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Winery? Nothing — Page 306

Mu Qiye smiled nonchalantly, and hugged Leonora’s hand tightly, Nakiri Onora’s face turned red and black again: “Don’t move!”

There was a spit in my heart, and more worry.

If what Mu Qiye said was true, she didn’t think the trivial matter Mu Qiye said was really trivial.

“What about moving?” The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Mu Qiye raised Nakiri Onora’s chin with a smirk and turned over…

“Ah, Mu Qiye! You… um…”


among the woods.

A cold light flashed, blood splashed out, and a head fell to the ground!

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Liu Sheng Ruixue rolled over to the ground, retracted the knife and sheathed it.

“The next location is thirty-two degrees from north to south, a distance of one hundred and fifty meters.” With a headset-type phone plugged into his ears, Miyano Shiho’s cold, rational voice came out.

“Understood.” Liu Sheng Ruixue nodded, glanced at the corpse and said, “Don’t you need me to deal with it? If you leave it like this, it might cause trouble for Mr. Mu.”

In the bedroom of the other courtyard, Miyano Shiho controlled her intelligent clone to convert the surrounding electrical signals to form images and display them on the computer through the intelligent space.

Looking at the computer, the man who was able to spread his wings like a bat and could tear up tree trunks with his bare hands couldn’t help but be shocked.

Is there such a person in the world?What kind of power is behind Mu Qiye, even this kind of subordinates!

“No need, it’s enough to do your own thing!” Miyano Shiho shook his head, came back to his senses, and gave Ruixue Liu an order coldly.

0 ……………………

Has anyone else dealt with it?Or are there other forces?

Hesitantly glanced at the corpse, thinking about Mu Qiye’s order, Liu Sheng Ruixue nodded lightly, accepting it, and then quickly rushed over to the target location.

As soon as Liu Sheng Ruixue’s figure disappeared, a tall figure quickly arrived in place.

He simply looked at the corpse on the ground with his compound eyes, and Akai Shuichi nodded in approval: “As expected of the so-called successor of the Bushido family, even if she is injured, she does not slow down. It seems that it should make her more difficult!”

The corner of Akai’s mouth raised slightly, and he called two of the ghost bodyguards: “The intruder is moving to the position of No. [*], quickly support!”

Originally, it was to test Liu Sheng Ruixue’s strength. If one is not good, then it is natural to add a few more, which is considered waste. Then a group of bats flew over and rushed towards the corpse on the ground.

The corpse was completely covered by the bats, and the densely packed body began to eat!

“[*] vampire bats, it’s still a little short, why do we have to raise a million!” Looking at the corpse, especially the large number of vampire bats on his head, Akai Shuichi shook his head in dissatisfaction.

The base is too small, even if it took more than half a month, there are still some dead, and there are only more than [*] left, which is far from what the master said, covering the sky and the sun!

(Thanks to 1837, 8398, 309 for monthly tickets, thanks to Feixiang for their continuous support, and thanks to h12421, 05480 for monthly tickets! Thank you very much!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) Any.

Chapter 480: Staring at Uchida Asami, Feeling Good

in the forest.

After leaving Jia Nakiri Houshan Villa, Mu Qiye absorbed enough life-rich soul energy to continue refining.After all, strength is the foundation of waves, women can only be considered as adjustments, and they can’t fall behind.

Almost as expected.

Compared with cultivating all day, although the speed of cultivation has dropped, the refining speed and mood have improved a lot, which is not a small gain.

Time passed quickly, and when the sun went down, Mu Qiye opened his eyes.

Under the nourishment of soul and life energy, he turned into a fierce posture again.

I looked at the time, it was just past seven o’clock.

It was still very early. Mu Qiye and Xiao Ai asked Uchida Mami’s location. Xiao Ai rolled her eyes and snorted. Mami’s location was displayed in Mu Qiye’s field of vision.

He has long black-brown hair, a “zero-eighty-seven” face, Qiong nose and a small mouth. His body can’t be said to be good or bad. .

However, compared to Ryoko Suzuki, Asami Uchida looks more intellectual, and there seems to be a touch of autumn water in her eyes, and there is a natural charm that greatly increases her charm.

“Mami, have we been together for almost a year?”

Beside her, a man half a head taller than her, wearing glasses, with an uninhibited mouth, a confident smile, and a mature-looking man sighed in a magnetic voice.

Hearing this, Uchida Mami frowned slightly, showing a bit of repulsion on her face, but she shook her head gently, and said politely: “Well, it’s only a year in a few months, Sawai-senpai, the girls’ dormitory is coming soon, you first Go back, thank you very much for taking me back.”

Uchida Asami turned around to look at Sawai Gaku, leaned forward, and bowed in thanks.

Looking at the polite Mami, Sawai Gakuin gritted his teeth secretly, showing a bit of violence and dissatisfaction on his face.

But he still held back his anger, clenched his fists tightly, and said with a reluctant smile: “Mami is out, I’ll just say it straight, I like you, Mami, let’s date!”

He looked infatuated and looked at Uchida Asami intoxicated.

Since Uchida Mami entered school, he noticed that Uchida Mami was elegant, delicate, versatile, and dignified, and she was simply his ideal partner.

He followed her into the reasoning agency, and used the means to replace the original president of the deduction agency, showing his wisdom and strength, and was deeply attracted by her charm in the following contacts.

But unlike other women, Uchida Mami couldn’t help but didn’t take the initiative to approach him, and even if he expressed his goodwill to Uchida Mami many times, implying that he was interested in her, and intended to associate with her, Uchida Mami still did nothing, and even deliberately stayed away he.

However, considering his face, this also made him more interested, and his goodwill towards Uchida Asami increased greatly.But when patience always runs out, one after another shows goodwill, hints, and everything in return is polite, and even staying away from him can’t help but be a little impatient.

He Sawai, the most famous star senior at the University of Tokyo, once had no math sister, the object of his obsession, without reaching out, there is someone else’s dream object to take the initiative to show affection, ask for a relationship, climb into bed…

For the sake of Uchida Mami, he almost abandoned all the other girlfriends, leaving only one girlfriend to meet with face, and he was sincere enough, but he didn’t expect Uchida Mami to be like that.

This time, I finally hinted that Hayasaka Tomoko, Miyazaki Chika and the others were leaving, but I didn’t expect it to be like this. As soon as there were signs, Uchida Mami refused.He really doesn’t want to wait any longer, this time there must be an explanation!


Seeing the violent and irritable eyes hidden under Sawai Gakuin’s glasses, Uchida Mami became vigilant, her brows furrowed deeper, she raised her body, and took a few steps away.

Ignoring Mami’s warning voice, Sawai Xue approached, expressed her thoughts, and said a little impatiently: “Mami, don’t perfunctory me anymore, I really like you, you have been deeply attracted to me since you started school. Now, let’s date, I promise, I will be nice to you, I will cut off all ties with my exes, and my current girlfriend is just a face, a disguise, as long as…”

“Senior, that’s enough!”

Hearing this, the repulsion and disgust in Uchida Mami’s eyes deepened.

She knew that what Sawai Xue said might be true, that the playboy Sawai Xue might really cut ties with those exes, but what does that have to do with her?

She never liked Sawai Gakuen, and she joined the reasoning agency only because the person she liked in her heart liked reasoning and was a detective, so she joined the reasoning agency.

What’s more, this kind of changing woman is similar to changing clothes, and she is clamoring to cut off the relationship with the woman who is having a relationship, and also saying that the current girlfriend is just a man in disguise, she has no good feelings at all, it is even worse than Mu Qiye!

At least, Mu Qiye will not abandon his woman!

“What the senior does has nothing to do with me, I already have someone I like, so let’s choose another girl. Also, I advise the senior, it’s better to be more dedicated, no woman likes men and it is related to too many women. ……..”

Uchida Mami’s face was calm, but she looked at Sawai Gakushu without any fear.She has a gentle personality, but it doesn’t mean that she is afraid of Sawai Gaku, so she can be bullied at will.

Hearing this, Sawai Gakuin’s face showed a bit of mad laughter, and he looked at Uchida Mami with anger but mockery and said loudly: “Really? You like Mu Qiye, right? He can be dedicated? Mami Are you dreaming? At least I can guarantee that I will be the only one in the future, only good to you, can he do it?”

Sawai Gakuin angrily questioned Uchida Asami.

Wo slot, like me?what?

Not far away, Mu Qiye, who was eating melon seeds, widened his eyes and looked at Uchida Mami in disbelief.

Uchida Mami was also slightly startled: I like Mu Qiye?

Thinking of the newspapers and news she has been collecting in recent months, as well as the newspapers and news she has read, Uchida Mami nodded slightly.

It is estimated that when he was reading the newspaper, he thought I had a crush on Mu Qiye, but he didn’t know that she was so concerned about the news of Mu Qiye because of Kudo Shinichi’s relationship with Mu Qiye.

Kudo Shinichi offended Mu Qiye and soon Kudo Shinichi disappeared, although various sources have proved that Mu Qiye has nothing to do with Kudo Shinichi’s disappearance.

Kudo Shinichi’s parents, Kudo Yusaku and Kudo Yukiko also came forward to prove that Kudo Shinichi went abroad to handle the case.

But according to Kudo Shinichi’s character and the time to leave, even if Kudo Shinichi goes out to handle the case, he won’t have news of appearing in any country for such a long time.

Afterwards, the world-renowned novelist, who has always been a helper to the police, the positive image of Yusaku Kudo, has become a wanted criminal, a betrayal, and a police 4.9 proof, but she always feels that she has a lot to do with Mu Qiye.

However, she did not explain, she shook her head lightly, looked at Sakui and said, “I don’t like him, but it has nothing to do with you. I hope the senior will dispel this idea in the future and put…”

“Haha, don’t you like it? Do you think I would believe it?!!” Sawai Xue laughed, thinking that Uchida Mami was a liar, perfunctory him, Uchida Mami doesn’t like Mu Qiye?

He didn’t know whether he was laughing at Uchida Mami or himself.Anyway, he is very angry now that he is rejected, and wants to hide his true feelings with a smile, showing that he doesn’t care so much about this relationship!

(Thanks to 1837, 8398, 309 for monthly tickets, thanks to Feixiang for their continuous support, and thanks to h12421, 05480 for monthly tickets! Thank you very much!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 481 : Good guy, slap in the face, you are brave!

Uchida Mami shook her head gently, not wanting to explain too much: “I don’t care if you believe it or not, it’s a fact, please don’t disturb me in the future, thank you.”

After speaking, Uchida Asami was about to turn around and leave.

“Mami!” Seeing that Uchida Mami was about to leave, Sawai hurried up and reached out to hold Uchida Mami.

But before she could touch it, Uchida Mami turned sideways and frowned, “Senior Sawai, as I said, I don’t like you, please don’t pester me in the future!”

Sawai Gaku is not weak in Tokyo University, and she also holds a certain position in the student council. There are many followers and brainless fans. Although she doesn’t care about offending him, she doesn’t want to cause trouble.

However, Sawai refused to accept it, looked at Mami Uchida regretfully and said, “Mami, I was wrong just now, I really love you, I really love you so much that I don’t want to say anything. , will you be with me? I will definitely treat you well…”


Hearing Xuei Xue repeating these words again, even though Uchida Mami has a good personality, she can’t help but get irritated, and said with a dissatisfied face: “I said, I have someone I like, it is impossible for us, please don’t pester me anymore, Otherwise I’ll tell the professor!”

09 Although Sawai Gakuin’s popularity at the University of Tokyo is not weak, and his studies are considered excellent, but because of personality issues, many professors at the University of Tokyo, which pays attention to academics, still have opinions on him.

What’s more, she is also a literary club, a prominent, well-known rookie writer, last year’s Dongdu, the champion of the literature department tennis competition, and more importantly, Mu Qiye also graduated from the University of Tokyo!

“You!” Hearing that Uchida Mami was going to report to the professor, Sawai’s face suddenly stiffened. Unlike Uchida Mami, a freshman, he was already a senior.

He has no idea of ​​continuing his studies and will graduate this year.Although his home is good, it does not allow him enough funds to start a business, and now his consumption is indeed too large.

The professors’ evaluation of him will undoubtedly have a profound impact on his future direction.

Moreover, if there is news that Uchida Mami has a crush on Mu Qiye in the event of Tokyo University, after this news is known to Mu Qiye, Mu Qiye investigates and confirms that Uchida Mami is a person, and it is impossible to give up Uchida Mami, an excellent girl.

After that, even if Uchida Mami doesn’t like to share Mu Qiye with others because of her personality, Mu Qiye will definitely have a way to get Uchida Mami.

More importantly, in case Mu Qiye stared at him…

There was a look of hesitation on his face, Sawai still didn’t want to give up, and insisted with an affectionate and considerate face: “Mami, I won’t give up, I believe that only I can give you true happiness, Mu Qiye is not suitable you!”

According to Mami’s character, even if she said this, Mami and Mu Qiye would end up with Mu Qiye, he believed that Mami couldn’t tell Mu Qiye!

To be able to use the behemoth Mu Qiye to set off his deep affection and lack of fear of feelings, why not do it?


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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