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Winery? Nothing — Page 26

Mu Qiye thought about it carefully and decided to go.

Maybe the book of death is a little less efficient at collecting souls, and Qiongmei still has a remnant soul, or the corpse is still… warm.

It is easier to have a corpse resurrected than to have no corpse resurrected.

Kasugano Sauki anxiously clasped his hands in the co-pilot, staring straight ahead.

She is so grateful to Mu Qiye!

If it weren’t for her current husband and her children’s death is unknown, she would definitely kneel down to Mu Qiye on the spot!

According to the positioning instructions, we finally arrived at the scene of the accident.

That’s a crossroads.

Around the intersection, the police have already prepared the realm.

The sirens were constantly blaring, the fire trucks were spraying water continuously, the sky was thick with smoke and steam was dense, it seemed that the accident was definitely not small, at least five vehicles collided!

“Yu, Qiong…”

The car just stopped, Kasugano Sauki couldn’t wait to unbuckle his seat belt, got out of the car and ran towards the boundary.

“The Book of Death, it’s terrifying!”

Mu Qiye didn’t expect that using magic power and will to use the Book of Death would cause such consequences.Of course, there must be timing and coincidence, but there is definitely a way!

As for guilt?


Life is all about competition.

Resources, money, power, including women…

Now society is just making these struggles civilized and legal.

Not so much gore, it might look nice.

However, the system and class will become more and more fixed with the development.

The son of a statesman is a statesman, the son of a merchant is a merchant, the son of a peasant…

The poor get poorer, the rich get richer, and ultimately resources are controlled by the rich, and the weak will eventually be gradually eliminated.This protected system is actually a chronic poison that kills.

They rely on the system, I rely on the scales and the book of death, what is the difference?

It’s all for your own sake and for your best interests!

“Sorry, ma’am, the accident scene is ahead, you can’t enter without order!”

“My husband, son and daughter are all inside, please let me in, Yu, Qiong!”

“Sorry, ma’am, it’s our job!”


Mu Qiye trotted over, and looked at the fat man who was busy in civilian clothes before, with a familiar look: “You, the police officer Chiba who searched the first lesson?”

“Uh, Mr. Mu, hello!”

Chiba Kazuno stood up straight after seeing the person coming.

“Mr. Mu, I beg you, let them let me in, my children are inside!” Kasugano Sauki burst into tears, anxiously holding Mu Qiye’s hand.

“This one……”

Mu Qiye glanced at Kasugano Sauki hesitantly, and then looked at Chiba Kazuno: “Officer Chiba, Sauki received a call just now saying that her relative had a car accident, can you ask about the situation?”

“This is ok, can you tell me to get off the phone? Madam?” Chiba Kazuno asked.

If it was an ordinary case, Mu Qiye directly said that it would be fine to go in and go.But this is a car accident, and the matter has not been dealt with. If there is another explosion and Mu Qiye is injured, it will be a big deal!

“Okay, okay, I’ll give it to you…”

Kasugano Saki quickly took out his mobile phone to find the phone and told Chiba Heshen.

Chiba Kazuno called back with his mobile phone and said a few words.A policewoman came over with a little girl with long white hair, wearing a white dress and black stockings.

However, the little girl’s dress and stockings were covered with dusty dirt, and she was also holding a black long-eared rabbit in one hand, and her eyes were dull as if stimulated by a delicate doll.

“Dome, it’s Dome!” Kasugano Saki shouted excitedly.

Chiba Kazuno glanced at Twilight, who was in charge of vigilance. Now that there are no major problems around here, they let Tiaozi temporarily remove the vigilance.

Kasugano Sauki immediately ran over and knelt on the ground and hugged Kasugano Qiongchi.

“Isn’t this a car accident? How did you…”

Mu Qiye took out two bottles of drinks from the refrigerator in the car and handed one to Chiba Kazuno.

“Mr. Mu, this…”

“It’s just a drink, not money?”


Chiba Kazuno had no choice but to pick it up, but still didn’t unscrew it: “We happened to be working around today, and we were going to catch the suspect. I didn’t expect this kind of thing to happen suddenly, so I came to help.”

No matter what the strength is, Tiaozi’s attitude is still okay.

“Right, what’s going on?”

Mu Qiye took a sip of grape juice and looked at the crime scene.

“Is such that.”

Chiba Kazuno paused and said: “According to the investigation, it seems that the balloon held by a little girl standing on the side of the road was suddenly blown away by the wind. When the balloon floated, it happened to block the traffic light at the intersection, and it turned red. time, so…”

“…What a coincidence!”

Mu Qiye twitched the corners of his mouth.Hemp, using magic and spirit to use the Book of Death to hang like this?

As long as you are in a car and there are creatures around, maybe a cat will jump out of the front glass, or jump into the cab, the child on the side of the road will suddenly open the shoelace and bend over, and the money will be blown away…

“Yeah, what a coincidence!”

Chiba and Shin bared their teeth, can this kind of thing happen?These people are so unlucky!

“Eight cars rear-ended, and five died on the spot. The little girl was lucky. I heard that the car was at the back and didn’t explode immediately. Both her and her brother ran out.”

“But his brother seems to have seen another woman in the car who was still alive and wanted to help, such an enthusiastic child, but just after a few steps, there was an explosion and it blew up…”

Well, good people do not live long!

“Mr. Mu!”

After the situation was brought under control, Mu Mu Shisan who got the news also took a head.

First, I want to be sure and worry about whether there are any acquaintances of Mu Qiye, and whether they know the information of other deceased people. Second, they can be considered as acquaintances.

“My company’s employee bought some pets at home today. I went out and had something to do, so I asked her to wait in the villa for help. No, they came together when I suddenly received news?”

Mu Qiye said calmly.


At the twilight thirteen, Chiba and Shin looked at Kasugano Sauki and Kasugano Dome, and they didn’t believe it much.

So coincidentally at your house?She looks so beautiful, she is still a mother and daughter!

Of course, they didn’t say it either.

After comforting the dome, Kasugano Sauki walked over with Kasugano Dome.

“Mr. Mu, I have to wait here, can I get rid of you and take care of Qiong for a while?”

The bodies of her husband and son have not been found, so she naturally cannot leave.

“Okay, I’ve been at the villa in the port area these days.”

Mu Qiye agreed kindly, reached out and touched Qiong’s head, Qiong then ducked, holding Kasugano Saki’s hand tightly: “No, I want to be here.”

“Qiong, be good, be obedient…”

Kasugano Sauki knows the feelings of her daughter and son, and can understand Dome’s sadness, but it has no effect here.Before she could finish speaking, Mu Qiye reached out and patted Qiong’s back neck.

“No, I…” Qiong tilted his body, closed his eyes, and fainted on Kasugano Sauki.

Mu Mu Thirteen: “…”

Chiba Kazuno: “…”

Kasugano Saki: “…”


This… a very skilled move, but in front of us, it doesn’t seem appropriate, right?

“The mental stimulation is too great, and it is good to sleep for a while.”

Mu Qiye was still calm and said seriously.

(Thanks to Zimo Zirou for the 588wip reward and monthly pass, thanks to FQDSKL for the monthly pass, thanks to difu23 for the monthly pass, and thanks to ** for the monthly pass)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards…).

Chapter 42: Don’t underestimate the old man

“Uh, that’s true~”

Medically, Mu Mu Shisan agreed, Chiba Kazuno, and other police officers also agreed.

However, it was Mu Qiye who shot, and the other party was still a beautiful girl, so I always felt so unbelievable?

Kasugano Saki is also a little worried,

But Mu Qiye had already picked up Qiong and hugged him.

It was she who was excited at the moment, and the other party was still her boss, so it was hard to take it back.

“Trouble boss!”

Kasugano Saki expressed his thanks again, but secretly prayed in his heart that Mu Qiye was not interested in his daughter.

“Don’t worry, let’s go!”

Mu Qiye simply opened the car door and put Kasuga Yeqiong into the back seat.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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