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Winery? Nothing — Page 219

Mu Qiye rolled his eyes and looked like you didn’t persuade Nakiri Xianzaemon to change his decision, making Dojima Gin smile bitterly. He was working in Totsuki, what did he say?The commander-in-chief also has a face!

Mu Qiye left calmly without talking nonsense with others.

It didn’t take long for him to meet Nakiri Onora.

Yukihira Soma was stunned by the bodyguards brought by Nakiri Onora and left.

“Aren’t you worried about yourself?” Nakiri Onora couldn’t help but asked.

Mu Qiye acted too flamboyantly.

Even though the future looks promising now, in her opinion, it is full of dangers and variables. Maybe she will enter prison or be killed by someone!

“Haha, myself?”

Mu Qiye looked at Naqie Leonora and shook his head with a chuckle: “You think I’m so stupid? Don’t worry, there may be someone in this world who can make me die, but it’s definitely not because of this trivial matter.”

“It’s just a bunch of scumbags, and they’re not my opponents alone. Did something happen to me? Hehe…”

With a disdainful smile, Mu Qiye walked right past.


Nakiri Onora never thought that Mu Qiye would say such a thing.

A group of scumbags, who is the scumbag?

Although I couldn’t believe it, I even thought Mu Qiye was crazy.But looking at Mu Qiye’s expression, no matter how she looked at it, she didn’t look like it. Instead, it looked like a mockery of her opponent and confidence in him!

Nakiri Onora has a ridiculous feeling 0  …

However, in the ears of Nakiri Alice and Nakiri Erina who came here, especially Nakiri Erina, they felt a little bit of belief.

Mu Qiye is a magician, and it seems that he is not a general powerful magician…

“so cool!”

Nakiri Alice was excited when she heard this.

It’s not that I believe that Mu Qiye has this kind of strength.However, she is the kind of person who is sober and likes to stimulate life. Even if Mu Qiye really messes up, she will be willing to shoulder it together with Mu Qiye!

That’s just so romantic!


Looking at Alice’s reaction, Nakiri Onora’s head was black, and she could not wait to twist her daughter’s ears to let her know what a spinning top is.


Nakiri Alice didn’t care at all, but stuck out her tongue cutely, still looking excited.

After listening to Mu Qiye’s words just now, she felt that she was no longer so afraid and scruples. If her mother, Nakiri Onora, asked again, it would be a big deal to directly announce that she had a relationship with Mu Qiye, and she would marry him in the future!

Anyway, Mu Qiye was rich, even if he didn’t have money, it would be very exciting to be with him.She can also make money, anyway, she will never live too badly, she must be happier than now!

“You…hey~” Looking at her daughter Alice, Nakiri Onora also sighed, feeling helpless.

I have to admit that Mu Qiye is not really outstanding, but he is indeed an attractive man. If she is not married, maybe…

His face flushed slightly, and Nakiri Uno 4.9 pulls aside immediately.

When he looked at Nakiri Erina, he was slightly taken aback: This expression… It doesn’t seem to be surprised, worried, distressed… Instead, it seems to be confident!

Nakiri Onora frowned, a little confused about Nakiri Erina’s niece.

According to her understanding, Erina Nakiri should also have a lot of affection for Mu Qiye. Even if not, Mu Qiye is still the elder brother of Shinto Hishako. collaborator!


(Thanks to Xiaoao Cangsheng for the 100vip 4 points reward, thanks to Tianzhiyanan for the monthly pass, thanks to the frozen boy for the monthly pass, thanks to 136, 1555, 9813 for another monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!!)

Chapter 338 : Don’t be ruthless, stand firm!

No matter what, Nakiri Erina should not be so calm.

“Unless, she knows something!” Nakiri Onora’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Nakiri Erina should know Mu Qiye’s trump card, or a certain secret, and this secret is enough to support what Mu Qiye said!

Nakiri Erina is a conservative person, this secret or trump card, even more weight than imagined…

But, how did Erina know that?

Mu Qiye couldn’t possibly be the kind of person who would easily expose his cards to outsiders…

Nakiri Onora was puzzled and did not ask.

Will Erina say something, the important thing is that knowing this kind of thing is not necessarily a good thing, Mu Qiye may not be able to tolerate more people knowing his secret…

Erina Nakiri took Hizako Shinto, Megumi Tiansuo, and Ryoko Sakaki and left quickly.Then Nakiri Alice also slipped away quietly with Yoshino Yuki.

Nakiri Onanora sighed and did not stop.

I can stop today, but I can’t stop tomorrow… I hope Mu Qiye is as confident and strong as he imagined!


in the examination room.

Togetsu’s chief chef, Dojima Gin, Kikuchienko, Kanyakako, Suwon Tomi, and the others did not leave in 09, and they tended to whisper about this matter.

Shinomiya Kojiro is even more unwilling, his “SHINOS” plan has just begun, how is it possible… clenching his fists tightly, his eyes revealing a little bit of hostility and killing intent.

Donato Wutongtian couldn’t help but ask: “Senior Tangdao, is there really no way for Si Gong to change?”

The others also looked at Dojima Gin more or less expectantly.

Caring about Shinomiya Kojiro is part of it, and the bigger part is that I feel the same way. I don’t want to admit that in front of the big chaebols like Mu Qiye, they actually don’t have much ability to resist!

What can be done?

Dojima Gin glanced at the others, his eyes focused on Shinomiya Kojiro who lowered his head, and shook his head helplessly.

Mu Qiye never changed his decision.

Shinomiya Kojiro offended Mu Qiye this time.To offend Mu Qiye, it would be good to be able to survive and save his life. It is estimated that Sinomiya Kojiro is from Togetsu, Togetsu and his relationship, and Sigong is in Toyue Ligong’s sake.


Maybe Shinomiya Kojiro will die tragically on the street tomorrow, or he will be shot and burned for no reason.

Others actually know the result.

After all, with the exception of Shinomiya Kojiro, they are all mixed up in the country.Although the status is not as good as Mu Qiye, even the next-level chaebol, Shinomiya Kojiro, is still very high, and he is also respected and respected.

At the dinner table, I heard a lot of rumors and news, so I naturally knew the horror of Mu Qiye.It’s just… not reconciled~ Their status is still not as high as imagined, in the eyes of Mu Qiye and these people, even saving their lives after offending is a gift!

“I’ll try it out with the commander-in-chief.”

Dojima Gin shook his head slightly and sighed.There was nothing Mu Qiye could do. He could only be affected. He touched the commander-in-chief’s brow, and said in a low-profile manner, the problem shouldn’t be a big deal.

“…” After hearing this, the expressions of the others did not change much.

Shinomiya Kojiro also offended the commander-in-chief this time.

Thinking of Mu Qiye’s behavior, they couldn’t help but suspect that this position was still above Mu Qiye, but the commander-in-chief with a serious face but no matter what, just a hidden coat.

Disappointment dissipated, and Kanyakako kept up with Mujiujiyuanguo.


Nakiri Senzaemon received a call from Dojima Gin after Togetsuki Limiya.

The matter of Shinomiya Kojiro also made him a little annoyed.Even if Tiansuohui almost came, he was Nakiriga’s person anyway.

Such an upright person announced that Tian Suohui was unqualified and dropped out of school, without even notifying him, what did he think of Nakiri Senzaemon?What do you think of Nakiri’s house and Totsuki?

Do you really think that being famous abroad is just awesome?

Even the fame of his granddaughter Nakiri Alice can’t be compared to him!

What’s more, Tian Suohui is not that bad, but can be said to be very good and talented.Through these days of education, he was also surprised to find that if Tian Suohui cultivated well, his success in cooking can be said to be absolutely limitless!

Not to mention his Shinomiya Kojiro.

Even if it is now among the top ten, Tian Suohui is very likely to rush directly to the top five or even the top three without graduating!

In the future, it will not be comparable to Shinomiya Kojiro who has gone the wrong way and lost his cooking heart!

The foundation of the Totsuki Group is the chef.

Although it’s not all, but Shinomiya Kojiro’s dismissal of Tiansuohui is equivalent to digging up the land of the Nakiri family. If he is Nakiri Xianzaemon to cultivate his mind, he will be bullied?

“Break your hands and feet when you’re far away? Well, that’s it!”

Nakiri Senzaemon’s eyes showed a bit of surprise.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qiye, a ruthless man, is also decisive and vicious, and he almost eliminated Shinomiya Kojiro’s career as a chef!

However, it is also appreciated.

Although Mu Qiye was famous, it was also a period of capital accumulation, and his power and influence were rapidly expanding.

Do not start hard, stand unsteady!

In the face of hostile, provocative, ruthless, or even completely eradicated, it is the least troublesome, the most straightforward, and the least influential choice.

Otherwise, a group of cats and dogs would run out, and Mu Qiye would be annoyed to death.It’s better to put on a posture of prospering for those who follow, and death for those who oppose them, and go all the way to the end.

As long as you grasp that degree, Mu Qiye is the eye of the typhoon. No matter how others criticize the activities, Mu Qiye will be as stable as Mount Tai, and he will not move!

“Hey? Commander, Commander?” Before Dojima Gin could finish speaking, Nakiri hung up the phone.Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Dojima Gin had to sigh, knowing the commander-in-chief’s decision.

Shinomiya Kojiro is on the path of being a chef, and basically 007 has come to an end…


“Hey? Senior Hyugako?”

Mu Jiuji realized that the garden fruit was not in his mind, but he was also going upstairs. When Qianri Xiangzi was about to come over, he found that Qianri Xiangzi was following her.

“Let’s talk inside.”

Kanyakako shook his head lightly, motioning for Kikuchi Yuanguo to enter the room and talk.

“Uh… oh~”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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