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Winery? Nothing — Page 272

A large part of the reason why she cooperated with Mu Qiye was also because of the cooperation with Mu Qiye. There were few losses from beginning to end, and she was never stingy with her collaborator Mu Qiye.

Although greed is not impossible, it is just too troublesome to communicate with, this method of equal trading is also beneficial to everyone.


“I know.” Just after Mu Qiye finished speaking, Koizumi Hongzi, who wanted to tell Mu Qiye about the world situation, raised her brows, and when she sensed someone was approaching, she shook her head and said simply: “The one called Gui Xin, I will keep it simple. Watch, or give her something, and when you find it, call me anytime.”

Although there are also methods of communication in magic, it is inevitable to be able to locate through these things.No one wants their traces exposed in the sight of others.

A dark red magic circle appeared under her feet, and Koizumi Koizumi disappeared without a trace.

“European magician, vampire, alien?”

4.9 Looking at Koizumi Hongzi who was leaving, Mu Qiye clenched the magic bag in his hand, and his expression was slightly condensed: It seems to be really troublesome, it’s time to exchange for artificial intelligence, but… Who is in control?

The original artificial intelligence, such as the Red Queen, Skynet… Of course, Skynet cannot be exchanged, but the world level is estimated to be not low. After the exchange, no one knows what the artificial intelligence has thoughts and whether it will be controlled.

It’s good to say that he is good at dealing with creatures, but if a robot counterattacks, it will be a fool…

(Thanks to 1771, 5912, 962 for the monthly tickets and 100 vip points for the reward, thank you for the two monthly tickets for the short and long votes, thank you for the monthly tickets that slowly touched your heart, thank you for the continuous support of 1768, 6498, 323. Thank you Thank you very much for your support!!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 422: It’s a pity that I won’t be able to remove the kidney by surgery

“Seven nights!”

Yoko Okino pushed open the door and entered, and threw himself on Mu Qiye.Although she doesn’t love Mu Qiye that much, she is the one who needs and loves Mu Qiye the most.

“Yeah.” Rubbing her head, Mu Qiye smiled and pushed back her hair, cupped her cheeks, and bowed her head.


Haibara… Miyano Shiho’s talent in computers seems to be good, she’s the only one!

She should be brought here.

According to the current situation, it is not difficult to come, but it is better to have a reason, otherwise, I really think he cares so much!

…Edogawa Conan!

It’s time to get down to business, always busy with reading books, and forget about the two of them.

“finally arrived at home!”

In the study, looking at the blood that was no longer moving on the map, Mu Qiye put on the human skin mask and smiled, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.On the other side, a substitute for Mu Qiye shrugged, got up and went out, and drove out as planned.


Maori Detective Agency.

The door opened, and Mouri Kogoro and Conan entered tiredly.

“Damn, that Morigu Emperor II…”

Mouri Kogoro gritted his teeth and looked unwilling, and Conan looked decadent behind him.

I’ve been busy with Xun and Mei for a long time, and I didn’t say anything about the 09 gains. More importantly, I wanted to go to the afternoon tea of ​​Emperor Sengu to gain reputation, see if I could find some cases, and solve the puzzle he proposed. , who would not have let them in…

Seems like it’s time for a facelift…

Conan sighed inwardly, never feeling so lost and helpless.But thinking about the fact that he will change to another appearance later, he can’t help but be a little undecided.

His high school detective Kudo Shinichi, or the current Conan, are not ugly, why plastic surgery? ! !

He looked up and looked around the office, especially the three on the desk that had not been cleaned up after drinking yesterday, and there were more than a dozen wine bottles in the ground. Why don’t you clean up? In this case… even if a client does come, they will leave immediately, right?”

The fast food box on the table, the sofa that I don’t know what it is, the trash can that is about to overflow…

Crazy, crazy!

Mouri Kogoro also had a headache, but when he thought of the current situation, he was also half-paralysed on the sofa with a decadent expression, his eyes were blank: “If you organize it, you will be entrusted? Little devil, I’m not talking about you, your name is called by everyone. It’s all light…”

He was powerless to complain.

He was lucky to say that he was not the only one who was cuckolded by Mu Qiye. According to Mu Qiye’s current status, being cuckolded by others was not an unacceptable thing.

It was normal for Fei Mi to choose Mu Qiye. Besides, he and Fei Mi were separated from each other before, so he didn’t talk much about it, but he couldn’t get over it.After being beaten several times, Mu Qiye was also justified and did not target him too much.

At least in the eyes of others, the biggest dispute between him and Mu Qiye was in the concubine miles.As long as he doesn’t provoke Concubine Miles, or Xiaolan, who cares about Concubine Miles, then Mu Qiye won’t do anything to him, and the influence will be eliminated, it’s not a big problem.

But Conan is different, all kinds of provocations, all kinds of “framed accusations” without evidence, and there are cases of installing bugs and stealing into other people’s homes…

Anyway, he was a little speechless.

With Yukiko, this is a dead end, not to mention that Yukiko has almost cut off relations with Conan now.

“It’s not my fault? I’m telling the truth, Mu Qiye is too difficult to deal with, okay?”

Conan complained, rolled his eyes, sat on the sofa next door, raised his head and stared at the ceiling blankly.Anyway, he is not in the spirit of cleaning. Whoever loves to clean will be cleaned. He needs to wait for a while and think carefully about whether or not to have plastic surgery.

Of course, if there is a commission, it is different.

“There is a commission.”

As if hearing his call, an unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded.

Conan’s eyes lit up, and he immediately raised his head and stood up: “Who, what is the commission? I took it!”

As soon as I stood up, I saw a middle-aged man in his thirties, wearing a suit, but with a scorpion tattoo on his hand, appearing behind the uncle of the waste wood color, holding a book and drawing it directly to the head of the waste wood-colored uncle. superior!

The uncle of the waste wood color didn’t even have time to say a word, and was pulled to the ground and slipped between the sofa and the coffee table, and there was no movement.

“Uncle Maori!!…You, who are you?!!”

Looking vigilantly at the middle-aged man across from him, Conan quickly took a few steps back, his head running wildly.

Not wearing black clothes, should not be the winery.I used a book, I didn’t mean to kill Uncle Maori… At the same time, I was subconsciously preparing to use anesthesia needles and the strength-enhancing shoes to solve the opponent!

“Edogawa Conan, Kudo Shinichi, interesting!” The corner of his mouth evoked an exaggerated wicked smile, Mu Qiye took the English dictionary and smashed it at Conan’s head!

“What?!! You…” Hearing this, Conan turned pale in shock. He didn’t expect this stranger to say this. Edogawa Conan and Kudo Shinichi obviously knew that he was getting smaller. thing!

Before he could think about it, in this brief shock, the incoming English dictionary had already hit him on the head.

“Oops, something bad!”

“Bang!” His head was dizzy and buzzing, his vision blurred for a while, and he felt like he was flying…


Conan fell to the ground.

“Huh? Your physique is good!”

Mu Qiye glanced at Conan in surprise, but this time he didn’t completely stun him, he quickly rushed over a few steps, put his foot on his head, and knocked him out.

It also takes strength and skill to knock people out!

He simply opened the storage space, took out the familiar large syringe, Mu Qiye squatted on the ground, pouted, and inserted it directly into the aorta of Conan’s heart!

Familiar extraction, recovery, water injection, dilution, replenishment…

“Mental power has increased by at least one-third, and physique is less, and 053 is also about one-fifth. Dark attribute energy is biased towards Yin attribute, which is normal, no wonder it recovers so quickly!”

After sensing Conan’s physical condition, Mu Qiye couldn’t help but feel a little envious. Even if he didn’t know magic, as long as he stimulated his death aura, it would have a stronger effect on the body and spirit. This is the protagonist’s treatment button!

How good is the material?It’s a pity that I can’t take it for my own use yet, but it’s not far away!

Looking at Conan, the corners of Mu Qiye’s mouth twitched slightly. After thinking about it carefully, he only smoked 1000cc this time, so he recovered quickly.Next is his story!


Skillfully putting the tools back into the storage space, Mu Qiye looked at Conan on the ground, and a knife slashed, directly cutting off the lower half of Conan’s muscles.

Then he tore off his sleeves, bandaged him briefly, and disappeared without a trace: “Unfortunately, I won’t be able to surgically cut a kidney, otherwise I’ll have to cut him one!”

(Thanks to 1771, 5912, 962 for the monthly tickets and 100 vip points for the reward, thank you for the two monthly tickets for the short and long votes, thank you for the monthly tickets that slowly touched your heart, thank you for the continuous support of 1768, 6498, 323. Thank you Thank you very much for your support!!!)

(Sorry, I have been a little off topic recently. If I want to switch back, the update may be slower, so try to restore it as much as possible)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 423: Servant Yusaku Kudo



Makoto Ito pushed open the door, his schoolbag slipped, and he arrived with the world of Saigon Temple.

She liked Makoto, that gentle boy.

Not long after Mu Qiye left Sakano Academy, she and Makoto came together.Although she hated Mu Qiye for being so sincere, she couldn’t help being secretly grateful. Without Mu Qiye, it is estimated that she would not have come together with Ito Makoto so quickly.

Moreover, Mu Qiye also took away the Gui Yanye that Cheng liked,

It’s just that after Gui Yanye left school, other girls seemed to have discovered Cheng’s advantages, and they kept approaching and even having a relationship with Cheng, which made her feel extremely urgent and wanted to possess Cheng as much as possible.

Sincerity is mine!

The eyes of the world of Saiyuan Temple showed a persistent and firm gaze, and his actions were also extraordinarily bold.

Likewise, Makoto Ito, who was unwilling to keep in touch like this, replaced the tenderness in his eyes with enthusiasm and excitement.

He also likes the world, it is the world that proves his charm to girls, opens up a new world for him, and gives him the life he has now, but he also resents the world a little, if it weren’t for the world to introduce him…

Thinking of this, he recalled in his mind a girl with a beautiful face, a devil-like figure, and a good girl in everything: Yan Ye~

His movements paused.

“This speed…”

Mu Qiye, who refracted the light to hide his figure, felt the cesium aura emanating from Makoto Ito, and felt a pain in his head. Is it okay to increase this special meow by [*]%?

Glancing at the world of Ito Makoto, Mu Qiye was speechless for a while: It’s okay to like scum, but who can complain about irresponsible and indecisive scum?

Thinking about it, it seems that this woman was the one who killed Makoto Ito in the end. She seemed to be pretending to be pregnant, and was finally killed by Yan Ye with a knife!


In other words, didn’t Ito Makoto kill Yan Ye?

Mu Qiye, who recalled the real plot, was a little speechless. Looking at the world of Xiyuan Temple, his eyes could not help but soften a little.

Mu Qiye walked over, slapped them stunned with two slaps, lifted Ito Makoto with one hand, and disappeared without a trace.

Makoto Ito is not Conan, there are not many people who pay attention, and it is nothing to take away.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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