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Winery? Nothing — Page 314


In the smart program space, Xiao Ai, who looked at Mu Qiye pretending to be ignorant of the relevant news, was speechless.When Mu Qiye heard Yagami Soichiro, he immediately thought of Yashin Yue, and when he found Koizumi Hongzi, he immediately mentioned Death…

Obviously, Mu Qiye knew that the God of Death was related to Yeshenyue, and knew that the God of Death was already around Yeshenyue.As for the relationship between the God of Death and Mu Qiye, it was obviously the Death Note that could kill each other just by their name!

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but feel a little regretful. If she had known that the Death Note that Conan took could really kill people and was effective, she would have told Mu Qiye, or controlled other people to get the Death Note and sent it to her.

It’s good now, the death note was covered and related rules by Conan’s death. Because of Nakama’s female nurse, it was thrown into the trash can, and because of accidental contact with Yagami’s sister Yagami Zhuangyu, she ended up in Yagami. Moon’s hands…

Wait, is this some kind of doomed rule that Mu Qiye said?Does Mu Qiye have the gift of prophecy introduced in the magic book?Mu Qiye had already predicted all this?

No wonder Mu Qiye said that the world is really going to change. It turned out that all this was predicted long ago, and it seems that he encountered some fragments, so when he mentioned Yashen Soichiro, he immediately thought of Yashenyue.

Inexplicably, Xiao Ai made up everything in his head, and nodded in agreement.

Looking at the picture, Mu Qiye was working with Koizumi Hongzi to make amulets. Xiaoai watched it for a while, but she lost her interest, so she zoomed the photo and zoomed in on another picture about Yeshenyue.

Ye Shenyue was still in school and looked serious, but she could see the irritability and dissatisfaction hidden in Ye Shenyue’s eyes, as well as the strong sarcasm and indifference.

Gloomy mind!

Xiao Ai immediately tagged Ye Shenyue.Of course, as long as it’s not an opponent, she simply doesn’t want to contact this kind of person.

(Thanks to Feixiang for your continuous support, thanks to h12421, 05480, thanks to nihao two for the monthly pass, and thanks to dy$ufu# for the monthly pass! Thank you very much!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…).

Chapter 495: Miyano Shibao’s interest, the public security shot

After watching it for a while, it was boring, so I opened the picture about Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji,

Kudo Shinichi also received a call from Miyano Shiho.

“Now, immediately, immediately come to Taito District!”

The cold female voice from the other end of the phone made Kudo Shinichi stunned. Who is the special code? That’s how the call started?

“We know each other?” Kudo Shin twitched the corners of his mouth, listening to the other party’s voice and knowing that she was a beautiful woman, politeness was still required.

Wait, the voice sounds familiar, who is it?

Hattori Heiji also looked over curiously.

In the car driving on the road, Miyano Shiho’s expression was cold, but he couldn’t help shaking his excited fingers slightly: “Shibuya Tenren Hospital, plastic surgery. I’ll send you the address when I get there, if you don’t want an accident, just Run to me right away!”

After that, I simply hung up the phone~!

I didn’t expect that the fermented ingredients in Baigan would have such an effect on the exceptional test product. Well, it is estimated that there is also the reason for Kudo Shinichi’s cold. We must study it immediately before he recovers!

In the smart program space, Miyano Shiho nodded secretly while checking the information sent by Xiao Ai through his clone.

Can Bai Gan completely relieve the effect of aptx4869 on Kudo Shinichi’s body reduction?

Just kidding, aptx4869 has already changed Kudo Shinichi’s genes. The fermented ingredients and colds of Baigan have a certain impact on this gene at most, and have not changed Kudo Shinichi’s genetic structure at all.

Kudo Shinichi’s inflated balloon will definitely retract, it’s just the length of time!

Although Xiaoai controlled the electrical signals around Kudo Shinichi and installed the No. [-] pawnshop program on his mobile phone, he also gave Kudo Shinichi a simple perspective.

However, the No. [-] pawnshop software set by Mu Qiye does not have this function. To be cautious, the electrical signal mobilized is also insufficient, and the result of complete perspective cannot be achieved. It is still a professional X-ray, and CT is more effective!

On the other end of the phone, Kudo Shinichi was slightly startled when he heard this.

“What’s wrong? Who is it?”

Looking at Kudo Shinichi’s surprised expression, Hattori Heiji asked curiously.

“The people of Mu Qiye.”

Kudo Shinichi hung up the phone with a complicated look on his face, frowned again and said, “Accident? What accident? Could my body change back?”

Thinking of this, his heart sank.

No matter from the point of view of solving the case and personal thoughts, the appearance of this young man is undoubtedly more favorable!

However, if the cause of his recovery is vain, can he really get back in shape?

“What? Change back? You mean…change back to a child?”

Hattori Heiji’s eyes widened.

From a child to a teenager, from a child to a teenager, and now he is going to change from a teenager to a child again…

Dude, that’s not how balloons are played, are they?

Kudo Shinichi nodded solemnly: “Listen to what that woman meant.”

“Then let’s go, maybe there is another reason for the assignment!” Hattori Heiji decided to prioritize, and then he was about to stop a taxi, but was stopped by Kudo Shinichi.

It would be bad if it suddenly became smaller by accident!

“The bombing case is important, let’s solve the case first!” Kudo Shinichi shook his head with a serious expression.

The impact of the serial bombings was so great that he didn’t feel relieved if the case was not solved. His health was a trivial matter. Besides, he had to go to the police station door, and he didn’t want to leave like this.

“This…” Hearing this, Hattori Heiji also hesitated.

Kudo Shinichi is right, the bombing was indeed serious enough, and enough people died.If it continues, it is probably not an ordinary trouble, but Kudo Shinichi’s body…

Before he could think about it, two men in civilian clothes came towards him, two of them suddenly shot at Kudo Shinichi beside him, one held down Kudo Shinichi’s neck, and the other smashed his neck with a knife superior!

“Kudou…” Hattori Heiji was shocked, he stepped aside subconsciously, and kicked the man nearby.

The man looked calm and raised his arm to block it.

Before Hattori Heiji continued to attack, a man next to him showed his ID card: “Public security work, Mr. Hattori should leave first. Of course, you can also report my ID number to the Chief of Police Hattori for questioning and confirmation. “

“public security?!!”

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji immediately retracted his kicked legs, but he still had a vigilant look on his face.What if it’s fake?After taking the other party’s certificate, he asked suspiciously, “What’s wrong with the police… um, my friend did it?”

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

The public security is different from the police. It is not directly led by the local police headquarters, but directly appointed by the National Public Security Commission to carry out some special surveillance and investigation. Is it…

“Sorry, it’s a secret. However, since Mr. Hattori is a detective, he shouldn’t have guessed it, right?” The policeman smiled, and Hattori Heiji was barely part of the system, and now he’s obviously involved, no Tell him, he obviously knows that too.


Glancing at Kudo Shinichi, Hattori Heiji did not speak, walked aside, and called his mother Hattori Heizang in a low voice and cautiously.Although it is not a department, according to the identity of the father Hattori Hizang, it is not difficult to determine the true and false assumptions.

. 0 0

The public security officer who was talking nodded to the police officer who was holding Kudo Shinichi unconscious, and the police officer helped Kudo Shinichi to a car that just drove over. Wait here, the car will not leave for a while.

Looking at the police station next to him, Hattori Heiji did not stop him.When the phone was connected, he walked to the side, and immediately told his father Hattori Heizang about the matter in a low voice.

Osaka Metropolitan Police Department headquarters.

Hattori Heiji rubbed his brows in distress and solemnity, but he didn’t expect that he was still involved, and he also knew that Kudo Shinichi had become smaller.

But knowing that now is not the time to care about these things, he immediately asked Heiji to give the phone to the other party.Although it is not the same department, the police and the public security will inevitably have a lot of intersections in some cases.

I don’t know who the police are, but it’s not that difficult to tell if it’s a police officer.The simplest is that some local ministers know it.Some secret words and questions to determine the identity of the police.

(Thanks to Feixiang for your continuous support, thanks to h12421, 05480, thanks to nihao two for the monthly pass, and thanks to dy$ufu# for the monthly pass! Thank you very much!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) Any.

Chapter 496: Hattori Heiji’s insistence, who is Mu Qiye’s person?

After taking Hattori Heiji’s phone, the police officer who was left behind walked aside and chatted with Hattori Heizang.Of course, there is nothing to say.

The police and the police have different responsibilities and duties.

The police are somewhat like the personal guards of ancient emperors, while the police are the yamen of various places.Hattori Heizang didn’t ask too much. After confirming that the other party was a police officer, he asked the other party to give the phone to his son, Deputy Heiji.

At this time, Hattori Heiji was already closer to the car that they were carrying Kudo Shinichi, and it seemed that they had a good relationship!

Seeing the other party put down the phone, Hattori Heiji knew that the conversation was over, and immediately stood up straight and looked at the other party, knowing that more than [-]% of it was true!

The police came over with Hattori Heiji’s cell phone.When he handed the phone to Hattori Heiji, he raised his eyes and stared at him, reminding him or saying a warning: “Mr. Hattori, this matter is second only to top secrets in the whole country. Few people know about it. , Mr. Hattori should know what I mean, don’t tell anyone, otherwise don’t blame us for visiting.”

Second only to the absolute “[-]” secret?Darling, it seems that this matter is really not serious!

Hattori Heiji clicked his tongue, his face was serious, and immediately assured: “Don’t worry, I know, I won’t tell anyone else.”

The police nodded lightly, but said nothing.

In fact, this is also a reminder that Hattori Heiji’s father is the Osaka Head Office Minister Hattori Hizura. Even if he really said it, as long as it has little impact and not many people know about it, it is actually a reminder. This is just a reminder.

After handing the phone to Hattori Heiji, he turned and walked towards the car.

Hattori Heiji picked up the phone, and his father Hattori Heizang’s signature flat and dignified tone came from the phone: “It’s been confirmed that it’s the police, just hand Kudo Shinichi to the other party.”

“Well, I see, Dad, the other party is already in the car.” Hattori Heiji nodded.

In fact, looking at the other party’s expression, he believed it [-]% of the time. In addition, he still moved his hand at the door of the police station. If it wasn’t for the police, it would be strange. Even Mu Qiye’s people probably weren’t so arrogant.

“By the way, Dad, do you know about… um, this matter?” He looked around nervously, but Heiji Hattori cautiously walked aside and asked in a low voice.

Rejuvenation and going back again, this kind of thing is too unbelievable… Even a father, knowing this kind of thing can’t be so calm, only maybe he knew it long ago.

“No, it’s because he knew about the organization that caused him to become smaller. The other departments heard what Mr. Mu said at the court and guessed it.” Hattori Hiraiza took a light sip of the tea from the thermos.

Regarding the matter of Changsheng, logically speaking, only the police chief inspector Baima, the minister of the interior, and the prime minister know about it.Of course, apart from the chaebol, who knew, and the parties involved, no one thought that Mu Qiye would say it directly.

Coupled with the fact that the winery has been known for a long time and there are some rumors, it is not difficult to come to this conclusion.After that, he became a known party, and naturally he was reminded and warned.

It’s not a good or bad thing to talk about, but it’s definitely not a good thing for Heiji to get involved.

“Dad, didn’t you tell me earlier? I thought…”

Heiji Hattori couldn’t help rolling his eyes when he heard this, and his face was speechless.He knew for a long time that he attached great importance to Kudo Shinichi’s affairs, and there were all kinds of speculations, but he didn’t expect that his father knew the truth and looked at it like this, and he couldn’t help but feel a little sleepy.

“I know this kind of thing is not good for you, remember not to tell others, don’t worry about the serial bombings, come back, it may be messed up again now.”

Hattori Hizang shook his head. What he was most worried about was his son’s character.Of course, compared to Kudo Shinichi, Heiji is much more worry-free, and at least he knows the proportions.

It’s just that new changes have happened to Kudo Shinichi now, and it can be said that there may be new progress in the matter of longevity.Although Kudo Shinichi had plastic surgery, according to the methods of the public security, fbi, and Mu Qiye, it is not so easy for the winery to know.

But what if?

Tokyo wasn’t his territory, so he couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

Upon hearing this, Hattori Heiji hurriedly shook his head and said sternly: “I want to solve this case first, in a few days, with Uncle Yuanshan here, don’t worry, Dad, and talk to Mom. “

Before his father Hattori Hizang could speak, he wanted to hang up the phone. He knew that his father was thinking about him, but he also had his persistence. It would not benefit anyone to let this kind of case continue.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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