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Winery? Nothing — Page 281

Although I don’t know how much they can expand, their distance is clearly within the scope of Mu Qiye’s expansion. That is to say, they are always within Mu Qiye’s attack range, so they are always on guard.

Of course, they didn’t think Mu Qiye could really cause damage to them, or had the strength to kill them, but Nakiri Senzaemon and Suzuki Jiroji were the objects of their protection, and they didn’t want to have trouble just two days after they arrived. .

Nakiri Senzaemon and Suzuki Jirokichi didn’t know what they were thinking, especially Suzuki Jirokichi.

Suzuki Jiroji laughed, raised his hand and introduced to the middle-aged man beside him: “This is Mr. Yagyu Ichiken from the Yagyu family, the master of Yagyu’s new Yin Liu!”

Liu Sheng’s sword?Good guy, it really is a samurai family!

Willow Sheng Xin Yin Liu, Willow Sheng Piao Xu?

Looking at Liu Sheng Yijian, Mu Qiye smiled and nodded, as a greeting, Liu Sheng Yijian took a step forward and nodded straight, very like an ancient warrior.

Then Mu Qiye asked Nakiri Senzaemon again.

Nakiri Senzaemon smiled and said, “This is the master of Katori Shinto, Kamizumi Yusai.”

Katori Shinto?God horse thing?

There was a hint of doubt on his face. Although Mu Qiye had never heard of Kaoru Shinto, he still had some understanding of Shinto. Shangquan Yuzhai took a step forward and nodded in the same way.

Mu Qiye also smiled and nodded, which was a return gift: “Kantori Shinto, Liusheng Xinyin Liu, good guy, they are all old enough, what else? Iga Koga?”

Mu Qiye’s development was too sudden, and now it is a technological society. These sects are too far away, and it is normal to not know, and other people don’t care.

Suzuki Jiroji smiled and shook his head and said: “Not only Koga Iga, but also Suizueliu, Jodo sect, and the three major shrines… Of course, those are too far away, and Koga Iga is not from our Kanto. It should be the opposite.”


Mu Qiye’s eyes lit up, so many?They are all good materials, and then he frowned again, thinking of Fujisawa Kotaro’s attitude just now, and wondering: “They are in Kansai, supporting other chaebols, or Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo and others?”

“Support? It doesn’t count. It’s almost the same as taking refuge. It’s Mitsui, Mitsubishi and Fuji.”

Jiroji Suzuki shook his head, and said with a bit of solemnity and a bit of disdain: “Nowadays is a technological society, which basically relies on guns, except for the first-class samurai and above, and the ninjas of ninja and above.”

“Most of the others are not as good as the special elite with guns. Moreover, Iga Koga now adds up to estimated that there are no more than 30 people of Shangnin and above, and they don’t have much strength.”

“Of course, you still have to be cautious.”

Saying that, Suzuki Jiroji looked at Mu Qiye, Mu Qiye shrugged and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I’m fine, but the people around me need a few people to protect them. If there are two of you, why not send a few? , of course, preferably a woman, also.”


Hearing this, Nakiri Senzaemon and Suzuki Jiroji looked at each other, but Mu Qiye said it so calmly, Nakiri Senzaemon couldn’t help laughing and shook his head gently: “You… …”

Suzuki Jiroji laughed: “Happy, it’s easy to talk to you, Mr. Yagyu~”

Suzuki Jiroji looked at Yagyu Yijian, and Yagyu Yijian stood up and said, “I have a niece named Yagyu Ruixue, who is a genius in our Yagyu family.”

“I’m 21 years old today, with first-class strength, not even the top 070, but also a rare master of the younger generation. If Mr. Mu needs, I can call her, and I can also introduce a few female disciples who are similar to her.”

Good guy, this is for sending girls, right?Still a female samurai, unfortunately, not a female ninja… Compared to a samurai, a female ninja’s waist…

“Then I would like to thank Mr. Liusheng. I owe the Liusheng family a favor. If necessary, I can speak at any time. I will do my best within a reasonable range.”

Mu Qiye smiled and agreed.

Although even this so-called master seems to be nothing in his eyes, it is a trump card that can be exposed, and he can also be familiar with the fighting style of the warriors in this world.

“Yeah.” Liu Sheng Yijian’s expression softened slightly.

Knowing that according to Mu Qiye’s character, after the niece came, she was basically Mu Qiye’s person, and she felt a little unwilling, but they also had their pursuits.

Watching Koga and Iga, especially Koga’s rapid development with the support of Yamaguchi-gumi and the three chaebols, they are almost drowned in the torrent of history, how can they be reconciled?

(Thanks for staying.. year. monthly pass.)

(It has been decided that the case will not be involved in the future. Basically, the protagonist is involved in troubles and struggles. Most of them are only involved in the characters. I hope to continue to support, thank you!!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 438: The technological society, bang!

No one is willing to be buried by history, and finally wait until the world changes.Of course, there are also reasons for them to promote some, and want to increase their value.

But I have to say that it’s really messed up recently. Some people have encountered vampires and were killed by vampires.

Given the opportunity for change, they will naturally seize the opportunity.

Following these big chaebols is their way out, in fact, it is not a self-depreciation or something.

Samurai and ninja have followed the major forces throughout the ages.

Now is not ancient times, there are separate groups of heroes, there are various camps, and they can allegiance separately.

There is only one ZF, not to mention ZF’s attitude towards them, even if they really recruit them, their treatment is obviously not as good as that of the major chaebols.

Following the chaebol is the best option.

In this day and age, the chaebols are the heroes of the various parties, paying a niece for the Liuyu family in the Suzuki family, and Mu Qiye’s overweight is definitely a business that is more profitable than losing money!

No matter what Yagyu Ichiken thought, Mu Qiye looked at Nakiri Senzaemon with anticipation: They sent a female samurai, why don’t you bring a ninja, a witch or something?


Nakiri Xianzaemon understood what Mu Qiye meant, and the corners of his mouth twitched: “Don’t think about it, I don’t have anyone. I’m familiar with Master Shangquan, and the others haven’t contacted me yet.”

Because of the cooking effect of star-level and above, he knew quite a few people from various sects.

But the Nakiri family has always been the type that does not fight or grab.It is somewhat contrary to the way of doing things of these sects, so the people who come to rely on him are really not necessarily.

“If Mr. Mu wants to, I can also ask and give it a try.” Kamizumi Yuzhai thought for a while, looked at Nakiri Senzaemon inquiringly, and walked out and said something.

The Shangquan family is not like the Liusheng family, it has enough background, and now there are hundreds of children, it can be regarded as a samurai family.They went to Quan’s house full of plans, and their own family members were more than [*].

Of course, in terms of top strength, they are not much weaker than the Liuyu family, but in terms of the descendants’ disciples… they can’t compare with the Liuyu family.

In today’s technological society, who can endure not to play with mobile phones and stay in the mountains to persist in ascetic cultivation?

Serious people who play with swords, who don’t carry guns?

However, he knew a lot of people, and according to Mu Qiye’s current worth, even if he had insufficient background, it would not be difficult to recruit some sect personnel.

“Then thank you Mr. Shangquan~”!” Mu Qiye thanked with a smile: at least find a few more people, ask about the location, and even after the distribution of people, find an opportunity to catch the disobedient ones, and the rest are good materials. !

Well, there are also the dead bodies of these sect members, if they are resurrected… they will make a lot of money!

“Don’t dare.”

Shangquan Yuzhai nodded and stepped back.

It’s a pity not to get Mu Qiye’s promise, but as long as he can help, it’s a personal favor.

Both of them have achieved their goals, and Suzuki Jiroji also began to talk about the things between Koga Iga, Yamaguchi-gumi, Mitsubishi, Mitsui, and Fuji.

In fact, this isn’t much news, it’s just that Mu Qiye’s previous identity cannot be reached.

Immediately after the war, Iga almost became the dogleg of the Yamaguchi-gumi and joined forces with the Yamaguchi-gumi to expand their power.Koka joined the Takumoto family of Mitsubishi and the Hamasaki family of Mitsui nearby, and Fujiwara family of Fuji could only be regarded as a later one.

Among them, Koga developed the fastest with the Yamaguchi-gumi, with the largest number of people, at least thousands of people.Iga is not weak. Of course, the number of people is not as good as that of Koga. With the support of the two chaebols, he belongs to the elite training, and the top combat power is not weaker than that of Koga.

However, Koga and Iga are also subordinates, but Koga tends to be thugs, killers, and subordinates, while Iga is more like bodyguards, guards, and guards.

It was nothing at first, but the recent turmoil and panic gave the Yamaguchi-gumi an opportunity. It can also be said that there has been some tacit understanding with the three major chaebols, but only recently has it become more obvious that they have cooperated together and formed a new alliance.

What about Rice Flower Town?

It shouldn’t be, and hundreds of people died, or add the fbi, maybe… Shimane vampire!

His eyes lit up slightly, and Mu Qiye felt that there should be a reason for this.

Shimane is also in Kansai, although it is a long way from Kyoto, but the Yamaguchi group is active in the south and the west, with a large number of people.I got the news long ago, and it is normal to even say that they found it.

The chaebols cherish their lives, if this matter is used to convince the two big, no, it is not difficult for the three big chaebols to cooperate.

Yamaguchi-gumi and the three chaebols also have to face.

Since Yamaguchi-gumi cooperated with them, they should not bother to find others.


Mu Qiye couldn’t help laughing, maybe he should open a trumpet to see what happened to that vampire.

Well, it might not be a bad choice to go to the other three big chaebols, or have a bloody party in the Yamaguchi-gumi, and find a few ninja girls, maybe you can meet a female vampire…

Female vampire!

“‘ ‘You’re still laughing? We are all protected, how about you? You are now a young chaebol, an elite of the Sun Country chaebol, a big star, you don’t worry about them finding you? Are the people behind you reliable? “

Seeing Mu Qiye still smiling, Suzuki Jiroji was a little speechless.

According to Mu Qiye’s IQ, it is impossible not to know that these people might attack them.In particular, they, let alone now, have almost become an alliance in the eyes of the outside world, and they are definitely a threat to the old chaebols such as Mitsubishi and Mitsui.

Nakiri Senzaemon’s expression was also a little serious.

“Hehe, don’t worry.”

Mu Qiye smiled and shook his head, knowing that Nakiri Senzaemon and Suzuki Jiroji have elements of concern, but he didn’t want to find out his so-called power behind this matter.

“As long as they are not afraid of death, just come to me, I still have some expectations. As for the threat? The number of people? Hehe, it is a technological society now, what is the number of people? As long as they find them, I don’t mind letting them know what it is. Boom!” (Zhao’s)

Lazily waving his hands, Mu Qiye made the sound of a bomb exploding in his mouth, and then laughed: “For example, at the Yamaguchi-gumi headquarters!”


They were not people who had never seen the scene before, so they naturally knew what Mu Qiye’s so-called bang was.Thinking of the previous rumors about Mu Qiye, Nakiri Senzaemon and Suzuki Jiroji both shivered slightly.

It’s nothing to hear about it before, I think it’s too far away from them, and they don’t care.But when they heard Mu Qiye say this at close range, they seemed to actually see the scene where the Yamaguchi-gumi headquarters was blown up by a bomb dropped by Mu Qiye’s men…

This Nima…fork…

(Thanks for staying.. year. monthly pass.)

(It has been decided that the case will not be involved in the future. Basically, the protagonist is involved in troubles and struggles. Most of them are only involved in the characters. I hope to continue to support, thank you!!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 439: Earthquake?No, it exploded!

Mu Qiye’s answer also relieved a lot of their worries.Now in a technological society, what warriors, ninjas, and numbers are all flesh and blood in front of bombs!

According to the performance of the group of people behind the scenes before Mu Qiye and the behavior of the winery related to him, let alone a bomb, it’s really annoying. It is estimated that a few kilograms of c4, or even dozens of pounds of c4, were thrown at the Yamaguchi-gumi headquarters. It is probably not a big problem to directly destroy the Yamaguchi group!

Nakiri Senzaemon nodded, and he was relieved a lot, but he still reminded: “Then you should pay attention to yourself, and bring some bodyguards when you go out.”

Although Mu Qiye’s strength is not weak, it is even a bit outrageous, and he left a handprint on the golden silk nanmu table with a slap.But at a young age, he only thinks that Mu Qiye has a good physique, has strange power, or used special skills, but his actual strength is not very good.

Moreover, not only him, even Shangquan Yuzhai and others who knew about this thought so.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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