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Winery? Nothing — Page 261

He didn’t know why Kuroba Kuito said that, but he knew that there must be another reason for Kuroba Kuito to say so.

He still didn’t believe that the spiritual guy who showed magic in front of her, smiled brightly, and secretly liked his daughter would say such things in this situation, as if he didn’t care about Aoko and his mood.

“Hmph, after entering, I can’t help you!” Chamu Shentaro glared at Kuroba Kuidou with a vicious look on his face.

In fact, he is not as persistent as Nakamori Yinsan in that he must catch Kaitou Kidd. Even if this new Kaitou Kidd is caught, he will not do anything too drastic, and even say that he will stop others if they want to do it.

However, there are a few threatening words to say.

Whether it’s Kaitou Kid eight years ago, or Kaitou Kid now.Although they didn’t kill or injure anyone, which is very good, it did have a bad impact on Ben and even the qualified world, and it also caused the police to waste a lot of public resources.

No way to deny it!

Glancing at the obviously twisted legs of the phantom thief Kidd, the corners of Chamu Shentaro’s mouth twitched, which was too…, and then a stretcher was called. Although this guy was doing gymnastics, his legs were also very meow. also stood up!

“A little curious, how did you find out that I was suspicious? You shouldn’t mind talking about it, right?” Heiyu Kuidou touched his chin and looked at Mu Qiye with a smile. He was really curious about the reason.

Others couldn’t help but look at Mu Qiye curiously: This is a big melon, maybe they can use this doubt to find out the phantom thief Kidd.

Not bad, at least in a good mood.Of course, if he came to trouble him later, it would not be as simple as having short legs.He also doesn’t mind killing this strange thief Kidd!

Mu Qiye just smiled, nodded lightly, and said, “Your goal here is to steal the dark stars. The dark stars are the heirlooms of the Suzuki family, and the people who are most likely to know the location of the dark stars are the people of the Suzuki family.”

Suzuki Jiroji and Suzuki Tomoko couldn’t help but nodded secretly: Actually, it’s even less than that. The two of them knew the plan, not even Sonoko, let alone Lingzi who came later.

Heiyu Kuidou also smiled. It wasn’t too difficult to deduce this conclusion. What he was more curious about was why Mu Qiye confirmed that it was him. Thinking about it carefully, Mu Qiye might have suspected him at first.

“Lingzi is here with me. I’m sure she’s not pretending. Sonoko has a cheerful personality, runs around, and contacts too many people. If she meets acquaintances, it’s the easiest to expose.”

“Not to mention Mrs. Suzuki, to entertain guests, the clothes on her body are at least custom-made. If you want to get it, it is not so easy to forge.”

“It is possible that Mr. Jiroyoshi wearing a kimono and Mr. Shiro who don’t show up very much. Although I have not seen Mr. Jiroyoshi before, the kind of emotional expression before is definitely not something outsiders can disguise, and the rest is only left. One.”

“Haha, so that’s the case!” Suzuki Jiroji glanced at Mu Qiye in surprise, and then laughed. He didn’t expect Mu Qiye to see it from his feelings for Ling Zi, and think about it too.

The feelings he showed to Ling Zi just now could not be disguised by an outsider.Tomoko Suzuki nodded with satisfaction, and then raised his head proudly.

She is in charge of most of the business of the Suzuki family, how can a thief pretend to be?Besides, her dress was designed by a special designer, the style is unique, and the fabric is even more rare, how can Kaito Kid imitate it?

Hearing this, Suzuki Lingzi looked at Mu Qiye even more tenderly, and Suzuki Yuanzi also smiled: I didn’t expect her to be outgoing and have this advantage, cheerful?Yes, Not Bad!

“‘ ‖ Haha, it seems that I have fallen into a vicious circle too!”

Kaito Kidd was stunned for a while, then suddenly, he said with some regret: “I thought I had guessed the Suzuki family’s mind, but I didn’t expect that someone would have guessed my mind.”

Indeed, the previous case was so smooth that he lost his vigilance, and he didn’t even consider other people’s thoughts.

Afterwards, he looked up, full of energy, and looked at Mu Qiye with a smile: “I remembered it, it’s considered a lesson, but the next time we meet, it won’t be so simple!”

“Do you have a next time?!!”

Chamu Shentaro was so mad that he had never seen such a hard-headed criminal, and he dared to be so arrogant in front of Tiaozi when he was caught!

Kuroba Kuito shrugged and smiled without saying a word.Can the Tiaozi Bureau be able to trap him Kaitou Kidd?

Mu Qiye also smiled and nodded: “Okay, I’ll wait, but don’t provoke me in the future, you can play games, but if you play too hard, you might lose yourself.”

As he said, he looked at the other parts of Kaitou Kid’s body, slightly (by Li Hao) over his lower body, and after thinking about it, he dismissed the idea of ​​directly kicking him and proving in public that Kaitou Kidd was a eunuch.

“Uh…don’t worry, no more~”

Looking at Mu Qiye’s eyes, Kaitou Kid’s body froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He didn’t know what Mu Qiye meant.

This time he played with one leg, and he didn’t want to play with his life!

“Okay, let’s go!”

Chamu Shentaro glanced at Mu Qiye, hesitated for a while, but still didn’t warn him, it shouldn’t be so hard.

He is a cautious person. Although he is a classmate with Suzuki Jirokichi and has a good relationship, he is definitely not at the point where he dares to provoke Mu Qiye casually.

Kaito Kid is on a stretcher.

Chamu Shentaro moved towards Mu Qiye, Suzuki Jiroji, and Suzuki Tomoko nodded goodbye, then took the people away, caught the phantom thief Kid, and their mission was over.

Nakamori Yinsan thought about it and followed.

(Thank you for your two monthly votes, thank you for the monthly ticket that slowly touched your heart, and thank nihao two for your continuous support. Thank you for your support, thank you very much!!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) What?

Chapter 404: Sonoko: Mom, give me money!

After they left, the banquet continued.

Without the note around, the atmosphere was a bit more eager. Of course, Mu Qiye, who was originally the focus, also had a tendency to be the core of the banquet at this time.

However, it was only vaguely.

This banquet is the home of the Suzuki family. Most of the guests have a cooperative relationship with the Suzuki family. The Suzuki family is one of the four real chaebols.

Even if it is Mu Qiye, Suzuki Dazhen is married to Mu Qiye, and Mu Qiye is not a member of the Suzuki family.

The core of the Suzuki family banquet must be the Suzuki family!

On the spot, Tomoko Suzuki also asked everyone to open the gift box of the specially made imitations of the dark stars in order to confuse the phantom thief Kidd, and asked them to wear the dark stars.

It was announced that before the banquet was over, whoever found the real dark star first would receive a special reward of 1 million yen. It was an apology from the Suzuki family for the accident at the banquet, and the imitations would also come in the form of gifts. to guests.

There was another climax on the field.

Not to mention the [*] million yen bonus, even this natural black pearl imitating the dark stars, the market value of such a large one is about [*] US dollars.

Not to mention the manufacturing process, it is still a replica of the dark stars.Not only did Mu Qiye appear at this banquet, but Mu Qiye also arrested the new phantom thief Kidd for the first time…

The added value and commemorative significance are much more valuable than the black pearl itself.According to Mu Qiye’s current reputation, as well as the phantom thief Kidd 053, even if he can sell it directly for 20 US dollars, I am afraid there is no shortage of sales.

More importantly, this fake dark star can also be a testimony of friendship with the Suzuki family and even Mu Qiye.As long as there is no shortage of money, and there is nothing to do, even the imitation of the dark stars can never be sold!

After the announcement, Tomoko Suzuki walked over like a queen with a confident smile.

Tall body, beautiful face with melon seeds, and a tear mole at the corner of his left eye.

Although Tomoko Suzuki’s curves are average, this purple corset and hanging neck evening dress showcases all of her body’s advantages, especially the advantages of long legs.It makes people feel like grabbing the sling around her neck, directly…


This impulse disappeared in a flash, Mu Qiye turned to look at Lingzi Suzuki, and rubbed her hair with a smile.Suzuki Ryoko’s face flushed slightly, and Suzuki Sonoko looked joking.

Seeing this scene, Tomoko Suzuki couldn’t help but smile, her attitude towards Mu Qiye was more gentle, but it was difficult to hide her pride that had been engraved in her bones: “Would you like to try to guess where the dark stars are?”

Women are all interested in powerful, mysterious men.

Mu Qiye is undoubtedly a powerful one, and also mysterious, and the forces behind him are indeed mysterious.

Just now, Mu Qiye (ajej) exposed the disguise of the phantom thief Kidd, and she couldn’t help but want to challenge Mu Qiye to see if he could guess his thoughts.

After he finished speaking, his eyes were more or less provocative, and more of it should be looking at Mu Qiye with a challenge.

Seeing Suzuki Tomoko’s expression, Suzuki Jiroji couldn’t help but smile: The younger brother and sister’s character is still so strong.Suzuki Lingzi couldn’t help but smile bitterly and looked at Mu Qiye expectantly. She felt that this shouldn’t be a big deal for him.

“I, I, I want to participate too!” Suzuki Sonoko raised his hand with a smile.

This kind of lively thing is her favorite!

Looking at Sonoko, Tomoko Suzuki felt helpless. She didn’t have any expectations for this daughter, at least now.

“Yes, you can guess right, I can give you 5 million pocket money!”

“Really?!! Really [*] million?…Hmph, don’t underestimate me too much!”

After Suzuki Sonoko was confirmed, she was obviously a little unconvinced when she looked at her mother’s obviously distrustful eyes.

What, she Suzuki is also very smart!

“Which one is it?”

Suzuki Sonoko glanced at the other black pearls on the chests of the densely packed people around her, and gritted her teeth to think, although she was still at a loss.

Tomoko Suzuki smiled, it was a good thing for her daughter to think, and then she said, “Do you need me to give you a hint?” She also looked at Mu Qiye, and she became provocative again.

Anyone who’s watched anime knows that, that’s all.

Mu Qiye smiled and shrugged. It happened that he was good at this: “No, I’m not good at deciphering and the like. My IQ is average. It’s enough to think about things from the opponent’s position.”

“…General IQ?”

Listening to Mu Qiye’s evaluation of himself, Tomoko Suzuki smiled bitterly, this is not ordinary humility.

However, hearing that Mu Qiye was not good at deciphering and thinking about things from the opponent’s standpoint, he nodded in approval. The reasoning just now also proved this.

“Think about the problem from the opponent’s position?”

Subconsciously wanting to seek help from her brother-in-law, Suzuki Sonoko’s eyes lit up when she heard this, and she suddenly felt that the whole world became brighter.

“I know, all the dark stars present are fake, the real dark star mother must be hiding somewhere else, no matter which one the thief Kidd stole, it is all fake and a trap. !”


Hearing Sonoko’s words, Suzuki Tomoko and Suzuki Jiroji were both startled, and looked at Sonoko in shock, this child seems to be enlightened!

The guests who were looking for the dark stars on other guests, and the guests who also had the same idea, also looked at Suzuki Tomoko and Suzuki Sonoko when they heard this.

“Haha, yes, as expected of my Suzuki Jiroji’s niece!”

Suzuki Jiroji laughed, and then nodded with satisfaction: “Yes, yes, your uncle, I will give you [*] million yen, which is a reward!”

“Big brother~”

Tomoko Suzuki looked at Jiro Yoshi Suzuki with a bit of resentment, she was too fond of this child.

Suzuki Jiroji waved his hand nonchalantly: “What a big deal? Sonoko is finally willing to think about it, what is [*] million yen?”


Hearing what the big brother said, Suzuki Tomoko had no choice but to do the same. Besides, Sonoko’s performance was really good this time. [*] million yen is [*] million yen. It’s not a big money anyway.

“I got it right?!!”

Hearing the conversation between her mother and her uncle, Suzuki Sonoko was also a little unbelievable, and directly ignored the saying that she had finally used her brain. Then she was pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly looked at her mother Tomoko Suzuki, and stretched out her hand: “Mom , you said, [*] million yen, give me money!”

“What, do you think you guessed right?”

Angrily, he reached out and clapped Sonoko’s hand, Tomoko Suzuki reminded a bit: “It’s just that you’ve grown up, not that you’re right, if you’re right and give reasons, then uncle It is estimated that even $[*] million can be considered for you!”

“Ah? What, am I wrong?!!”

If Suzuki Sonoko was struck by lightning, it was as if he had gone from heaven to hell, and it would be bad in an instant.I thought I had guessed what my mother was thinking, but I didn’t expect…


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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