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Winery? Nothing — Page 201

“Mori-san, haven’t you been sentenced to prison? How did you get out? Did you escape from prison?”

“We were classmates with Hongzi before” doesn’t seem to be fake. Hongzi is here, but Maori… No, Nakamori-san, are you sure you don’t like karate, taekwondo, kendo, etc.?”


The constant voices of questioning caused the already childish Aoko Nakamori to have a black line and clenched his fists tightly. If it wasn’t for the first time we met, he would have gotten angry if he didn’t want to leave a bad impression on his classmates!

“Okay, stop arguing!”

Mr. Kato, who was beside him, clapped his hands and interrupted: “‘”Everyone, please stop arguing. Although Nakamori and Moori look alike, she is not a Moori. Nakamori transferred from Jianggutian High School, and her father just transferred. The police department that came over was in the same class as Koizumi from our class!”

After Kato-sensei’s explanation, the students finally believed most of them.

Suzuki Sonoko, who is the best friend of Xiaolan among the students, also reflected that she was disappointed and surprised, not Xiaolan…

There are also many subconsciously looking at Koizumi Hongzi, with obsession and infatuation in their eyes.

Koizumi Hongzi looked at Mu Qiye who had already reached the back door, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised an arc: Sure enough, it was him!

There are not many energy in the Dongfang body, and even less magic.

After all, the East was inherited from the ancient schools of thought, Taoists, Onmyoji, and martial artists were the mainstream. Of course, swordsmen, endures, warriors, and earlier Gu Masters were also derived…

Wizards, magicians (Nono’s) are all Western.

There are in the East, most of them are also mutants, they have foreign blood, or they have obtained magic power from demons, concluded contracts, etc., and become magicians.

Now that they have met, come, Mu Qiye didn’t want to hide.

Looking at Koizumi Hongko’s eyes and pretending to be a little surprised, Principal Sakai quickly explained: “That one is Congjiang Gutian…”

“Koizumi Hongzi, nice to meet you.”

At some point, Koizumi Koizumi had already come over, and there was no other response from the others in the classroom, including Honesty, and Principal Sakai outside, as if she should be here.

(Thanks to Du Lianxing for at least 5 monthly tickets, thanks to Feng Yuteng for monthly tickets, thanks to Bingyan monthly tickets, thanks to 183 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) Change.

Chapter 310: Willful person, Hongzi who keeps up.

There are some magical fluctuations similar to Conan’s aura, but not all of them. It seems that there are other aspects in it, and they can also be transformed and applied by their own will, which is worthy of being a witch.

The world of Conan… It is estimated that it may also be the rules of the body itself, and it is normal.

Mu Qiye smiled, politely without losing his distance: “Similar.”


Koizumi Hongzi showed a little curiosity and didn’t understand why Mu Qiye said that.

Mu Qiye smiled and nodded at Suzuki Sonoko as a greeting.

Seeing Mu Qiye’s Suzuki Yuanzi also showed a little happiness, especially when she saw Mu Qiye didn’t put on Koizumi Hongzi very much.

Hmph, alluring coquettish stuff everywhere!

He quickly waved his hand vigorously towards Mu Qiye and said hello.

It made Mr. Kato see a black line, but he didn’t dare to say anything. Seeing Mu Qiye, he was still smiling, and he couldn’t afford to offend him!

Not to mention others.

After the men found out, most of them were envious, jealous, worried that Mu Qiye would turn the devil’s claws on their goddess, while the girls were surprised, delighted, but unfortunately…

Mu Qiye is a contradictory character, with many advantages and many disadvantages.

Mu Qiye didn’t care, so he looked at Koizumi Hongzi, looked at her and explained, “If it were a few years later, I would be very happy.”

Instead of answering immediately, Koizumi Hongko was somewhat dissatisfied with her behavior of greeting Suzukien 990.

Seeing Mu Qiye’s undisguised interest, but also a little bit of fear, Koizumi Hongzi suddenly became confident again, and a smile couldn’t help but hold her head high and said, “It doesn’t matter how many years it is!”

In any case, it is a good thing to meet a similar kind, and it is even more so for a kind who speaks plainly.But what she was more curious about was how Mu Qiye became a magician, or a wizard, and also had a few good magic tools.

Is there support behind you? What weird treasure was accidentally acquired?Or, what kind of demon can be connected to… This is unlikely, there is not too obvious darkness or light in Mu Qiye’s body.

According to the summoned Lucifer, this world is an abandoned world, and the world level is too low. If she hadn’t used a similar summoning ritual by accident, he would also have an accident, and it would be impossible to summon his remnant soul.

“That’s it?”

After rubbing Gui Yanye’s hair, Mu Qiye looked at her and asked.

Gui Yanye glanced hostilely as if radiant light, the whole world is her Koizumi Hongzi, some didn’t like it very much, but looked at Suzuki Sonoko inside, nodded and said, “Well, this class is the only one. All right.”

Suzuki Lingzi promised him that as long as she enters this class and graduates, she will find a way to let her live in another courtyard. Like Qiong, she doesn’t have to go to school to be with Mu Qiye.

A burst of energy directly eliminated Koizumi Koizumi’s aura, and Principal Sakai returned to normal, but apparently he didn’t notice what was affected just now.

“Okay, just this class.” Mu Qiye smiled and looked at Principal Zejing.

As expected, it has a similar ability to the Nakiri family!

Koizumi Hongko nodded knowingly.

“This one……”

Principal Sakai looked at the house number and hesitated a little.

There was one person in Class B of the second year of high school, but after Mao Lilan went to prison, there were only two people in Class B of the second year of high school.It’s nothing to come in, but now I’ve turned in Koizumi Koizumi and Nakamori Qingko, people have already filled up, and there is no vacancy at all.

Soon, Principal Sakai agreed with a smile: “Okay, I’ll make arrangements!”

It’s fine to let a poor student change classes, but Mu Qiye is still the main one.

After that, Principal Sakai left to deal with the matter, because Gui Yanye had to follow along with the essentials of textbooks, school uniforms, and elective courses.

“Okay, let’s go.”

He bowed his head and knocked on Gui Xin’s head, the matter was done, and Mu Qiye didn’t plan to stay here for too long.

Gui Xin is even less influenced by Koizumi Hongzi than Gui Yanye.

Mental strength is second, and the most important thing is that he seems to be very sensitive to the vigilance and perception of the surrounding, and it seems that he is faintly aware of the difference in Koizumi Hongzi.

Of course, I don’t think Koizumi Hongzi will pose any threat to Mu Qiye.

Gui Xin smiled and nodded: “Well, let’s go!”

After saying hello to Suzuki Sonoko, Mu Qiye looked at Koizumi Hongzi and said with a smile, “Nice to meet you, of course, I don’t really want to see you in a short time.”

Koizumi Hongzi really admired Mu Qiye’s wisdom and calmness, and said proudly, “I’m just happy!”

“It doesn’t matter.”

With a dashing shrug (ajei), Mu Qiye took Gui Xin’s hand and turned and went downstairs with a gesture of not caring much.


Seeing Mu Qiye leaving calmly, Koizumi Hongzi frowned: So confident?Aren’t you worried that I’ll hit him?

Even if she knew that she couldn’t do anything to the wealthy like Mu Qiye, why wouldn’t she be reckless?After all, rules are rules, which chaebol doesn’t worry about being targeted by someone like her?She didn’t believe that Mu Qiye was fearless!

Unless… there is a stronger person behind Mu Qiye, most likely a magician from the east or a wizard from the west!

Koizumi Hongzi “smart” took the initiative to think of the conclusion that Mu Qiye made her think of.

Of course, there are no advantages or disadvantages, because Koizumi Hongko is a confident and proud person.

I’ll see who made you so confident!

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, Koizumi Hongzi looked at Mu Qiye’s back and followed directly.

Really keep up!

Mu Qiye frowned slightly, knowing Koizumi Hongzi’s character, this result was also expected.

“That elder sister’s family is very powerful?” Gui Xin looked at Mu Qiye curiously.

Although he didn’t notice Mu Qiye’s cautiousness, but the woman was so beautiful, Mu Qiye hadn’t taken the initiative to contact her, and instead felt a little distant. Naturally, this conclusion could be drawn.

“Not at home.”

Reaching out to pick up Gui Xin and kissing her, Gui Xin was stunned for a while, but after reacting, her face turned slightly red and her mouth flattened.

Mu Qiye smiled and thought about it before saying, “She is very powerful, so there is no need to offend her.”

“This person is very powerful?” Gui Xin was even more puzzled.

In her eyes, Mu Qiye is already very powerful. Could it be that one person can still deal with a force, a chaebol?

Mu Qiye didn’t say anything, and simply took out a coin from his pocket. Under Gui Xin’s surprised eyes, the coin just floated up.

Then without touching it, with a slight pinch of the finger underneath, the coin begins to twist, shrink, and finally get squeezed into a ball.

Gui Xin is very smart. Obviously, like Qiong, they are considered talented people. Now that more and more people know about it, it is time to tell a few people.

“This is…” Gui Xin was even more shocked, her eyes flashing brightly.

“Superpowers, talent magic and the like.”

Mu Qiye explained with a smile: “I will teach you later, of course, don’t show it to others and use it in public places.”

“Really?!! Well, I got it!”

Gui Xin smiled happily, looked left and right at no one, then turned her eyes, hugged Mu Qiye and went straight up…



Seeing Gui Xin, who took the initiative to kiss Wen Mu Qiye, Mu Qiye who had no scruples, Koizumi Hongzi, who followed behind, laughed even wider.

She is a willful person, that is, a woman, if it is a man, she is probably no different from Mu Qiye, or more reckless than Mu Qiye.

Regardless of whether it is the same sex or the opposite sex, it is always a happy thing to meet the same kind, especially if the other party is also a magician or a wizard…

(Thanks to Du Lianxing for at least 5 monthly tickets, thanks to Feng Yuteng for monthly tickets, thanks to Bingyan monthly tickets, thanks to 183 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 311: Fighting, a pitiful environment

Mu Qiye didn’t even dare to offend her, thinking of fighting Gui Xin in front of her.After all, it would be a hassle to really make trouble, especially since this woman is still a witch, a bit arrogant and self-willed witch!

Take Gui Xin to the primary school.

The [*]- or [*]-year-old headmistress of the elementary school has arrived.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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