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Winery? Nothing — Page 234

There was also a tall woman with long brown hair beside her.

The woman looks in her twenties, with a melon-seeded face, small red lips, and big eyes. She looks a bit like a Western woman. She has wine red nail polish on her fingers, and she looks prettier than Yoko Okino. Not a lot.

However, compared to Yoko Okino, her body is more about seeing through the worldliness of society.Can’t talk about good or bad, Yoko Okino estimates that she is more transparent than her, but her attitude towards the world is different.

Well, it should be a star too.

“I came to try on clothes with Xiaoxue. It’s almost the same as a model or spokesperson for this summer fashion show.” Yoko Okino trotted over and explained with a smile.

Afterwards, he politely introduced to Kikuchienko with a smile, and also nodded kindly to Ifukube Yahiro.He also blinked ambiguously at Mu Qiye, which made Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo and Ifukube Hashiro blushed a little.

“Chairman!” Seeing Mu Qiye coming, Qingpu Wu also rushed over.Taniguchi Mika frowned, and then trotted after her. After all, unless she didn’t want to be here, or if she did it in Tokyo, she would have to face Mu Qiye.

Um?They are all beauties!

Seeing Qingpu Mai and Taniguchi Mika coming over, Mu Qiye was stunned. He didn’t expect to come to Ling Zikai’s company unexpectedly and meet so many beauties!

Qingpu Wu is a thin, weak-looking woman.

It looks really small, and the net height is just over 30 meters. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is smaller than Yoko Okino. She looks very young. In the introduction, it is a [*]-year-old married woman. Of course, it seems Already divorced, fierce and pitiful.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

It is somewhat similar to Kasugano Saki.

Taniguchi Mika is a long-legged beauty with long straight brown-red hair and a cold look. Because she is wearing black stockings, her double t is particularly conspicuous.

“Hello Manager Qingpu!”

Yoko Okino greeted Qingpu Wu with a smile. It was not the first time she came here, and she was familiar with Qingpu Wu.In addition, Qingpu Wu is beautiful and distinctive, and it is impossible for Mu Qiye to let her go, so she is extraordinarily close.


“Yoko, off-road~” Qingpu Mai also greeted the two with a smile. She and Okino Yoko have met many times, and they are acquainted, and Yoko is also very good at talking.

Comparatively speaking, Yue Yexue had only come here a few times. Although she was good at speaking, she was too mature in speaking, and her height at [*] meters was almost comparable to that of a model, so she always felt that it was better not to get too close.

Yue Yexue smiled and nodded towards Qingpu Wu: “Manager Qingpu”

Working here at Qingpu Dance is very simple, as long as you do things well, it is enough.You don’t need to think about other entertainment or worry about other people taking jobs, and there are behind-the-scenes deals. Plus, it’s a company under Mu Qiye’s name, with a halo of its own. Even if it’s free, she’s willing to come.

Of course, she wasn’t the only one willing to come for free.But what they have in mind, it is not necessarily.

What’s next for the company?Whether she’s still here or not, it’s up to Mu Qiye…

(Thanks to 136, 1555, 9813 for monthly tickets, 136, 1555, 9813 for monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) Any.

Chapter 362: The Unspoken Rules of the Workplace

“Yue Ye?”

Seeing this young woman with a mature charm, Mu Qiye looked a little curious and glanced at Yoko Chongye inquiringly.

A hint of surprise flashed in Yoko Okino’s eyes, but Mu Qiye didn’t even know Yue Yexue.

She rolled her eyes and introduced, “This is my friend Yue Yexue, and one of the members of the Earth Lady Team before it was disbanded. I know you don’t know, and occasionally pay attention to entertainment news!”

Although Yue Yexue’s reputation is not as good as her, it was not as good as before.

But she is also one of the well-developed all-round entertainers of r-selling TV station, and the second member of development besides her after the disbandment of the earth lady pair.

Rich people who watch entertainment news?Besides, he’s a magician!

Mu Qiye smiled and shrugged.

The Earth Ladies have heard of it, a group that Yoko Okino used to be in.Then he nodded friendly towards Yue Yexue: “Nice to meet you. “[*]””

Yue Yexue had a little more affection for Mu Qiye.

The first thing that men who are rich and lustful will focus on is the entertainment industry, and Mu Qiye obviously has no such idea.

“I have long admired the name.”

Yue Yexue bowed her head slightly and bowed politely.

“Stop standing here, or go upstairs?”

Seeing that many people around looked over, it was inappropriate to stay outside, Qingpu Wu glanced at the others and suggested going upstairs to chat.

Kukuchi Yuanguo, Ifukube Yahiro, and Taniguchi Mika obviously have this idea.Yoko Okino was also a little moved. It could be seen that Yue Yexue smiled politely and did not speak, and knew that she had no plans to go up.

Looking at Mu Qiye apologetically, Yoko Okino glanced at the others and said with a smile, “Xiaoxue and I are going to dinner, should you have something to do? We won’t bother!”

Seeing what Yue Yexue meant, Mu Qiye became more interested in Yue Yexue.It’s rare to see a female artist who doesn’t want to cling to such a rich person, let alone him. Of course, after getting such a woman, she will undoubtedly have more interest and a sense of accomplishment when playing!

Thinking of Mika Taniguchi, Mu Qiye temporarily dismissed the idea, smiled and nodded in agreement: “That’s it, we’ll talk later.”

After simply nodding and saying goodbye, Mu Qiye walked into the company with Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo and Yifubu Baxun.Qingpu Wu hurried forward, led Mu Qiye thousands of people, briefly introduced the company, and Taniguchi Mika also turned around and left.

Seeing Mu Qiye leave like this, Yue Yexue couldn’t help showing a bit of surprise on his face.Whether it was pretending or not really caring, Mu Qiye was obviously a special man, at least she wasn’t that disgusted now.

“Let’s go, what are you going to eat?” Yoko Okino stretched her waist and asked next to Yue Yexue with a smile.

The new moon is really good, plus the security, there are many celebrities who come here, interviews and releases, most of them are from Mu Qiye’s side.

The man who manages this area is also a genius.

Without special invitations, all kinds of journalists are directly prohibited from entering.There is also Mu Qiye’s reputation. It can be said that this is an insulated area for reporters, and no one dares to make trouble, so they don’t need to be watched by their managers.

Glancing at Yoko Okino, Yue Yexue already knew that Yoko Okino planned to match her with Mu Qiye, and Yoko Okino also said it directly.

There are too many women and beauties around Mu Qiye.

Okino Yoko is alone, even if there are two people living together now, he can’t control Mu Qiye.If Mu Qiye left, Yoko Okino’s career would be greatly affected after all.

Not to mention disgust or anything, the entertainment industry is just like that.

It’s just that she is doing well now, and she doesn’t want to enter this quagmire for the time being.She also told Yoko Okino, and Yoko Okino agreed, and would never force her to do anything.

Therefore, she joined Yoko Okino’s studio.

Of course, the major shareholder behind the scenes is Mu Qiye, and Yoko Okino only occupies a part of the shares.Because everything was clearly written in the contract, and she also consulted with a special lawyer, so she didn’t care that much, and Yoko Okino’s reputation was still very good.

“It’s all good, Western food, fast food, Japanese food…” With a smile on his face, Yue Yexue’s smile is very charming, just like alcohol and cigarettes, and it always makes people unable to resist the smell.

“Xiaoxue is so pretty!”

Yoko Okino can’t help but sigh at the beauty of Yue Yexue. Even if Yue Yexue is not popular at first, the feeling of Yue Yexue’s smile has brought her a lot of fans and endorsements from many manufacturers. .

Yue Yexue also smiled, this smile was somewhat helpless.

She is the same age as Yoko Okino, but she was actually born a few months earlier than Yoko Okino.But after joining Yoko Okino’s studio, he was forcibly given the title of elementary school.

It’s innocuous and has no effect, but the height comparison… always made her feel a little uncomfortable.

“Let’s go, you can’t stop eating!” Helplessly shaking his head, Yue Yexue pulled Yoko Okino and walked forward.Behind, Yoko Okino narrowed his eyes: Could it be that Yue Yexue still likes Jianzaki Xiu?


The field of vision is wide, the environment is quiet, there are many plants in the company, and the cleaning is spotless. …… There is indeed a company made up of women in the company.

Entering the general manager’s office, Mu Qiye walked over, sat down on the office chair, and asked Mika Taniguchi: “I probably know about your business, do you have to bring out all the design drafts of your company?”

This matter is not illegal for the time being, but it can fall into the ears of others. It is finally a violation of industry ethics and affects the company’s reputation.Qingpu Wu also took this into consideration before disagreeing, and Mu Qiye also felt that the price had dropped.


Taniguchi Mika gritted her teeth and looked unwilling, and then looked at Mu Qiye firmly: “Although not all the design drafts I brought are ours, more than [*]% are.”

“The woman Eiko Toya, who has recruited college graduates for so many years, used her power to snatch their design drafts, made simple revisions, and said it was hers. Without compensation, it is ridiculous to say that it is for their own good. This is the rule of the workplace. Nonsense like that.”

“And even after they leave, Toya Eiko doesn’t want them to threaten her for her reputation, and will use her contacts and reputation in the fashion design field to suppress them, constantly speak ill of them, smear them, and destroy their reputation. , and on the resume, Toya Eiko also treats them…”

Saying that, Taniguchi Mika couldn’t help but glance at Ifukube Hachiro.Ifukube Yahiro also nodded, proving this, with a look of anger on his face.

Well, what a disgusting person!

Mu Qiye rubbed his brows and felt a bit of disgust on his face.

But it is undeniable that this kind of rule is also a common thing.

The superior takes the credit of the subordinate, and the superior has the reward that the subordinate should have.If there is something to do below, the credit will be taken from the top, and the blame will be taken from the bottom… Graduates are not deeply involved in the world, and it is not uncommon for them to violate their interests.

Taking advantage of the position, there are also many unspoken female subordinates, and there are many exciting movies about this aspect.but.Toya Eiko is a woman, so she doesn’t have this ability.

Well, it will be given to other collaborators.

(Thanks to LL for the 588vip reward, and finally there is one more person on the reward list… Thank you for the continued support of Starlight 399, thank you 7920, 85549 for monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!!)

Chapter 363: Just a Beautiful Woman!

Kikuchi Yuanguo was stunned, but he didn’t expect such a shameless president!

“What about you? How many years have you been there? Just want to help them? Can’t stand it?”

Mu Qiye watched Taniguchi Mika with interest.

Although the guy named Toya Eiko did something disgusting, he wasn’t the only one.Taniguchi Mika doesn’t look stupid, it’s impossible not to know.Moreover, Taniguchi Mika protected herself well, at least not breaking through the last step.

Even if he couldn’t see it, he didn’t believe that Taniguchi Mika did this purely for the sake of others.

Hearing Mu Qiye’s words, Taniguchi Mika didn’t hide it: “After graduating from college for more than two years, I went to Toya Eiko’s company. Most of it was for myself, and I wanted to bring more valuable designers here. Have a higher starting point, don’t want to continue to be bullied and oppressed by others!”

Her eyes were flat, revealing firmness, and she looked at Mu Qiye like that.

Although she was squeezed by Eiko Toya right after graduation, she also learned a lot from this period.

If it hadn’t been almost sold by Huwu Yingzi several times, given other men or obtained a purchase contract, the company that just left Huwu would have been smeared by Huwu Yingzi. Do.

“Well, not bad.” Mu Qiye admired Taniguchi Mika’s frankness.

The most annoying are those who speak in a high-sounding manner, can forgive any fault, say that he has repented, and give him a chance, the kind of high-level people.

However, then Mu Qiye shook his head: “You can have a good starting point and position, but we don’t want those clothing designs that are not ours. Of course, others who belong to us can’t take them away.”

Taniguchi Mika bowed her head slightly, her face darkened, she gritted her teeth, still not wanting to let go of her oppression and bullying Eiko Toya.But I also know that Mu Qiye’s consideration.

According to the current value of Mu Qiye, if he really wants to enter the clothing industry, he doesn’t need to play this set at all.

“How many chances are there to sue through formal procedures?” Mu Qiye raised his eyebrows and asked.

Taniguchi Meixiang’s eyes brightened slightly, but she didn’t expect Mu Qiye to actually have the idea of ​​going through legal proceedings.

Immediately afterwards, he said, “At least [*]%. I have conducted a special investigation and found that within five years, there were at least [*] designers who left the house abnormally. I also contacted a few anonymously, but they were full of grievances and wanted to rejoin. fashion design industry.”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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