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Winery? Nothing — Page 231

He believes in power and power more than the law.

The company under his name has basically taken shape, not to mention that there are not many influential people who dare to come and make trouble. Even if he does come and annoys him, he dares to burn them all with one fire, even the ashes are not left. !

Hearing the end, Fei Mi’s heart warmed, and her face gradually calmed down. She looked at Mu Qiye and said with concern: “I see, I won’t tell others, let’s go, don’t let them find out.”

Don’t think about it, Mu Qiye doesn’t know much about this ability.

You don’t have that ability either!

Mu Qiye knew what Concubine Miles meant, of course, he didn’t have any idea of ​​explaining it.Nodding with a smile, he left here and returned to the dense forest of Shengxian Gorge.

“Ability? Magic…”

Seeing Mu Qiye disappearing so suddenly, even if he had expected it, Fei Miles would still be a little unacceptable: This is the era of Ke Xue, why does it seem to have become magical all of a sudden?

“Is this really a superficial world? There is another mysterious world that only a few people know about?” Fei Mile, a modern-educated barrister, could not help but fall into doubt.


Luxurious hotel suite.

Sitting on the European-style white palace seat, Belmod looked at the computer on the table, which displayed relevant information about Mu Qiye in the organization system.

The organization’s intelligence system is much stronger than the intelligence of the Internet and even some small countries. The black market, associations, rumors… are all their collection targets.

A big man like Mu Qiye, it is said that they must have a lot of black material.This is also the source of part of the organization’s income, recruiting members, threats… .

However, because Mu Qiye became famous not long ago, he joined the system relatively late, so the information is actually the same.

Of course, it’s much better than what you can find online.

Related information after birth, entanglements with new households, performance in school, growth experience…

It also includes detailed records of the two sisters who met Miyano Akemi and Miyano Shiho at Chunguotei, and their relationship with Miyano Shiho, as well as all kinds of rumors and speculations…

“What a clever man who is good at hiding!”

Looking at the records of the relevant details in Chunguo Pavilion, Belmod couldn’t help shaking his head with a sigh.

However, after reading it, she couldn’t help frowning: “Is it over?”

Unwillingly, I swiped the mouse down a few times and checked it carefully, but there was still no other information.

According to the organization’s rules of conduct, even if she didn’t want to provoke Mu Qiye, Miyano Akemi was Miyano Shiho’s sister after all.Mu Qiye took Miyano Akimi away. For safety reasons, the organization will inevitably contact Mu Qiye again. The current treatment of Miyano Shibao also shows this!

“It is impossible not to have contact, record, unless… the level is not enough, or there is no record at all!”

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Belmod’s eyes light up slightly!

According to her level, she can view [*]% of the organization’s information, and even if she can’t find it, it is a top secret matter, that is to say…

At this moment, the computer screen was garbled like a virus.

Belmod frowned and said nothing.

Soon, a bald old man in his sixties, hooked nose, and bald head appeared on the screen, but the old man’s eyes were particularly sharp, dressed as a gentleman of Western aristocracy.

Organize boss Karasuma Renye!

“What do you want to investigate?”

When Karasuma Renye looked at Belmod with sharp eyes, she couldn’t help but calm down a bit.


Belmod frowned, obviously not buying it, took a sip of red wine, and said plainly: “Is the person who called Jinjiu Mu Qiye? Details of Mu Qiye.”

“Yes, I don’t know.”

Karasuma Lianye didn’t care, and after a simple answer, her face showed a bit of solemnity: “Apart from hiding the news of cooperation with us, what you see is all the information we have collected about Mu Qiye. , there is no record in the database.”


Belmod snorted softly and made a nasal sound, not believing what he said.

Karasuma Lianye didn’t explain it. After thinking about it, she said lightly: “You can ask Jinjiu about the specific matter. In a few days, we will organize the transaction with Mu Qiye.”

“If you want to go, you can go and have a look. However, the matter of Mu Qiye is a top secret. Except for me and Qin Jiu, you are the third one. Don’t tell anyone else.”

“Huh? Trading?”

Hearing that he had traded with Mu Qiye, Belmod frowned, showing a little surprise, what did he trade with Mu Qiye?Before he could speak, he saw the screen shaking for a while, and the picture had returned to its original state.

(Thanks to 136, 1555, 9813 for monthly tickets, 136, 1555, 9813 for monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) Any.

Chapter 357: Sato Technology, Kurosawa Array

Looking at the restored screen, Belmod’s face was a little complicated, and then he frowned and turned to the words just now: “The third one, so mysterious?”

In the organization, Gin belongs to the action faction, in fact, it ranks in the top ten.

He knew that it was impossible for the first few to not know any of them.There is no need to lie to her about this, Karasuma Rianye, it is likely that Jinjiu led Mu Qiye to the organization, or facilitated cooperation with the organization. Thinking of what Karasuma Rianye said just now, she couldn’t help but nodded secretly.

Sign out of the website, take out your phone.

A transfer text message was sent from the mobile phone, 1 million yen!

“Money makes up for everything?”

Belmod smiled sarcastically, and simply closed the short “zero two three” letter.After thinking about it, she called Jinjiu: How could she miss such an interesting thing?


“Mr. Kurosawa, please!”

Inside the tunnel, Shusuke Sato, who was in his thirties, quickly opened the container.

Looking at the rows of databases in the container, Gin frowned, and looked at Shusuke Sato with dissatisfaction, this is not what he wanted!

But Shusuke Sato smiled and said, “Mr. Kurosawa, please wait a moment.”

Then he took out his phone and pressed a few buttons.

The warehouse suddenly blurred, like a mosaic, and then disappeared, and the database became a car.

“Bionic system? Did your research succeed?”

With a bit of surprise in his eyes, Gin looked suspiciously at Shusuke Sato, the eldest young master of the Sato Group.

Sato Technology is an organizational investment, and even most of the holding companies are high-tech technology companies. The main research directions are biological computers, artificial intelligence… Of course, it also includes medicine, medicine, chemical preparations…

He also knew about this part of the information, including the biological computer, which is the main research direction of Sato Technology, but the information marked is in progress, not completed.

“There has been a breakthrough!”

Shusuke Sato said modestly, but Gin still saw a proud expression on his face.

“Although a lot of machine settings and layouts are still needed, the cost of large-scale use is higher, satellites and environmental requirements are needed, but it is definitely at the forefront of the world, and a new generation of biological systems will soon be developed…”

It just didn’t work?

Jin Jiu heard what he meant, shook his head slightly in disappointment, and said according to the boss’s meaning: “I will tell the boss about this incident and let the boss increase a part of the investment in Sato Technology.”

“Thank you Mr. Kurosawa, I heard that the organization has made rapid progress in drug research recently, and already…” Sato Shusuke showed a faint smile, and then looked at Gin expectantly.

Jin Jiu nodded, glanced at him, and said, “As long as you work hard, you will definitely get a share of the success of the research, and other related drugs can also be given to you.”

After that, Jin Jiu got into the car directly.

“Mr. Kurosawa, please rest assured, our Sato family will do our best for the organization and be loyal to the organization~”

Later, Shusuke Sato hurriedly promised.

There was a bit of joy on his face, a bit of fear, and a bit of unwillingness.

After confirming that the goods on the car were correct, Gin glanced at Shusuke Sato and knew exactly what he was thinking.

Although Sato Technology is an organizational investment, it is even said that the shares it occupies are higher than that of the Sato family.

But Sato technology is developing too fast. Although it is not comparable to the big chaebols such as Suzuki, Mitsubishi, and Mitsui, and there are also many gaps between the chaebols such as Ooka and Nagato, they have also reached the ranks of the third echelon, which is quite valued by governments of various countries.

After all, the organization can’t see the light. The Sato family has left the initial difficult stage. They want to change their minds and break away from the organization. If they weren’t worried about the organization’s retaliation, they would have turned against the water long ago!

Of course, the organization also took into account the value of Sato Technology and has not done anything to the Sato family. ……

Suddenly, the phone began to vibrate.

Gin frowned, took out his phone and looked down: Belmod.

And a text message from the boss.

You can tell Belmod everything you know about Mu Qiye, and Belmod will be the third person in the organization who knows Mu Qiye’s identity!

Belmod is the third?

Did the boss and I know about it before?The second character, Rum, doesn’t know either?

As soon as you stepped on the accelerator, the car hummed.

Gin drove the car out of the container and sped out.

The car fell to the ground, flipped a few times, the speed did not decrease at all, and quickly disappeared from sight!

“Damn, if…”

Looking at the speeding car and leaving Kurosawa without saying hello, Shusuke Sato gritted his teeth unwillingly, then picked up his mobile phone and called his father: “Father, Kurosawa has taken the things away!”


He also knew that the organization knew that they were unwilling to succumb like this, otherwise, according to the strength of the organization, they would transport some messy things, and it would be impossible to use the power of their Sato family to mix things with theirs.

4.9 Obviously this is to warn them, don’t try to write nonsense, let them honestly work for the organization, honestly the organization’s dog legs, otherwise…


“Hey, what do you want to know? Belmod.”

In the car, after connecting the phone, Gin asked calmly.



(Thanks to 136, 1555, 9813 for monthly tickets, 136, 1555, 9813 for monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!!)


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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