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Winery? Nothing — Page 203

She frowned, thinking that she could defeat Mu Qiye one after another, but after increasing her strength one after another, Mu Qiye had the upper hand, and Koizumi Hongzi was also angry.

The crimson hell flames erupted with all their strength, but the waves of fire caused the approaching bullets to turn into fly ash!

However, Mu Qiye threw out a piece of paper at this time, and a white light flashed on the paper. The successive miscalculations also made Koizumi Hongzi raised his vigilance against Mu Qiye and chose to temporarily defend, but when the light disappeared…

“…,… shameless!”

Looking at Mu Qiye, who had disappeared without a trace, Koizumi Hongzi was stunned for a while, then became furious, brows jumped, and then jumped again, holding the sickle and wand in her hand tightly, as if she wanted to find Mu Qiye through this time and space. trace!


Koizumi Hongzi snorted coldly, and finally dispelled all the lightning, flame barriers, and fireballs in the sky, with a dignified expression on her face: “Spell? This guy shouldn’t be able to transfer magic, and the spell shouldn’t be made by him. Yes, so, there are definitely people behind them, and their strength is not low…”

Seeing Mu Qiye’s strength, Koizumi Hongzi, who knew that there were still people behind Mu Qiye, naturally wouldn’t choose to chase: How to face Mu Qiye next?

Koizumi Hongzi thought about this question with a headache. She never thought that there was a magician or wizard behind Mu Qiye who was comparable to or slightly higher than her…


“not bad.”

After covering all the traces and aura around him, Mu Qiye stopped after a few transfers.

Even better than the plan, Koizumi Hongzi’s strength is not as high as imagined, although there must be something hidden.But even if there is concealment, it is obviously unable to restrain him, and there are not as many means of concealment as he is.

Just wait a few months to break through to the intermediate level…

Darkness, fire, thunder… It’s not impossible to make a match to capture Koizumi Hongko, or even enslave her.

I looked at the time, it was still early at [*]:[*], what should I do?

Mu Qiye’s eyes lit up and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.


Tokyo Women’s Prison!

Iron fences, low walls, and green trees on both sides…

The front of the prison is much better than imagined prison 0 ……

Parking the car at the door, Mu Qiye looked at the policewoman who was at the door and said, “Excuse me, visit the prison, Ma Lilan.”

“Mu, Mu Qiye?!!”

When the policewoman looked up and saw the person coming, she was startled.

Good guy, how many days has Maorilan been in jail?It’s Suzuki Er again, Mu Qiye again, too…

“Okay, Mr. Mu, please wait a moment~”

The police hurriedly called to report that Mao Lilan was regarded as a person with special treatment, and even the warden had ordered special treatment, so she did not dare to say anything more.

“Okay, yes, I understand~” After the policewoman hung up the phone, she quickly pressed the door button, and the iron door of the prison opened: “Mr. Mu, please come in!”

“Well, thank you.” Mu Qiye smiled and saw that there were cars in the parking lot, so he drove straight in.


In the spacious kitchen, several female prisoners were busy picking vegetables and cooking.

Compared to laundry, cleaning, sewing… cooking is considered a high standard and the best treatment.You can also be lazy from time to time, and you can spit in the material when you are unhappy.

Even if they are in prison, they know that Maorilan 4.8 is not ordinary.

All kinds of warnings, not to mention special treatment, living people can do what they want, rest if they don’t have anything to do with it, even if they stay in the cell all day, no one cares, and even ask someone to suggest that they will deliver meals, specially cooked meals.

At any time, there are still two female spy at the door staring at her, constantly beating her hands with batons. As soon as you see someone preparing to do something to her, or even make contact, you should go up and check.

If you do it, let alone, go up with a baton and swing it, so even if Fei Miles sent many people to the women’s prison, no one would dare to provoke her now.

(Thanks to Du Lianxing for at least 5 monthly tickets, thanks to Feng Yuteng for monthly tickets, thanks to Bingyan monthly tickets, thanks to 183 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 313: Mao Lilan’s Guilt

“9527, 9527, someone is visiting the prison!”

When the reminder sounded, everyone else turned their attention to Mao Lilan, the visiting prisoner…

Mao Lilan was obviously out of her mind, maybe she didn’t react, and she wasn’t used to being called the prisoner’s code name in the prison.

“Cough cough~”

The policewoman at the gate saw that Mao Lilan didn’t respond, and suddenly coughed to remind him. Mao Lilan hadn’t responded yet, and the one on the left stepped up a few steps to remind him, “Maori, someone is visiting the prison!”

“Ah? Huh?…”

Mao Lilan shuddered subconsciously, thinking about the policewoman’s words, and then she realized that the code name 9527 was her. Thinking that she was a prisoner, her face darkened again, her sorrow came from her heart, and her tears did not feel flowing.

“Uh, Maori, don’t cry.”

The policewoman was even more anxious. She had never seen such a vulnerable murderer. She thought she was bullying Mao Lilan, so she quickly said, “Mr. Mu is here to visit you. You should go and see first.”

“Mu, senior?”

Hearing that it was Mu Qiye, Mao Lilan’s tear-stained face showed a little surprise, and then hurriedly asked, “Where’s my mother? Is my mother here?”

Since she entered the prison, Fei Mi has never seen her, Mu Qiye and her mother… um…

“I don’t know either, you go have a look, it should be possible.”

The policewoman shook her head slightly, expressing she was not sure.

She just got the information and came to send a letter, the important thing is Mu Qiye, who knows if the concubine is coming or not?

Maybe he came with Mu Qiye. According to the gossip he saw on the Internet yesterday, the possibility of coming together is not small.

“Well, ok, thank you~” His face darkened slightly, Mao Lilan got up, but still cheered up, bowed politely to the policewoman and thanked him.

“No, Maori, please~”

The policewoman hurriedly returned the salute, then handcuffed Ma Lilan and took Ma Lilan out of the kitchen.

“Have a good mother!” The other prisoners couldn’t help but sigh even the policewoman.

If it weren’t for the messy relationship between Concubine Miles and Mu Qiye, Mao Lilan, a little white flower, let alone overdefense and murder.It is really intentional murder, and it can be trained to be an obedient little bitch here…

Visiting room, not bad.

The warden arranged a room for Mu Qiye, which was somewhat like an interrogation room. He picked up an orange, and Mu Qiye waited leisurely while eating the orange.

It’s a pity that the magic can’t be exposed yet, otherwise, a uniform in this room…


“Mr. Mu!”

Soon, the policewoman walked in with Maorilan.

Wearing a khaki prison uniform, his eye sockets were sunken and a little red, and he looked a lot thin and haggard, but the corner of his head was fine.

“Senior Pastor?…”

Mao Lilan looked left and right, but didn’t find Concubine Miles, and his face darkened again: Mom, I didn’t come…

“Not bad, sit down.” Mu Qiye smiled and let Mao Lilan sit down.

The words made Mao Lilan and even the policewoman stunned: Is this not bad?It’s not that Mu Qiye and Concubine Miles…

“Thank you, can you let me chat with her alone?”

Mu Qiye smiled and looked up at the policewoman. The policewoman didn’t dare to stop her, she nodded, and immediately retreated, closing the door.


The rattling sound of the iron gate made Mao Lilan’s heart tremble. It was this kind of sound that she was most afraid of recently.

“Are you ok?”

Mu Qiye smiled, looked up at Mao Lilan, and gave her a few remaining oranges.

Reluctantly showing a slight smile, Mao Lilan wanted Mu Qiye to feel at ease, so he subconsciously raised his hand to take it, but he could feel the cold silver handcuffs bound by his hands, but his pupils shrank, and he quickly put his hands down, trying to hide the handcuffs.

“sit down”

Mu Qiye shook his head and did not force anything.

Mao Lilan lowered his head, walked over and sat down obediently, but he didn’t know what He Mu Qiye said.

“Is it okay here?” Mu Qiye asked again.

Maurilan reluctantly smiled, paused, looked up and said, “Fortunately, in the morning, tamagoyaki, rice, miso soup, pasta at noon, milk, sausage, cheese, chicken, peas, green vegetables in the evening…”

“The food is not bad, the policewoman and the people around me are also very good to me, the work is also very simple, there is a TV in the room, and the people in the room are also very easy to get along with…”

Life here is much easier than she imagined.

In terms of room and board alone, it’s actually not much different from when she was at her father Mouri Kogoro’s house. Her job is also the easiest. The only problem is that this is a prison…

She shouldn’t be in this place, really shouldn’t.

“Oh? Is it? That’s really good.”

Mu Qiye was also a little surprised. He had known for a long time that the people from Tiaozi would give Mao Lilan some special treatment, but he didn’t expect the treatment to be so high, which was much better than that of people in poor places.

96 years?Good guy, envious!

“Well, thank you.” Mao Lilan also showed a slight smile on his face, and looked at Mu Qiye gratefully. She knew that if it weren’t for Mu Qiye, Yuanzi, and more Mu Qiye, she would not be treated like this.

Mu Qiye shook his head and handed over half of the oranges he had eaten: “I bought it on the way. If you want to eat, tell me, and I will bring it to you next time.”

next time……

Mao Lilan’s heart sank again, and knew that Mu Qiye had no other intentions, just wanted to take care of her, but the smile on his face couldn’t help but become reluctant again: “I’m fine, don’t bother, Yuanzi is here. I brought a lot with me when I saw it.”

“Is the garden here too?”

Mu Qiye asked curiously, there shouldn’t be any holidays these days, right?Please take time off, take time, love! 990

“Well, I came here the afternoon before yesterday, and I brought a lot of things to eat and use…” Thinking of how Suzuki Sonoko cared about her when she came, and her angry expression, she felt surprisingly warm.

Like Mu Qiye, Yuanzi was one of the people who cared about her the most.


“Is my mother okay?” Mao Lilan looked at Mu Qiye expectantly.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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