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Winery? Nothing — Page 265

At least, her daughter, who is now temporarily free from the disaster star of Kudo Shinichi, will only go further in the future, and Kudo Shinichi will not be sure.

“A lawsuit that changed my image.” There was a flash of firmness in her eyes, and Fei Mile took a sip from the teacup. The bitter taste was just like her now.She believes that the future must be sweet.

“Change the image?” Yukiko was even more puzzled, and before she asked any further, the phone rang suddenly, took the phone on the table and looked at it, and frowned immediately, Edogawa Conan.

Line connected.

“Mom, help me change my face, I’m now…” In the hospital, Conan breathed a sigh of relief, aggravating his current situation with a serious look, and told his mother Youxizi, always the mother’s son, the old man. Mom can’t wait to die.

“What? He was beaten again? Almost killed?!!!” Yukiko’s heart beat fast, and she stood up immediately. After all, it was her son, so she was not so cruel.

on the desk.

Fei Mile looked at Yuxizi pitifully, and that’s why she didn’t let Yuxizi go to the court at noon today.

With this interruption, she lost her mind to work, and after thinking about it, she got up and went to the wine cabinet to get a nice bottle of red wine.Mu Qiye didn’t like to drink, so he left it alone.

They are also people with some taste, they drink nothing, and they don’t drink much.

“Don’t call me if you don’t have anything to do in the future, you can’t change sex, you can have plastic surgery, I have nothing to do with you!” As soon as she opened the bottle of red wine, Fei Mi heard Yu Xizi say this, and then simply hung up the phone.

“Transgender, plastic surgery?!!”

Fei Mile was stunned: So serious?Not so much, right?

(Thank you for your two monthly votes, thank you for the monthly ticket that moved your heart slowly, thank you for the 3 monthly tickets from Lulu fans, and thank 1768, 6498, 323 for their continuous support. Thank you for your support, thank you very much! !!)

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Chapter 410: Conan’s heartbeat

What’s the matter, Yukiko? “

Concubine Kudo Shinichi wondered what happened.

Yukiko is the kind of hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, and it seems that she is really angry to be able to say this.

Living under the same roof, why not ask to see if there is a solution.

Of course, she is also the one who tries her best. She also has fetters and scruples, not to mention that it is a matter of Kudo Shinichi. Under normal circumstances, she would not care at all.

“Give me a cup.”

Yukiko got up and walked to the counter. With a tired face, she poured herself a glass and drank it.I was just a little embarrassed, and I drank too much, and a lot of red wine came out from the corners of my mouth, coughing – non-stop.

It can be seen that Yukiko is in a bad mood.

But Yukiko didn’t care, and then poured another cup…

Seeing this scene, Fei Mile opened her mouth, but still did not stop it.

This situation is very familiar. She knew that when Xiaolan accidentally killed her, it was also the same situation. In the days after Xiaolan entered the prison, she was also the same.

At least get anesthesia.

Even if you know it’s useless at times, there’s nothing wrong with it.Concubine Miles shook her head slightly and took a sip from her glass.

The mouth is smooth and smooth, the taste is mellow and the aftertaste is rich.

It is indeed a good vintage of Petrus red wine, but unfortunately neither of them are people who have the heart to taste carefully.

Cup by cup, Yukiko let go, slightly drunk.

Originally, I didn’t plan to talk to Fei Miles.

After all, if it was possible, Fei Mi didn’t want to have anything to do with their family. For this reason, Fei Mi also sent Xiao Lan to prison.

But at times like this, I always want to talk to someone.

Although her relationship with Fei Mi was a bit stiff because of that idiot, she had a good relationship with Fei Mi before. It was the kind of person who didn’t contact her, and when she encountered a bickering, she was able to speak her mind. .

Briefly told Fei Miles about things.

Yuxizi poured another half cup, laughed at herself and laughed: “You said, am I stupid? Why, um, how can there be such a stupid son?” Tears were faintly in her eyes, and her tone was also a little crying.

Stupid indeed.

Kudo Shinichi is smart, not stupid.But the one in my heart is curious, unwilling to admit defeat, and wants to find out the truth, and the one who is righteous in the bones?It should be the persistence and firm belief in the law, but it is not as good as being a fool.

At least, a fool will not lose his life, or even hurt the people around him, but Kudo Shinichi will, and again and again…

Fei mile shook her head slightly and didn’t say anything.

Except for Kudo Shinichi, the current Edogawa Conan is dead, otherwise there is no solution at all.Kudo Shinichi will not listen to people’s persuasion, and he will not be Kudo Shinichi.

Unfortunately, Mu Qiye is related to Yukiko, otherwise, when she wants to kill, the first person she wants to get rid of is actually Kudo Shinichi, which is now Edogawa Conan.

Conan is dead and everything is over.

“Let’s have plastic surgery. Of course, it’s better to change to x. This is the best choice.” Thinking of what Youxizi said just now, Fei Mi pondered for a while, nodded lightly, and agreed.

“Huh?” Yuxizi was stunned for a moment, shook her drowsy head, and looked at Feiying.I can’t believe that these words came from the mouth of Concubine Miles. Everyone could hear that she was also angry just now, thinking of what Mu Qiye said before.

Concubine Miles picked up the glass, took another sip, and explained, “His current appearance has been remembered by those people, and a simple disguise is useless.

“His character will not change and he will not give up to continue the investigation. Those who protected him have already left. It is the best choice to change his appearance and identity. Otherwise, those people will always catch him, and death may be at that time. It’s a luxury.”

“Death, extravagant hope…” Yukiko’s face paled slightly.Although I don’t want to admit it, but thinking about it carefully, what Fei Miles said is indeed justified.

Disguise is only temporary and will always be exposed.

Conan’s range of activities is very fixed, even around Mikacho, and he likes to be in the limelight.

“But…” Thinking of plastic surgery, Yuxizi still had an instinctive repulsion in her heart, let alone a change of sex.But think about it, is there any other way?

Fei Mile continued to drink without answering, this was almost the only reasonable and achievable option she could think of.

After all, it was impossible for Mu Qiye to help him, and neither would other big men.

After thinking about it carefully, Yukiko still hadn’t made up her mind, but she also sent a text message to Conan and mentioned this suggestion again.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Plastic surgery is undoubtedly easier to accept than death and being a test subject.

Cornflower Central Hospital.

Conan, who was thinking about the matter, was suddenly refreshed when he saw the text message from his mother Yukiko, but when he saw the text message, the corners of his mouth twitched and he grinned in pain.

“If you want plastic surgery, I can ask Mu Qiye to find someone for you and think about it carefully.”

Conan was a little speechless, but his heart began to move.

The trumpet Conan has been used by him, and the black organization found nothing to do, but the people who protected him withdrew.

If the black-clothed organization really attacked him, even if he was sure to escape, but there were so many people, it would be good for him to bring down a few, and there was no way to deal with all of them. FBI, the public security people are definitely not so easy to come here.

0 ……

Moreover, especially in the eyes of Tiaozi and others, his reputation has been ruined, and now he has not caught Kidd, the thief, and after that, he will be with the wasteful uncle, and maybe it will affect him to take the case. Tiaozi’s side Don’t even think about it.

For the sake of the future case… or should we fix it?

Docklands Villa.

“Ding dong, ding dong~”

It was indeed a good drink last night, but after drinking too much, Yukiko felt a little dizzy.

Fei Mile left early in the morning. When she heard the doorbell, she had to put on her clothes, shake her messy hair, and go downstairs to open the door: “Who is it? Come in.”

There are bodyguards from Mu Qiye’s faction, Gui Yanye, Gui Xin, and Gui Chennai who have been here more than once or twice, and no one else has visited at all, so after seeing a woman vaguely, she didn’t care for a while. .

“This, Ms. Yukiko?”

Hearing some unfamiliar voices behind, Yuxizi was stunned for a moment, then immediately turned to look over.After seeing the woman behind her, Yukiko couldn’t help but exclaimed in surprise, “Are you… Okaya?”

(Thanks to 1771, 5912, 962 for the monthly tickets and 100 vip points for the reward, thank you for the two monthly tickets for the short and long votes, thank you for the monthly tickets that slowly touched your heart, thank you for the continuous support of 1768, 6498, 323. Thank you Thank you very much for your support!!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) Any.

Chapter 411: Arrangements, acquaintances and familiar dogs!

“Is it you?”

On the small island, Van Gogh in the Netherlands, Chianti looked at Mu Qiye in shock.They never thought that it was Mu Qiye who came here. Isn’t that the wizard or magician behind Mu Qiye?

“Nothing is right or wrong, I didn’t say I won’t either, it’s just what you think.” He shrugged with a smile, he should be cautious about this kind of thing, then, Mu Qiye looked at Dutch Van Gogh and nodded with satisfaction: ” how do you feel?”

“Uh, good!”

Dutch Van Gogh smiled awkwardly and moved his body, but his face was excited. For a person like him, being able to recover is already worth the excitement, not to mention that his current physical fitness has the least reaction ability. Raised by half!

He didn’t know what to call Mu Qiye. Essentially, he also hated Mu Qiye and these rich people.Of course, Mu Qiye is relatively better. “Zero Five Three”

According to the rumors, Mu Qiye will get his revenge, and he had a good impression before.And it is also a person who treats his injuries and gives him a new life.

Behind Mu Qiye, Akai Shuichi showed a little dissatisfaction: What attitude?Some irritable, fierce aura was exposed, and the faces of Dutch Van Gogh and Chianti, who had improved their strength, changed slightly.

Mu Qiye didn’t care, his subordinates always competed with each other to grow.Akai Shuichi did nothing wrong.Of course neither did Dutch Van Gogh or Chianti.

“What do you want to do next?”

A wooden seat was twisted under him, Mu Qiye sat on the seat and asked with a smile.

this code~

Seeing this scene, Dutch Van Gogh and Chianti felt that their mentality was a little broken.

Dutch Van Gogh quickly reacted and said in a calm tone: “I want to go out, of course, stay here, or do other things.”

His character is extreme and extreme, but he doesn’t like being alone and likes to live with a few friends.He still feels better outside and prefers freedom than being on an island.

Besides, it’s too primitive here, there’s nothing at all.

“Then go outside.”

Mu Qiye smiled and nodded, which was also in line with his expectations: “Are you interested in forming a club for me? Of course, I am the leader, you can continue to contact the original people, but from now on, you must take my interests as the first priority. host.”

The appearance of Dutch Van Gogh and Chianti has not changed much. Dutch Van Gogh is only a little stronger. Chianti seems to have longer hair and more rounded facial lines. Even if it is exposed, it is nothing.

“Form a society? Yes.”

Dutch Van Gogh paused for a while, then nodded involuntarily.There are never a few chaebols who support the club. His expression is a little dull, but his heart is a little excited.Before joining the organization, what he wanted to join was a violent group. Now that he can form it himself, it is definitely something he is happy to do.

Thinking of the words behind Mu Qiye, Dutch Van Gogh frowned, shook his head and said, “I know this, as long as I don’t fight against the organization, I will listen to you. As for the previous people? New place, start over!”

“Okay, then go to Nagasaki and find a reason to get in touch with Dahe Meihua of the Dahe family. She lacks people there. With her help, according to your character, you should be able to form a force soon. Of course, now Don’t expose me, just give her a test.”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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