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Winery? Nothing — Page 290

Hearing Toyama Ginshiro’s name, Matsumoto Kiyotaka and Nakamori Ginzo immediately thought that this boy was Kudo Kanto, Hattori Heiji of the Hattori of Kansai.

The two looked at Hattori Heiji suspiciously.

“Uncle Yuanshan!”

Hattori Heiji came over, said hello simply, and directly stated his reasoning: “There are a total of eight places that were temporarily destroyed by the explosion, four of which will be left aside, the Rice Flower Building, the Jingban Railway Bridge, and the Kawazu Children. The architects of the park and the Mihua Municipal Building are all by the same person, that is, the professor of the Department of Architecture of Dongdu University, and the famous architect in China, Morigu Teiji!”

“Huh? Really? Go check it out!”

Hearing this, Matsumoto Kiyocho and Toyama Ginshiro’s eyes lit up, and they immediately sensed the doubts.There were eight explosions, and four of them were designed by an architect, which is too coincidental!

Matsumoto Kiyotaka immediately ordered to let his subordinates investigate the designers of other explosion sites, as well as things about Morigu Teiji, and asked him to ask Morigu Teiji at the same time.

I think it is possible that 09 is the enemy of Emperor Sengu, or someone like that wants to take revenge on Emperor Sengu’s attack on the building he designed. As for the other places, it may be to cover up the real intention!

Matsumoto Kiyotaka’s response made Hattori Heiji nodded with satisfaction. This situation is worthy of Tokyo’s post. Because he knew that the matter was urgent, he said it directly.

“Are there any other clues?” Looking at Hattori Heiji, Matsumoto Kiyotaka nodded with satisfaction: It seems that this Hattori Heiji is not bad, as expected of the son of Osaka’s head minister Hattori Heizo, after the elite!

Toyama Ginjiro and Nakamori Ginzo also looked at Hattori Heiji in anticipation.

“How can it be so fast?” Hattori Heiji rolled his eyes helplessly, shrugged and said, “I also just arrived today, and I came directly when I heard the explosion here.”

It just came today, but he is concerned about this case, and the investigation is not one day, two days…

From the beginning of the bombing, he had noticed, otherwise he would not have known that the designers of the four buildings such as the Rice Flower Building and the Beijing-Ban Railway Bridge were the matter of Moriya Teiji.

After all, he’s a high school detective and doesn’t know much about architectural designers.

“If possible, it’s best to send someone to look at Emperor Sengu.” At this moment, a voice suddenly interjected.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a young man wearing a hoodie, short brown hair, and sunglasses walking over.

“Ah you are?!!”

Matsumoto Kiyosaka, Yuanshan Yinshirou and others frowned slightly, how could anyone get in?

The young man took off the magic mirror, revealing a peaceful face, delicate skin, delicate facial features, and a bit of melancholy between his eyebrows, which made people look a little pitiful.

girl? ! !

“Xiaosheng Yueshui Nanatsuki is a detective who passed by here. Of course, Xiaosheng’s reputation is not as good as the famous Hattori Heiji in Kansai, but he has also completed more than 100 commissions.”

Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded politely and introduced himself briefly.

“A high school detective again?!!” Good guy, really…

Matsumoto Kiyotaka, Yuanshan Yinshilang, and Nakamori Yinsan complained for a while.

“Uh, haha, nope~”

Hattori Heiji was full of interest, but he didn’t expect to meet a female detective. Hearing her say that he was very famous in Kansai, he couldn’t help but smile a little, and patted the back of his head a little proudly.

“By the way, what do you mean by staring at Emperor Sengu?”

Putting these aside, since there are many contacts with Hattori Heiji in Kansai, Toyama Ginshiro has the least rejection of these detectives, especially high school detectives, and immediately asked.

Others also looked at Koshisui Nanatsuki inquiringly, and Hattori Heiji’s expression also closed, looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki seriously, and frowned: “You mean, Morigu Emperor II is also suspected?”

Matsumoto Kiyotaka and Toyama Ginshiro also know the meaning of Yueshui Nanatsuki, but these are all landmark buildings, no matter how you think Moriya Teiji has no reason to destroy them.


Koshimizu Nanatsu didn’t hide either, and nodded to confirm Hattori Heiji’s guess: “I checked, and Moriya Teiji is a perfectionist who thinks he is very strict, although he has a great reputation in the world, and he has hosted the design. There are no less than forty major construction projects, but after the age of thirty-five, almost all the thesis topics did not mention these bombed buildings. Moreover, after the age of thirty-four, he designed All architectural styles are left-right symmetrical architectural styles, and the classical architecture of Yingguo is also highly respected in various seminars, saying that the left-right symmetrical buildings of Yingguo are the most perfect buildings!”


Hearing the reason mentioned by Koshisui Nanatsuki, Matsumoto Kiyonaga and Toyama Ginshiro frowned even deeper.

Nakamori Yinsan couldn’t help but question: “That’s it? This is too extreme, right? Just blow up the buildings that are not symmetrical to the left and right? Is it your own?”

Even Hattori Heiji couldn’t help nodding his words, agreeing: “This police officer is right, it’s too extreme, and the Mihua Building and the Jingban Railway Bridge are all landmark buildings, no matter how you think about it, it will not harm Moriya Teiji. Fame, blow up all these?”

He couldn’t imagine that some people, especially world-renowned architects like Sengoku Teiji, would commit crimes and create a series of bombings for this reason!

That’s why he didn’t suspect Sengu Di Er.

“A perfectionist who pursues the ultimate, who would understand?…” Koshimizu Nantsuki pretended to sigh.

In fact, I was a little uncertain in my heart. The reason why 070 said this was because she happened to be around when the bombing happened.

She happened to see a man wearing a windbreaker and wearing glasses and looking at the Mika Municipal Building, and through the man’s disguise, she found out that this man was a professor of architecture at Metropolitan University and a famous architectural designer in Japan. Mori Valley Emperor II!


The delicate face of Yueshui Nanatsuki, which seems to see through the vicissitudes of the world, always makes people feel very inconsistent, and the corners of Hattori Heiji’s mouth twitched.

Matsumoto Kiyotaka, Yuanshan Yinshilang, Nakamori Yinsan lowered their heads and thought for a while, and felt that it was not impossible. There are very few such cases in China, and they have basically never come into contact with them, but there are many foreign countries. This kind of case, the current situation, is not a direction for investigation.

Before Matsumoto Kiyotaka and Toyama Yinshiro could give an order, their phones rang separately.The two frowned and had a bad premonition. When they got on the phone, they were shocked!

“What happened to Tsugawa Greenland Park, Rice Flower Station, Dongdu Ring Line, Kurokawa, and Yasuda’s house?!!!”

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound, the ground trembled, and a building not far away was also plunged into smoke!

(Thank you for staying.. for the monthly pass, and thanks for the monthly pass for Suanhuafenmo.)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 453: Yushui Nanatsuki and the Thirteenth Pawnshop

Wo slot, so ruthless? ! !

Seeing the collapsed building in the distance, Hattori Heiji’s eyes widened and he was taken aback, so ruthless?How many places are there now?

“Come on, hurry up and investigate, what exactly is there, and how are the casualties!” Toyama Yinshiro said immediately, because he was not familiar with all the police officers, and finally came later, Matsumoto, who was originally working in Tokyo Qing Chang led the team.

Matsumoto Kiyoshi used to be the manager of the First Division of the Criminal Division of the Metropolitan Police Department, but he has resigned. Now he is the Division Chief of the First Division of the Criminal Division of the Metropolitan Police Department. , so, there is no way to talk about the statement of commanding superiors.

After careful consideration, Nakamori Yinsan also followed.Although this is the Mihua Municipal Building, the small facade of the government, it has finally been controlled. If there are too many injuries there, it is better that more people deal with it.

There is a problem with the time interval, is it not a single person committing the crime?

Thinking of Morigu Emperor II, who was tightly wrapped in the coat and sunglasses, Yueshui Nanatsu frowned, isn’t it Morigu Emperor II?Emperor Morigu just thought that the other party’s goal was the asymmetrical building he once designed, come and see?Or, Sengoku Di Er is collaborating with other people?

She shook her head slightly, uncertain.Thinking of the places mentioned by the two people before, he immediately raised his head and reminded: “The buildings you mentioned also seem to be designed by Emperor Sengu!”

“What? It was also designed by Emperor Morigu? Are you sure?” Yuanshan Yinshilang, who was organizing the manpower, turned around immediately. After all, he was also in a high position, and he was also very good at arranging arrangements and emergency handling!

He is not very familiar with other people, but one of his subordinates happens to be very capable, and he is ready to cultivate and improve. Otherwise, he will not agree to Nakamori Yinsan to follow, and this person also came over!

“Miwako, immediately take someone to the mansion of Emperor Morigu to inquire. Of course, remember to be polite. Forget it, I’ll go too, and I’ll leave it to Mitsui to take care of it!”

Several more locations were added, and the suspicion of Emperor Sengu was undoubtedly heavier.

However, Moriya Teiji is not an ordinary public figure. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is one of the benchmark flags of the construction industry of the Sun Country. Moreover, Moriya Teiji is still cooperating with Mu Qiye and is the main architectural design of Edogawa District. One of the teachers!

“Yes, Yuanshan Police Department!” Sato Miwako was stunned. Although he had just arrived, he didn’t know why Emperor Moriya was involved, but seeing Yuanshan Yinshirou’s expression, he knew that it was a big deal, so he immediately saluted and agreed.


Toyama Ginjiro nodded in agreement, and Sato Mikazu immediately ran and turned around to gather the staff.

“By the way, we’re going to ask at Emperor Moriya’s house, Detective Koshimizu…”…” Toyama Ginshiro also looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki with some expectation.

Although he and this young female detective didn’t even say a word, they may have completed more than 100 commissions, and they thought of investigating from the architect’s side, and they knew that this is definitely not easy.

Now the situation in Tokyo is in a mess, and the chaos continues. It is estimated that the public security and guards may come out. Of course, the biggest possibility is to join forces with the Sumiyoshi Association to stabilize the situation, but it is also a good thing for multiple detectives to help.

Hattori Heiji also looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki with anticipation, and before he could speak, Mouri Kogoro walked over with a look of indignation.

“Yuanshan Police Department, what happened? The Rice Flower Cinema was also bombed? Damn, it’s too lawless…” Mouri Kogoro gritted his teeth with hatred as he looked at the smoke-covered Rice Flower Cinema!

Since the incident at Conan’s house, Miwacho seems to be cursed. There have been accidents one after another, and they are all big events. With Miwa Cinema, there are three buildings in Miwacho. It’s almost…


Looking at Mouri Kogoro, even if Toyama Yinshiro is not the kind of person who sees people serving dishes, and doesn’t treat people very much because of his ability, he is still a little speechless.

When this sleeping Mouri Kogoro is not sleeping…it’s really useless!

Hattori Heiji was very interested, looked at Mouri Kogoro, and said, “Are you sleeping Mouri Kogoro? Do you have any ideas about this case?”

Last time I came here because He Ye transferred to another school to ask for leave, and he came too quickly. He went to Maori’s house and Maori Kogoro was not there, so he had to leave.

He also investigated Mouri Kogoro on purpose. To put it simply, he is a person without detective talent, but a useless detective…

Well, being a person is quite useless, even his wife ran away with Mu Qiye, and her daughter seems to have changed her surname.

It’s okay to be beaten by Mu Qiye, Mu Qiye beats many people, but he was beaten up by his wife and concubine Miles, which is very funny!

According to the strength of Maori Kogoro, it is absolutely impossible to break out of the big name before. He has seen several cases that Maori Kogoro solved. It is estimated that he will have to consider it for a long time when he encounters it. That is to say, behind Maori Kogoro Absolutely someone!

It can’t be Mu Qiye. In Mu Qiye’s eyes, Maori Kogoro is probably similar to stinky shit.

The rest are related to Mouri Kogoro, and it is possible, and there are only ones left, the famous high school detective who disappeared with Maurilan’s childhood sweetheart who entered the prison, and his equally famous Kudo Shinichi!

Considering the current situation, he didn’t directly ask questions. If he got tangled up and talked nonsense, he didn’t know how much time it would take.

“It’s me, what’s the matter? Who are you, don’t run around!” Heiji Hattori looked at him flatly, but Kogoro Mouri didn’t have a good tone.

On the one hand, the eyes of this kid made him very unhappy, and on the other hand, when he saw this young black charcoal head, he couldn’t help but think of Kudo Shinichi, who hadn’t gotten smaller and robbed him of his work!

The sleeping Maori Kogoro, that stinky brat shot me with an anesthesia needle!

Seeing Maori Kogoro’s expression, Hattori Heiji was not angry. He was not the kind of person who cared too much about other people’s attitudes and was very generous, not to mention Maori Kogoro who was the first to challenge him just now: “Hehe, I’m…”

Just as the two were talking, Toyama Ginjirou continued to look at Koshimizu Nanatsuki. Compared to Mouri Kogoro, who didn’t know when he was sleeping, he still felt that it would be more helpful to call on Koshimizu Nanatsuki.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought about it for a while, then shook his head lightly and refused: “I have my style of investigation. The high school detective Heiji Hattori and the sleeping Kogoro Mori from the suit department are there. If there are clues, I can’t escape the eyes of the two and the police. I am also interested in this case, so I will start from other places and see if I can find other clues.”

Hearing Koshimizu Nanatsuki’s answer, Toyama Ginshiro was a little disappointed. Many people have multiple eyes, so maybe they can find something, not to mention Koshimizu Nanatsuki, who is obviously not an ordinary detective.

However, what Koshimizu Nantsuki said is also true. With Heiji, Miwako, and him, if Morigu Teiji is suspected, he can’t hide from their eyes. It’s good for Koshimizu Nanatsuki to find clues in other places.

Toyama Ginshiro simply handed the business card to Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and asked her to call him directly if she needed anything. Similarly, if you have any clues, please let him know!

“‘ ‘I really look forward to fighting with you. Let’s compare it once and see who can find the real murderer of the bombing case first. Of course, if Emperor Sengu is the real murderer and I can make him confess, we will be a tie!”

Hattori Heiji also agreed with Koshisui Nanatsuki’s suggestion, and he was full of fighting spirit and directly challenged Koshisui Nanatsuki!

Yueshui Nanatsuki showed a slight surprise, then shook his head with a smile, and refused: “It’s a fair proposal, but I refuse, because of my personality, I don’t like the game very much.”

After he finished speaking, he politely moved towards Toyama Ginshiro, Mouri Kogoro nodded, and finally looked at Hattori Heiji and nodded, then turned and left.

“…” Seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki who left, Hattori Heiji was stunned: He has never met such a lackluster detective, um, or a female detective, is this the character of a female detective?

Toyama Ginjiro smiled and patted Heiji Hattori on the shoulder to comfort him and said, “Some cases are about human life. Whether an individual wins or not is not important in the eyes of some people. Detective Koshimi is a real detective. Of course, you ( Zhao’s) is also right, people, you have to be interested in fighting to go further!”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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