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Winery? Nothing — Page 279

“This is Miyano? The daughter of Miyano Atsuji and Miyano Elena, the mad scientist who developed aptx4869? Make Kudo Shinichi smaller, and she developed the latest version of aptx4869?”

Looking at Miyano Shiho’s appearance and age, Fujisawa Kotaro showed some doubts.This appearance, age, at first glance, does not have the appearance of strength and superb medical skills.

Nakiri Senzaemon and Suzuki Jiroji also frowned.Age and appearance are not everything, but they can finally explain some problems. This thing really makes them a little unbelievable.

“Is it important?”

The corner of Mu Qiye’s mouth curved, smiled and said, “People know some information about aptx4869, so what if it’s just by chance?”

“‘ ‖…” This is the truth!

The three looked at each other, then smiled again.

“As expected of Mr. Mu, what you see is to understand.”

Fujisawa Kotaro smiled in admiration, waved to the tall middle-aged man in his thirties, and the man handed over some information.

“This is a delegation order signed by His Majesty the Emperor himself. Of course, Mr. Mu should also know the specific content. It is impossible to write the detailed content, but as long as it is within the r book, some people will accuse Miyano and Hirota of this matter. Get your hands on it, and you can show this proof.”

“Special appointment order.”

After receiving it, Mu Qiye simply turned a few pages, then closed it with a smile and nodded, “Happy, after I get the information, I will give you a copy of the information.”

“No, it’s handed over to the country, to His Majesty the Emperor, I don’t dare.” Seeing Mu Qiye’s interest, the smile on Fujisawa Kotaro’s face (of Zhao’s) was even worse, and he quickly waved his hand.

Then he said: “Of course, several of them are important figures in our country, and they can also study it. Multiple people are also considered a lot of power. As long as they are researched by our country, it is enough!”

This is true, and it is also the original words of the emperor and the prime minister. Even leaders of other countries and those in power think the same.

No matter who it is, it is a good thing to be able to develop a longevity medicine.Anyway, there is no shortage of money. This kind of thing cannot be owned by one person or even a country. At that time, it will always be shared, and the most money and resources will be forked.

(Thanks for staying.. year. monthly pass.)

(Sorry, I’ve been a little off topic recently. If I want to switch back, the update may be slower, so try to restore it as much as possible)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 434 : Longevity Seeds, Probably Won’t Grow Up!

Suzuki Jiroji nodded slightly.

In terms of medical treatment and pharmacy, the Suzuki family is a bit poor, not very good at it, but it is absolutely not a problem to find a few experts to study it.

After all, this is a big project. In the past, it was because there were no reliable channels and materials. Now that you have it, why should you try it? What if it succeeds?

Long live!

Compared to Jiroji Suzuki’s secret agreement, Nakiri Senzaemon was a little hesitant.Seeing the real person with his own eyes, Mu Qiye personally told him that he had to believe it.

Now that he’s almost seventy, it’s a lie not to be distracted.Because star cuisine is also considered to prolong life, it is barely considered a part of longevity. The Nakiri family is also one of the best in medical treatment and pharmaceuticals.

Of course, this does not mean the number of hospitals, but refers to the research institutes, top talents, Sakata, Hosokawa. Among the people inside, the two most capable people were called by him, and they were definitely the cronies of the cronies.

It’s just that the longevity thing is similar to the quagmire. Even the ancient emperors couldn’t help but fall into it. Can they really study it?

Even if he is old and rejuvenated, he feels a little unreliable.

Seeing Nakiri Senzaemon’s hesitation, Fujisawa Kotaro looked at the middle-aged man next to him and nodded.

The man then compared the before and after genetic data about Conan and Kudo Shinichi, as well as the relevant information obtained from Kudo Shinichi, that is, Conan’s mouth, and passed it to Nakiri Senzaemon and Suzuki Jiroji.

“The DNA similarity is 07099.999987% [-]%? It’s almost certain to be one person?”

He knew that the ratio of determining parent-child relationship was more than 99.99%. This special code, with so many decimal points, who knows what it means?very similar?

Fujisawa Kotaro shrugged helplessly and said with a smile: “I’m not a doctor, and I don’t know. However, according to those experts, it is because of the shrinking that Kudo Shinichi’s body genes have undergone certain changes.”

“Although most things are unaffected, Conan is Kudo Shinichi in terms of blood, memory, thinking and other aspects, but Kudo Shinichi is definitely not the previous Kudo Shinichi.”

“One of the speculations is that Shinichi Kudo has become a new species, and they have renamed the species Longevity.”

“Of course, the immortality here refers not only to rejuvenation, but also to genetic fixation, that is, Kudo Shinichi will probably not grow up again, and will always be seven or eight years old now, and this is what caused this result to change. In the genes!”

“Always look like seven or eight years old, change the genes?!!”

As soon as these words came out, even Mu Qiye was a little surprised: You are awesome, Conan really doesn’t grow up?

However, this is clearly not the focus of others.

“What about age and life expectancy?” Nakiri Senzaemon and Suzuki Jiroji looked at each other and asked the most urgent question.

“The current age of Conan is definitely seven or eight years old, his genes are stable, and there should be no other unexpected adverse consequences. I heard that in the winery, there is a woman with the code name of a thousand-faced witch, Belmod, who has obtained longevity, and may still be alive to this day. Youth forever!”

Speaking of this, Fujisawa Kotaro couldn’t help but look forward to his eyes, and then shook his head with a sigh and said, “Unfortunately, even inside the winery, few people have seen the real face of Belmod, the secret agent. I don’t even know.”

Afterwards, he looked at Mu Qiye with some anticipation.

Nakiri Senzaemon and Suzuki Jiroji also looked over. Women, Mu Qiye is good at it. Besides, Miyano Shiho was also dug by Mu Qiye from the winery.Although we all know, the winery is probably forced to, and does not want to be targeted by Mu Qiye and the forces behind Mu Qiye!

But Mu Qiye found a handful of melon seeds from somewhere and was smashing melon seeds leisurely.

“Dont look at me.”

Mu Qiye rolled his eyes, good guy, I didn’t expect Belmod to be eternal youth, even if he is a magician, it is not so easy to see.

Besides, there are so many ways to achieve longevity, who cares about how to live long?Which is better than looking beautiful and refreshing.How about turning them into vampires? …Well, it seems that the chances of transforming vampires are not high. These people have the right to have money, and they probably don’t want to.

Mu Qiye nibbled on the melon seeds and said, “I met them just because of Hirota Masami’s incident. Who knew this was involved? It’s enough to get them out. I have the time now, but I don’t have such a need.”

“…” This rogue’s statement made the three of them speechless.

Also, except for Nakiri Senzaemon, the other two knew that Mu Qiye was related to Hirota Masami and the winery.

Of course, Nakiri Senzaemon had also heard of some, but at that time, there were many women related to Mu Qiye, and he didn’t think much about it. Who would have thought that Hirota Masami was related to the winery.

“This one……”

Fujisawa Kotaro smiled and wanted to persuade again, which was also one of his reasons for coming.

“I have to be cool for a few more years, but I’m not interested now.”

Mu Qiye simply waved his hand: “Of course, I will also set up a small research institute in Shengxian Gorge or Yuanyueli Palace, but only this research institute is mainly based on Miyano Shiho, and it can be harvested in the future. mutual communication.”

Looking for help, he glanced at Nakiri Senzaemon and Suzuki Jiroji, both of them shrugged and looked helpless, and Fujisawa Kotaro couldn’t continue to say anything.

“Well, if you need anything, Mr. Mu can say it directly, and we will do our best to help.” Fujisawa Kotaro immediately expressed his position.Miyano Shiho was brought out by Mu Qiye, and Mu Qiye is not so easy to move, let alone the Suzuki family and the Nakiri family.

As soon as he came, he never thought about Miyano Shiho.

More importantly, compared to the royal family, national research, the connections of these chaebols, and the means of acquiring talents from various sources are much stronger than them.

Developed countries have a common problem.

Perhaps the country’s power is not very good, and some go bankrupt at any time, but the domestic chaebols are more powerful than each other.Regardless of technology, medical treatment, or biology, computers… are blooming everywhere.

Besides, they also have their main research directions. Naturally, it is more appropriate to leave this aspect to the domestic chaebols, and the development is also the fastest.

M country is estimated to be similar.

This matter should also be handed over to Umbrella, the umbrella company and their big companies,

Mu Qiye’s current industry is still in the stage of rapid development, and he is not very old. It is also a good thing to focus on other aspects.

After all, national economic construction is also very important.

Foodstuffs, catering, construction, logistics…especially logistics, is a labor-intensive industry, and the wages are still high.Happiness also has many benefits.

Prices are skyrocketing!

Nakiri Senzaemon and Suzuki Jiroji also agreed, and the matter was decided.Before Fujisawa Kotaro could speak any further, he saw that the door of the operating room opened and Conan had been pushed in.

Seeing Conan, Mu Qiye seemed to see that the professors, doctors, and even Miyano Shiho, who didn’t speak much, seemed to have a faint green light in the eyes.

finally come!

(Thanks for staying.. year. monthly pass.)

(Sorry, I’ve been a little off topic recently. If I want to switch back, the update may be slower, so try to restore it as much as possible)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 435: Dissatisfaction with Yuanyue

Seeing them pick up the knives and walk towards Conan impatiently, Mu Qiye felt that they had the urge to share the cake, and couldn’t help asking: “Did you tell them? The main purpose this time is plastic surgery, don’t make it happen It’s too big, research is research, don’t dismantle Conan!”

“Mr. Maki, don’t worry, it’s already…” Fujisawa Kotaro smiled, but before he could finish speaking, his face suddenly changed slightly. The two brought by Nakiri Senzaemon and Suzuki Jiroji are okay to say, he brought…

Afterwards, he quickly picked up the microphone and said, “Hey, it’s me, Kotaro Fujisawa, remember your responsibilities, the main purpose is plastic surgery, don’t tear people down, maintain a humanitarian spirit, don’t do too much… “

operating room.

An old professor who heard the sound from the headset frowned, looked at the two in the middle, and issued a warning in his masked mouth: “You two hold back and remember the order above!”

After finishing speaking, he also looked at the others, and told Kotaro Fujisawa, or Mu Qiye, about this research… No, he told Conan’s plastic surgery request.

A few faces were obviously unwilling, and three of them were the most normal. It seemed that they really wanted to study, study… Seeing the reactions of others, Miyano Shiho nodded secretly: The above order?

The top of the characters behind the scenes of Mu Qiye, or…zf?

Thinking about what these people said before, although most of them are obviously inferior to him, there are definitely merits. This is still said in the absence of aptx4869 and related materials.

Maybe…it may have been, maybe – just incomplete information!

Thinking of this, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and a gleam of light radiated from her eyes.


inside the room.

Seeing that the female professor who almost cut a knife in Conan’s abdomen finally stopped her hand, Fujisawa Kotaro was also relieved: these people are crazy, and he really can’t control it.

Compared with them, I am afraid that the mad scientist at the time, Miyano Atsushi is a younger brother, but they are researching… How many doctors are normal?

“Sorry, professional habits, professional habits…” Fujisawa Kotaro reacted, looking at Mu Qiye and smiled apologetically, Nakiri Senzaemon and Suzuki Jiroji also breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s not because Conan won’t become a test product, but Mu Qiye’s attitude towards Conan.Although the kid Conan always offends Mu Qiye, his mother is Yukiko Fujimine after all.

Now that things have developed to this point, it is reasonable for Mu Qiye to trade with ZF to reduce risks, but if he really cares so much and completely ignores Yukiko Tengfeng, then it is really worth considering.

Good guy, professional habit, really accustomed…

Mu Qiye glanced past the middle-aged man next to Fujisawa Kotaro, and fell on Fujisawa Kotaro: He doesn’t know whether Belmode is immortal and youthful, but he is sure that this man is definitely not as simple as a pure person!

The expression on his face did not change in the slightest. Mu Qiye shook his head with a smile, and said with some seriousness: “That’s good, according to the agreement, both parties will benefit. How are you?”

Not following the rules?

Hearing the potential meaning of Mu Qiye’s words, Nakiri Xianzaemon also haha ​​echoed: “Yes, let’s discuss it, the important thing is the purpose, and it is estimated that this cannot be achieved in a short time.”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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