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Winery? Nothing — Page 286

After the meal, knowing that Miyano Shiho didn’t bring any clothes, Suzuki Ryoko proposed to go shopping. Miyano Shiho originally wanted to refuse. She likes shopping, but with…

As soon as Hirota Masami, that is Miyano Akimi, spoke, she had to agree, as long as her sister was there.Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo was worried about being with Mu Qiye, and Mu Qiye did something wrong again, so he immediately asked to go.

In the other courtyard, Mu Qiye and Qiong were left.

Just now after dealing with Miyano Shiho and Xiao Ai, Mu Qiye was not so interested, so he took a nap with the dome for an hour. After waking up, Mu Qiye located Xiao Ai’s position and passed part of his will into the smart program. space.

Compared with the previous thinking, the current program space has become a computer room with only computers, and Miyano Shiho is sitting on the computer chair watching the computer.

“Humph!” Feeling Mu Qiye’s appearance, Xiao Ai turned her head and snorted. She didn’t know how she felt. Anyway, she felt that she should be colder, but her face was flushed red, and she looked like a cute contrast.

(Thank you for staying.. for the monthly pass, and thanks for the monthly pass for Suanhuafenmo.)

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Chapter 446: The thirteenth pawnshop is online!

Mu Qiye didn’t care, came over and hugged her, sat on the chair and put her on his lap: “What are you looking at?”

“Let go, let me go~”

Xiao Ai struggled subconsciously, but she actually has a soul form now, and in Mu Qiye’s eyes, she is no different from the real body, and she can’t break free at all.

Laughing and rubbing her head a few times, Mu Qiye looked at the computer and suddenly felt a little dizzy, good guy, it’s all a mess of code…

Although you can know what it means by intercepting the electrical signal, you can just look at this picture… or forget it.

Mu Qiye shook his head and immediately dismissed the idea of ​​continuing to read. He hadn’t even finished reading the magic book, so learning these things is too unprofessional.After struggling to no avail, Xiao Ai had to stop and turned her head to one side.

Think about the sexual “zero seven zero” grid set for Xiao Ai~

Mu Qiye shrugged helplessly, and as expected, he simply told Xiao Ai about the wishing program.

Fortunately, for convenience, he also optimized Xiao Ai’s character.

“…Magic Wishing Software? Soul Trading!!!”

Xiao Ai was slightly startled, and looked at Mu Qiye in surprise, but she also had a serious expression on her face.The place she came from was a purely technological world, a combination of magic and technology… She couldn’t help but look forward to it!

“That’s right!”

Mu Qiye couldn’t help but feel a little excited: “It’s a software for equal trading. The more you want, the greater the gain. Money, health, life… can all be exchanged and traded!”

Thinking about it, it is really similar to the No. [-] pawnshop, except that this is a magic program that needs a medium, and the No. [-] pawnshop needs people to manage it. This only needs to submit the pawn.

“Magic conversion program… Are you sure you can?”

In terms of program management, she can be responsible for dividing up several sub-intelligence, or disguising service intelligence, and setting basic rules to maintain it occasionally.

“Do not worry!”

Mu Qiye was very confident and said with a smile, “Part of the magic can also be driven by the spirit of the magic circle, the magic power, and the magic circle.”

Saying that, Mu Qiye raised his left hand, and the magic power poured out, just like flowing water, a magic circle formed in the air, emitting a silver brilliance!

“This is……”

Xiao Ai looked at this magic circle in shock. She could feel that although this magic circle was not a figure formed by an intelligent program, it was also something similar to a program to form an electrical signal, which could definitely circulate in the network!

The shock on the face turned into excitement and motivation, and the scientific research spirit in the body fluctuated violently: it is definitely a brand new technology!

No, it’s a combination of technology and magic!

“What should I do next? Can I pass on the real thing? There is a lot of power that can be traded. Through the experiment of mutual trading with those in power, if there is no way to pass on the real thing, the harvest will definitely be a lot less!”

Xiao Ai frowned, and immediately thought of the key point.

Compared with ordinary people, the biggest customers are actually those with money and power. The resources and wealth they own are even more valuable than tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands!

Of course, including the physical aspect.After all, it is easy to cheat on ordinary people. In their eyes, longevity is actually not as good as hundreds of thousands, and some places are not as real as tens of thousands.

To pit them, you have to use some skills, and asking them to pawn their souls is not very difficult.

“Yes, as long as the magic circle can be displayed, the magic circle can also be activated successfully.”

Mu Qiye nodded, but he was a little disapproving of the real thing, but thinking about it carefully, the real thing is not impossible, some precious minerals or items are also very valuable!

“Can you transfer it when you see the magic circle?… It’s amazing, that’s good!” After being surprised, Xiao Ai nodded earnestly, and filled with excitement with Mu Qiye.

It takes a few hours to be busy, but it can be considered that the preliminary wishing procedure has been completed. The program name is No. [-] Pawnshop. For the time being, there are only four parts that can be exchanged for money, health, strength, and lifespan.

No way, the conversion of power and status requires the cooperation of others. Magical killing is fine, but the price and importance of the target object are not so easy to assess.

And he didn’t want to kill people for no reason, and he didn’t want the program to be used by those brain-dead idiots. Besides, if the target was someone like Koizumi Hongzi, it would be a shame if he couldn’t kill him!

Of course, in addition to money, health, strength, longevity are also problematic 0  …

Health is a relative degree, most of which are repairing injuries and disappearing diseases.Strength also depends on the user’s will and physical fitness, not to mention lifespan. He is not in the mood to spend too much energy to increase the life limit of the other party, just try to make up for the trauma and increase the lifespan relatively.

Of course, the price can’t be less, it can never be less, anyway, as long as the other party is willing, then the deal can be reached!

“let’s start!”

Xiao Ai clenched her fists and looked at the computer screen with excitement and anticipation in her eyes!


Mu Qiye also nodded excitedly. As soon as he finished speaking, Hui Yuanai clicked and pressed OK!

In an instant, the No. [-] pawnshop was introduced into the network.


in remote villages.

Inside a school classroom.

“Damn, this test paper is really hard… If I fail, my mother will ask…”

A boy in the last row by the window looked at the test papers on the table and scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously. The female teacher who came over gave him a light look, showing a disdainful expression. This kind of poor student is really a waste of energy!

The female teacher walks away, it is not worth the time for such a student!

Without seeing the female teacher’s expression, the boy felt that the temperature on his face was rapidly increasing, and he wanted to study hard, but…


At this moment, a crisp 4.9 text message sounded from his pocket. The boy was startled and looked up: Fortunately, no one around him noticed.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but he didn’t feel that there seemed to be some kind of magic calling him to take out his mobile phone, as if just taking out his mobile phone could solve this dilemma!

“Forget it, it won’t happen anyway!” The boy looked around and cautiously took out his phone, only to find that the screen was on, and a program automatically appeared on the phone.

“Pawnshop No. [-]? What software? When did I install it?” Although he was puzzled, the boy couldn’t help but open the software.

(Thank you for staying.. for the monthly pass, and thanks for the monthly pass for Suanhuafenmo.)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 447: Pawnshop business, soul trading!

The background of the page is a pawn shop.

In front of the counter is a cartoon image of an old shopkeeper. His smile is neither kind nor treacherous, but it can be remembered at a glance.

There is also a couplet on both sides, which can also be said to be two sentences.

Come in a hurry, leave satisfied.Fair trade, no refunds!

Above is a plaque: The Thirteenth Pawnshop!

New store opening, [-]% discount, half price for the first time, pawnshops are destined for people who have needs.

Full of third-rate garbage software style.

People can’t help but want to laugh when they see it, and feel relaxed, but they can’t help but want to click in.

I don’t think that the boy clicked on the page of power uncontrollably.

A function pops up automatically.

Perspective: Can see the exam papers of anyone within 10 meters within ten minutes, worth 100000 yen, 5 hours of life, 0.001% soul…

“…Perspective? All the messed up software has superpowers, and the soul and lifespan are still pawned, and the devil has opened it?…”

The boy couldn’t help laughing, and subconsciously thought it was fake, but even though it was fake, 09, who could resist trying?Besides, there’s nothing wrong with clicking pages.

The boy clicked to pay.

“Insufficient disposable cash balance, you can choose soul, lifespan, blood… to pay.” The page pops up again.

“It’s pretty smart~” The boy was speechless.

Special meow, let alone him, even in the whole school, it is estimated that no student can have 100000 yen, even if the first 50000% discount is estimated to be [-] yen.

Then I clicked the option of the soul again, a white light flashed, and the page displayed: “The payment is successful, please choose to view the test paper of the target object.”

“Have the ability to show me Chuan Shilizi’s test paper!” The boy complained.Chuan Shilizi is the monitor of their class and the girl who studies the best, but she looks average.

Although I didn’t believe it in my heart, my eyes couldn’t help but look at the phone screen with anticipation.

“If you choose successfully, you can see the test paper of Kawajuliko in ten minutes.”

“The transaction is successful, you are welcome to use it again!”

The page closes automatically.

The boy didn’t have time to complain, as if he had suddenly grown compound eyes, a beautifully handwritten test paper suddenly appeared in his field of vision, and the name written on it was Chuan Shilizi!

“I’m grass, this special code…”

The boy was startled and almost fell, thinking he was dreaming.

The classroom was quiet, and they all looked at the boys.

The female teacher even had a black line, stared at him fiercely, and looked at him like she was looking at stinky shit and said, “Get out of here if you don’t want to take the exam!”

“No, no, teacher, I’m taking the test, sorry, sorry~” The boy came back to his senses, apologized quickly, and took his seat. This is a grade test, and if he was kicked out, it would be over!

What’s more, he can see Chuan Shilizi’s examination paper now, how could he not take it?

“Hmph… rubbish~” the female teacher whispered in disgust, if it wasn’t for the grade test, expelling him would also be counted in the class’s total score, she would have driven out this rubbish that lowered their class score long ago!

Well, after this exam, I must talk to his parents who are farming. What does this kind of person do in the college entrance examination?Ask for the quota, or find the principal and let him throw this rubbish to other classes. ‘

Trash in their class is to lower the enrollment rate!

When the female teacher made up her mind, the boy was holding back his excitement, his face couldn’t help showing ecstasy, and he frantically copied the answer!


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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