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Winery? Nothing — Page 266

Having said that, he threw a few simple disguise masks to the Dutch Van Gogh; “Just stick it on your face, just in case you need it,”


Big He Family?Aren’t Mu Qiye and the Dahe family rivals?Why did Dahe Meihua become Mu Qiye’s person?

Dutch Van Gogh was puzzled, but he didn’t ask much.Looking at the human skin mask in front of him, his eyes lit up, which can save his life, especially the things like the edge and the sucker, which are more curious.

Then, Mu Qiye looked at Chianti,

“I do not mind.”

Chianti looked at Mu Qiye excitedly, spread his hands and said, “I will execute orders by your side, be with Van Gogh, or be a killer. Of course, there is one more item, I want to avenge Cohen and Calvados. !”

As she said that, a strong killing intent flashed in her eyes!

She likes exciting, uninhibited life.

Being by Mu Qiye’s side, she was satisfied with the stimulation, but she didn’t care about the specifics.However, he must also avenge the revenge of Cohen and Calvados!

“Then let’s train first, and train the strength of melee combat. Now is not the time for revenge.”

Mu Qiye shook his head gently.

He didn’t have much expectations for Chianti’s character, but he could still use his skills.Afterwards, Mu Qiye threw out the prepared two unilateral contracts, which can also be said to be the master-servant contract 0……

“It’s a kind of prohibition. As long as you don’t talk nonsense or do things that betray me, you’ll be fine.”

Mu Qiye gave a brief introduction.

“Does it really have such an effect? ​​Interesting.” Chianti looked at it with interest, but still couldn’t believe it.After turning over, he bit his finger, and simply pressed the fingerprint on it.

Dutch Van Gogh didn’t hesitate. It can be said that his life was given by Mu Qiye. If it was a big deal, he would return it. He never thought of betraying Mu Qiye.He also simply bit his finger and pressed the fingerprint.

At the same time as the handprint was pressed, the contract suddenly began to burn, and the two were startled and quickly let go.The contract did not fall, and even the ash that burned directly in the air disappeared without a trace.


The two looked at each other, not knowing what to say.Chianti, who had planned to try to violate the rules to see if it had any effect, also shivered and dismissed this thought.

Curiosity is curiosity, but it would be bad if you lost your life.

The corner of Mu Qiye’s mouth was slightly raised, and after a few words, he directly opened the teleportation array leading to Nagasaki, and the Dutch Van Gogh directly disappeared without a trace.Chianti, Mu Qiye let her meet Tachibana Mayo, who was also on the island, to make up for each other.

After the arrangement, he appeared on the mountain and looked at the vampire bats that Akai Shuichi had not raised. Mu Qiye disappeared here and returned to the other courtyard in Shengxian Gorge.

“Oka 4.9 Gu Noriko?”

Seeing the text message from Youxizi, Mu Qiye was stunned for a moment, and almost forgot about her.

After the meal, Mu Qiye drove to the villa in the port area.

Well, it’s time to find Conan, and Brother Cheng, I haven’t drawn blood for a long time.

“Mu Qiye?!!”

On the road, suddenly, a familiar voice came from the side of the road, Mu Qiye turned to look, after being surprised, he couldn’t help but smile, acquaintance, or two acquaintances!

Mmmm, and a mature dog!

(Thanks to 1771, 5912, 962 for the monthly tickets and 100 vip points for the reward, thank you for the two monthly tickets for the short and long votes, thank you for the monthly tickets that slowly touched your heart, thank you for the continuous support of 1768, 6498, 323. Thank you Thank you very much for your support!!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 412: Akai Marie

“Have you had a good time, Yumi, go shopping with your boyfriend on weekdays?”

Parking the car aside, Mu Qiye laughed and teased.

I haven’t seen this little policewoman since I didn’t go to the shooting range for training.Think about it, it’s strange to miss, at least this uniform has a good face.

Then, his eyes fell on Haneda Hideyoshi who was holding Erha next to her.

I was killed by a dog, and I also brought my dog ​​and girlfriend…

This idea… is awesome!

Seeing Mu Qiye stop the car, Miyamoto Yumi was a little overjoyed and trotted over.

Hearing that Mu Qiye said that Hideyoshi was her boyfriend, he rolled his eyes and retorted: “Hideyoshi is not my boyfriend, this is Hideyoshi Haneda, my former classmate. Anyway, I’m bored, so let me accompany him. to meet his relatives.”

“My relatives?” Mu Qiye was slightly startled.

Does Hideyoshi Haneda have relatives?

Akai Shuichi by his side is almost dead.Well, it’s time to change his name, Akai Shuichi’s is not suitable for 09 all day long.

As for Haneda Hideyoshi’s relatives, that girl who looks like a boy?Or a sister outside the realm?

Seeing Mu Qiye’s expression, Haneda Hideyoshi was not surprised either, Yumi said that she came to see her relatives with him, so it would be strange not to be surprised.

Yumi is this kind of character who is a little slow to feelings.

Some hurriedly took the Erha and rushed over, Haneda Hideyoshi said a little embarrassedly: “Hello, Mr. Mu, I heard Yumiko about you a long time ago, but I didn’t expect to see you.”

“Haha, just don’t say anything strange.” Looking at Yumi Miyamoto with some ambiguous eyes, Mu Qiye raised his eyebrows and smiled: “What kind of relatives are you taking Yumi to see? Wouldn’t it be to see the parents?”

“Meet the parents? Almost there.”

Miyamoto Yumi thought about it for a while, and then said with a slow response: “I heard that Hideyoshi said that it is his cousin. I haven’t seen each other for a long time. My name is Shiliang Mary, and her daughter Shiliang Zhenchun.”

Shi Liang is pure?Sera Marie?That should be Akai Marie.

Hearing the name of Mary Shiliang, Mu Qiye also thought of the name of Suzuki’s outer sister, Mary Akai.I didn’t expect Mary Akai and Shiliang Zhenchun to appear so quickly.

Also, Akai Shuichi disappeared, FBI suffered heavy losses, and it was normal for Akai Marie to come to fill the vacancy.

Haneda Hideyoshi smiled and scratched his head, even if he knew that Yumi didn’t mean that much, but he was slow to react, but when Yumi said that he met his parents, he couldn’t help but feel a little overjoyed, nodded and said, “It’s my cousin abroad, I haven’t seen each other for a long time. Now, if you feel a little unfamiliar, take Yumi to see it.”

Zhenchun wants to live here temporarily, and Shiliang Mary is not her mother’s real name, so it’s okay to say it.

Miyamoto Yumi also nodded, patted Hideyoshi Haneda on the shoulder generously, and said very big sister: “Don’t worry, it’s just to see relatives, don’t worry!”

Thinking that Hideyoshi Haneda didn’t know how to face those relatives, Yumi Miyamoto felt that she was Hideyoshi Haneda to strengthen her courage or adjust the atmosphere.

She is familiar with this operation!

When Miwako’s mother asked her to talk about her boyfriend or something inconvenient to talk about, Miwako would call her, and she couldn’t be more familiar with her!

Hideyoshi Haneda, who was tapped on the shoulder, smiled bitterly.

He did mean this, but not because he was worried about what his mother, Akai Mari, would say, but…

Behind him is a tight, tightly holding the dog’s rope.

Looking at the cute and human face of Erha who was looking at him, his heart was a little complicated, and more of it was hatred.

After spending so much time, he almost made a lot of money with this Erha in Tokyo, but he couldn’t find the damn person who knocked him unconscious for some reason.Is it really out of Tokyo, or not in Tokyo?

Ouch, that look? ? ?

Seeing Haneda Hideyoshi looking at Erha’s expression, Mu Qiye’s eyes suddenly lit up!

Did something unique happen?

His eyes narrowed slightly, his fingers lifted slightly, Mu Qiye quietly took out a ball of Erha’s love fish energy and smashed it directly into Haneda Hideyoshi’s body, and also took out a ball of Haneda Hideyoshi’s love fish energy and smashed it into Haneda Hideyoshi’s body. in the body.

At this moment, one person and one dog were slightly shocked at the same time, looking at each other, they felt that something was changing silently.

Thinking of Miwako, Miyamoto Yumi’s eyes flashed with the brilliance of gossip. He walked a few steps at a time, approached Mu Qiye’s ear, and snickered: “Hey, you and Miwako… um, is that true?”

Although there is not much news from the police force, the confirmed news is that Miwako did not return to the public hall that day, and may have stayed overnight on the boat of Qimoto’s family. The news is mixed.

She also tentatively asked Miwako several times, and felt that she was [*]-[*]% sure.

“A child’s family, what are you asking?”

Looking at Miyamoto Yumi’s pair of b, Mu Qiye looked at her face and smiled and said, “If you want to know, find me alone sometime and call me.”

He looked at her ambiguous and smiled.

Miyamoto Yumi couldn’t help blushing, thinking of Mu Qiye bullying her at the shooting training ground.

At this time, Mu Qiye also felt that two eyes with somewhat different attention were approaching.

Following his gaze, Mu Qiye turned to look.

I saw in the crowd, a blond, blue-eyed, very good-looking foreign girl, and the girl dressed like a boy, seventeen or eighteen years old, who was walking towards 053 at the airport.

The foreign woman is very beautiful, but her appearance is very unfamiliar. The airport girl is very familiar, Shiliang is pure.

The corners of Mu Qiye’s mouth curved, and he couldn’t help but smile, it seems that he hasn’t gotten smaller!

“Mom, Mu Qiye is watching us!”

Shiliang looked at Mu Qiye with pure interest.

She has investigated a lot of information about Mu Qiye, especially the information about case reasoning. She is very interested in Mu Qiye’s reasoning ability, and she really wants to compare with Mu Qiye, who is more powerful!

Akai Marie’s expression was a little serious.

If possible, she didn’t really want to contact Mu Qiye.

But now that her son Akai Shuichi is missing, Miyano Akemi is still at Mu Qiye, and there are forces behind Mu Qiye, which makes her have to suspect that the disappearance of her son Akai Shuichi may be related to Mu Qiye, so she decided to come and meet.

(Thanks to 1771, 5912, 962 for the monthly tickets and 100 vip points for the reward, thank you for the two monthly tickets for the short and long votes, thank you for the monthly tickets that slowly touched your heart, thank you for the continuous support of 1768, 6498, 323. Thank you Thank you very much for your support!!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 413: My mother… the future president!

Is this for me?

The corners of the mouths of Mari Akai and Shiliang Zhenjunmu Qiye, who were looking at him, twitched slightly, do you want to tease him?or……

Thinking about it being a public place, I don’t want to have much to do with fbi for the time being, so I temporarily dismissed this attention.In other words, it seems that the sister outside the field seems to be in trouble, and it is more interesting. Why don’t you find a time to faint, and then give her a medicine?

With this in mind, Mu Qiye smiled and nodded to them, then looked at Haneda Hideyoshi who was looking at Erha: “The relative you’re waiting for?”

“Ah?~ Huh?”

Recovering from the strange feeling, Haneda Hideyoshi could not help but panic when he saw his mother and Zhenchun coming here, but also said: “Well, yes, they are the people I waited for.”

“It looks pretty.”

Mu Qiye boasted a bit impolitely, and it was naturally Marie Akai.Then he nodded towards Akai Marie again, looked at Miyamoto Yumi and said, “If you have time to contact me, I still have an appointment, so I’ll go first.”

After rubbing Yumi’s head, Mu Qiye opened the door and got into the car.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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