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Winery? Nothing — Page 229

But Kudo Yusaku hasn’t contacted Conan for so long, but it’s a bit unreasonable.This father and son have a tacit understanding, always doing things secretly…

“No this time!” Conan also looked distressed and solemn when facing the questioning gazes of the two.It stands to reason that even if Dad leaves the book, even if he has other plans, he will text him or call him to let him know.

But this time, there is really nothing, and the phone is also turned off…

Dad, where are you?

what do I do?Do you really need plastic surgery?

Conan is also distressed, he really doesn’t want plastic surgery!

Looking at Conan’s expression, the suspicions of Judy and the plainclothes police officer were reduced a lot, and their expressions gradually calmed down.


“Yes, I thought about avenging my dead fiancé and killing the two sinners who caused his accident, but I met Mr. Mu when I was in the cemetery and was seen through by Mr. Mu. Discarded this idea, this is not a crime, right?”

The interrogation room of the Sliver Bureau.Okaya Noriko looked at the long face, thick eyebrows, and the new police department who looked very cheerful and kind. Toyama Ginshiro calmed down her thoughts.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but glance at Tsubakiya Nako, the girlfriend of Kitagawa Qiangshi next to him, who was one of the culprits who made faces at them in the back seat and provoked them to cause the accident in the accident!

Seeing her frightened, as if encountering a ghost calling for her life, she has the urge to laugh, it really should, this is the real justice!

(Thanks to 136, 1555, 9813 for monthly tickets, 136, 1555, 9813 for monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!!)

(For flowers, for reviews, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments….

Chapter 353: Hattori Heizang: Heartbroken

“Of course, it’s just for Okaya to come to ask for confirmation.”

Okaya Noriko’s expression caught in his eyes, Toyama Ginjirou still shook his head lightly with a smile.

Because of the shooting, Tsubakiya Nako was already terrified when she came.After a few words suggesting that she might continue to be in danger, Tsubakiya Nako confessed the details of the car accident.

Although there is indeed a reason for the mentality of Okaya Noriko’s fiancé, it is undeniable that Tsubakiya Nako and Kitagawa Qiangshi are indeed hateful. If it was someone else, it would be unbearable to be so provoked in front of his fiancée.

Of course, it’s not necessarily a car accident, it’s a matter of how to deal with it.

“That’s good, then…” Okaya Noriko was also relieved, there was no need for anyone to want to get involved in the murder case, and then looked at Tsubakiya Nako inquiringly.

Tsubakiya Nako shivered at the sight of Noriko Okaya, and quickly lowered her head.

As soon as Edogawa Conan came to him because of Noriko Okaya, they were shot, and his boyfriend, Kitagawa Qiangshi, died.Although I don’t think Okaya Noriko has this ability, it is inevitable that she will suspect her or the people around her.

Thinking of the scene in the afternoon, she was frightened and found that she was not so fearless. 09 She wanted to live, not to die…

Not only did she feel this way, even Noriko Okaya felt this way, but she also had a target for guessing, her face flushed slightly, and then she concealed it.

Knowing that Okaya Noriko and Mu Qiye had contact, Yuanshan Yinshirou also had the same guess.But knowing what happened, Mu Qiye was excluded.

There are many reasons for this, the simplest being an order from a superior.

There is no need to suspect Mu Qiye, even if the matter is true, you must report it first, and you cannot coerce, arrest, or interrogate Mu Qiye for any reason…

The treatment of Mu Qiye is already the same as the top chaebols of Osaka, Fujiwara, Mitsui and Sumitomo, that is, the top chaebols of Nakiri and Suzuki.Even if it were true, he couldn’t handle it.

What’s more, Edogawa Conan was shot one after another, and the goal this time was obviously to solve Edogawa Conan.Even if Mu Qiye didn’t want to get involved with Edogawa Conan’s affairs for the sake of Fujimine Yukiko, and wanted to solve him completely, there was no need to attack the police.

Besides, no matter how you think about it, Mu Qiye will not kill someone who can only be considered a good-looking woman who is the first time they meet…

Putting these aside, Toyama Ginjiro said solemnly: “We have already understood what happened. Okaya’s testimony is basically the same as Tsubakiya Nako’s statement.”

“Although the car accident is not directly related to Kitagawa Qiangshi and Tsubakiya Nako, it is also indirectly caused by their reasons. Let’s not talk about Beichuan Qiangshi’s shooting.”

“Ms. Tsubakiya Nako should be sentenced to at least one year in prison for the crime of obstructing traffic, affecting the public … etc., because of the serious consequences that caused the death of others.”

“If Okaya is dissatisfied with the handling, he can also file a lawsuit in the court, and our police will fully cooperate and provide relevant information and proofs…”

The handling of charges that do not directly cause the death of others has slipped considerably.

Of course, if you find a good lawyer, the possibility of acquittal is not small.After being released at most, he was condemned by morals, but looking at the situation of Tsubakiya Nako, there is no need to consider this aspect.

“A year…”

Thinking that Beichuan Qiangshi is dead, and looking at Tsubakiya Nako like this, it is estimated that he will live in fear in the future.Okaya Noriko frowned, pondered for a moment, then his expression dropped, got up and bowed sincerely to Yuanshan Yinshilang.

“I see, thank you Officer Yuanshan!”

“No, this is what I should do, Okaya.” Seeing this scene, Toyama Yinshiro also got up quickly and helped Okaya Noriko up.There are also a few warnings.

After all, Noriko Okaya also has the idea of ​​killing two people.Of course, considering that Mu Qiye didn’t know the relationship between the two, he didn’t say too much, his tone was as gentle as possible, and it was enough to express the meaning.

Besides, the fiancé was told that he did not commit a crime because other people died. Who can accept this?Comparing the heart to the heart, the behavior can also be understood.

Noriko Okaya also humbly accepted.

In fact, if Tiaozi had told him that before, even if they were sentenced to half a year in prison, her thoughts would not be so extreme, and she thought that she would use legal means to aggravate their punishment.

But he said he was innocent.All I can say is, good luck makes people!

Send Okaya Noriko out of the Slip Bureau.

Looking at the dark sky with stars already covered by neon, Noriko Okaya felt unexpectedly relaxed.

“Thank you… Da Nan, you can rest your eyes…”

Okaya Noriko drove away, but Toyama Ginshiro showed a little distressed look: Shinomiya Kojiro, at least one hand was broken when he left the Totsuki area, really…

He sighed inwardly, feeling a little nostalgic for the days in Osaka.

Although his position in Osaka has almost come to an end, Hattori Hirazo is finally on top of major events, and his life is comfortable enough, but who doesn’t want to take a step closer?

Hattori Heizang also agreed with him to come here.

“Can you find Mu Qiye in an emergency? This… Really?”

Thinking of Mu Qiye’s reputation for being Huaxin, he was really unsure.

Osaka, Hattori House.

Hattori Hirazura is rarely absent-minded at the dining table, or is thinking about other things,

At the dining table, Hattori Jinghua, who was wearing a kimono and had slender eyebrows, put down the tableware and couldn’t help but say, “I advised you not to let Yin Shirou leave, but you didn’t listen. I don’t know who to choose now, do you?”

The squinted Hattori Hizang came back to his senses, glanced at Hattori Jinghua, shook his head lightly and said, “Director Hakuba has called, what can I do? Ginshiro’s ability is good, and it’s not a bad thing to go to Tokyo.”

Speaking of this, he didn’t continue talking. The important thing was that Yuanshan Yinshirou was also moved.Although it was not purely because of his position, he also wanted to achieve his revenge at the police station, but Toyama Yinshiro was really moved.

Even if the heart-wrenching person is stopped, it doesn’t make much sense to stay. It is better to take the initiative to fulfill him and let him leave.

“Just be stubborn!”

Hattori Shizuka rolled his eyes at him, sat down and said, “See who you are looking for to take over the position of Ginshiro. Now that Heiji and Ye are going to Tokyo, you don’t have to worry!”

(Thanks to 136, 1555, 9813 for monthly tickets, 136, 1555, 9813 for monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!!)

Chapter 354: The Takahashi Family: It’s Too Late to Regret

“Don’t worry, there is Ginjiro there and me, Heiji is fine.” Hattori Heizang still shook his head slightly.

He knew that Hattori Jinghua was worried about Mu Qiye, and Mu Qiye would be interested in He Ye and would attack Heiji.But as long as he is still in this position, if Mu Qiye is smart enough, it is impossible to do anything to Pingji.

After all, he is not a small person either.

Mu Qiye represented the chaebols, associations, and other forces that dared not move.To a certain extent, Pingji also represented the children of their politicians, and these people, including Mu Qiye, did not dare to move.

If Mu Qiye really acted on Pingji without any scruples, it would also represent Mu Qiye’s attitude towards them.

As long as Pingji doesn’t offend Mu Qiye for being too cruel, there won’t be much of a problem.

Now he is even more troubled about who will take over Ginshiro’s position next.This time, he also helped the Chief Police Officer of White Horse and the Tiaozi Bureau, so Yinshilang’s position is up to him to accept his fate, which means that he can cultivate a cronie by default.

In recent years, they have not been close to each other, and there are not many people who can really use it and can match this position.Maybe they saw this too…

Shengxianxia Courtyard.

It was past eight o’clock, and we went back to the other courtyard for dinner.

Mu Qiye sat on the sofa with Qiong in his arms.A young girl is much stronger than a cat and a dog, and it feels like a cat and a dog when you slap it up…

Looking at the blushing Qiong leaning against his arms, Mu Qiye couldn’t help kissing him. He looked up at Lingzi Suzuki who was peeling the grapes and said, “In three days, right?”

Suzuki Lingzi secretly spit, still a little uncomfortable, nodded and said: “Well, three days later will be the [-]th anniversary of the founding of our Suzuki Group, father and mother hope you can come, and Uncle Jiroji will come too. Of course, if you don’t go…”

“Oh? Your uncle will come too~”?”

Mu Qiye’s face showed a little surprise, remembering that Jiroji Suzuki didn’t seem to have a participant’s anniversary.Of course, not necessarily, I remember that it is not very clear anyway, it seems that the phantom thief Kidd disguised himself into Xiaolan or something.

Well, now I’m more used to it than before, at least it’s not a pure man anymore.


Suzuki Ryoko didn’t find it strange.

Uncle Jiroji is generally in charge of overseas business. Even if it is a holiday, he rarely returns to the book, let alone the day of celebration: “Uncle will also come, and on the day of the banquet, our family will display the ancestral gems and dark stars.”

“The dark stars were also targeted by the phantom thief Kidd, who said that he wanted to steal the dark stars. Uncle Jiroji was very interested in the phantom thief Kidd, and wanted to…”

After speaking, he glanced at Mu Qiye, Mu Qiye shrugged helplessly, knowing what Suzuki Lingzi meant, and part of his reason.

Suzuki Lingzi didn’t care, and continued: “But it’s not certain when it will be stolen. I heard from my mother that the day before the banquet, that is, the day after tomorrow, there will be an exhibition at the Rice Flower Museum, and the thief Kidd also sent a notice… “

“A few days ago, when I was in Mihua Town, Kaitou Kidd came to adjust the situation to familiarize himself with the environment?”

Putting this question aside, Mu Qiye shook his head gently, looked at Lingzi Suzuki and said with a smile, “Okay, just promise for me, I will go.”

Even if Mu Qiye didn’t agree, she would accept it.

But hearing this, Suzuki Ryoko’s face couldn’t help but reveal an indescribable joy.Mu Qiye smiled and joked, “So happy? How are you going to repay me?”

Having said that, the big fade of Pai Qiong made Qiong stand up. (…) Mu Qiye walked up to Suzuki Lingzi with a smile, bowed his head and kissed.Suzuki Lingzi blushed and lowered her head.

“Let’s go, it’s getting late…”

After the meeting, I have to work on Concubine Miles, it is really late.


Concubine Mile’s apartment.

The lights in the room were still on, just dimly lit.

Since Xiaolan entered the prison, she doesn’t like turning off the lights very much, and she doesn’t like bright lights very much. The lights in the prison are too bright, which makes people feel a little dazzling.

Instead of changing into pajamas or professional clothes, he changed into a black sportswear that is good at sports, which is convenient for movement.She hoped that Mu Qiye would come.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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