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Winery? Nothing — Page 232

(Sorry, I’m not in the state today, I have a stomach problem again, in pain…)

Chapter 358: Plan B!

It was past nine o’clock when I returned to the courtyard from the forest, and Suzuki Lingzi and the others were no different.After all, Mu Qiye went out for a walk early in the morning, or even in the middle of the night. Although there were not many things to read in the study, it was nothing new.

“Sir, what would you like to eat?”

Hirota Masami looked at Mu Qiye with a phone in hand.Although they moved here, they still order food most of the time.After all, they are not short of money, and they are far worse than professional chefs.

“Forgot to find a little cook!”

After patting his head, Mu Qiye also thought of this.When I was planning to go to Totsuki Li Palace, I talked with Chiu Chiengo, but who would have thought that Kojiro Shinomiya had appeared in the middle, as well as Belmod and Koizumi Koizumi, I forgot for a while.


Suzuki Lingzi glanced at Mu Qiye angrily: Little cook? …not even hiding!

However, she has long wanted to find a chef.

It is not appropriate to always order meals at home, it is still convenient to have a chef, and it is not always together for every meal.

It’s just that she has good cooking skills, she is only forty years old, and beautiful female chefs are too popular, and there are not many people who are recruiting, so 09 can only be put on hold for the time being.

As for the female teacher, Qiu Ting Lingzi is indeed a good choice, but Mu Qiye has such a bad reputation that Qiu Ting Lingzi doesn’t come at all.

If Mu Qiye was asked to talk, [*]% to [*]% would have to talk about the bed, or force or threaten…

other people……

“I’m going out first, let’s eat first.”

Thinking of Mujiujiyuan fruit, Mu Qiye simply got up and prepared to dig Mujiujiyuan fruit.It’s nothing to not eat a meal, the important thing is the fierce cook, this is the standard for men!

Seeing Mu Qiye leave in a hurry, Suzuki Lingzi, Kasugano Saki, and Hirota Masami shook their heads speechlessly, still so fiery.

“Forget it, let’s eat!” Suzuki Lingzi said.


After calling Mujiujiyuanguo, Mu Qiye found Mujiujiyuanguo in a cafe not far away.

“Mu, Mr. Mu…”

Seeing Mu Qiye, Mu Jiu Zhi Yuan Guo hurriedly got up.

Her face turned slightly red, and she felt a little timid and scared when she thought about Shinomiya Kojiro, so she couldn’t help but bow her head a little.


Mu Qiye didn’t care, and after letting her sit down, he said directly, “How about going to my house to be a chef?”

“…Hey? Chef?!!”

Hearing this, Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo looked up at Mu Qiye and his head was buzzing, and he never thought that Mu Qiye would say this.

“Hey what? Agree or disagree?”

Seeing Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo’s cute appearance, Mu Qiye couldn’t help but smile a little.

“Mr. Mu, this~”

Mujiujiyuanguo’s face turned even redder, and after thinking about it, his face became tangled.

In fact, she hadn’t thought about it, Mu Qiye’s character was there, there was no chef at home and she often asked her to order food, and the sisters in the restaurant often joked.


It’s not like outright refusal.

Mu Qiye smiled even more, and his tone softened a bit: “Just ask the question of treatment, and I can give you 5% of the shares in the fast food restaurant under my name.”


Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo was stunned for a moment, and then waved his hand anxiously: “I didn’t mean that, but I have Chunguoting, and the employees of Chunguoting…”

There are less than 1000 fast food restaurants under Mu Qiye’s name now, and there are six or seven hundred, and they are still expanding. Even if Chunguoting makes money, the [*]% share income is more than the total income of her five stores. .

“So from your own perspective, you agree?”

Mu Qiye narrowly looked at Mu Jiuzhi’s orchard fruit.Mu Qiye was a little uncomfortable looking at it, Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo’s face was flushed, and he didn’t know what to say: “I…just…”

In fact, when Mu Qiye was at the door of the bathroom, she liked Mu Qiye a little bit, but it was just all kinds of messy things, and in order to improve her cooking skills, the heart of cooking seemed to be leaning over there…

“Okay, what did I force you to do?”

Seeing that Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo didn’t object in her heart, Mu Qiye didn’t use the first plan to bring her back to another courtyard directly, with raw rice and cooked rice.

After all, it’s okay to take a little cook to bring her back. According to Yuanguo’s character, after a relationship, it’s good to persuade a few words.

“You like cooking for others so much? You’ve been busy here all day, where are you going?” Mu Qiye looked at Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo and directly asked her what was in her heart.


Being stared at by Mu Qiye, Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo was in a mess and didn’t know what to say.

In her heart, she doesn’t really like to be so busy.She just likes cooking. Rather than opening a restaurant, she prefers to study cooking by herself…

“Isn’t it worth it? I earn more money on my side, and I have more free time, so what else is there to consider?”

Ordinary people don’t really think about it.

Kukuchi Yuanguo also knew that even if she opened a restaurant, she was actually not as good as Kan Hyugako, Kakugasaki Taki and the others.Her personality is too soft, and she is not suitable for dealing with complicated situations other than cooking.

Originally, the three stores were enough for her to be busy, but because of the improvement of cooking skills, the clerks collectively suggested to expand the store… She had to agree, but after agreeing, she was undoubtedly even more busy, and she couldn’t stand it at all.Moreover, in the past few days after leaving to Yuanyue to be an examiner, there was also a lot of chaos in the store…

“But, my employees…” Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo 023 didn’t want to disappoint her employees. If she leaves, what should she do with her employees who have good feelings and are similar to sisters?how to think?

Good boss of the world, it’s a pity…

Mu Qiye smiled and shook his head, interrupting her concerns: “Don’t worry, I also have a few hotels, if they want to continue working, they will go there. The grade is not as good as Chunguoting, but the cooking skills are good. You can also be a chef. The other positions are also management positions. Even if you don’t want to do it, I can give them a severance pay that is comparable to a lot…”

“Ah? This…”

Hearing Mu Qiye’s arrangement, Mu Jiuzhiyuan was stunned, but he didn’t expect Mu Qiye to arrange them so well.The employee’s problem should be basically solved, but…

Thinking of the relevant information about Mu Qiye found on the Internet, thinking of going to Mu Qiye’s house and meeting so many women…

Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo was still a little reluctant, but Mu Qiye didn’t give her a chance to choose.Afterwards, he called Yukita Asagawa, who was recommended by the Nakiri family, and asked him to take charge of the acquisition and closure of Chunguotei.

(Thanks to 136, 1555, 9813 for monthly tickets, 136, 1555, 9813 for monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!!)

Chapter 359: Designer Eiko Toya

In less than half an hour, Kota Asakawa rushed over.

Compared with Taro Sakai and Asuka Shimizu, his work is relatively leisurely.Of course, it’s not that there is no job, it’s just that the business he is responsible for is also about this aspect of catering.

He came from Totsuki and was in charge of this part before.

So they are familiar with each other. Yuanyue and Mu Qiye also cooperated, and he also had a certain understanding of the business under the name of Mu Qiye.Needless to say, business counterparts, more importantly, the catering industry does not have so many twists and turns.

The government has been smooth all the way, and the company under his name has regular cooperation with Yuanyue Group and Yuanyue Shijie, so there is no need to worry about popularity.It can be said that he only needs to be responsible for controlling the ingredients, the safety of cooking, optimizing the company structure, and integrating resources…

It looks like a lot. In fact, most of them can be copied from Yuanyue, but they are slightly deformed. Besides, he is not the only one. It is not as troublesome as imagined, and most of it is enough to leave it to others.

It is estimated that at most half a month, the resources of the company under Mu Qiye’s name have been integrated, and the Mu’s consortium has been announced. After dividing the business, he will be responsible for reviewing and expanding most of the time, which is also his business.

Learn the basic information of Wan Chunguo Pavilion.

Mu Qiye and Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo went to Chunguo Pavilion together.Because it was not a meal time, there were not many people who came. After busying these few customers, they closed the door and announced the matter, including their subsequent treatment and treatment.

“Chunguoting… is it closed?”

Most of the people showed surprised expressions, knowing that Mu Qiye would not let his store manager go, but they didn’t expect it to come true, so quickly!

Afterwards, most of them were relieved.

Although I miss it a bit, I don’t want to leave Chunguoting, but I also care about the store manager.But the bad things that happened because of the expansion really gave them a headache. After knowing it, the trouble would be inevitable. The managers of other chain stores are not as good as the managers of Yuanguo!

They are also very attentive…

After hearing the treatment, most of them couldn’t help showing joy.

There is a back home!

Although the chef’s cooking skills have improved, Chunguoting’s reputation will surpass that of Wuwu, but in Chunguoting, Mu Jiuzhiyuan fruit is the real core.

No matter how hard they try, according to the recipes provided by Kikuchienko, the dishes they make are similar to those of Kikuchienko, but the customers just don’t agree.

They also want to be promoted, and they want to be chefs too!

Although the hotels and restaurants under the name of Mu Qiye are not as good as Chunguo Pavilion for the time being, development is inevitable according to Mu Qiye’s reputation and connections.

The most important thing is the promotion of the position and the ability to cook.As long as the performance is good, the future prospects will definitely surpass that of Chunguoting!

Absolutely a good thing!


Seeing the shop assistants who were not sad, but rather excited, Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo couldn’t help laughing, and felt that they would be better and more promising working in Mu Qiye’s place.

But at the same time, she also felt a little lost and sad in her heart: I thought they would feel sad like her after knowing the news, and didn’t want to leave Chunguoting. Sure enough, I am an incompetent store manager!

“Don’t think too much.”

He patted Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo on the shoulder, Mu Qiye smiled comfortingly, and saw some mockery flash on the faces of most people, really thought that Mu Qiye’s money was so easy to make?

“Okay, be quiet, everyone come in, write down your contact information, position, and cooking skills, specialties…” Asakawa Yukita clapped his hands, attracted the attention of the others, and motioned everyone to enter the kitchen to put the information stay.

After all, they are from Chunguoting. Although they were raised by Mu Jiuzhiyuan and had high self-esteem, many people could still use them as long as they were educated.

Most of them rushed over immediately, and two were hesitant to go in.

“Taozi, Baxun, won’t you go in?”

Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo looked at it, walked over quickly, and asked anxiously.From the bottom of my heart, the treatment given by Mu Qiye is definitely the highest.

Going to other places, they can’t find jobs with this kind of treatment.

Petite, with short hair, and looking a little flat, but still very cute, Shiina Inako hugged Kikuchi Yuango’s arm and said with a smile, “Wherever the store manager goes, I’ll go there, Mr. Mu should also be missing one. Did you help the store manager?”

She doesn’t have such big ideals, just find a decent job.As she spoke, she tilted her head and looked at Mu Qiye with some ingratitude. She didn’t think she could still work so easily after changing the storefront.

“This…” Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo couldn’t make a decision, and looked at Mu Qiye with anticipation.Shiina Inako has also been with her for a long time, and it seems less embarrassing to have one more person.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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