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Winery? Nothing — Page 304

Nakiri Alice’s face was flushed, she naturally knew what Mu Qiye wanted to do upstairs, but now her mother was…

But Mu Qiye didn’t give her time to hesitate, he hugged her and walked upstairs directly.Nakiri Alice was hesitant to begin with, and besides, the two of them haven’t been around for a long time….

Being carried by Mu Qiye, he didn’t feel that he followed Mu Qiye’s arm around her and walked forward with Mu Qiye, but his head was low.

Mom isn’t here, Mom doesn’t see…

Nakiri Onora’s eyelids jumped up: This bastard…

The resentful gaze had no effect, Mu Qiye glanced at Nakiri Onora with a little smugness, teasing her in front of her mother-in-law… No, go a step further…

Nakiri Onora secretly bit the silver and clenched her fists tightly: I will endure it!

Maybe, just go upstairs to see the room?In Europe, it’s not uncommon to bring friends to your room…

Of course, she didn’t even believe this: Mu Qiye, a carnivore, went to her daughter’s room just to see the room?

More importantly, Mu Qiye, this bastard, has no scruples at all. If you are really in a hurry, tell me about her and this bastard an hour ago, and the previous time in Yuanyueli Palace…

So how does she face her daughter Alice?

I could only endure it silently.

The housekeeper was smiling, watching the two go upstairs, very good!

Yoshino Yuki hesitated, should I go up or not?

This was the first time in front of Nakiri Onora, and Mu Nanye didn’t let Yoshino Yuki come up with him.

Alice’s room is on the third floor, and next to it is a luxurious kitchen with various advanced molecular cooking machines and, of course, traditional kitchen utensils.

Alice’s room was similar to what she had imagined, with a white European-style main tone, and even the plush toys were the same color.

However, Alice’s room was a little messier than expected, as if no one was cleaning it.

“Ah, that, I’m not… um, Yuuki messed me up, um, yes!” Seeing the situation in the room, Nakiri Alice’s face suddenly turned red, she hurriedly ran away, and cleaned up.

Seriously, I forgot that I haven’t cleaned it up for several days, it’s a shame!

She doesn’t like other people entering her room, unless it’s too messy, she usually cleans it up by herself, and at most adds a Yoshino Yuki.

However, that servant is also a scumbag. The room is messier than hers. She has raised animals before, and it was only after her mother came that she drove out those animals and let people build a breeding farm not far away.

Seeing the anxious Nakiri Alice, Mu Qiye couldn’t help but move his fingers. After walking over, he pushed her directly onto the table.

“Ah, um, no, don’t… um… the door…” Nakiri Alice’s face flushed, she struggled a few times, and soon softened.



Yoshino Yuki wisely said that she would go to the farm to see the animals, and just slipped away like a rabbit. Aquaman and Er went upstairs, absolutely vigorous, so they should leave first. It would be bad if the lady took the fire on me!

I am that kind of person? !

Nakiri Onora angrily glanced at Yoshino Yuki who was running away, and felt dissatisfied for a while, especially when she thought that Mu Qiye gave it to her daughter Alice!

The housekeeper had already packed up and started other things.

Nakiri Onora: “…”

A person is always bored, thinking over and over again, she thinks she still has to go up and have a look, in case… She doesn’t know what in case, anyway, she has to go and have a look, right?

Unexpectedly, just halfway up the second floor, I heard my daughter Alice…

Nakiri Onora’s face turned black on the spot, and her face became a little red: shameless!

But I secretly complained in my heart, I turned around and wanted to go downstairs to escape, but halfway through, go down again?Also, is the room soundproofed?

Is it…

With a black line on her head, Nakiri Onora hurried upstairs, and sure enough, Alice’s door was open!

These two guys!

Resisting the shame and anger, he strode towards Alice’s door, just glanced at the figures of the two, and quickly lowered his head, slammed the door and closed it!

Um?What… what’s wrong 087? “



Damn it, bastard!

Hearing the almost inaudible voice, Nakiri Onora was in a much better mood. Knowing that Mu Qiye did it on purpose, her daughter Alice would want to do this, and she would never close the door!

After cursing for a while in her heart, she was unwilling to go to her room, but after cursing, she found that her mind was filled with Mu Qiye and her figure an hour ago, as well as the scene of Mu Qiye and Alice just now…

What are you thinking, woman!

Nakiri Onora kept reminding herself, but sadly, the more she didn’t think about it, the clearer the picture in her mind…

Forget it, destroy it!

Nakiri Onora gave up and lay on the bed with no strength, but her heart suddenly became much clearer, and she couldn’t help but feel happy and began to maintain this state.

Time flies, don’t think, she feels a little sleepy.But at this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the room and pressed on her!

“Who? Mu Qiye! You, uh… bastard!…”

(Thanks to 1837, 8398, 309 for monthly tickets, thanks to Feixiang for their continuous support, and thanks to h12421, 05480 for monthly tickets! Thank you very much!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 478: Maori Kogoro

Tram stop.

Looking at Hattori Heiji, who was standing still and his eyes were a little hollow, Yuan Shan and Ye shook their hands and asked worriedly, “Heiji, Heiji, what’s the matter with you?”

Consciousness regained consciousness in an instant, Hattori Heiji looked at Kazuha and asked in doubt, “Kazuya? What’s wrong? Also, what are you doing with your hands?”

Unhappy, he rolled his eyes and slapped Yuan Shan and Ye’s hands off, but he couldn’t see it, so what did he do with his hands?

“You didn’t agree to how I called you just now, and thought you had an accident!” Seeing Hattori’s return to normal, Yuan Shan and Ye breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn’t help but complain.

“Tell me not to agree?” Hattori Heiji frowned, feeling that something was wrong just now, but he didn’t think much, so he shook his head lightly and said, “It should be because I was too focused on the case, I didn’t hear it, this serial explosion The case is a little tricky!”

More than [-]% of the matter has something to do with that Sengu Emperor Er, or that Sengu Emperor Er is one of the murderers, but because of Sengu Emperor Er’s identity, he can’t really use other means against him. Some cases have alibi, and …

Thinking of this, he had a headache.

“Heiji, do you think what Mr. Mu said is right?” Compared with Hattori Heiji, Yuan Shan and Ye were more confused and a little uncertain about Mu Qiye’s words.

According to Mu Qiye’s identity, what she said naturally had a certain reason, at least a certain reliability, but it was contrary to her consistent thinking.

“Right? It doesn’t count.”

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji shook his head and said with a bitter smile: “It can only be said that he also has his scruples, Mu Qiye has too many women, if he really provokes those vicious criminals, treat them to them. How to start?”

“How to choose between relatives and most strangers?”

“If I were in his position, I don’t know if I would make the same choice as him, not to mention that there are so many companies under Mu Qiye’s name, so there can be no accident.”

“Even Uncle Yuan Shan said that Mu Qiye cannot be involved. Considering the overall situation, no matter what the reason is, Mu Qiye’s choice is correct, but from a moral standpoint and values, he is also wrong~”.

“Dad said that too?!!” Yuan Shan and Ye looked at Hattori Heiji in surprise, but they never thought that their father would also stand on Mu Qiye’s side.Is Mu Qiye right?

If my father faces my mother and me, and other people’s lives, it is estimated that he will choose my mother and me!

Although it felt wrong, my heart felt warm.

“Heiji will definitely choose that, right?” Yuan Shan and Ye couldn’t help looking at Heiji expectantly.


Hattori Heiji shook his head with a wry smile: “Maybe, maybe not, I don’t know.”

He doesn’t like to lie about such serious things. He really doesn’t know about this issue. Family affection and morality can also be said to be rational, and he doesn’t know how to choose.

Want anything?will not happen.

This is a great answer, but who can really guarantee that?Who can really do it?Smart people who don’t know this is changing the subject?

Is this wisdom?ridiculous! !

Just like the wife and mother fell into the water at the same time, only one can be saved, and the other will die, there is no real correct answer at all, because no matter what they say, the choice also means abandonment!

“Really?” Yuan Shan and Ye’s expressions became a little lost.She also knew that she shouldn’t think so, but if she really encountered such a situation, she would still be a little selfish to think that Heiji would choose her, proving that she was more important in Heiji’s heart.

“By the way, where’s Yueshui? Where did she go?” Seeing Kazuya’s loss, Hattori Heiji couldn’t help but feel a little worried, and quickly changed the subject. He was also curious and looked around.

Just now, did she discuss the case with herself?

“Here, I went to the bathroom, what’s wrong?” Koshisui Nanatsuki walked towards them with a smile. Seeing the disappointment flashing on Yuanshan and Ye’s faces, she looked at Hattori Heiji curiously, causing a conflict. ?

I just used hypnotism to confirm that Hattori Heiji was really not the detective who caused the death of her friend. She was in a good mood. After getting along for a short time, she also had a lot of goodwill towards this somewhat passionate detective. Start, get rid of him!

“It’s nothing, by the way, where are you going next? Would you like to go to the police station with us or visit the Mori Valley Emperor’s house?” Hattori Heiji didn’t want to talk about this issue, so he cheered up when he thought of the case, and looked at him expectantly. More water seven Tsuki.With Koshimizu Nanatsuki there, I can help a lot.

“Police station?”

Koshimizu Nanatsu frowned slightly, then concealed it perfectly, smiled and shook his head and said, “No, at the police station, with you here, it won’t help much if I go.”

“After all, the suspect has already been decided. What matters is what to do next. As for Emperor Sengu, the people in the police station are useless, let alone me. I don’t want to get too involved in this kind of case.”

“It’s… also.”

What Koshimizu Nanatsuki said was also reasonable, and Hattori Heiji thought about it and agreed.After all, the danger level of this kind of serial bombing is too high, and it is not incomprehensible that Koshimi Nanatsuki wants to withdraw or investigate from other places.

Yueshui Nanatsuki left, and Hattori Heiji didn’t want to let Kazuo participate in this matter, but before he could think of how to speak, he saw a guy in a suit and a beard getting on the tram with food!

Maori Kogoro!

A light flashed in his eyes, with food, why not eat around here?Or rather, it was brought to others!

Kudo Shinichi!

Thinking of Mouri Kogoro’s weird performance at Emperor Morigu’s family, this name immediately popped into his mind!

“‘” Kazuya, I have something to leave temporarily. You go home first and call!” Hattori Heiji looked at Kazuya and hurriedly finished speaking, and hurriedly ran towards the car next to Kogoro Mouri. .

“Huh??? Pingji!!”

When Toyama and Ye reacted, Hattori Heiji had already run to the door of the tram car.

Hearing Heiji’s words, Heiji Hattori turned his head and smiled and waved his hand: “Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon, don’t worry!”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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