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Winery? Nothing — Page 205

Even in Yuanyue Li Palace, Yuanyue’s management is very strict.If both parties agree, it’s okay to communicate voluntarily. If they don’t agree, then just stay honest, and a few more words will drive you out.

Even if you can’t recruit a chef, you can make a few friends.After all, they are all engaged in the catering industry, and most of them have communicated on the Tongyuan business website of Muqiye, and offline communication is also beneficial.

Inside the luxurious kitchen.

The little man looked like a housewife with squinting eyes, Kanyakako put down the fish soup in his hand with satisfaction, and his face revealed a bit of indulgence as he looked at the big fierce girl, Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo: “Yuanguo, your cooking skills have broken through. !”

“Bagga, no wonder you’re expanding the storefront, you are such a vicious monster that makes people jealous!” Taki Taki of the airport, who tied his ponytail, looked at her with a displeased expression.

Jealously glanced at Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo’s murderousness, and finally snorted, didn’t catch it, and was not in the mood!

Among these graduates, they seem to be squinting at their seniors. The so-called Empress of Mist, Qian Rixiangzi, has a tendency to make breakthroughs. The rest of them have none. This fierce monster has obviously surpassed them in cooking skills.

Squatting on the stool, Suwon Toumi couldn’t help but raised her head a little urgently and asked, “Yuanguo, how did you do it?” She was one level higher than Kanyakako, but she did not break through this limit, and squinted her eyes. The same, they are all going back and forth around here.

The handsome Donato Wutongda is also looking forward to Sakegi Kichienko’s answer.The most famous of them all, the red-haired spectacled boy gritted his teeth secretly. He hasn’t made a breakthrough yet… This junior, how could it be…

“Ah, this…” Mu Jiuzhiyuan’s face turned slightly red, and she was a little embarrassed to be seen. More importantly, she didn’t know how to answer this question. It seemed that when she was cooking, she just thought about…

There is a story!

Squinting Ganri Xiangzi smiled, thinking of the rumors about Mu Qiye and Yuanguo he heard, he was slightly taken aback, looked at the bowl, and had some guesses.

“That, I don’t know, it’s just like this…” Mu Jiuzhi orchard nodded, as if he was sure this was true, and told them that they must believe her, this is absolutely true!

Hearing this answer, Kadozaki Taki, who had the best relationship with her, suddenly had a black line on his forehead, ran over, and stretched out his hand…: “Damn, you’re even lying to me! Say, what’s the reason!”

“Ah, Taki-senpai…”


in a spacious restaurant.

Belmore… No, Chris Wynyard rolled her eyes at Yukiko Tengfeng, her friend across from him: “You’ve already climbed Mu Qiye, how can you save so much when ordering food? He won’t even give you money, right?”

Of course, this sentence is just a joke. She has investigated Mu Qiye’s information, and Mu Qiye really rarely gives money to women.Most of them are not needed, Xiang Suzuki Lingzi, Huomoto Xiajiang, and Miyano Akimi, Kasugano Sauki and their mother and daughter who are raised at home, a small number of them are for work outside, and opportunities such as Okino Yoko, Katoori Akane…

Glancing at Chrissy Wynyard, Tengfeng Yukiko blushed slightly and retorted, “I can’t keep your mouth shut even if I invite you to dinner. Are you a big star inviting me?”

She just had a relationship with Mu Qiye, even if she really gave it, she couldn’t ask for it, it wouldn’t be p…

“Forget it, I haven’t made a movie for a long time…”

Belmod looked sloppy, and was scolded by Gin last night, and he was stunned.Later, Gin brought vodka to block the door, and she could only return half of it, so she could only return the money.

So, I’m almost out of money now…

Asshole, Orange Ma Ye, if you don’t want to say it, what’s the point of putting pigeons?She also put the gin pigeons and turned off the phone directly, she was speechless, and she didn’t know whether Tachibana Maya died, something happened, or changed the phone card.

(Thanks for the continuous support of Zhishangqingchang, thanks to Feng Yuteng’s monthly pass, thanks to Bingyan’s monthly pass, thanks to 183, 0042, 2530 monthly passes, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 316: The mysterious man is Mu Qiye!

“What’s the matter?” Seeing Belmod’s expression wrong, Tengfeng Yukiko couldn’t help asking. As for the lack of money, she had never thought about it.

Chris is not like her, who retreated so thoroughly.

Chris still occasionally attends the next banquet venue. M country star status is very high, even if her mother Sharon makes money, Chris is rich enough for a lifetime, and his life is worry-free.

“It’s nothing.”

Lifting the glass elegantly, Belmod didn’t explain her crazy days in those years.

Shaking her head gently, she asked interestedly, “Tell me about you, how did you get together with Mu Qiye? It’s not really…”

Looking at Yukiko jokingly, Belmod didn’t feel that he glanced at the many female stars and rich families around him.

They didn’t come here to recruit chefs, most of them were probably thinking about whether they could have a wonderful encounter with Mu Qiye and get some benefits.

Tengfeng Yukiko’s face turned red, and she naturally knew what this meant. After drinking a sip of red wine, she calmed down for a while: “It doesn’t count, most of it is your own wish.”


Showing a little surprise, Belmod-curiously said: “Really?”

Although the relationship with this friend is not that deep, but I also know that she and Kudo Yusaku still love each other, at least there are many fetters, and Kudo Shinichi’s worried son.

Of course, knowing Kudo Shinichi’s current situation, she didn’t say this question.


Fujimine Yukiko said vaguely.

It’s almost the same, Mu Qiye didn’t take advantage of her once, and she wasn’t so disgusted every time. Being with Kudo Yusaku was the kind of plain, watery feeling.

And being with Mu Qiye is the kind of thrill that is hard to resist…

She herself is a person who is unwilling to be indifferent and likes excitement. Through contact, she also has a lot of goodwill towards Mu Qiye.Although there are reasons for Conan and Mu Qiye’s coercion, she is not purely forced.

“Why, why are you asking so much? You are also interested in him?” Before Belmod could continue to ask, Yukiko Kudo asked jokingly.

“Perhaps? Why not?”

Belmod’s mouth showed a charming smile, and said solemnly: “So many people like him and want to have a relationship with him, why can’t I?”

“Cut, why don’t I call him to come over and connect you?” Tengfeng Yukiko smiled and shook her head, not caring.

This woman is either running the train or on the way to the train.She never refuted this question.However, if you think this is true, then she is really stupid.

“Okay, let’s fight, I’m really curious about who he is!” Speaking of this, Belmod really has some expectations. Mu Qiye is a legendary and successful person in the world. It is estimated that everyone is curious. .

Seeing Chris Wynyard’s expression, Fujimine Yukiko couldn’t help showing a bit of surprise: “Ah? You don’t really want to see him, do you?”

“Of course it’s true!” Belmod rolled his eyes, and didn’t think Mu Qiye would take advantage of her when she met. After all, she is also a famous star in the world, and when it comes to influence, she may even surpass Huben Xiajiang. Not to mention, she also believes in her charm, means and skills…

Seeing Chris Wynyard seemed to be coming for real, Tengfeng Yukiko shrugged helplessly and said with a smile, “I’m sorry, but I can’t guarantee that he can get through to his phone. At most, send him a text message. To see him.”

“So low status?”

Belmod raised his eyebrows and teased: “You are so beautiful, why won’t he answer your calls? Still send text messages?”

Speaking of which, Belmod was slightly taken aback.

Thinking of when Gin was making phone calls behind their backs, there were times when they couldn’t get through the phone, and in the end they just sent text messages, and it didn’t seem to be once.

…Could it be that Mu Qiye is the mysterious person Qin Jiu contacted?

That arrogant sharpshooter, who was sent by Mu Qiye?

Thinking of Shiho Miyano’s special treatment in the organization, Akemi Miyano stayed directly beside Mu Qiye and became Masami Hirota.

According to Mu Qiye’s rumors, there are mysterious forces behind Mu Qiye to help Mu Qiye deal with the problem, causing all kinds of cases of genocide, family burning, murder, Mu Qiye’s current status, and what Youxizi just said…

Everything is gradually coming together!

Her eyes lit up slightly.

More than [-]% of Mu Qiye is the person that Jinjiu contacts, at least, there is also a relationship between Mu Qiye and the organization…

“Hey, what are you thinking, it’s spring?”

Fujimine Yukiko looked at Chris Wynyard who didn’t know what was going on, and teased with some dissatisfaction.

The corners of Belmod’s mouth curved, and he nodded lightly, “Maybe? I’m looking forward to meeting him!”


Tengfeng Yuxizi rolled his eyes with some headache. This woman is not that easy to get along with. Of course, in front of Mu Qiye, Mu Qiye will not necessarily be in a weak position.

“Let’s go to the bathroom first, or do we go together?” Belmod asked with a seductive look, wiping his mouth.Tengfeng Yukiko was speechless: “Go to hell!”

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Belmod smiled coquettishly, strutted his long legs, got up and walked towards the bathroom charmingly, but there was a glint in his eyes.Behind, a large group of men also showed amazing expressions, then shook their heads, bowed their heads and continued to eat!

This kind of beauty can’t be theirs, let’s enjoy cooking!

Well, it’s so sweet!

Turning to a corner, Belmod took out his phone and called Gin.

On the other end of the phone, I saw that it was Belmod who was calling, Gin’s face darkened, and I thought of the pigeon being put out by Tachibana. After connecting, I heard Belmod say: “That mysterious man is Mu Qiye!”


Seeing that Mu Qiye didn’t come, Yoshino Yuki and Sakaki Ryoko who peeked at each other couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other in unison, then nodded, and left one after another to report!

……… 0

When I was going upstairs to make the elevator, I happened to bump into the red-haired Soma Yukihira, Jun Ibuzaki, and a few of them from the Marui Zendipoles.

“Yuki, Ryoko?!!

Ibuzaki Jun, who covered his eyes with pink hair, looked at the two in surprise.

Since the two women and Tian Suohui joined the Nakiri family and became the servants of the Nakiri sisters and Feishako, they were all busy and had to prepare for accommodation and training.

Since they are not in the same class, they rarely meet each other, let alone so many people.

“Ibu, Marui, Daigo…” Yoshino Yuki and Sakaki Ryoko also missed some of them when they saw a few of them, and some things seemed to be right and wrong, especially Yoshino Yuki, who was originally a sentimental person, almost shed tears .

I haven’t had time to be moved and tell the feelings of reunion.

The red-haired Kohei Soma was very motivated, and clenched his fists full of enthusiasm and said, “Yuji-chan, Ryoko-chan, your cooking skills should be progressing very well, right? Let’s have an exciting halberd meal, let’s compete!”

Yuanyue’s life is more exciting than he imagined, and there are many cooking skills that surpass him!Even Nakiri Erina’s little secretary, Hizako Shinto, he didn’t win.

These people in the same dormitory also have their own specialties, and even he can’t help but admire them.The two have lived in Nakiri’s house for so long, and their cooking skills must be very close. If they compete with them, they will definitely gain a lot!

(Thank you for your continuous support, thank you 7920, 85549 months, thank you 183, 0042, 2530 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly tickets, for rewards, for support, for comments…) For a long time.

Chapter 317: Looking for trouble, looking for trouble again!


Full of emotions and words turned into a black line, Yoshino Yuki glared at Yukihira so really dissatisfied: “Do you have any feelings in the end, you only have food and cooking skills in your head?!!”

The title of Xiaoqiang, who can’t be beaten to death, is not something to talk about. Since eating halberds with Shinto Hishako, Soma Yukipei has also started his journey of eating halberds.

Although he can’t pay the price, there are many people who want to teach him a lesson when they see him upset.In addition, he also scored a point in the halberd eating with Shinto Hishako, so there is an endless stream of people looking for him to eat the halberd,

The number of times of eating halberds now… not fifty, it is estimated that it is almost the same.

“Yes, Chuangzhen, are you too anxious?” Daigo Aoki, who was blond-haired, was also a little disgusted. Among them, he was fortunate enough to have the highest culinary skills and talent, and even Senior Isshiki praised him.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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