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Winery? Nothing — Page 280

Suzuki Jiroji also expressed his approval.

Compared to Nakiri Senzaemon, his expression is also a little more serious. Conan belongs to everyone. What should you do if you find a problem yourself?

“What the three said, what they said…” Perceiving the change in the attitude of the three, Fujisawa Kotaro’s expression changed slightly, although he was a little dissatisfied, how could he also be the Minister of the Interior!

But also had to apologize immediately.

Not to mention that the combination of these three is to offend one of them, and it is estimated that it is enough for him.After all, there can be many inner ministers, and the top chaebols are seated firmly!

Besides, this is also true. Their purpose is to develop a longevity medicine, improve aptx3859, and study Conan like this, and even… well, in front of Mu Qiye, it is almost… inappropriate.

Mu Qiye didn’t care too much about these people. After watching Conan’s blood draw, specimen collection, experiments… There were two others in charge of surgery and plastic surgery, so he simply turned off the screen.

He was in no mood to continue watching.Of course, Nakiri Senzaemon and the others were not in the mood to continue watching.

After a few simple chats, Fujisawa Kotaro looked at Nakiri Senzaemon: “Commander, Togetsu is the symbol of our country, and the development is still a bit slow now, especially the chefs above the star level…”

Although in the eyes of others, Totsuki is really good,

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

At least after graduation, the top three have already got tickets for star chefs, and there are also epoch-making excellent chefs such as Dojima Gin and Shinpei Seiichiro.

Now it is considered that there are many talents, and everything is developing in a good place.

There is the most famous Si Yingshi, and the one who knows the most, Momo Kikubo.

Nakiri Erina can’t be counted. Everyone present knows that there are some pitfalls for the woman who has the tongue of God in the Totsuki family, and Nakiri Mauna is a typical example.Now that he is still pouring nutrient solution in a hanging bottle, Nakiri Erina will continue to inherit Totsuki Academy even if she survives this disaster.

Even if almost cultivated, three percent of the world’s best chefs.

Compared with the huge gap of star chefs, the current development is undoubtedly too slow, and after the golden generation of Dojima Gin and Yukihiro Ichiro, it is indeed a generation that is not as good as a generation.

0 …… 0

Hearing this, Nakiri Senzaemon’s face darkened slightly: I finally said it!

Although no one has said anything over the years, zf has not made a specific statement.But he is also considered someone in ZF, and through some actions, he can still perceive ZF’s dissatisfaction with him.

More importantly, it’s true!

After the golden generation, the students of Togetsu Academy do have a high self-esteem.Almost all of them are immersed in the honor of the past, and they feel that even if they are inferior to the predecessors of the golden generation, they will definitely be brilliant enough!

But what about the actual situation?

Fortunately, there is that kid from the Shinpei family. The most important thing is Mu Qiye, Shinto Hishako, and even Alice, Yoshino Yuki, Sakaki Ryoko, jing×埂?/p>

They also began to take the initiative to provoke and even accept the halberd, wanting to prove themselves, or prove that they are not worthy of their name, and began to reinvigorate Togetsu Academy.

Although most of the results were one-sided, most of the losers also took their losses for granted, and felt that it was nothing to lose according to their identities as Alice, Feishako, Yoshino Yuki and the others, but it finally inspired a lot of ambition and motivation Student ambition!

(Thanks for staying.. year. monthly pass.)

(Sorry, I’ve been a little off topic recently. If I want to switch back, the update may be slower, so try to restore it as much as possible)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) Any.

Chapter 436: The chaebol alliance, a suspicious attitude

Indeed it is!

Nakiri Senzaemon knew about this situation, and naturally Suzuki Jiroji also got the news.

It is even clearer than Nakiri Senzaemon, Suzuki Shiro, Suzuki Tomoko let Mu Qiye and Nakiri Alice have a relationship.There was actually a part of that at first.

Of course, I also saw that they had a close relationship with Mu Qiye, so I wanted to warn in advance,

If it weren’t for the rapid development of Mu Qiye’s strength, and today’s matter, it is estimated that no one would speak.

It is impossible for zf to do something to the Totsuki Group, not necessarily to Totsuki Academy.After all, this does not involve the free development of chaebols.

“Well, is that right? I think Yuanyue is developing very well, the granddaughter of the commander-in-chief, the ten-star Yingshi of the “[*]” month, and the recent summer training I have been to…”

Both Mu Qiye and Nakiri Senzaemon were there, but Jiroji Suzuki decided to stand by them.

Osaka’s Mitsubishi, Mitsui, and some of the Fuji that have caught up are considered to be the three major chaebol alliances in Kansai, and the Suzuki family is a later one.

Even if zf does it, it will never do anything to the Nakiri Group and shake the foundation of the Nakiri family.If you can take the opportunity to join forces with the Nakiri family and Mu Qiye to form the Kanto chaebol alliance, it will definitely be a great thing for the Suzuki family!

Glancing at Jiroji Suzuki, Nakiri Senzaemon nodded with a friendly smile, and he also meant it.

Although the main business direction of the Nakiri family is cooking, they have invested a lot of assets in these years, but they have not operated.Son Nakiri Mongwei also has extensive investments in Denmark.

He had a good relationship with Mu Qiye before. In addition to seeing the potential of Mu Qiye, he actually wanted to help Mu Qiye. The development of Mu Qiye was too fast, and he was moved to form an alliance.

In fact, part of the reason why he came here this time is for this.

Although he had expected ZF’s attitude, he also arranged a lot of methods, even if there was trouble, it was enough to stabilize the situation, and he even expected [*]% or even [*]% of the opponent’s action!

There is no way, there are only one or two reasons that can shake the Nakiri family.

However, it was a wake-up call for him.

It’s not a good thing for the Nakiri family to be at the top. If you pull a few alliances with enough weight, even if it doesn’t work, you can still speak at that time.

Besides, how could Mu Qiye and the Suzuki family be useless?

At least, Mu Qiye used logistics and online auctions to sell the dishes of Yuanyue Shijie and even some outstanding students for a high price.

Not only did Totsuki Academy’s reputation grow again, but Mu Qiye and his collaborators also gained both fame and fortune.Of course, the biggest gains are Togetsu Academy and Togetsu Group!

Guys, is this ready to combine?

Although he didn’t know what the two old guys were thinking, Mu Qiye also understood what they meant.

Suzuki Jiroji laughed, Nakiri Senzaemon laughed and looked at Fujisawa Kotaro and said, “Mr. Fujisawa said, but Tozuki is also changing, I believe it will develop in a better place, as for the process, hehe~”

Nakiri Senzaemon just smiled.Fujisawa Kotaro doesn’t know what this old guy is thinking, but the purpose of this visit has been achieved, and it can be regarded as overfulfilling the task!

His eyes fell on the three of them, and Fujisawa Kotaro smiled and said: “That’s good, just pass on the thoughts of His Majesty the Emperor and the Prime Minister, there is no other meaning, His Majesty the Emperor and the Prime Minister too, for the better of the Sun Country. tomorrow!”

“Better Tomorrow!”

It seems that there should be an echo here, but none of the three are subordinates of Kotaro Fujisawa, nor is Kotaro Fujisawa the emperor, obviously not.

Guys, this seems to be trying to make this happen?crazy?

Looking at Fujisawa Kotaro, Mu Qiye showed a slightly surprised expression.Seeing Mu Qiye’s doubts, Suzuki Jiroji smiled and shook his head, indicating that he didn’t need to ask, he would talk about it later, and then he looked at Fujisawa Kotaro ……

The matter is over, of course, the operation is not over yet, but Kotaro Fujisawa, who saw what Suzuki Jiroyoshi and the others are thinking, has no reason to stay here either.

The chaebol’s affairs are best left to them.

“Okay, the meaning has been conveyed clearly, the commander-in-chief, Mr. Jiro Yoshi, Mr. Mu, I’ll go first!” Fujisawa Kotaro took the initiative to stand up, and bowed his hands kindly.

“Take the time to talk, this is the hospital, so I won’t send it.”

farewell. “



After saying goodbye, Fujisawa Kotaro left the room with a bodyguard.

Outside the operating room.

Judy Stalin, who was always paying attention to this place, immediately turned her head and was stunned when she saw Kotaro Fujisawa’s face: r Minister of Internal Affairs, Kotaro Fujisawa!

Seeing Judy Stalin, Kotaro Fujisawa also smiled and nodded slightly towards her: Judy Stalin, an FBI agent, is temporarily in charge of Kudo Shinichi and the winery…

Because of his relationship with Kudo Shinichi, he has to come again, so he also checked Conan’s side and the relevant information on fbi, and his subordinates also reported it just now.

After all, the relationship with the United States is good now, and 4.9 still needs the United States. Although it is not good, it is necessary to have a proper attitude!

After the attitude was completed, Kotaro Fujisawa turned around and left here under the protection of the bodyguards and the two guards who stayed at the door.

Really cooperated!

Judy’s face changed, the emperor’s inner ministers are all here, it’s no wonder if they don’t cooperate!

(Thanks for staying.. year. monthly pass.)

(It has been decided that the case will not be involved in the future. Basically, the protagonist is involved in troubles and struggles. Most of them are only involved in the characters. I hope to continue to support, thank you!!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 437: Sending a Female Samurai

inside the room.

Thinking of the middle-aged man beside Fujisawa Kotaro, Mu Qiye couldn’t help but smile: “Interesting, it’s really not easy!”


The sudden sentence made both Nakiri Senzaemon and Suzuki Jirokichi startled.

“Who is interesting, not easy?”

Suzuki Jiroji couldn’t help asking, and Nakiri Senzaemon also looked over curiously.

Mu Qiye smiled and shook his head: “The bodyguards around him don’t seem to be weak. Of course, it seems that the two you brought are stronger.”

Saying this, Mu Qiye looked at the two middle-aged men beside them.

The two middle-aged men were both in their forties. The face beside Suzuki Jiroji was thin and his feet were light and solid.Nakiri Senzaemon had a scar on his face, breathing long and walking steadily.

The momentum of the two is of the restrained type, but in restraint, the person next to Suzuki Jirokichi is undoubtedly better, and the person next to Nakiri Senzaemon gives a heavy and sharp feeling, but the strength should be next to Suzuki Jirokichi. above the man.

The important thing is that both wear a katana sword!

Wearing a samurai sword in the 09s… 呲呲, I have to say, it is quite contrary to peace, and the rate of returning to go out must be not low.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that the two of them are weak with a samurai sword. On the contrary, the two of them give him the feeling that the threat is at least above the gin.And it is still a kind of inner strength or inner strength, which should be the legendary warrior or the like.

Unexpectedly, the samurai also came out.

Vampires, wizards have come out, and now there are samurai, what will come out after that?Werewolf, Onmyoji, Witch, Taoist…

The witch is not bad, the clothes…

Thinking of the expression with the witch, Mu Qiye couldn’t help pursing his lower lip.

I don’t know what Mu Qiye thought.

The eyes of the two middle-aged people looking at Mu Qiye were very dignified and unusual from the very beginning. Mu Qiye seemed to be surrounded by a strange aura.

Moreover, this aura is very special. It seems that it can not only switch attacks and defenses at any time, but also expand at any time, smashing those who approach into pieces at any time!


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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