was surprised, she also greeted kindly.Under the influence of her family, she doesn’t have much admiration and respect for stars, even international stars.

“,, call me Yukiko or Tengfeng, am I that old?” Tengfeng Yukiko pointed at her pretty face and corrected it with concern.

She didn’t say that she wanted to distance herself from Yudo Kudo, but she just hated this kind of age-related title. In her heart, she had Kiko forever [-] years old, yes!

“Uh, okay, Tengfeng.”

Her son called her Older, and she called herself again. Suzuki Lingzi really didn’t know what to call Yukiko.However, I can feel that Yukiko Fujimine is a woman who is easy to get along with and a bit willful.


Tengfeng Yuxizi nodded with satisfaction, looking at the large and small bags on the ground, Tengfeng Yuxizi looked at Mu Qiye curiously: “How did you recognize me? No one has ever uncovered my makeup skills!”

Pretend, exaggerate!

Kuroba Kaito, Belmod’s level in this regard should be above her.Of course, it may be difficult to recognize it, but it is absolutely impossible to say that no one has exposed it.

However, Mu Qiye did not explain.

For a woman like Fujimine Yukiko, it’s better to be mysterious.


Seeing Mu Qiye pretending not to hear, Tengfeng Yukiko was even more anxious.

With so many people around, she was not easy to get angry, so she had to put her anger on Ramen.

eat poor you!

“Have you finished eating?”

After Mu Qiye finished eating, he wiped his mouth with a napkin and looked at Lingzi Suzuki inquiringly.

“Well, it’s over.” Suzuki Lingzi smiled softly.

Tengfeng Yukiko stopped his chopsticks, feeling that something was wrong, looked up and said speechlessly: “You don’t want to escape the bill, let me pay?”

“Boss, settle the account!” Mu Qiye didn’t have such a bad taste yet, so he paid all the meals, took the bag and left the ramen restaurant with Lingzi Suzuki.

Tengfeng Yukiko: “…”

I just felt a gust of cold wind blowing, and Yukiko Tengfeng was petrified in the wind.

She twitched the corners of her mouth, tugged again…

Is this… ignoring me?

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards…).

Chapter 34: The real purpose, big brother wise!

With Xizi’s matter in hand, Mu Qiye was not in a hurry.

On the way, I heard passers-by talking.

The roller coaster was dead, and his head was cut off.

High school student detective Kudo Shinichi is also there and has already called the police.


“Really dead?”

Suzuki Reiko was frightened and couldn’t believe it, and subconsciously pulled Mu Qiye’s arm.

The soft touch made Mu Qiye rub a few times.

“Would you like to take a look?” Mu Qiye asked with a smile.

“Ah? Don’t you?”

Girls have an instinctive resistance to these.

“It’s good to have more exposure, just take a few glances.”

Mu Qiye comforted Suzuki Lingzi.


“Let’s go, what am I afraid of?”

Mu Qiye hugged Lingzi Suzuki and walked towards the roller coaster without any explanation.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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