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Winery? Nothing — Page 227


Beneath the body of Beichuan Qiangshi, Conan raised his body with difficulty, and shouted anxiously towards the Changjiangkou of the police team at the door: “Don’t let them leave, the other party may be someone from the Black Organization, you must catch them. !”


Eguchi’s team leader suddenly realized that the reason for their arrival was heard, and he immediately called the person in charge.

“Sir, the other party may be someone from the Black Organization…”

Seeing the police call to report, Conan was also relieved.

In fact, he didn’t know who the shooter was, Mu Qiye’s man?Is it possible, the people in the Black Organization?It is also possible that other forces also have…

However, he knows the goals of these police officers, as long as they say they are people in black organizations, they will do their best!

As long as he catches the other party, no matter who it is, it will be good for him!

“Bang, bang, bang…”

Three bullets came in a row, and Conan evaded quickly, wanting to hide under the body of Beichuan Qiangshi, but because of the reason he was struggling to remind the other party, he exposed a lot.

Although he was not fatally injured, a bullet still went into his arm, which he called the body moving!

“Hey, wogs, it’s useless again~”

Conan’s face turned pale, he felt that the bullet had directly entered his joints, and he could feel the sound of the bones rubbing against the bullet as soon as he moved, and the wound was even more painful!

“Mud Horse, this is trying to kill me, definitely not from the Black Organization!”


“‘ ‘Damn!”

Looking at Conan, who was hiding in the blind spot again, Chianti’s teeth almost bleed, and he fired three shots in succession, but unfortunately it didn’t work!

Chianti had to temporarily dismiss this idea.

In the face of the police and FBI who are rushing towards this side, she has no plans to retreat. She aimed the gun at them, pulled the trigger, and shot!

She violated Jinjiu’s order, she never wanted to leave alive, it is better to solve a few more happy!

“Is it enough to vent?”

Not long after, a somewhat icy voice entered my ears!


The sudden sound made Chianti pale in shock, and he quickly took out his pistol and was about to shoot in the direction from which the sound came, but a hand had already pressed her shoulder!

Looking at the other party’s black coat, thinking of the voice just now, she remembered who it was, and her face calmed down, but she was still a little unwilling and guilty: “Boss Jinjiu.”

Letting go of Chianti’s shoulders, Gin turned around and said indifferently: “Let’s go, there will be opportunities in the future.”

“But Cohen (alright)…”

Chianti was unwilling to finish before he finished speaking, just stunned: “Boss won’t deal with me?”

Gin told her that as long as she acts privately, she will be responsible for herself.The sentence that I am responsible for saying it from the mouth of Jinjiu is undoubtedly the meaning of the solution, but it can be said that in the future…

“You don’t need to think about it, let’s go again.”

Qin Ji paused, then stepped forward and continued to walk forward.

He knew Chianti’s character, and he also knew about his relationship with Cohen. If he hadn’t suppressed it before and kept it secret when he left Mihua Town, I’m afraid that when Chianti died in Calvados, she would have rushed back to meet them. Fighting to avenge Calvados, not to mention that Cohen is also dead.

(Thanks to Xiaoao Cangsheng for the 100vip 4 points reward, thanks to Tianzhiyanan for the monthly pass, thanks to the frozen boy for the monthly pass, thanks to 136, 1555, 9813 for another monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!!)

(For flowers, for reviews, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments….

Chapter 350: James Black Laughs

Rationally speaking, this kind of character is very bad, and it is easy to make mistakes.

But Chianti’s strength is good, and he is loyal to the organization, and considering that it is not necessarily a bad thing to have fetters in the organization…

What happened today was Chianti’s fault, but it was expected after all.

After going downstairs, open the door.

Gin and Chianti got into the car one after another, Vodka stepped on the accelerator and sped away.Several cars approached from the opposite side, heading towards the sliver.

The basic technique, disturbing the line of sight!

“The gunshots stopped?!!”

Upstairs, Conan looked puzzled, this is too efficient, right?No, thinking of the opponent’s marksmanship and distance, he felt anxious for a while, wouldn’t he escape?

He quickly stood up and wanted to leave to ask.

But I forgot that my left arm was hit. When I moved my left arm, it felt like a needle prick again. Cold sweat broke out on my forehead. I cried out in pain, and I couldn’t help asking loudly, “What’s the result? Have you?”

The team frowned at the mouth of the Yangtze River looking at Conan, who was underground, and did not speak immediately.

After letting Conan call for a long time, at least in his mind for a long time, after he was basically sure that the sniper had left, he cautiously rushed over with gun 023.

The team leader pulled Beichuan Qiangshi’s body up, and Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

He covered the wound on his arm, stood up despite the severe pain, frowned, looked at the other party seriously and said, “Why didn’t you answer my question? Has anyone caught it? Did he run away?”


Looking at Conan’s wound, a trace of pity flashed in Eguchi’s eyes, but listening to Conan’s words, the questioning tone suddenly made his face cold, and he said without the slightest expression: “You are only our mission target, and you are the target of our mission. There is no right to know about progress.”

“You… This is about my case, why don’t I have the right to know? I don’t know how I can deduce the truth, and how can I help you when I find the murderer…” Conan was angry and felt that these police officers were more than stubborn. Can’t be trusted!

Captain Eguchi’s fist clenched slightly, and under the influence of Conan’s re-expanded death aura, there was a bit of gloomy chill in Conan’s eyes.

If it weren’t for him, there wouldn’t be so many teammates who would die!

Afterwards, he was shocked when he thought of his identity and responsibilities, and there was a bit of desolation in his heart. This is the sad part of being a subordinate and a public official.

Ordinary people are time, they are life…

Not far away, Tsubakiya Nako was lying on the ground, shivering, her head was empty, and she still hasn’t recovered.


In the alley, the police and FBI personnel searched several buildings but found nothing. The person in charge scolded the walkie-talkie.

The special code, seven people died, and they harvested such a group of trash that disturbed the sight!

“Bring them all back to me and ask carefully!” Pointing to the seven gangsters who were driving with their heads on the ground, the blue veins on the forehead of the person in charge kept beating.

“Police officer, you’re wronged. Someone paid us to come here!” A gangster holding his head couldn’t help but speak. Knife!

“Yeah, officer, we don’t break the law? Just drive and do nothing. What are you taking us back to?” Another person couldn’t help but speak.

In the past, if you were caught in a fight with money, you would be locked up for a few days at most, but now you don’t do anything, just drive, so you won’t get caught, right?

“Yes, officer, we asked…”


A few traces of coldness and irritability flashed in his eyes, and the person in charge winked at the person who was looking at them.

He also knows that the other party is likely to be used, and may not know anything.At most, this crime hinders them from performing their tasks. If there is a lawyer, at most, it is a simple inquiry, and there is no need to go to the police station.

But what if?What if you can ask for clues?In case (ajej) one of them is the other’s person… Also, this time there must be an explanation.

The police officer with a gun got a signal from the person in charge, nodded lightly to show that he knew, and then punched and kicked the few who had just spoken: “Don’t tell me, who instructed you? Who is the one who asked you to come? Who……”

They are not those who have scruples, for the task, this is a necessary means.

“Oh, police officer, how do you beat people?!!”

“I’m going to sue you, this is called beating… that is beating us, beating us!”

“Stop fighting, we are really wronged!”


ten minutes later.

After confirming that the murderer had left, the police and the FBI had to retreat.

Bring everyone into the car…including Edogawa Conan and Tsubakiya Nako, drive away, and report the failure to their person in charge.

In fact, the most important thing is the failure of the public security. After the incident in Mihua Town, the fbi was lurking in the r book, or it could be said to be semi-hidden. In fact, many fbi who have already been exposed have been killed, and the fbi has suffered heavy losses.

There are not many people who can move now.

There are only two from the fbi this time, and twelve from the police.Conan didn’t die, and they basically didn’t participate and didn’t get hurt, so they couldn’t talk about loss or failure.

Moreover, this time, the snipers shot Conan one after another, obviously wanting to kill Conan, and it couldn’t be a black organization at all, so it basically didn’t matter to them.

But James Black, who got the news, showed a rare smile.

In the case of Conan, they and the police are rivals.

Before the incident in Rice Flower Town, they were invited by Kudo Yusaku, so Conan favored them.But after the incident, they suffered heavy losses, and fewer people could participate in the protection of Conan, and Conan turned to the police.

Conan is an important experiment, there is only one.Now many forces know that he has become smaller, so some methods can’t be used, and Conan’s position has become particularly important.

After going through this, even if Conan still trusts the police, the police still have to consider the price of continuing to protect Conan.

After all, Conan is just an experiment.

They all got Conan’s blood and tissue structure, and according to the news, they did not get any valuable experimental data.

Therefore, even if you get Conan as an experiment, it is unlikely that anything will be researched.

I believe that R Ben is the same as them, and [*]% is not as good as them!

(Thanks to Tianzhi Yanan for the monthly pass, thanks to the frozen boy for the monthly pass, thanks to 136, 1555, 9813 for another monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!!)

(For flowers, for reviews, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments….

Chapter 351: Concubine Miles: I’ve made up my mind!

ten minutes later.

He thought about it carefully, and then called the investigator, Judy Santimlion.Let her find Conan again when she needs it and bring up the Witness Guarantee Program.

Although according to Edogawa Conan’s character, it is unlikely to agree.But how can they show their attitude and enhance the favor of Edogawa Conan.

Edogawa Conan’s reasoning ability is good, and it is still the goal of the winery. With his cooperation, there are still many benefits for them.Of course, they didn’t do the thousand-day thief-proof thing to protect him.

The way of being beaten passively is too pitiful, and Edogawa Conan is too capable of causing trouble. Even if the FBI family has a big business, there is no need for him to do this.If the police want it, let them do it!


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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