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Winery? Nothing — Page 285

Moreover, the difficulty of these peelings is not low, and even some cannot be peeled off at all.

This is also the reason why even if he has a soul-devouring physique, he does not take the initiative to devour his soul very much. It is good to say that too much at one time will make the soul inclined to the dark, and it will be contaminated by these negative breaths.

It is different if someone else takes the initiative to sacrifice directly, or even obtain a soul through magical means!

Even Mu Qiye couldn’t help but feel excited!

Similarly, there is no need to worry about Xiao Ai’s betrayal.

He is also the creator of Xiao Ai, and he has Xiao Ai’s soul imprint, which can be located at any time, or even destroyed, plus this ability…


Feeling the stereotype of Zhibao’s soul, Mu Qiye glanced at it, and skillfully condensed an electrical signal rich in electric current, which gradually transformed into the attributes of the soul, and merged Zhibao’s soul into it.

In fact, this is similar to the principle of making some evil (ajej) magic props and phylactery, that is, the soul is integrated into energy.

After the fusion was completed, Mu Qiye stretched out his hand and threw the soul energy group directly into the phone.

This is also the body of the exchanged Xiao Ai. It has the ability to deform itself, and it can be regarded as a high-tech product, but in fact, except for the large memory and the intelligent program of Hui Yuan Ai, it has no other functions. The trading system is really good enough. !

I just felt a blur, as if my head had been hit with a mallet.

Miyano Shiho shook his head, and when he woke up, he appeared in a black space, but this black space was not pure black, and he could see things, but not with his eyes, as if he used… …

Before she had time to think about it, an irritating sound entered her ears, and then she felt a huge force pulling her directly.

“come together!”

Seeing Shiho Miyano’s appearance, Mu Qiye just smiled, waved his hand gently, and took off his clothes…

“Ah? Mu Qiye, why are you… um…”


Miyano Shiho never thought that the moment he became an artificial intelligence, or had an artificial intelligence clone, he did such a thing!

Looking at Mu Qiye, Miyano Shiho rolled his eyes and his face flushed slightly.

“What, exciting, right?”

After stopping the car, Mu Qiye lifted Zhibao’s chin and gave him a kiss.

“Hmm~ hum!”

Subconsciously a little clear, then, Miyano Shiho snorted a little coldly and turned his head!

“Okay, here we are, get out of the car!”

Mu Qiye couldn’t help but smile, unfastened his seat belt, opened the door, and got out of the car.

It was this feigned indifference that made him feel more interesting!

“Huh? Here?!”

Looking at the surrounding and scenic environment, Miyano Shiho also showed a surprised expression: Mu Qiye and his sister live here?Really enjoyed!

Of course, the enjoyment here refers to Mu Qiye.

Thinking that my sister also lives here, her heart is also at ease and warm. My sister must be very happy to live here!

When you open the door and get off the car, you will see a quaint ancient courtyard not far away.

Looking at the lush green trees around and the gurgling river, it seems that you can faintly hear the sound of waterfalls and see the red-leaf forest.

“Squeak, meow…” A ferret flew out, directly in Mu Qiye’s arms, and the surrounding kittens, wild cats, and squirrels also ran over.

“Okay, don’t make a fuss.” Touching the ferret’s head, Mu Qiye smiled helplessly, bent over and put her on the ground. He failed to take out the demonization, so he could only slaughter the meat pieces that were used as ingredients and hand them over. .


The ferret nodded humanely, opened his mouth and ran to the bluestone slab beside him with the meat in his mouth. Several other kittens and wild cats also ran over.

A few squirrels, Mu Qiye, threw some simple rhizomes of magical plants. Compared with animals, plants were not weaker, but most of them could not travel long distances.

“This…” Seeing the ferret returning the meat to the other kittens and dividing a small piece, the squirrel eating the root, Miyano Shiho’s head became dazed again, and some couldn’t react.

Squirrels don’t eat roots, they eat when they’re hungry, but ferrets divide meat…

“Let’s go, let’s meet someone, your sister is here too. It’s time for dinner.” He smiled and looked at Miyano Shibao, and Mu Qiye greeted her to enter the other courtyard.

“Sister?!!” Hearing that her elder sister was also there, Miyano Shibao immediately put aside other thoughts, and followed Mu Qiye quickly into the other courtyard. They didn’t even have time to look at other places, and the two went straight into the living room.

“Qiye?” Suzuki Lingzi was busy serving tableware when she saw Mu Qiye.

Afterwards, Zaoji, Qiong, Yami, and Yuanguo also looked over.

“elder sister!!”

Seeing the figure that had appeared in his mind many times, Miyano Shiho couldn’t help but get excited and ran over without thinking about anything else.

“Shibao?!” Hirota Masami was taken aback.

Although I lost the memory of my sister Miyano Shiho, I still feel very kind in my heart, especially in the laboratory of someone somewhere, Miyano Shiho is also the person who treats her the best and feels the closest!

(Thank you for staying.. for the monthly pass, and thanks for the monthly pass for Suanhuafenmo.)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 445: Seeing Xiao Ai Again

Hirota Masami turned around and stretched out her hand to hug Miyano Shiho who ran over.


Is this… a sister?

Looking at this situation, Suzuki Ryoko, Kasugano Saki and others were all surprised.

I have long known that Masami Hirota lost her memory, but she never heard of her having a younger sister. It seems that she not only knows each other, but also has a good relationship!

Suzuki Ryoko looked at Kasugano Sauki inquiringly.

Zaoji is the first to come, Qiong’s personality is too introverted, and it is unlikely that such a thing will be known.

Kasugano Sauki shook his head, indicating that he did not know.

She knew that a man with a hood had pestered Yami, but she had never heard that Yami had such a familiar sister.

In the end, he still asked – he looked at Mu Qiye.

Mu Qiye grabbed a few handfuls of Yuanguo, making Yuanguo’s face flushed, and ducked his head to the side, then hugged Qiong to the dining table, and let Qiong sit on his lap.



Suzuki Lingzi shook his head helplessly, walked over with bowls and chopsticks, put the bowl on the table, and picked up a bowl to serve rice for Mu Qiye.

Even if Mu Qiye was not around, they were used to preparing a pair of bowls and chopsticks for Mu Qiye, so they didn’t need to go to get them.

Uh…and this new sister of Yami?Still going to get it.

“What happened to them? Are they really sisters?” Suzuki Lingzi asked.Yes and no are of little significance, but she is also a housekeeper, so she should know.

“It’s still a little small, let Yuanguo make some delicious supplements for you.”

Looking at it, it was still a little small, and Mu Qiye shook his head regretfully, everything is good, but this fierce…

Forget it, there are also small ones… Fart benefits!

Mu Qiye groaned for a while, and Mu Qiye rubbed Da Chu on the dome stockings with one hand, then turned to look at Ling Zi and said, “Yes, sisters, the kind that are related by blood. It was because of some messy reasons that I had to separate, I It can be regarded as a righteous act, of course, it can also be said to take advantage of the fire and so on, anyway, the problem is solved now, and she will be taken over.”

“Sisters? Are you related by blood?!!”

For the so-called bravery and robbery, it is not surprising.

Hearing that the two are really sisters, not only Suzuki Ryoko, but also Hirota Masami, who was talking to Miyano Shiho, was stunned, and looked at Miyano Shiho, who had tears in his eyes, in shock: We are really close. sisters?

After being surprised, Suzuki Ryoko also nodded.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s specific or not, what’s important is that Mu Qiye said yes, then her attitude towards the other party is that of Hirota Masami’s sister.

Seeing that Mu Qiye didn’t say the reason, she didn’t ask much, and handed over the rice; “Will you live here in the future?”

Seeing that woman’s beautiful appearance, she felt that she had something to do with Mu Qiye.

Hearing this, staring at Qiong who was speechless to B, he couldn’t help raising his head and pricked up his ears. Although he accepted the fact that Mu Qiye had other women, no one would be able to do it well.

Kasugano Saki and Kikuchienko, who came over, and even Miyano Shiho and Hirota Masami over there, could not help but prick up their ears.


Mu Qiye nodded with a smile, took the rice and put it on the table: “Zhibao will also live here in the future. She is good at medicine and can work as a part-time private doctor, and maybe even open a private research institute around.”

“She also spends part of her time on research. By the way, her name is Shiho Miyano. Masami’s real name is Akemi Miyano. Of course, it’s okay to call her Hirota Masami now.”

It looks like they are really sisters, not that kind…

She glanced at Mu Qiye strangely. She had a strange interest in Mu Qiye. She was a little speechless because of her obsession with collecting, but she nodded and said, “Okay, then Zao Ji and I will take her to clean up the room and bring her clothes? ?…”


Suzuki Lingzi is one of the most closely related and most important people with Mu Qiye, and she has seen her photos.

When Miyano Shiho heard Suzuki Ryoko’s words, he was secretly relieved after hearing her tone.

Although she didn’t care that much about Suzuki Lingzi, whether her attitude was good or bad, she had nothing to do with her, but her sister was here, and Mu Qiye’s position had to be considered, so she couldn’t help but be a little worried.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Right now, it feels pretty good.

But seeing Qiong in Mu Qiye’s arms, Suzuki Lingzi, and a woman who looks like a young woman from a good family, a fierce… It’s terrifying!

Her face turned black, this guy… is really ridiculous, so don’t worry about %¥!

An enjoyable lunch.

Although Zhibao refused, Yuan Guo still added a few dishes to Miyano Shiho, Miyano Shiho was also happy, not only met his sister, but these women were not difficult to get along with.

Just thinking that her sister is with so many women every day with Mu Qiye makes her feel a little unhappy, such a good woman…

0 …… 0

Of course, it’s just unpleasant.

If it weren’t for Mu Qiye, my sister and her would have died long ago.More because she was in the organization before, and because of her personality, she was a little uncomfortable with this kind of enthusiasm and relaxation, and there were still so many people.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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