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Winery? Nothing — Page 228

The smile on his face brightened a bit, looking forward to this-results.

At the same time, the public security in charge of the matter also reported the matter, but the result is still unclear, and a decision has to be made.But he was also scolded, and at the same time, he also called Fujimine Yukiko.

“What? Wounded again? Sniper rifle? Is it serious?…”

Fujimine Yukiko was so frightened that she almost dropped her phone on the ground, and subconsciously went out to the hospital.

How long has it been since the Mikacho thing?She couldn’t believe that Conan was shot again, under the protection of the police and FBI!

But just halfway through, I thought of the purpose of her leaving and the consequences of helping Conan…

In the end, she gritted her teeth, stopped, and said into the phone’s microphone: “Conan’s affairs have nothing to do with me, he is responsible for himself, you can also ask Kudo Yusaku.”

After speaking, she simply hung up the phone.

Then, sitting on the ground weakly, tears didn’t seem to flow: “Shinichi, when will you grow up? What should I do, Yusaku you…”

Thinking of Kudo Yusaku, who had not yet appeared, that figure was quickly replaced by Mu Qiye. At least Mu Qiye was by her side, and Mu Qiye was reliable enough…

But she really wanted to ask Mu Qiye for help and drag Mu Qiye into this quagmire?

Concubine Law Firm.

“What? Conan was injured again, shot?!!” Kogoro Mouri’s eyes widened, his head was blank, this special code disappeared for a while, why was he shot?

“Yukiko said it has nothing to do with her? It’s too irresponsible…Okay, okay, I’ll go!” Kogoro Mouri nodded, and immediately hung up after asking for a clear location.

He is also Conan’s guardian in name. Yukiko’s own mother is not responsible and can only be handed over. Yukiko is really…

After all, Conan is her own son, just talk about it, how can it be true?This is too ruthless and irresponsible…

Wounded, shot, Conan?

Conan’s brows furrowed slightly. Through these few words, a conclusion can be drawn tomorrow that Conan is in trouble again, and it’s not a trivial matter!

No matter which group it is, Xiaolan must be kept away from Conan!

The thought that had been dismissed because of time and reason reappeared in my mind, and it was stronger than before!

“Miles, we~”

Mouri Kogoro turned off the phone and looked at Concubine Miles with a smile on his face.

Concubine Miles’ face turned cold: “Go away, don’t come to me in the future, the lawsuit the day after tomorrow will remain the same, you don’t want to see Xiaolan either!”

“What? Miles…”

Hearing this, Maori Xiaogoro was stunned for a moment, and then he hurried forward to grab Fei Mi and question her why she changed her decision.

He clearly said just now that she and Xiaolan could meet once, so why has it changed now?

Before Mouri Kogoro approached, Fei Mi rang the alarm at hand.

“Security, come up!”

After returning from Qiben Island, she thought about it, and asked Mu Qiye for a few bodyguards in charge of security.Although the office is so big, she always has to express her attitude.

If there is a need, it means that you must rely on it.

She doesn’t need anything, why does Mu Qiye believe her?The more she needed, the more Mu Qiye believed in her.Besides, Tokyo is really messed up right now, and of course, other places too.

Fights and fights are not uncommon. Although I haven’t heard of many murder cases, the trivial things have been multiplied. There are people on the road who are openly robbed…

“Miles, you…” Hearing this, Kogoro Mori had to stop.

He knew that through the phone call just now, Fei Mi was worried that Conan’s incident would affect Xiao Lan.

But that’s just a group of mice hiding in the dark!

Even if it is a temporary gain, it is just a mouse!

They don’t dare to confront Tiaozi head-on, not to mention the public security. As long as they protect the land well, how can Xiaolan be so easily hurt?

However, he also knew that this matter did not make sense.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

“Go away, I have nothing to do with you, don’t call me Miles. You don’t have to ask Xiaolan to call me in the future, you can’t even get through to Xiaolan’s phone!”

Concubine Miles clenched her fists and looked at Mouri Kogoro coldly.

Like Maori Kogoro, she also knows what Maori Kogoro thinks, but knowing it doesn’t mean she agrees, on the contrary, she hates Maori Kogoro even more!

Hate that he knew the danger and contacted Kudo Shinichi. He knew that Xiaolan might be implicated, but he kept insisting. He knew that he couldn’t solve the problem, but he still risked one in ten thousand chances and luck to believe it. is the real result!

Concubine Mi’s words made Maori Xiaogoro pale in shock: “Mili, you can’t do this? Why did you even call Xiaolan from me…”


It was also because of Xiaolan’s phone call that he persuaded Concubine Miles just now. If he was deprived of the right to make phone calls, he couldn’t imagine that he also had any communication with Xiaolan!

At this moment, two bodyguards in their thirties with resolute faces also appeared at the door.Fei Mi signaled them to come in, pointed at Kogoro Mouri and said, “Take it out, don’t let him get close to the office in the future!”

“Yes, Concubine Lawyer!” The two bodyguards nodded and walked towards Mouri Kogoro, one hand on his shoulder.

Mouri Kogoro has to resist, and wants to stay and let Concubine Miles change his opinion.

The two bodyguards were not good looking either. They simply kicked at the knee joint of Kogoro Maori. As soon as Kogoro Kogoro became weak, they were dragged out by the two of them grabbing his shoulders and dragging him out like a dead pig.

“Miles, you can’t do this, Miles…”


Ignoring Maori Kogoro’s voice, Fei Mi picked up the phone and called the warden in the name of Mu Qiye: The meaning is very simple, no one other than her is allowed to visit and call Ma Lilan.

Can’t go on anymore!

After hanging up the phone, Fei Mi’s pupils shrank, and she put on a phone card that had been useless for a long time, and sent a text message to Mu Qiye: “I’ve decided, if you don’t help me, I can do it myself!”

(Thanks to Tianzhi Yanan for the monthly pass, thanks to the frozen boy for the monthly pass, thanks to 136, 1555, 9813 for another monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!!)

(Please ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for reward, ask for support, ask for comments… Any.

Chapter 352: Conan: I don’t want plastic surgery!

“You can get it!”

On an unknown island belonging to Fukushima, Mu Qiye looked at the text message with a speechless expression.If Fei Mi hadn’t mentioned it, he would have really forgotten about it.After deleting the text message, shake his head and put the phone aside.

It is also a good thing, and there will be one more person who can use it in the future.

“Uh… what is it used for?”

Mu Qiye was stunned and thought about it carefully.He doesn’t lack lawyers, and Fei Mi’s cooking is not good, and his medical skills and strength are not that good… It seems that Fei Mi is irreplaceable.

Forget it, look good, have a good figure, and be comfortable!

He shrugged indifferently, thinking of Fei Mi’s body, Mu Qiye’s blood surged somewhat, the dark circle merged into the body of the octopus, and then threw the octopus into the sea!

I’ll talk later when I’m busy.

“Next, let’s get a shark… um, if you can eat some “zero two three”, what is the most edible animal? Silkworm, whale, pig, maybe. Maybe you can develop a sea shark…”


Cornflower Central Hospital.

Edogawa Conan, who was already beaten by an old acquaintance, had just finished surgery to take out the bullet and pushed it back to the ward. The head of the plainclothes police, Masaki Okada, came over and brought him news that was neither good nor bad. .

“What? Won’t protect me from now on?”

Conan was surprised, and didn’t believe that the police would let him go as a bait to find the black organization.If you think about it carefully, there are no clues during this time, and they have inexplicably suffered heavy losses.

It is estimated that their boss is also irresponsible, has no sense of justice, lacks ability, and is worried about taking responsibility… Otherwise, he would not have given up so soon!

But, this is also a good thing.

Some things are followed by them, which is really not easy to operate.Just like the case of Noriko Okaya, without them, even if he climbed the window, he could sneak to Noriko Okaya’s house to find some clues!

“Okay, I see.” Conan nodded, expressing no opinion.

Knowing Conan’s character is also expected.

Masaki Okada, a police officer in plain clothes in his thirties, also nodded and said, “Thank you for your understanding. However, we still recommend that you accept our advice and join our protection…”

“Needless to say.”

Conan shook his head and interrupted, knowing what they meant, and said with a firm and persistent face: “I will not accept any protection plan, nor will I leave Tokyo, I will definitely find those guys’ lair and arrest them!”

As he spoke, he also glanced at the FBI investigator who had not spoken, Judy St. Timilion.

Judy shrugged, a little helpless. She knew what Conan meant, but she also said seriously: “Whether you agree or not, our fbi will do our best to protect everyone’s safety. If you need it, you can contact us at any time.”

What a world sliver!

Okada Zhengji complained for a while, but then expressed his attitude: “As long as it is within the territory of Ben, we will do our best to ensure your safety!”

Throwing out other external conditions, Conan is indeed smart enough, reasoning ability, and strength is not weak.Whether it’s to detect cases, maintain domestic stability, or target the black organization’s plan, Conan is a good pawn.

“Well, I see!”

Conan has a smile on his face, this is the ZF organization he knows!

Wait, the Black Organization, and… Mu Qiye!

One day, I will take them and arrest you all and bring them to justice!

At this moment, he seemed to feel that the FBI, the public security, and the ZF forces from all over the world were all integrated, and standing behind him, he had infinite strength and confidence!

“By the way, where’s Mom?” Conan reacted and looked left and right. He still wanted to borrow this, but Mom came over and asked Mom to promise to help him disguise!

Judy St. Timilión also looked at the plainclothes police officer curiously.

Didn’t contact Fujimine Yukiko?

Okada Masaki took a deep look at Conan, which made Conan’s heart shudder, and then said, “Ms. Yukiko said that your affairs have nothing to do with her, and you will be responsible for anything in the future, or ask Mr. Kudo Yusaku.”

“What?!! How could Mom do this? It’s not true!” Conan’s eyes widened, he couldn’t believe it, he was already like this and Mom didn’t come to see him.

It is even more troublesome. If there is no mother’s disguise mask, how can he infiltrate the crime scene, participate in the case, and arrest criminals in the future! !

Although the girlfriend named Beichuan Qiangshi was also caught this time, the loss of the police is definitely not small, otherwise they would not have made such a decision.It’s not enough for him to prove his strength to Tiaozi, let him improve his attitude towards him, and let him participate in the case!

“Conan, Mr. Kudo hasn’t contacted you during this period of time?” Judy Santimlion couldn’t help staring at Conan and asked, wanting to see if Kudo Yusaku had really contacted him… …

The police officer in plainclothes looked at Conan with a frown.

Kudo Yusaku is Conan’s father, so it should be understandable that they and FBI poured dirty water on him.After all, their losses are indeed too great, and they also need to explain to the outside world, which is also for the overall situation.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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