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Winery? Nothing — Page 226

“…” Good guy!

Conan has a black line on his forehead, and even Mu Qiye didn’t kick him from the third floor to the bottom of the building. This guy is going to go against the sky!

Although he was upset, he still had an innocent smile on his face.

With a childish look on his face, he looked around and said, “I’m sorry, I came with Uncle Maori. He said he was looking for someone named Beichuan Qiangshi, and he said that Tiaozi decided to file a case, etc. It seems that he went wrong. sorry……”

Beichuan Qiangshi, file a case? ! ! !

Hearing this, Kitagawa Qiangshi and Tsubakiya Nako turned pale.

4.9 Seeing that Conan turned around and was about to leave, Beichuan Qiangshi hurriedly said, “What’s the matter with Beichuan Qiangshi? I know him and he went out. I don’t think he committed any crimes, right?”

There is indeed a problem!

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Conan stopped in his footsteps, and when he turned his head, he looked innocent again, nodding the corners of his mouth and said, “This… I’m not too sure, according to Uncle Mori, it seems to be related to a case. , and a beautiful long-haired sister who seems to be going to jail!”

(Thanks to Xiaoao Cangsheng for the 100vip 4 points reward, thanks to Tianzhiyanan for the monthly pass, thanks to the frozen boy for the monthly pass, thanks to 136, 1555, 9813 for another monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!!)

Chapter 348: Chianti’s Revenge!

If you don’t know, just say it vaguely.

At first glance, the two people’s mentality was not very good. They were not the shameless and gloomy kind of Mu Qiye.

“Long hair, sister?!!!”

After all, the accident half a year ago caused people’s lives, and the two also worried for a long time. When they heard this, they suddenly remembered the car accident on the Panshan Highway!

“What jail? Don’t talk nonsense!! We have asked someone to ask before, that accident was not enough to convict us, and it wasn’t the reason for you guys, why…” Tsubakiya Nako couldn’t help but immediately retorted, But then I thought that I shouldn’t say it, and immediately closed my mouth!

Accident?It seems there is a real problem!

The corners of Conan’s mouth raised slightly.

Although she didn’t let her say it all, it also proved his conjecture, and he was even more confident in his heart.

He blinked his big eyes, pretending that he still didn’t realize that the man was Beichuan Qiangshi and said, “Oh? Is that so? I heard Uncle Mori say that. Is it wrong? What an accident!” 09

“Little devil, don’t you think you’re asking too much?!!”

Beichuan Qiangshi walked towards Conan with a ferocious look on his face, and was so excited that he was disturbed by this kid.

No matter what, he has to teach this kid a good lesson!

Conan secretly thought that it was a pity, but he didn’t care, but the smile on his face was deeper: “Uncle, I advise you to calm down and surrender yourself!”

As long as Beichuan Qiangshi surrendered, no matter what crime he committed or what punishment, as long as the truth is revealed, the grievances between Okaya and Beichuan Qiangshi will be exposed in Tiaozi’s eyes.

As long as you know what happened, it’s easy to solve the problem.

No matter how Noriko Okaya intends to retaliate against the strong history of Beichuan, or even kill… that Noriko Okaya is the best suspect. Moreover, he can also use this case to regain face in the Tiaozi Bureau, and perhaps he can also use the Tiaozi Bureau again. Strength, at least can participate in the case!

Simply perfect!

“Beichuan, don’t!”

Thinking that Conan had said that he was with Kogoro Mouri, Nako Tsubakiya hurried over to hold Beichuan Qiangshi.

Their details are not very innocent in the first place. Even if the car accident can’t go to prison, it will definitely be troublesome to be targeted by Kogoro Mouri.

Conan is even more confident, smiling indifferently: “This sister is right, uncle, calm down, don’t do things that you regret!”

With his self-confidence, the aura of death permeated his body, covering Kitagawa Qiangshi and Tsubakiya Nako.

“Haha, regret?”

The pervasive dark aura began to merge into Beichuan Qiangshi’s body. He was a bit irritable from the beginning, and he was ruthless. Under the excitation of these negative energies, he suddenly lost his senses, and evil grew from courage!

“Little devil, do you think I’ll believe it?!!” Beichuan Qiangshi punched Conan’s big head. Conan was hit with a nosebleed, half of his face was swollen, and his head was even more dizzy. .

Beichuan Qiangshi’s already vicious face turned a little more violent.Afterwards, he looked at Tsubakiya Nako, who was already somewhat affected, and said, “Go and see if there is anyone outside!”

“it is good!”

Tsubakiya Nako was not a kind person either. She glared at Conan fiercely and walked downstairs, ready to take a look.

Conan’s heart was paralyzed for a while, and he was beaten again!

With a smile on his face, he turned around the blue half of his face that was smashed, and said confidently, “Don’t look at it, Uncle Maori didn’t come, but there are other people!”

“other people?”

Beichuan’s history is strong, and Tsubakiya Nako is stunned. Is there anyone else here?

Downstairs, the police officer in charge of watching Conan’s fishing, FBI twitched the corners of his mouth as he listened to the words coming from the monitor: Special code, we are here to catch wineries, terrorist organizations, you want us to solve the trouble for you?Or trouble with no evidence?

They were also speechless.

But the protection of Conan is also part of their mission, and the dialogue between Kitagawa Qiangshi and Tsubakiya Nako seems to be suspected of being involved in some case.

“Sir, do you want to…”

The police officer in charge of surveillance downstairs asked into the walkie-talkie.

In the car, the plainclothes public security officer shook his head speechlessly, and said solemnly: “Maintaining public security is also the responsibility of our public security, let’s go!”


The public security officer who received the order made a gesture of action toward the teammate on the other side. The other party nodded, indicating that he understood. He took out his pistol and began to move quickly toward the corridor.

Although he felt that one person was enough, to be cautious, he also took out his pistol and moved quickly with the guns in both hands.They thought it was a pinch in their hands, but they didn’t know that they were also being targeted!

“Cohen, Calvados, I will avenge you and let them accompany you!”

In an abandoned high-rise building, Chianti, who has a butterfly pattern in his left eye, is holding a sniper rifle and looking at them through the scope, looking crazy and excited!

In Organization 023, she and Cohen and Calvados are the best ones.

She and Calvados can still speak close distances, and the close relationship is that they are snipers and have a common language, but Cohen is her teammate. More than once, they are born and die, and they can even die for her!

But when they returned to the organization, they learned that they were all dead!

She also knew that no one else could be blamed for this, and it was a beautiful victory for the organization.But she couldn’t accept their deaths, especially Cohen!

She knows that Conan is very important to the organization, and now is not the time for revenge, but she still can’t help it!

Looking at the police going upstairs and pointing their guns at them, Chianti’s scope was already pointed at Conan, with a little pleasure and relaxation on his face: “Cohen, Calvados, he is one!”

Pull the trigger and the bullet goes through the chamber and shoots out!

(Thanks to Xiaoao Cangsheng for the 100vip 4 points reward, thanks to Tianzhiyanan for the monthly pass, thanks to the frozen boy for the monthly pass, thanks to 136, 1555, 9813 for another monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!!)

Chapter 349: Gin Appearance

“No, be careful!”

Looking at the reflective dots in the distance, Conan became alert, and suddenly turned pale with horror, screaming in horror, and constantly struggling to avoid!


The public security and Beichuan Qiangshi who rushed over, Tsubakiya Nako were all confused: They have controlled the scene, what’s the trouble?


boom! “

Beichuan Qiangshi’s eyebrows were hit by bullets!


Beichuan Qiangshi’s eyes widened, the bullet pierced through his eyebrows, blood flowed from the wound, and he no longer had the strength to restrain Conan.

Without the restraint of Beichuan Qiangshi’s arm, Conan fell down and fell to the ground, and Beichuan Qiangshi fell to the ground forever, and pressed Conan under him!

“No, there are snipers, get down!”

The public security in front was shocked, and he didn’t expect to arrest a gangster, but he met a sniper!

The action team leader behind stopped suddenly.

“Bei Chuan~”

Tsubakiya Nako stared blankly at Beichuan Qiangshi’s corpse, but she didn’t realize it yet.As soon as the reminder in front of him finished speaking, he was hit by a bullet between the eyebrows and fell into a pool of blood!

“Damn, lucky!”

Looking at Edogawa Conan who was struggling under Kitagawa Qiangshi through the scope, Chianti gritted his teeth with hatred.

I adjusted the direction of several sniper rifles one after another, but I couldn’t find a deadly hit position, so I had to temporarily shift the target to solve the public security and fbi that were active below!

“Bang, bang…”


“Eguchi, what’s going on? Why is there a sniper all of a sudden?!!” The person in charge of the public security was stunned, and quickly got out of the car and took people to avoid it.

If a sniper hits the fuel tank of the car, it will be funny, it is better to be safe outside.

The team leader in the corridor couldn’t figure it out either, so he could only say: “I don’t know either, things were going well, Tian Jing had already controlled the suspect, and he was about to arrest him. Conan said be careful, and then the suspect was arrested. killed…”

Speaking of this, he couldn’t help but look at the corpses of his teammates, and frowned at Conan, the worrying star. Although he didn’t know the purpose of the mission, he had lost too many teammates in him. life……

“What? That’s it?!~”!”

The person in charge widened his eyes and was naturally dissatisfied, but he also knew what happened, which is normal.

For so many days, no one from the winery showed up, and there was something wrong with what Eguchi said, so he didn’t think about it for the time being.


At this time, the team leader named Jiangkou also responded, and quickly added: “The other party should have been prepared. There are high-rise buildings on both sides of the upper floor. This building is only three floors, and there are obstacles around it. The view is limited. There are not many sniping positions, more than [*]% are already prepared!”

“Ready to kill a bastard? Who did this bastard offend?” The person in charge also felt right, but he was even more speechless when he heard this.It’s just a coincidence that the special code is here, so…

Mu Qiye?

“Hmm~” Thinking of this, he quickly shook his head, putting this thought aside, and felt it was impossible.Although Mu Qiye was suspected of having too many crimes, many lives were involved.

But for the sake of a beautiful woman who just said a few words, you kill people, and they kill the police?Thinking about it, this reasoning can’t stand at all!

However, it was also a reminder for him.

Immediately let the subordinates look around, take action, determine the possible shooting location of the other party according to the direction of the bullet, send someone to rush over, and also make a phone call to notify the surrounding fbi and the police station to cooperate and support , .


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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