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Winery? Nothing — Page 297

It’s enough to take advantage of yourself, and throw her away!

Nakiri Onora finally got up, raised her head angrily, looked left and right, was about to criticize that bastard Dou Mu Qiye, but was stunned: “Where is the person?!!”

Recalling what happened just now in my mind, it seems… Mu Qiye appeared inexplicably at the beginning, and then, the noise was so loud that no one seemed to disturb… Did he leave suddenly?

…what the hell? ! ! !

Nakiri Onora, who had come to this conclusion, was jolted all over, and felt that the whole person was full of energy, and was frightened: “Mu Qiye?”

Called softly.

Then I leaned over and passed through the gap under the bed. There was indeed no one, and the rest of the place was almost unobstructed, that is to say…

Mu Qiye really disappeared?

With a horrified expression on his face, this… what’s the situation?

“Ma’am, what’s the matter? Is there something wrong?”

Outside the door, there was a greeting from the housekeeper.

“No, no, Mu Qiye is looking for Alice, um, call…”

Nakiri Onora was very frightened, and immediately used Mu Qiye’s reason to make it up. Whether he heard Mu Qiye’s words or not, it made sense. Anyway, the old man also wanted to match Alice and Mu Qiye.

“Mr. Mu? Oh, I see, Madam, call me if you need anything.” Downstairs, the housekeeper nodded knowingly, with a slight smile on her face.

No matter what others think, she belongs to Nakiri’s family, and she thinks Mr. Mu and Alice are the most suitable!


Hearing that the housekeeper had no doubts, Nakiri Onora breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the messy and thief-like room, he had another headache, and felt that the whole person was a little bad, and it was more about Mu Qiye’s identity. Or the suspicion of how it appeared…

How did this guy leave?Or, who is it!


At this time, Mu Qiye had already found Alice, and Yoshino Yuki was there.The two people are basically the same courses now, of course, there are more or less differences in electives.

Similarly, Mu Qiye also gave Yoshino Yuki a moonstone.However, unlike Erina, Alice and the others, Yoshino Yuki’s is a bracelet, and there is no engraving of Yoshino Yuki’s face, but a simple bear.

Don’t say anything different.

Compared to Erina, Alice, and Mu Qiye, Yuuki Yoshino was really not much interested, and it was more of a bonus, or something that was a pity to abandon.

But looking at the bracelet, Yoshino Yuki was also very happy.Especially the little bear on the bracelet, she likes it very much. Maybe she can raise a bear. The bear’s paws are also top-notch ingredients, which are delicious…

The corners of the mouth are curved, revealing two tiger teeth!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments……………………).

Chapter 465: Encountering Ooka Red Leaves

“What about mine?”

Nakiri Alice looked left and right, seeing that Mu Qiye had no tendency to give her gifts, she suddenly widened her eyes, her cheeks puffed out like a little goldfish.

“Don’t worry, it’s in your villa, and I won’t forget it.” Mu Qiye couldn’t help but smile, hugged Alice’s waist, and always felt inexplicably happy with her.

Nakiri Alice then laughed, thinking that Mu Qiye went to her house to find her, and put it down when she didn’t find her.Thinking that this is the outside, I secretly looked at both sides with some worry, and found that there were not many people looking over, so I was relieved.

At this time, Mu Qiye was already leaning against her ear, and said with a wicked smile, “Have you thought about it for so long? Come with me.”

Saying that, he hugged her and walked forward.

Nakiri Alice was stunned, but did not respond for a while.

Think, think what?


Behind, Yoshino Yuki blushed, looking at the backs of the two, it was so straightforward!

But… I’m following – what?Still not keeping up?

After thinking about it in the end, I stomped my feet, and followed with a trot: what are you afraid of, and – is this not the first time?

“You, why are you like this? Just think about this…” Mu Qiye’s thoughts are not difficult to guess. After knowing Mu Qiye’s thoughts, Nakiri Alice blushed and complained in a low voice.

“What, you don’t want to?”

Mu Qiye turned his head narrowly and looked at Alice.Listening to Mu Qiye’s question, Alice’s face turned even redder: “Cai, I don’t want to!”

Compared with pure physical communication, she undoubtedly prefers the sweetness between lovers. This is the true love in her mind, but she also knows that this is unlikely, and Mu Qiye is not the kind of person who likes to fall in love with others. people.

Since there is no possibility of romance, it seems to be nothing, and besides… um, nothing.

Looking down at her toes, she blushed shyly.

Smiling and rubbing her hair, Mu Qiye said, “During the holiday, I took you to the Eagle Country or the Enamel Country for vacation. Of course, I guess not one, but not many.”


Nakiri Alice’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she couldn’t help looking at Mu Qiye.Although it’s not two people, they can finally stay together for a long time, and it’s not that hard to accept.

“Don’t worry, there are still surprises!” Mu Qiye smiled mysteriously, lowered his head and went up.Alice was slightly startled, thinking that she could go out on vacation when she was on vacation, she couldn’t help being emotional and responded.

“Two…I’ll go!” Looking at the two kissing together, Yoshino Yuki couldn’t help but patted his forehead, really…this is still outside, be careful!

Fortunately, there are not many people around, and there are not many to see, and the two of them haven’t been around for too long.

“Ah, bad, too…” Thinking of what she did just now, Alice turned pale in shock, and immediately shyly got into Mu Qiye’s arms and dared not see anyone: It’s over, it must be seen by others …

Thinking of this, I actually feel an inexplicable happiness in my heart. It seems that it is nothing to spread out. Anyway, that unreliable grandfather is the default, and my mother didn’t say anything…

Holding Alice Mu Qiye couldn’t help but smile, what an interesting girl!

Continue walking forward.

It wasn’t long before I met a woman I hadn’t seen for a long time. It could also be said to be a girl, because she was so beautiful that she didn’t look like a girl.

It’s not familiar, but I’ve seen it a few times. The relationship should be okay.

Short brown curly hair, bright white teeth, and a face that is not absolutely beautiful, but it is still a level higher than Kazuya and Yoshino Yuki, wearing a chiffon knitted skirt with a round neck and a red maple leaf pattern on her fingers. .

Of course, the most striking thing is… a turbulent wave, obviously a girl, but soft like dough, which is outrageous!

“Mu Qiye?” Dagang Hongye stopped and looked at Mu Qiye in surprise. He didn’t expect to meet him here.Thinking about it too, Mu Qiye and Yuanyue are in a cooperative relationship and it is normal for Yuanyue to appear.

When she saw Nakiri Alice in Mu Qiye’s arms, her face was even more surprised.I have long heard that Mu Qiye and the second of the Nakiri family are closely related, and the commander-in-chief Nakiri also tacitly agreed, but I didn’t expect it to be true!

Seeing that someone saw Nakiri Alice’s face temperature rising rapidly, she quickly pushed Mu Qiye away and walked aside!Well, I have nothing to do with him, what you just saw is fake!

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

“Mr. Mu.”

Beside Ooka Momiji, Iori, who had some sparse instant noodles, nodded politely and saluted.

“Mr. Iori.”

Mu Qiye smiled and nodded in response. He didn’t care about Alice’s shy reaction, so he walked towards Ooka Hongye and asked with a smile, “Why is Hongye here?”

“Red leaves?”

Looking at Ooka Hongye, who seemed to have a good figure and a beautiful appearance, Nakiri Alice’s vigilance immediately increased, and she immediately accelerated her pace to catch up, and took the initiative to hug Mu Qiye’s arm!

You don’t even want to lean over!

Looking at Alice lightly, Ooka Hongye didn’t care, looked at Mu Qiye with a smile and said, “Is it for you? Find a place to talk?”

0 ……………………

I?Business? “

Mu Qiye can only think of this reason, if others don’t have time, but Ogang Hongye, let’s talk about it.

After all, the Oka family is big, and the Oka family is not weak in terms of connections or strength.

Different from the Suzuki family and even the Nakiri family, they are real nobles who have been inherited for hundreds of years.

She looks good on her own, so there’s no need to give other people face.

“That’s it.”

Ooka Hongye shook his head gently, a bit of irritability and distress on his face, and she didn’t know what to say.

Is it?

Seeing Ooka Hongye’s expression, Mu Qiye became a little interested.It’s a good thing that beautiful women encounter problems, but who makes Ooka Hongye feel trouble?

Ooka Hongye glanced at Nakiri Alice and Mu Qiye again, motioning to let this Nakiri leave, not to let her follow.

Nakiri Alice raised her chest and stared, why, I’ll follow!

In this situation, Mu Qiye naturally stood on Nakiri Alice’s side. However, there were a lot of surprises. Before he could speak, two more acquaintances entered his field of vision. Although he had never seen one, Mu Qiye took a look at it. Find out who she is!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) Any.

Chapter 466: Momiji and Japanese leaves, plus Koshimi Kimono

Short brown hair… Why do you always meet short-haired girls lately?No, we need to find a few long-haired beauties to be captured on the island.Well, senpai, and the female secretary I met at the banquet seemed to be pretty good.

Uh, that young woman named… Forgot, seems to be still on the island. I don’t know if she’s dead…

“Mu Qiye? You have also come to Yuanyue! It’s been a long time!” Seeing Mu Qiye, on the opposite side, Hattori Heiji screamed in surprise, excitedly speeding up a few steps and rushing over!

Great, I didn’t expect to meet him, I must talk to him about the case!

Heiji, wait for me! Ah”

Behind, Yuan Shan and Ye hurriedly followed, trotting over anxiously and a little unhappy.

“Mu Qiye?”

For the rest, take off his sunglasses and slap his face Nanatsuki Yueshui slightly concentrating.

The rumors about Mu Qiye’s reasoning were too shocking. If possible, she didn’t want to have too much contact with Mu Qiye. However, when she thought of the number [*] pawnshop on her phone, a confident expression appeared on her face again. “Zero Eighty Seven”

He lifted his steps and walked towards Mu Qiye.

He is also a detective, somewhat competitive and curious. Even if Mu Qiye has a standard accent, it has nothing to do with Chanel’s case.

“Heiji Hattori… Yuan Shan and Ye…” Looking at the familiar figures running over, and Yuan Shan and Ye trotting after him, Ooka Hongye frowned slightly, why did they come too?

She never thought that she and Hattori Heiji would meet in such an imperfect, even a bit embarrassing scene!

At the same time, he also automatically ignored Yuan Shan and Ye, who were rivals in love, not her opponents at all!


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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