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Winery? Nothing — Page 267

“Ah, oh, slow down~”

Miyamoto Yumi habitually exhorted, blushing a little, of course, to the speeding driver.

“Oh, I see.”

Cheering on, Mu Qiye smiled at Miyamoto Yumi, then looked at the Erha that Haneda Hideyoshi was holding, looked up at Haneda Hideyoshi and praised: “It looks good, it must be very powerful, it is a good dog, Cherish it!”

Haneda Hideyoshi: “…”

Yes, strength, is a good dog, cherish it…

These words kept reverberating in my mind, and I soon thought of that day that hurt my heart, and I will remember it for life…

May it come true for lovers!


In the end, saying goodbye to Yumi Miyamoto, Mu Qiye thought about it for a while, then smiled at Mary Akai, and finally drove away.


Akai Marie stopped, feeling a little stiff on her cheeks: Is this gone?Smile at me, at least say hello, do you want a phone number?Know my identity?But what was that smile for at the end?

“Mom, aren’t you very attractive!”

Beside her, her daughter Shiliang Zhenchun laughed and laughed without hesitation.Akai Marie frowned, glared at the daughter fiercely, and then the target fell there (omitted): “Better than someone who is always misunderstood by gender!”

“Huh? Mom… This, isn’t it too small!!!”

Hearing her mother mention this, Shiliang Zhenchun turned into a distressed expression. Although she has a carefree personality, she is also a girl, so she still cares about this.

Afterwards (omitted…) Unfortunately, it still didn’t, and not a single one of the people around looked at it.This made her even more frustrated, and helplessly put down her hand and scratched the back of her head.

“Really, why doesn’t it grow? Mom’s is not too small!” She raised her head and looked at her mother Akai Marie subconsciously. At this time, Akai Marie was almost walking to her brother Haneda Hideyoshi and that figure…

Well, fortunately, there is no mother…….

“Mom, wait for me~”

Shiliang Zhenchun quickened his pace and hurried up.

“Auntie, this is my friend, Yumi Miyamoto.”

When Haneda Hideyoshi saw his mother Akai Marie coming, he hurriedly made an introduction first, but he didn’t say anything about bringing Yumi.


Akai Marie smiled and nodded to Miyamoto Yumi, but she was a little dissatisfied.Whether it was Hideyoshi who met or brought it, the less you know about her relationship with Hideyoshi, the better, so why did you take the initiative to introduce it?

Thinking that Hideyoshi and Hideyoshi haven’t seen each other for many years, and the identity that is now revealed is Shiliang Mary, thinking about it, I don’t care so much.

Perhaps, or Hideyoshi’s girlfriend?

“Hello, Aunt Shiliang, I’m Miyamoto Yumi, Hideyoshi’s old classmate. I heard that you were coming to Tokyo, so I came with Hideyoshi. You look so young!”

Miyamoto Yumi reacted, remembering her responsibilities, took a few steps forward, and took the initiative to introduce it with a smile.Akai Marie was stunned for a moment, a little surprised by Yumi’s self-acquaintance, which is too… um, not bad.

Looking at Miyamoto Yumi’s expression, Akai Marie became a little more kind.For these people, a relative who is good at talking and cheerful is the most valuable.

“Hello, Yumi, I’m Marie Shiliang, Hideyoshi’s aunt.” Marie Akai also introduced in a friendly tone as much as possible, but because of her personality, she was still an agent of m16, so she still seemed a little cold.

No wonder Hideyoshi called me over.

Miyamoto Yumi also felt that Akai Marie was not easy to get in touch with.

“‘” I am, I am Shiliang Zhenchun, my mother’s daughter, Hideyoshi brother’s cousin!” Shiliang Zhenchun, who ran over, laughed and introduced himself cheerfully: I have to go out for this kind of thing!

“Hello, Shiliang… eh?!! Wait, you’re… a daughter?!!!”

Miyamoto Yumi’s eyes widened, looking at Shiliang’s pure tablet computer, with short hair, at least sixteen or seventeen, feeling a little confused: “You…are you a girl?”

Looking at Miyamoto Yumi’s expression, Akai Marie couldn’t help but laugh a little, and a subtle smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.Shiliang Zhenchun, a daughter who had almost no feminine features, immediately sensed what Mary Akai was thinking.

Have a mom like you?

Shiliang Zhenchun twitched at the corners of his mouth, complaining in his heart, but still looked at Yumi Miyamoto and said embarrassedly: “I’m really a girl, but the fierceness is not so obvious, my mother’s capital is very strong, and the future It will definitely look good!”

When he was talking (of Li Hao), he also clenched his fist with a firm expression on his face.

Beside her, Akai Marie had a black line and wanted to pull out a pistol, but it turned out that this unfilial daughter was neither big nor small.It’s a fact, you can’t say it at a time like this, can you?

“Uh, haha~”

Hearing this, Miyamoto Yumi also felt a little embarrassed. Looking at the expressions of the two, it seemed that they were really girls, and she didn’t feel that she glanced at Mary Akai’s capital… Well, it is indeed not small.

Akai Marie: “…”

(Thanks to 1771, 5912, 962 for the monthly tickets and 100 vip points for the reward, thank you for the two monthly votes for the paper short and long, thank you for the monthly tickets that slowly touched your heart, and thank 1768, 6498, 323 for their continued support. Thank you Support, thank you very much!!!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 414: Let’s go on vacation, there is Kiko’s idea

The advantage of having more women is that distance produces beauty.

Although it wasn’t two or three times a long time ago, when Mu Qiye saw Yuxizi, he couldn’t help but feel his eyes lit up, he couldn’t help hugging her and went up.

As expected of the most famous actress ten years ago, she is beautiful!

“Ah, um, don’t… there’s someone~”

Yuxizi’s face was flushed, and she hurriedly kicked the door and pushed Mu Qiye away.

In fact, she couldn’t help but feel a little complacent. In terms of appearance alone, she felt that Chris and her were the only ones who knew each other.From the perspective of the East, in fact, she is more than Chrissy.

After all, Chris belongs to the mature and mysterious category, she is more cute, delicate, and looks younger and more energetic!

“It’s okay, don’t you know?”

Smiling nonchalantly, Mu Qiye hugged her tightly in his arms.

Yukiko is indeed the type he likes, with a small skeleton, like the type that will collapse when the wind blows.With a little force, she got off the ground and picked her up.He has a good figure and a real personality.

If emotionally speaking, if he can only choose one person to spend his life, it is estimated that more than 053% of [*] will choose Yukiko.

Yukiko is the kind of woman who will still give you the feeling of being in love even after many years have passed. Being with her will always feel relaxed and happy…in every way.

Of course, that was the case with only one person.

Laughing and bowing his head and kissing her again, Mu Qiye hugged her and walked towards the embarrassed and overwhelmed Noriko Okaya.

It’s really embarrassing.

She was originally here to thank Mu Qiye, but she didn’t expect to see the sweet scene between Mu Qiye and Youxizi before she spoke, which also made her feel a little disappointed.

Although Noriko Okaya’s body and appearance are a bit worse than Yukiko, not as good as Lingzi and Qiong, and about the same level as Toda Mikazu, but Okaya Noriko has an advantage that most people don’t have, that is, she is willing to be for her fiance kill!

At this point, Yukiko can’t do it, and under normal circumstances, Fei Miles can’t do it, and most women can’t do it.Therefore, in his mind, Noriko Okaya actually belongs to the most suitable category for marriage.

You will never lose your love for her.

“Let go?”

Mu Qiye said something inexplicably, raised her chin and went up (ajej).Okaya Noriko was stunned for a moment, (omitted) In the end, he put down that hand and closed his eyes.

The fiance’s revenge was avenged, and the woman went to prison.

She is not in any danger and lives in front of everyone so openly.Although, there is no evidence that Mu Qiye did it, but she always has an intuition, at least it was promoted by Mu Qiye.

Her fiancé’s revenge was avenged, and she had no goals and motivation at once, as if she had lost her direction, and only the gratitude to the person who helped her the most was left in her mind, and she also had a lot of goodwill towards him.

Although it seems impossible, she is not that good.However, once, it is enough to repay…


Looking at Mu Qiye and Okaya Noriko, Yukiko patted her forehead, feeling a little disappointed and more speechless.Okaya Noriko looks good too, this is the first time, think about it from a different standpoint, it is estimated that she will make the same choice.

Of course, after that, her proportion will definitely be higher than Okaya Noriko!


After settling Noriko Okaya, when Mu Qiye went downstairs, Yukiko was mixing juice at the bar.

Although she also drank and drank a lot of famous wines, but from the heart, she was similar to Mu Qiye. She liked to drink juice more than the taste of alcohol, sour and sweet are good.

“Come out to play with me when you have time, of course, after this period of time.”

Mu Qiye walked over, hugged Youxizi from behind, and said with some emotion.

It should be more interesting to hang out with Yukiko.Moreover, he could also feel her depression during this time.

To be exact, since the first time he came out of Conan’s house, or left from Yoko Okino’s house, she was in a state of depression.

Of course, this is just the time to show her face. Maybe not long after she married Kudo Yusaku, she was in that disguised narcissism and pushy personality, but it was more obvious after she met.


Feeling that Mu Qiye didn’t approach her from the point of interest, Yuxizi was stunned for a moment, then smiled, shook her head, and pulled out the hair caught between the two, feeling a little warmer in her heart. .

However, she didn’t know how to answer this question.

In her heart, she really wanted to go out with Mu Qiye, preferably just the two of them.But thinking about it and knowing that it is unlikely, Mu Qiye is not the kind of person who likes to take someone out to play. She is not divorced now, and she feels that she is not qualified.

Of course, divorced, in the eyes of others, she probably still hasn’t.

Mu Qiye’s status is too high now.

But she felt that if she didn’t need to ask Mu Qiye for anything, she could still say such a thing.

At least, she felt that, apart from being married, she was no worse than others.She had never dreamed of marrying Mu Qiye, and it was always okay to let Mu Qiye accompany her alone for a while.

After all, emotionally, she’s very open now.But traveling and relaxing is something that actually matters.She’s also a little stingy and selfish, and she’s just a woman.


Yukiko thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.Even if she’s not alone, it’s not bad to go out for a walk, besides…

There was a trace of complexity in his eyes, and the thought of the worry-free idiot wearing glasses came to his mind.

“Well, it’s settled.” He smiled and kissed her, Mu Qiye let go of Youxizi without thinking much.He took a glass of orange and pineapple juice that had just been mixed on the table, walked to the sofa by the window and sat down, took out the alchemy that had just been exchanged and read it.

I have to make magic tools~

Whether it is alchemy, potion, divination… In fact, the basis is magician, that is, magic, which can be regarded as an extension of magic.

The foundation of alchemy is the use of magic of various attributes, followed by the matching and fusion of related materials, the attributes of various props…



Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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