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Winery? Nothing — Page 274

Chapter 425: World information brought in the magic bag.

Well, excellent, excellent.

It’s just that I can’t accept a supporting role for a small h-man for a short time, and I graduated from Togetsu Academy, a top chef school.he

I didn’t say that Qingpu dance is not enough…

Good guy, the small h-man supporting role graduated from Togetsu Academy? ! !

Shocking enough indeed.

With preparation, Mu Qiye didn’t show anything, walked towards the villa, and asked casually, “How about you? Your mother can rest assured that you are at home alone?”

After thinking about it, Qingpu then followed Mu Qiye.

Looking at Mu Qiye, he knew what Mu Qiye meant, so he could rest assured that she would be alone with Mu Qiye, not to worry…

“I said I wanted to stay.” Qingpu Wu looked at Mu Qiye and said.


Mu Qiye paused, “Is this voluntary?

… Qingpu Shanna is obviously very smart, it is impossible not to know what he means.

Thinking of the plot in the campus, I was speechless and continued to walk forward.

In the anime, this legal loli also seems to have had a relationship with Makoto Ito for the sake of the good best friend Saizonji World.Now it has become Qingpu Dance for her mother… This dedication is amazing!

“How is your relationship with the world called Xiyuan Temple?” Mu Qiye asked casually.

Soon Yoko Okino was settled, and it was not so necessary.

Looking at Mu Qiye, Qingpu didn’t know why Mu Qiye said that for a moment, and shook his head with a complicated look: “No, she has been with Makoto Ito recently, she is her, I am me.”

Even so, I am still a little sad and disappointed.

She has always believed that she has a good relationship with the world and is a lifelong friend, and she is willing to give everything for her.Telling her to draw a clear line is also a temporary feeling, but who would have thought, the world of Xiyuan Temple…

“Also transfer to another school.” Feeling Qingpu’s momentary low mood, Mu Qiye didn’t care that much, but he couldn’t help shaking his head. It was also a good thing to leave that broken school.As for the world of Saigon Temple?That’s a pit!


Hearing this, Qingpu looked up suspiciously and looked at Mu Qiye again: “Didan High School? You don’t want to put all the female students into one class, do you?”


Mu Qiye didn’t respond for a while, and then complained, but his eyes couldn’t help but light up.If all the female students who have had a relationship are placed in Class B of the second year of high school…

“Cough, what are you thinking!”

Mu Qiye rolled his eyes, Conan, how many beautiful high school students who are famous in Yuanyue are added together?Eh, with the campus, it seems that fate is not impossible. Besides, this is Tokyo, if…

Qingpu, who had lit up a branch of Mu Qiye, nodded suddenly, the idea flashed and he did not follow Mu Qiye into the villa.

The villa is very spacious, and there is only one word left to describe it.Except for the main furniture, there is no other decoration, obviously there is no time to arrange it.

Sitting on the sofa, Mu Qiye took out the notes and continued to read the contents of the notes about soul cards and weapon refining.

Even if a person dies, he can be resurrected according to the imprints and memories left on the world, but it is best to be cautious.The difficulty of resurrection with a soul and a soul without a soul is not a star and a half, the most important thing is the influence and acceptance of the world.

Weapons are even simpler. The funny thing is not to target vampires, but Koizumi Hongko, or other people with super defense.No way, elemental magic is powerful, but now this level is obviously too bad in breaking defense.

Just like when I told Koizumi Hongzi, the red flames were fine. I could use bullets to hit the bullets and hone a few bullets to break the defense, but the dark red flames behind it probably evaporated before the bullets got close!

Not to mention elemental attacks, in addition to the complete suppression of magical energy, the penetration is actually not as good as bullets.The poor penetration of magic is common sense. It is a common thing. It is more reliable to throw magic weapons. You can also learn a few magic martial arts.

Other defenses and auxiliary props are not so anxious.After all, it’s not a one-off, you can just exchange it directly, the effect is good, how can it surpass your own refining.

Well, there is also a magic bag given by Koizumi Hongzi. There should be a lot of interesting things in it, and maybe there are books such as alchemy.

After simply setting up a mirror illusion, Mu Qiye used magic to detect it. After confirming that it was safe, his spirit spread in, and he turned over the magic bag given by Koizumi Hongzi.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

“I’m going, is it too generous?!!”

The magic bag has about a hundred cubic meters of space. In addition to potions, various materials, magic tools, and all kinds of books, Mu Qiye couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

Of course, if you feel it carefully, you will know that most of these magic tools are of average grade, but they have various abilities.Among them, there are many magic chains that can enhance the charm of the opposite sex, as well as heraldic amulet that can make both men and women like each other.

In addition, the most high-end magic tool is an ancient oriental sword with soul fluctuations, which is the same as the Madam Xu dagger bought at the antique store, but with different properties.

“Hehe, it’s a hint that I want me to go to the melee defense route~” Mu Qiye smiled slightly, realizing that he had landed on several of the magic books, his eyes suddenly widened: “Wocao, why is this name?!!”

0 ……


On the sofa next to him, watching Mu Qiye sit quietly reading his notes, Qingpu was curious and puzzled for a moment, but he never thought that Mu Qiye would sit on the sofa like this, focused on reading the book, without saying a word.

Dress up?

Qingpu’s first feeling was that Mu Qiye pretended to be serious and wanted to attract her.Is it necessary to install Kemu Qiye?Even if she doesn’t pretend she can’t do anything.

She had already hinted just now that for the sake of her mother, she didn’t care.

It was impossible for Mu Qiye not to know what she meant.

I see a lot of beautiful women, don’t you care?

Looking at her almost flat body, Qingpu’s face darkened slightly.But it’s not unattractive, is it?

For some people with special hobbies, it should be more attractive, right?

Thinking about the rumors about Mu Qiye, Gui Yanye, and that Kasuga Ye Qiong, she didn’t feel nodding, but she was even more puzzled, so why?

She couldn’t figure it out in her heart, but when she looked at Mu Qiye and thought about her mother, she thought about it and stood up.She walked to Mu Qiye’s side, reached out and unbuttoned…

(Thanks for staying.. year. monthly pass.)

(Sorry, I’ve been a little off topic recently. If I want to switch back, the update may be slower, so try to restore it as much as possible)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) Any.

Chapter 426: A good figure.

Dedication is a life of courage, especially if you take the initiative to get rid of it.

Looking up at Qingpu Mo, whose face was slightly flushed, Mu Qiye couldn’t help but think of Qiong.

Of course, compared to the dome, it is far worse in an instant.

Whether it’s looks, charm or figure, even the reason he appreciates Qiong more.

Qiong is for herself, Qingpu Mo is for others.

However, my figure is finally better. Compared to when I was wearing a school uniform, I can finally see it, but the time is not so good.

Before Qingpu could speak for a moment, Mu Qiye removed the mirror illusion and pointed at the door with a smile.


Qingpu was stunned for a moment, what happened?

Then he turned his head to look, and saw his mother “Zero Five Three”, Qingpu Wu, who had seen it a few times before and lived not far from Mika Taniguchi, Yifukube Bahiro was standing at the door stunned with the ingredients!

Oops, why did you come back so soon? ! !

Her face turned red all of a sudden, her head was buzzing, and she hurriedly bent down to pick up her short skirt.

“good body.”

Shaking her head with a smile, Mu Qiye picked up the blanket next to her, got up and draped it over her shoulders.

Hearing this, Qingpu instantly blushes, grabs the blanket on his shoulders tightly and whispers thank you, and then immediately runs upstairs.

What’s going on here? ! !

Qingpu Mai, Taniguchi Mika, and Yofukube Bahiro, who had just returned from grocery shopping, were all a little confused.Thinking about the situation just now, it is not clear that Mu Qiye was not forcing Momo to do something, but rather that Momo took the initiative…

“That, hug, hug…”

Qingpu Wu blushed and was embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

Apologize?It seemed that the daughter was at a loss, but to say that Mu Qiye took advantage of it was not really considered, it was the daughter who took the initiative.She knows that this daughter is a little precocious and a little too smart, and likes to think about other people, if it is for her…

“It’s just an accident, my problem.”

Shaking his head with a chuckle, Mu Qiye changed the subject and said, “You graduated from Totsuki? Can you make ramen or something? Some want to eat ramen.”

“Uh, um, okay, what’s the flavor?” Qingpu Wu felt relieved when she knew that Mu Qiye was putting the cause on him, and she asked with a sigh of relief.

Before, when she was busy with work and didn’t have time to cook for Instantaneous, she would also make some ramen and put it in the refrigerator during her breaks.Whether it is to do it directly for the instant in the morning, or let the instant do it by itself, it is very convenient.

She didn’t dare to say anything about other aspects. She was still a little confident in the aspect of ramen. Of course, there were quite a few ready-made ones in the refrigerator.

“Soup, the noodles are not wide, just add some beef, you can eat the rest as you like.” Mu Qiye thought about it, and then said the simple way of Lanzhou beef noodles.

I used to like it very much, especially when I was in school. It was cheap and rich in flavor.It’s a pity that when you come to this world, you rarely eat it.Somehow miss it.

“Well, well, it’s more troublesome to cook the soup, it is estimated that it will take more than an hour.” Qingpu Wu simply spoke as if reporting to his subordinates.

“Okay, go get busy.”

Mu Qiye couldn’t help but smile and didn’t correct anything. He continued to look down at the notes, thinking about what to do next. Of course, the most important thing was to improve his strength!

Seeing Mu Qiye’s easygoing appearance, Qingpu Mai, Taniguchi Mika, and Ifukube Hashiro also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Mu Qiye didn’t have any temper with them before, but Mu Qiye’s identity changed every day.At the dinner party at Suzuki’s house, it was rumored that Kid’s leg was broken with one kick, and the time they spent together was short, so it would be strange if they didn’t worry.

Mu Qiye lowered his head, and they felt much more relaxed.

But some don’t know what to do next.Especially Taniguchi Mika and Ifukube Yahiro, the two looked at each other and decided to follow Qingpu Mai to the kitchen to cook.

Although they are not good at Qingpu Dance, even if Taniguchi Meixiang’s family is a white-collar class, most of them are cooking, so it’s okay to fight, and more importantly, they don’t need to face Mu Qiye 0 alone… ..

While Qingpu Mai, Taniguchi Mika and the others were cooking, Mu Qiye set up a mirrored illusion and copied the regular fragments of Conan and Ito Makoto’s blood through blood art.

The improvement of Cesium Domain’s ability is less than [-]% satisfactory. The rules of darkness and death can only be considered sloppy, which is far from the repulsive force. I want to improve my strength as soon as possible.Still have to start from the Nakiri family!

Erina, Alice, the improvement is not great, and I can only find Nakiri Onora and Nakiri Senzaemon.

I don’t care what other people think.

Qingpu returned to the room in an instant, then slowly changed his clothes and walked down.His expression was still the same, but his face was a little more rosy, his expression was natural and much more relaxed.

A light blue long dress with suspenders. Due to the design, the upper body is a bit loose, and due to the figure, it can’t hold up, but it is better than when she was wearing a school uniform before.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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