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Winery? Nothing — Page 202

The headmistress is an intellectual woman with long hair.

It looks very gentle, a bit like a sister-next-door, or a wife’s attitude.

Just looked at the school class.

Well, the important thing is the members of the Shōnen Suicide Squad.

It’s certain that the juvenile death squad is in the first grade, and Gui Xin is a fourth grade student, so I don’t care that much.

In the end, Gui Xin, like Gui Yanye, also chose the first grade and entered the fifth grade.

Mu Qiye didn’t mean to accompany Gui Xin through the entire procedure.

Gui Xin didn’t have such thoughts either, she said hello to the headmistress who was in good shape and temperament, and left.

Seeing this, Koizumi Hongzi didn’t have much patience, she raised her hand and threw a fist-sized fireball at Mu Qiye as a reminder.

A faint wave of magic power spread out, surrounding the two of them.

Koizumi Koriko used her concealment magic.

It was a very high-end concealment magic, but Mu Qiye could feel it, it was a magic created to fit this world, and it might not be usable in other worlds.

Mu Qiye raised his hand to form a repulsive barrier to block the fireball.

It was just an ordinary fireball that fell directly to the ground after hitting the barrier.

Koizumi Hongzi didn’t show much surprise. If she couldn’t catch the fireball, her expectations would be wasted.

“Can you fly?”

She stretched out her hand and waved, and crows appeared one after another, flying to the half of her calf. She stepped on a group of crows like stepping on a step.

“Fixed magic?” Mu Qiye glanced curiously.

This magic is obviously not a summoning magic, nor is it a metamorphosis, and the crow is also like a normal crow, otherwise it is impossible to hold up Koizumi Hongzi, and also take Koizumi Hongzi to fly.

“Want to learn?”

The corner of Koizumi Hongzi’s mouth raised a smile, tempting Mu Qiye.

“Need not.”

Mu Qiye shrugged and simply refused.

Although there is an element of experience, this magic of conjuring crows is estimated to have formed a unique system.Not only can manned crows be summoned, it is estimated that there are also crows that are good at offense, defense, and speed.

But it always belongs to the category of deformation magic, and the consumption of magic power is relatively high.Magic is to achieve a purpose, whether it is flight, defense or offense, it is much more practical than this.

Hearing this, Koizumi Hongzi couldn’t help frowning, a little unhappy with Mu Qiye’s reaction.

Using the repulsive force, Mu Qiye flew into the sky.

Koizumi Hongzi was a little surprised, but she didn’t expect Mu Qiye’s use in this area to reach the point of flying.

Then frowned again.

She wanted to see if Mu Qiye could use other magic, but she didn’t expect Mu Qiye to use this ability.

Wouldn’t it be something else?

Koizumi Hongzi had this idea. Most of Dongfang talked about inheritance and sect. The details of Mu Qiye are very clear and can be found.There must be no such information at home. If you become a magician now, or you have acquired some inheritance by chance, or you have learned from others, it is very likely that there are not many.

Nodding thoughtfully, he manipulated the crow into the air.

Mu Qiye followed.

Koizumi Hongzi has come here, so it’s okay to test his strength. By the way, see if you can get some local magic in this world. Of course, it is impossible to show all your abilities.

Follow Koizumi Hongzi to the roof of a building.

The scarlet magic circle suddenly appeared, and Koizumi Hongzi directly blocked the space here, which can also be said to be a protective barrier.

After all, Mu Qiye doesn’t seem to think that this is space magic, but a protective shield formed by Koizumi Hongzi with his magic power.

“bring it on!”

Koizumi Hongzi spoke directly to Mu Qiye, and she didn’t bother to take the initiative to take action on Mu Qiye.

This limit…

Mu Qiye had a toothache.

Although he is a junior magician, his magic power is more than ten times higher than when he was a trainee.

However, compared to Koizumi Koizumi, she still lacks magic power, and she is better at using the environment to fight.This is played directly in the protective cover. In addition to competing with magic and consuming magic power, it can only use repulsion.

What a fool!

Mu Qiye wanted to scold his mother, but his face didn’t change. He took out his pistol and raised his hand at Koizumi Hongzi twice.

Koizumi Hongko frowned,

What she wanted to see was Mu Qiye’s magical strength, what was a hot weapon?Of course, she didn’t care either, and raised a crimson flame barrier to keep the bullets out.

“Be careful!” Mu Qiye also said nonsense, and stretched out his hands, palms facing each other, just like Magneto, forming two attractive shields to squeeze her flame shield!

“呲呲…” The flame barrier was squeezed by Mu Qiye’s repulsive force, and the flames were all over the place.

“Oh? Yes, go ahead!”

Koizumi Hongzi’s eyes lit up, she originally thought that Mu Qiye’s reminder was a little over her head, but now she shows a little interest.

The index finger and the middle finger turned into a sword finger, chanting the magic spell, and the hexagonal magic circle appeared at the foot.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

The crimson magic circle shone brightly, and even began to expand to open the shield that squeezed her flame barrier on the two sides of mutual attraction…

“Hehe, then you should be careful!”

Just relying on the attribute magic Mu Qiye can easily break the flame barrier formed by Koizumi Koizumi just now, not to mention the repulsive force obtained from the Nakiri sisters!

His repulsive force, how can he force the door of the bank vault to be squeezed and deformed!

Seeing that Koizumi Hongzi still hadn’t taken out the wand, Mu Qiye was also somewhat angry, who did he look down on? ! !

The magic power used by Mu Qiye increased rapidly.

Seeing that the propped up flame shield quickly retracted under the pressure of Mu Qiye, and became overwhelmed again, Koizumi Hongzi couldn’t help showing a bit of surprise and excitement.

I didn’t expect this guy’s strength to be so strong, I really underestimate him!

Then he increased his magic power again… but soon, Mu Qiye had the upper hand again!

Koizumi Hongzi was even more happy, but she couldn’t help but feel a little unhappy, feeling that it was too shameful to be suppressed by Mu Qiye.Then directly use the summoning magic, holding the black sickle wand of death, and all the decorations appear on the body.

The wand hit the ground hard, and a terrifying wave of magic power immediately swept in all directions. In order to increase the pressure, Mu Qiye only used two shields, and he had to remove two shields for defense.

Of course, in fact, this magic power fluctuation is not very lethal, just worried that Koizumi Hongzi will take the opportunity to attack and protect in advance.

“This is… a witch?” Mu Qiye looked at Koizumi Hongzi.

Showing a small waist, wearing a snake-headed gold crown, gold necklace, gold bracelet, and two gold snake-headed swords behind him, wearing a battle group and a cape, he immediately reminded him of the ancient witch.

Of course, the color is different, but the style is still very similar.

“It’s just an ancient name.”

Koizumi Hongko said indifferently, with a bit of playfulness on her face.A little excited, the wand was raised, dark clouds covered, lightning and thunder: “You shot just now, now it’s me!”

The protective cover outside opened automatically, but the shielding ability did not disappear.

Mu Qiye twitched the corners of his mouth.

Abominable modern environment, what if the forest?On the water too!


Looking at Mu Qiye’s face, Koizumi Hongzi looked smug, a light flashed in the air, and the thunder struck Mu Qiye directly!

(Thanks to Du Lianxing for at least 5 monthly tickets, thanks to Feng Yuteng for monthly tickets, thanks to Bingyan monthly tickets, thanks to 183 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly tickets, for rewards, for support, for comments…) For a long time.

Chapter 312: Women’s Prison, Visiting Maolilan

Abominable modern environment, what if the forest?On the water too!


Looking at Mu Qiye’s face, Koizumi Hongzi just smiled, a light flashed in the air, and the thunder struck Mu Qiye directly!

“Forget it, let’s use the water system!”

Mu Qiye threw out more than a dozen coins and used water vines. Six water vines carried the coins and flew into the air with their teeth and claws. There were also repulsion barriers around them, including their feet.

Thunder attribute is a special attribute.

Although there is no corruption of darkness, healing of light, eternity of death… but there is basically no restraint attribute, including the fire element.

Fire Clay?how gram?

Lightning penetration, explosive power, and destructive power are not comparable to other attributes. In terms of restraint, polymorphism is barely one, as long as it bears the destructive power.

But “Nine Nine Zeros”, Mu Qiye didn’t want to expose it yet, so he could only use the water system.

“With so many coins?”

Koizumi Hongzi’s eyes widened, thinking that Mu Qiye knew that she was using thunder on purpose, otherwise how could she hold so many coins?

Although her thunderbolt is special, she can also be attracted to metal.Re-support the fire-based barrier to prevent Mu Qiye from using large-scale water-based magic to cause her to be hurt by the lightning guide.

The dark attribute thunder and lightning collided with the water vines, and the water vines were smashed into pieces, and hitting the coins even caused dazzling sparks, and even if there was water guidance, they were almost directly blown up!

Of course, the energy of that thunderbolt has also disappeared, and the thunderbolt is still slashing.Koizumi Hongko has no intention of dragging on.

Too shameful!

The football-sized fireballs began to quickly condense behind her, ready to completely defeat Mu Qiye, dragging it until the magic power of Mu Qiye was exhausted, or all the coins were destroyed, which was not her style!

“Mud horse, don’t talk about martial arts!” Looking at the dark red fireball, Mu Qiye also frowned, directly took out his pistol, and shot one after another.

“Bang bang bang…” Seeing Mu Qiye using the pistol again, Koizumi Hongzi looked disdainful, did she really think her current flame barrier was the previous one?

She didn’t intend to take care of it at first, the dark red flames of hell were enough to burn all the bullets into residue, but the successive bullets hit the barrier, her face changed slightly, and the barrier had a tendency to be faintly pierced!

“Bullet hits bullets?!!” Koizumi Hongzi didn’t expect Mu Qiye’s marksmanship to be so good, and at least three shots hit one spot.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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