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Winery? Nothing — Page 288

However, the wishing procedure is set according to the degree of need.

That is to say, only people who are in urgent need of help, strong enough will, and at least relatively healthy people, can be qualified to use the software.

Therefore, even if you know there is such a risk and you have a certain sense of reason, more than [*]% of them will choose to continue trading for the sake of prudence!

Just like the saying that the victims are not human beings.

For them who are facing difficulties, they are not human, they are just customers who are desperate and want to give everything they want to get help!

At least three layers are addicted to the wishing program and cannot extricate themselves. More than [*]% choose to continue trading to solve difficulties. More than [*]% are grateful for solving problems.

Of course, there are actually guards like Conan, who obviously profited from it and solved the problem. After that, they wanted to report the crime, and even wanted to get back what they paid for, and some even threatened the software…

This kind of person is not even qualified to delete memories!

Without the wish-making process, most people are just ordinary people even if they work hard all their lives. This kind of people who don’t know how to be grateful and think they are righteous are becoming money, and those who are accomplices have no qualifications to live!

Seeing all kinds of things in the world is always disappointing.

Thinking that the poisoned person is relieved, the seriously injured person is relieved from the pain, the traveler in the desert only spends one day of life, and obtains 500cc of the source of life…

Ha ha……

Xiao Ai showed a disdainful expression, looked at the dozen people above coldly, stretched out her hand and waved, and the driver directly cleared it!

Car accidents, electric shocks, heart palsy…

After solving more than a dozen stinky shit, Xiao Ai felt a little better, and felt that the sky was a lot clearer, but she was still in a bad mood.

Most of the bugs and bugs have been fixed.

Xiao Ai patiently checked it again, and after confirming that it was correct, she handed over these matters to other subprograms and returned to the core of the intelligent program, which is the computer room.

Looking at the empty room, she couldn’t help frowning, stretched out her hand to face the wall, a solid wood bookshelf appeared, and pointed to the center of the room, a crucible appeared…

Finally, the computer room of the villa type has been turned into the study room of the castle!

Well, the kind where mad scientists and wizards gather, something similar to Koizumi Koizumi’s study.


Looking around, Xiao Ai twitched at the corners of her mouth, and her hand was about to be raised again to rebuild the room, but in the end it didn’t fall.

Her little face flushed slightly, she took out the magic book that Mu Qiye had given, and sat on the computer chair to read it.

…a little absent-minded.

In the study, Mu Qiye quickly refined and transformed the energy he absorbed (ajej), so that the energy could be more thoroughly integrated into his soul and physique…

Feeling the rapid increase in strength, Mu Qiye is looking forward to the stronger physique…


outside living room,

Suzuki Ryoko, Kasugano Saki, Miyano Shiho and the others have long since returned.

Although I don’t like it, and I’m not used to being outside, I don’t need to worry about it, the feeling of freedom is really good, not to mention that with my sister, she also bought a lot of brand-name bags that she likes.

What made her curious was that Ling Zi and the others didn’t buy much.Most of the things I buy are mainly practical, even if I buy a few famous brands, it is very different from those who always feel that they are short of clothes and shoes.

Fortunately, because she talked to her sister, she also controlled it, otherwise she would be embarrassed.

Of course, it’s not that they care about their opinions…

Actually, it’s hard to say anyway, mainly because of her sister’s position, and they are also very easy to get along with… She doesn’t want them to feel bad about her.

Before you know it, the sky has completely darkened.

Kukuchi Yuanguo, Suzuki Ryoko, and Kasugano Saki also entered the kitchen to help with cooking, considering that my sister just met her, so my sister didn’t go.

“Sister, I’ll take a look at the room first.” Miyano Shiho looked around and said involuntarily.

“Well, do you want me to help?”

Although she lost her memory, she had a younger sister who was still her own sister. Masami Hirota was also very happy and got up to go with Shiho.

“No need, I’ll be fine by myself, you’d better go to work first!”

Miyano Shiho got up, quickly refused, and then looked at the kitchen.

“Well, that’s fine, just say it if you need it, everyone gets along very well.”

Hirota Masami thought for a while, then smiled and nodded, agreeing.

“Well, I see, sister~”

After the two separated, Hirota Masami entered the kitchen, Miyano Shiho did not return to the room, so he found Mu Qiye.

It is thanks to Mu Qiye that I can gather with my sister safely.

According to her personality, although she was not used to speaking, she also wanted to say thank you to Mu Qiye alone, and at least take the initiative to ask him to come out for dinner.

I wanted to do this just now, so I also asked where Mu Qiye was basically, and made sure there was no one in the bedroom, Miyano Shiho walked towards the study.

The door of the study was closed, Miyano Shibao had just walked in, and before he raised his head and knocked on the door, Mu Qiye’s irritable and indifferent voice came from inside: “I won’t eat dinner, don’t disturb me.”

The voice was not very loud, but it reached the ears clearly beyond imagination, making people tremble, and the surrounding rooms seemed to be shaking overwhelmed, making Miyano Shiho’s face slightly pale!

(Thank you for staying.. for the monthly pass, and thanks for the monthly pass for Suanhuafenmo.)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 450: Explosion of the Municipal Building, Kuaidou Prison Escape

Oops, a little excited!

Reaching out his hand to calm the surrounding fluctuations, Mu Qiye shook his head in distress.

Although the absorbed energy has been absorbed and transformed, it is still not used to the soaring mental power.

When you are dissatisfied with being disturbed by others, you can’t control it.

In the past, it was most uncomfortable to be disturbed to practice, but now it directly affects the surrounding environment.

It seems that the refining will be changed to another place in the future.

“come in.”

Glancing at the door, the door creaked and opened automatically. Mu Qiye, who was determined, got up and moved.


Hearing Mu Qiye’s soothing, familiar voice, Miyano Shiho breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew that Mu Qiye was a magician, and not the kind of person who was easily afraid. After walking in, she asked with some concern and confusion, “What’s going on?”

Mu Qiye is not the kind of person who gets angry casually. If he is really angry, the tone of voice just now and now will not change so much.

“The strength has improved a little faster, and I can’t control it.” Shaking his head helplessly, Mu Qiye still smiled, he didn’t expect him to have such a time in Versailles.

“Oh, all right.”

Miyano Shibao was a little curious about what Mu Qiye’s so-called strength improvement was, but she didn’t ask much. If Mu Qiye didn’t say it, she didn’t need to know. It was a good thing to see the situation.

Walking to Miyano Shibao and kissing her, Mu Qiye put his arms around her and said with a smile, “It’s almost dinner, let’s go.”

“Well, good~”

Being so close to Mu Qiye, Miyano Shiho was still a little uncomfortable, his face flushed slightly, and then he turned around and walked towards the living room with Mu Qiye.

“Right, thank you.”

On the way, Miyano Shibao paused, looked at Mu Qiye and Mu Qiye for a while, then smiled and shook his head, rubbed her hair, and said with a smile, “No need.”


Miyano Shiho nodded lightly, approached Mu Qiye for a few minutes, and leaned his head on his shoulder, feeling the quietness in his heart that he had never felt before.

It’s so good~


After the meal, both physically and mentally, Mu Qiye felt extremely refreshed.Without going back to the bedroom, a war started from Qiong, and there was no one else anyway, and there was nothing to worry about.

The newly arrived Kikuchi Yuanguo and the newly arrived Miyano Shiho both screamed. They didn’t expect Mu Qiye to be so carefree.

Then, a pair of bright and deep eyes fell on them…

Even if the main improvement is the spiritual soul, the life energy attached to absorbing energy has also raised his physique to a new level!

Especially the activity and resilience of the body. Now, if you scratch blood with your fingers, it can be repaired by itself in two or three seconds by the vitality of the cells!

If all were absorbed…


Mu Qiye’s eyes almost glowed.

After that, without resting, I returned to the place where the core power of the program was, stretched out my hand on the ball, and began to absorb the mixed life energy and soul power!

Absorb, refine, absorb, refine…

At least in the early days, in addition to magic, the most important thing for a magician is magic and spirit. These two basically represent everything!

As it happens, the wishing program can provide these.


Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Shibuya Museum, Rice Flower Building, Hedao Hotel, Keihan Railway Bridge, Kawazu Children’s Park… Seven explosions in a row made the policemen of the Metropolitan Police panic.

Toyama Ginshiro and Nakamori Ginzo got together.

Although the two were not familiar with each other, they were both transferred from afar and belonged to the airborne troops.The above didn’t blame them, but such an extra-large series of bombings happened soon after they came, and it was inevitable that some people would suspect that they caused it and that it was a disaster.

After all, even if there was a case in Tokyo before, it was mostly a serial murder case, and the refining and chemical industry was strong… The only one that was considered serious was the case of the rice flower town and the winery. …

How is it now?

In less than three days, there have been seven bombings, with more than [*] injured and [*] dead… Moreover, because of this bombing, Tokyo, which was already chaotic, is now even more chaotic.

The labor camp, the prison is almost full…

“Brother Nakamori, let’s call you that, what do you say?” Yuanshan Yinshilang looked at Nakamori Yinsan with a bitter face, his index finger couldn’t help moving, and he felt a little relapse after quitting smoking for so long.

“Yeah~” Nakamori Yinsan nodded and agreed, his face was full of anger and complexity. When Jiang Gutian was in Jiang Gutian, he never encountered such a thing.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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