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Winery? Nothing — Page 208


Feeling the breath of Yuxizi and Belmod, Mu Qiye was slightly taken aback, how did they get together?It is not difficult to understand that the two met.

Without any scruples, he took Qiong into the hall of Yuanyueli Palace and walked directly to the place where the two were.

Belmod and Yukiko get together, that feeling…

Because the two were in the restaurant on the first floor, it was inevitable that there would be another commotion, and various celebrities could not help looking at Mu Qiye in anticipation.

Most look good.

However, there are few who are really beautiful enough to have Kiko and Belmod, and there are not many who are comparable to Toda Takako and Katori Akane.

“Huh? It’s here!” Belmod raised his head and looked at Mu Qiye who was approaching, and Qiong beside him was a little surprised. , I do not know what to pay attention to.

“Understood, no one will treat you as a mute if you don’t speak!” Tengfeng Yukiko spit secretly, her face flushed slightly.

Although her relationship with Mu Qiye was posted on the Internet, it was already semi-public.But she’s not Concubine Miles, and she hasn’t divorced Kudo Yusaku yet. It’s still a little embarrassing and uncomfortable to meet in this situation.

Mu Qiye didn’t have such scruples, he walked over directly, glanced at Belmod in surprise, then looked at Yuxizi and said with a smile, “You’re here too, why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want to disturb you, I just came to have a simple meal with my friends.” Tengfeng Yuxizi explained in a low voice a little uncomfortable, then got up to give Mu Qiye and Qiong a place.

They were seated four.

Now that I just met, I can’t let Mu Qiye and Chris sit on the side, she and this strange girl sit on the side, of course, even if they sit like this, Mu Qiye probably doesn’t care.

“Chrissy Wynyard, Yukiko’s friend in country M is also considered a classmate.” Belmod got up to make way for Yukiko, with a little surprise in his eyes, then calmed down, stretched out his hand with a smile, and introduced himself.

Fujimine Yukiko rolled her eyes, knowing that Chris and others didn’t like to sit inside, so she had to walk in and sit by the window.

As long as Eastern Learning is not a formal school, there is a saying that it is the same school, and it is okay for Belmod to say that.

“Mu Qiye, this is my female companion Haruhi Ye Qiong.” He smiled and shook hands with Belmod, and Mu Qiye also introduced Qiong to the two girls.

Belmod and Yukiko both smiled and nodded towards Qiong and gave a brief introduction.Kasuga Ye Qiong still didn’t like socializing, so after looking at Mu Qiye, he was a little afraid to learn from the two of them, and simply said the name.

One man and three women took their seats.

The envious, jealous, and lost eyes around him gradually disappeared.

“Mr. Mu and Kasunino don’t pay attention to entertainment news?” Seeing that Mu Qiye and Qiong didn’t seem to know her, Belmod couldn’t help but be speechless, unwilling and puzzled.

Even if this is the r book, there should be a lot of people who know her, right?Especially Mu Qiye, she is also a rare beauty star in the world.

“Pfft~” Seeing Belmod’s expression, Fujimine Yukiko couldn’t help but want to laugh.Unexpectedly, Chris also cares about people who don’t know each other.

Belmod glared at Yukiko angrily.Ordinary people will naturally not care, and even say that the fewer people who know her, the better and less troublesome.

But she planned to contact Mu Qiye, but Mu Qiye didn’t know her yet, so it was strange that she didn’t care.She is also a woman, and she also cares about her reputation?

Kasuga Ye Qiong glanced at Belmod curiously, then shook his head gently, and replied simply: “I don’t pay attention.”

She is fine at home, not sleeping, but playing games, surfing the Internet, eating snacks, and watching anime, but she doesn’t care about celebrities. It seems that she is still a foreign celebrity.

Belmod sighed while covering his forehead, his face speechless.

“Chrissy Wynyard, a famous actress in country M, mother Sharon Wynyard, good at disguise, voice changing, and has participated in nearly ten popular movies such as “Angel Lover”, “The Jedi Strikes Back”, this year 3…”

Mu Qiye talked about Chris Wynyard’s achievements and experiences on the Internet with a serious face. If he was not present, he would have thought that he was a Chris Wynyard fan.

But looking at Mu Qiye, there is Xizi, Qiong can’t help but laugh, and Belmod is even more black, because Mu Qiye said it while looking at the phone.

Her Chris Wynyard’s resume, when did you need to search the Internet to find out?


(Thank you for your continuous support, thank you 7920, 85549 months, thank you 183, 0042, 2530 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 321: The Woman in Alice’s Room

“Stop reading, exposing a woman’s age is a very ungentle thing. Besides, I always think you are mocking me.” Belmod was speechless, feeling very bad, I really don’t know how Yukiko said you. I would like to say that.

Anyway, she now has a big drop in her affection for Mu Qiye.

Shrugging handsomely, Mu Qiye didn’t care, simply closed the phone cover, called the waiter over to simply order a few meals and drinks, while Qiong only ordered drinks.

This indifferent look made Belmod feel neglected, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Mu Qiye.

Could it be that Gin said something to him?


Soon, Mu Qiye brought a girl with long white hair and two ponytails to Yuanyueli Palace, and the story of having dinner on the first floor with Kris Wynyard and Tengfeng Yukiko quickly spread.

Nakiri sisters, Shinto Hishako, Dojima Gin, Kikuchienko… Including Nakiri Onora, almost everyone in the Totsuki Li Palace knows about it.

“Okay, another Chris Wynyard!”

Naqie Leonora was very angry, she was not happy with Mu Qiye and Suzuki Lingzi at first, and now she is still with three… She was so angry that she almost rushed out and asked Mu Qiye, the guy who got her daughter’s body, to ask for it. A statement!

However, after thinking about it carefully, it still didn’t go down.

There are too many young women around Mu Qiye. If she goes down and says something, can you teach Mu Qiye a lesson and ask her to give Alice an explanation.

But if there is a quarrel, it is inevitable to suspect that she and Mu Qiye have something to do. It is better to find a public or private place to talk about it.

Forget it, look at Alice first!

Nakiri Onora clenched her fists and had to dismiss the idea unwillingly.


Nakiri sisters also have such scruples, but Hishako Shinto feels that it is a bit embarrassing to meet in this situation, so no one comes to look for them.

After the meal, Mu Qiye took Qiong and Youxizi directly to the elevator, and Belmod came in after thinking about it.

“Chris, do you want to be together?” Mu Qiye smirked as he looked at Belmod’s body.

Belmod’s face was a little dark, but he knew that Mu Qiye was not tempted by her at all, just a joke.Of course, if she said yes, Mu Qiye would not refuse [*]% of the time, and directly pulled her to the room…

“I know Taylor and she likes to write songs… Well, she especially likes to write songs for her ex-boyfriend and make her ex-boyfriend famous. Everyone knows that.”

Belmod said with a flat face, thinking that Mu Qiye didn’t pay attention to entertainment stars, he couldn’t help explaining.


The corners of his mouth twitched, and Mu Qiye was speechless: “Okay, I wish your friend happiness.”

Who is Swiftlet?

Haruhi Yeqiong looked at Mu Qiye curiously. In her heart, Mu Qiye was basically omnipotent.Fujimine Yukiko held back a smile and explained it to Qiong.

Kasuga Ye Qiong showed a shocked expression: It’s amazing, this is the public execution of her ex-boyfriend!

This guy……

Belmod had a headache.

It’s no wonder that this way of publicly executing an ex-boyfriend can get happiness.

Although she didn’t have much friendship with Taimei, and it could even be said that she had met a few times, but she said before that she and Taimei were friends, and Mu Qiye satirized with Taimei, wouldn’t that mean she was mocking her?

This guy……

Mu Qiye didn’t care about this. After separating from Belmod, he entered the room with Qiong and Youxizi.




Early the next morning.

Before Mu Qiye and Alice didn’t wake up, (omit…… )

Seeing Nakiri Onora leave, Mu Qiye opened his eyes and smiled.This time I made a big profit, and the repulsive force increased by at least [*]%.I yawned and continued to sleep for a while, not waking up until nearly seven o’clock.

“Seven nights?!!”


“What’s wrong?” After kissing Alice, Mu Qiye pretended not to know and opened his eyes with a smile.Nakiri Alice looked left and right, her eyes turned into peas: “Where’s Mom? Yesterday…not…”

Nakiri Alice didn’t know what to say either.Where is her mother going?That Mu Qiye is here, doesn’t he mean… If not, what about that person?

She felt a little cluttered in her head.

Mu Qiye yawned and complained, “Nothing? What mother? When I came to see you yesterday, I slept so hard.”

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

“Er…Is that so?” Nakiri Alice blinked suspiciously, and after thinking about it, she seemed to have slept very deeply yesterday. She seemed to wake up as soon as she closed and opened her eyes, and she was extraordinarily energetic!

Thinking about the [*] servings of steak I made yesterday, I nodded with all my thoughts: maybe I was too tired.

“Well, that, you didn’t see anyone when you came? By the way, how did you get in?” Nakiri Alice asked tentatively, and then she also thought of doubts.

“Who?” Mu Qiye was stunned for a while, then nodded thoughtfully, looked at Alice and said, “Don’t tell me, when I came to you, it seemed that I really smelled like another woman, could it be that? Your mother? No, your mother is not…”

0 0 ……

“Don’t talk about it~” Hearing Mu Qiye say here, Nakiri Alice blushed and directly covered Mu Qiye’s mouth: “What about the lock? How did you open it?”

“It’s very important? It’s not really your mother, is it? Is your mother here?” Mu Qiye glanced at Alice suspiciously, and then said, “Che, what lock? I can open the entire Yuanyueli Palace with a single noodle. All doors!”

Listening to Mu Qiye’s words, Nakiri Alice blushed even more, seeing Mu Qiye’s disdain, she couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as she didn’t see it, she was a little surprised and said, “You still open the lock? A piece of noodles. ?”

…Although I know that Mu Qiye has exaggerated elements, it is obvious that he has certain skills.

Could it be that when Mu Qiye came, his mother left?

(Listening to Mu Qiye’s words, Nakiri Alice blushed even more, seeing Mu Qiye’s disdain, she couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as she didn’t see it, she was a little surprised and said, “You still open the lock? Noodle?”

…Although I know that Mu Qiye has exaggerated elements, it is obvious that he has certain skills.

Could it be that when Mu Qiye came, his mother left? )

(Thank you for your continuous support, thank you 7920, 85549 months, thank you 183, 0042, 2530 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) Any.

Chapter 322: Found He Ye Heping

“Your mother is really here?” Mu Qiye looked at Nakiri Alice in surprise.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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