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Winery? Nothing — Page 313

“What did the woman behind you say?” Koizumi Hongzi asked subconsciously, then immediately shook her head and did not continue to ask.

This is nonsense.If someone asks Mu Qiye, why didn’t that person tell you about the Death God, Mu Qiye can’t do anything if she doesn’t tell her.

If there is no one, unless she wants to get rid of the deadlock with Mu Qiye and control Mu Qiye.Otherwise, according to Mu Qiye’s character and scheming, she wouldn’t be able to test it.

(Thanks to Feixiang for your continuous support, thanks to h12421, 05480, thanks to nihao two for the monthly pass, and thanks to dy$ufu# for the monthly pass! Thank you very much!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 494: The God of Death has gender… Killing the God of Death?

Putting this thought aside, it’s not much good for Mu Qiye to be an enemy in the current situation. Besides, she may not be able to completely subdue Mu Qiye now.

“I want to go back and look at the relevant books for the detailed information. Would you like me to go to my ancient castle in Jiang Gutian? Of course, if I find it, I can bring it to you.” Koizumi Hongzi looked at Mu Qiye somewhat expectantly.

It’s okay to bring information, but going to her house finally represents trust and a closer cooperation between the two. Judging from the situation, this is definitely a good result.

“I’ll go with you.” Mu Qiye simply walked towards Koizumi Hongzi.

Koizumi Koizumi needs teammates, and he needs them too. Whether it’s dealing with Death or other forces, having multiple teammates is always a good thing.

Besides, Koizumi Hongzi is still one of the people who knows her identity and strength, and he doesn’t want to reveal her strength for the time being.With Koizumi Hongzi around, some protection methods can also be used with the help of Koizumi Hongzi, or pushed onto Koizumi Hongzi’s body.

A faint smile appeared on Koizumi Hongzi’s face, and the dark red transfer formation spread out under her feet. When Mu Qiye walked to her side, the light flashed and the two disappeared without a trace.


When he reappeared, he was already in an ancient castle room with a high roof.

What a typical magician’s room!

There are bookshelves with various books on all sides, and near the middle is a cauldron that can be used to refine medicine.

The crucible seemed to be cooking something, and the purple-red liquid was boiling in the pot, and the bubbles seemed to overflow. It should be a unique alchemy or alchemy technique.

In my memory, Koizumi Hongko seems to have developed the charm amulet in this crucible, and the one who summoned Lucifer…

Nothing else to say.

Desk, mirror…well, it should be a magic mirror, but it looks like it’s broken…

“Sit casually, what to drink?” Koizumi Hongzi said casually, just at this moment, a chubby middle-aged man about the size of a ball hurriedly pushed the door and walked in.

“Lord Hongzi~”!” The housekeeper called out respectfully, looking very happy.Then he glanced at Mu Qiye in surprise, but he didn’t expect Lord Hongzi to bring him here.

It seems that the strength is not low!

“This is my housekeeper, just tell him anything.” Koizumi Hongzi waved his hand, and went to the bookshelf to rummage.

In fact, she doesn’t like reading books very much. It is estimated that at least two-thirds of the classics here have never been read, and one-third of the books that she has read are basically magic books and related experience notes. Regarding the god of death, they should be regarded as legends and novels. watch.


Looking at this so-called butler, Mu Qiye frowned, and he noticed a lot of dark aura from him, but this aura was not pure, it seemed to be mostly natural aura, that is, life, wood aura.

Moreover, it does not seem to be purely natural, and it is somewhat different from Akai Shuichi, and it feels a bit forced to transform.

The slender ears look a bit like a elf, but the face is really ugly, with hanging eyelids, a big mouth that is almost cracked to the side of the cheek, and the teeth in the mouth are all fangs…

“…” Being stared at by Mu Qiye like this, the housekeeper felt a little uncomfortable, as if he had been seen through, and said awkwardly, “Mr. Mu, is there anything I can do for you?”

“Need not.”

Mu Qiye glanced at him and didn’t care anymore. The magic power can only be regarded as good. It should be a magic race. The physique is average, and the actual combat power is not comparable to an ordinary vampire.

After Mu Qiye shifted his gaze, the housekeeper heaved a sigh of relief. The pressure Mu Qiye gave him seemed to be stronger than that of Lord Hongzi. Could it be that he had some special props in his hand?

“By the way, what race is your housekeeper?” Mu Qiye was more curious about these.if……

“The elf, just transformed it by means of hell. I didn’t expect it to fail, and it became like this.” Koizumi Hongzi didn’t hide it, and directly revealed the identity of the housekeeper.

Speaking of which, I am a little speechless. I was able to move instantly, but now… it’s basically useless!

“Hell? There is hell in this world?” Mu Qiye frowned.

According to the number of death gods, the world of the gods of death should be an incomplete hell, and it is still possible to appear in a first-level and intermediate-level world.

A complete hell and heaven are said to be at least above the third-level world.With a world of death, and hell?


After finding the book, Koizumi Hongzi took it down, walked towards Mu Qiye and said, “This world is too low-level, there is no complete hell or heaven. I also encountered the remnant soul of Lucifer in the higher world by chance. I know, of course, although it is a remnant soul, I have also gained a lot of magic and knowledge beyond this, do you want to know?”

Koizumi Hongzi raised her eyes and looked at Mu Qiye seductively.

I said, it turned out to be a remnant!

Mu Qiye looked at her ups and downs with a smile: “I’m more interested.”

Say this, and reach out.

“‘”… hum!”

Koizumi Hongzi’s face froze, bastard, and then he smashed the book in his hand into Mu Qiye’s hand, knowing that he wanted this book about the god of death.

The cover only has the word Death written on it, which is similar to other information on mermaids, Viking wizards, and vampires, and the name represents what is written.

The book… In fact, it can also be said to be a note, the content in it is basically handwritten, it is still a type of font, it should be sorted out later.

There is not much content recorded in the book, just the facts of several large-scale wars, and some summary of the usage rules of the Death Note.

In addition to most of the known, there are many useful and interesting rules.

Death Note is not valid for those born under 780 days.

It should be the reason for the mark of the world, and the Death Note also relies on rules to kill the target.He is too young and has not left a deep imprint, so there is no effect.

It seems that the effect of Death Note is weaker than imagined, and the Book of Death (obtained) does not have this limitation.

Thinking about what the same person looks like, but after writing the person’s name wrong four times, the Death Note doesn’t work for it.

You can test it, and you don’t know if it is controlled by your thoughts, and whether it will be invalid if you make a mistake on purpose.

If the god of death has a favorable impression on a specific person and uses the Death Note to kill someone in order to prolong the life of that person, the god of death will die.

That’s how the god of death Mi Haisha died.

There are male and female gods of death, but they are not allowed or able to have sex with humans.There is no sex between gods of death.

…or, try?Let’s see if this can kill the god of death?

(Thanks to Feixiang for your continuous support, thanks to h12421, 05480, thanks to nihao two for the monthly pass, and thanks to dy$ufu# for the monthly pass! Thank you very much!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 495: Cooperative Alliance, the goal is to kill the god of death!

“By the way, why do you remember such details? Has the Red Magician cooperated with the God of Death before, or did they work together for a faction?” There are more than [-] articles, which is much more than he knows, and Mu Qiye can’t help but doubt it. Looking at Koizumi Hongko.

Koizumi Hongzi shook her head gently and said frankly: “That’s all in the record, I don’t know the specifics, but even if there was cooperation, it’s unlikely to be passed down, and to the red magician, it’s nothing. A deed worthy of praise, and besides the time is too far, I am not sure if the content is true or false.”

Koizumi Hongzi said freely and easily.

From what Mu Qiye knew about the plot and rules of the Death Note, these rules should be true, and even recorded that only six Death Note can exist in the world at the same time.

Of course, if it is said that this is a common lie of the Death God Realm, it is not necessarily.

Seeing Mu Qiye’s seriousness and even confirming the news, Koizumi Hongzi narrowed her eyes and said, “The god of death shouldn’t have much effect on you, but not necessarily on the people around you. Do you have any specific information?”

“For now… eh?”

Before Mu Qiye’s preparations were finished, he looked at Koizumi Hongzi suspiciously: “What are you asking about? Are you concerned about this?”

As expected of Mu Qiye, he is really cunning and cunning, vigilant like a monkey!

Koizumi Hongzi frowned, thought about it, and said directly: “Yes, I want a death god, or 100 to kill a death god, as for the specific reason, I don’t need to tell you for the time being, of course, this counts as well. back up plan.”

“You also want to kill the god of death?”

As for the people around him, Mu Qiye never thought of hiding from Koizumi Hongzi in this regard, and he knew it after thinking about it carefully.

However, why did Koizumi Hongko want to kill God?And it’s a backup plan?

Mu Qiye didn’t think of the reason for the time being, but he didn’t need to know that much either.

Koizumi Hongzi killing the gods is also good for him. With Koizumi Hongzi around, he can be considered a helper to deal with the world of death.

There is nothing strange about Koizumi Hongzi. Mu Qiye is someone who does big things. When necessary, he will definitely take care of himself first. But when he has strength, when facing a threat, his first thought is undoubtedly how to solve the problem. will not be discarded directly.

“Do you have a solution to the god of death?” Mu Qiye looked at Koizumi Hongzi suspiciously.

He knew that Koizumi Hongzi was good at dark, fire, and thunder magic. Among them, the dark and fire were the main ones. For creatures like the God of Death, which appeared almost according to the rules, it was estimated that the thunder had some effect, but according to the Koizumi Koizumi’s magic attainment in the Thunder Department… It is estimated that it is very hanging!

Koizumi Hongzi raised her chin very confidently: “For thousands of years in the inheritance of red magic, the god of death has appeared long ago. Although there is no certainty, there are still some countermeasures. Besides, I can still summon Lu Westfa’s remnant soul, I didn’t expect to meet the god of death before, but now it’s impossible to let it go!”


Mu Qiye nodded in agreement. Koizumi Hongzi’s ability to summon Lucifer appeared in the plot. If it is the remnant soul of Lucifer, the Lord of Hell in other higher worlds, it is not impossible to solve a death god.

Koizumi Hongzi also said directly: “Do you want to help me once? I owe you a favor. You can also make thirty amulets for you for free, enough to protect your current lovers. Of course, if there are more, I will I have to make a request, and I don’t have much material, if you have the means, you can.”

Although Mu Qiye also had a reason to kill the God of Death, it was because other people were not as direct as her, and she was not someone who treated her collaborators badly, and for the sake of continued cooperation in the future, the price was worth it.

This is a matter of mutual benefit, and Mu Qiye has no reason to disagree.Agree immediately.

After all, unlike Koizumi Hongko, he didn’t have to kill the god of death, but at best it was for profit, to see if he could improve his Book of Death’s grade and ability.

Seeing Mu Qiye agree so simply, Koizumi Hongzi showed a satisfied smile.

Similar to Mu Qiye, she doesn’t like to be sloppy and bargain.Say the bottom line directly, trade if you can succeed, forget it if you don’t, how good is it to be as simple as that?

Of course, if she really needed it, she wouldn’t mind haggling. For example, when it came to killing a god, she would just be unhappy.

“However, the specific ability of the Death God is unknown. Before you know the strength of the Death God, I will not do it if you want me to do it. Make sure it is safe and you have enough confidence.”

Mu Qiye also stated his request.

“Don’t worry, I’m not stupid?” Rarely, Koizumi Hongzi rolled her eyes.

The chunky butler wasn’t much surprised either.

Before, it was because I thought that the god of death did not come out, and Mr. Hongzi did not agree to put aside Lucifer’s suggestion. Now that the god of death has appeared, according to Mr. Hongzi’s character, naturally he will not give up this opportunity!

“What about you? Any clues?” Koizumi Hongzi asked Mu Qiye again.

Mu Qiye shook his head gently, indicating he didn’t know, and then said confidently, “It’s just news now, but it’s almost confirmed, and it’s not difficult to find out.”

“Okay, I’m not in such a hurry, give me a message when the time comes.”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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