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Winery? Nothing — Page 318

“Misty House, Chef Gan made it himself. If it’s delicious, eat more. After you go out, mom will take you there every day.” Fei Miles smiled, took out the napkin and put it aside, hinting at her daughter Xiaolan.

“Ah, is it one of the ten masters who graduated from Yuanyue, Kanri Xiangzi? It’s really great. Wouldn’t it be too expensive? Or…” Mao Lilan’s eyes widened, she didn’t expect Mu Qiye to go there to buy food bring.

Concubine Miles smiled bitterly, is this the point?He also dismissed the idea of ​​continuing to hint, shook his head and said, “It’s not expensive, my mother is not short of money, you can also go to Mu Qiye’s place, and Mu Jiuzhiyuan fruit is there…”

“Uh, Mu Jiuzhiyuan fruit? Mu… senior? Eh, huh, forget it, eat, eat, mom, you eat too!”

Mao Lilan’s expression suddenly stiffened, and his mind immediately appeared in this interrogation room, as well as in the car… Suddenly, his face turned red, he smiled awkwardly, and immediately lowered his head to cover it, changing the subject,

However, this expression also clearly fell into Fei Mi’s eyes: Sure enough, there was a relationship, but it didn’t go too far, or to the last step.

The last time, when Mu Qiye brought Xiao Lan back to prison, she had the idea of ​​promoting the relationship between the two.There’s nothing to expect, selling girls… just needs.

Kudo Shinichi was involved too much, and his daughter Xiaolan was also imprisoned.Without Mu Qiye, she couldn’t solve these problems herself, and she couldn’t even rescue her daughter Xiaolan as soon as possible.

Relying on Mu Qiye was undoubtedly the best choice she could think of, which would not only allow her daughter to cut off the connection with Kudo Shinichi, but also allow Mu Qiye to protect her daughter.

Nothing else is so important than living.

As for the later… Whether Xiaolan chooses to follow Mu Qiye, or has other ideas, she believes that as long as she does enough, she can persuade Mu Qiye to agree to give Xiaolan freedom.


Fei mile nodded with a smile, picked up chopsticks…

Discarded the idea of ​​telling Xiaolan, with Mu Qiye, Xiaolan’s problem can be solved temporarily. Without any scruples, Fei Mile has become the mother who cares about her daughter more than herself, and keeps asking Xiaolan in prison. What else do you need…

Concubine Mile did not mention Mu Qiye, as well as Maori Kogoro and Kudo Shinichi, Mao Lilan also gradually relaxed, feeling her mother’s concern, and happily answered Concubine Mile’s question.

Although the location is wrong, we can finally meet.She was content, with a happy smile on her face.

(Thanks to Feixiang for your continuous support, thanks to h12421, 05480, thanks to nihao two for the monthly pass, and thanks to dy$ufu# for the monthly pass! Thank you very much!)

(For flowers, for reviews, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…)

The grades are too bad, and I’m about to open a new book, The Reply Warlock of Hogwarts.

Of course, this book will not stop updating, about two a day, I think the later stage is still very cool, but the content of the writing is too complicated, sorry, thank you for your support. .

Chapter 502: Sad Wife, Ninety-nine Wen Nai’s Big Sister

Time passed by in a hurry, even without a reminder, Fei Mile also knew that it was time to leave, and Mao Lilan also knew, but she was reluctant to part with it.

“Okay, time to go.”

Reaching out and rubbing Xiaolan’s hair, Fei Mile stood up.

Looking at her mother’s figure, Mao Lilan showed a reluctant expression, and suddenly found that she was not that strong either, she really wanted to get up like this, and told her mother that she didn’t want to stay any longer, she wanted to leave with her mother.

Throw away those so-called justice, even justice.

But thinking of her father, Kogoro Mori, Kudo… She pursed her lips, but in the end she didn’t say anything. She lowered her head and stood up with a look of sadness and silence.

Xiaolan, you can’t!

She kept telling herself that.

Fei Miles smiled.

Although I am not sure what my daughter is thinking, it is definitely a good thing for her to be reluctant!

“If you need to call me, don’t meddle in your own business…” Bending over the bags and boxes on the table that should be handcuffed, Fei Mi patiently instructed, which was also a reminder to Xiao Lan.

We will meet again later, won’t we?

Thinking of this, Mao Lilan felt a lot better, with a reluctant smile on his face, he helped clean up, and promised, “Well, I see, mother can rest assured, I’m fine here, and the guards take good care of me…”

When it comes to the guard’s smile, his smile is a bit lower: I’m still a criminal, Dad, Shinichi…why don’t you guys come and rescue me?

After packing up, the two walked out of the room one after another.

The policewoman hurried over.

After reluctantly saying goodbye, although she was unwilling, she could only watch Xiaolan lowered her head, kept turning her head, and was taken away by the policewoman.

Definitely not too far!

Fei Miles clenched her hands into fists, knowing that she saw her daughter disappear from sight, so she turned around and left with Chestnut Hill Green.

On the road.

Concubine Miles asked casually, “Little Green, what do you think of Qiye~”?”


Li Shanlu was stunned, not understanding why Teacher Fei asked that.


Looking at the backs of Fei mile and Li Shanlu, a middle-aged policeman frowned: “Why did Fei mile come here all of a sudden? Wouldn’t you notice our plan? No, let’s report first, it seems that we can only Plan ahead!”

The middle-aged policeman walked to the corner and looked left and right to see that no one was there, and there was no monitor. Then he took out his mobile phone and edited the text message…


in the smart program space.

Xiao Ai looked at this scene clearly, slightly mocking, and also shaking her head pitifully: “A group of poor abandoned sons, money is very important and a lot, but can you spend your life?”

“I don’t even think about it. Why the request is just hurting people. If they have a family, they may be fine. But what about you? Stupid!”

“I really think there was an accident in Mao Lilan, so you guys can survive? Regardless of whether Mu Qiye can find it or not, you are all abandoned sons, Mu Qiye will not kill, the Tuoben family, the Yamaguchi group, and the Sakura Club will also, and they will cut the grass and remove the roots!”

Too lazy to look at these doomed tools, she only set aside a program to monitor in real time, and she shifted her energy to other places.

There are a lot to note!

The network aspect is not counted. She has firewalls and subprograms set up by her. As long as someone invades, she can know.Shengxian Gorge Villa, Minato Villa, Edogawa District, William Berken, King Ada, Yagami Moon, Kudo Shinichi…

Although it has surpassed artificial intelligence now, not only has the incarnation of the soul, but also enhances the spiritual energy of the soul. What Mu Qiye said is the quasi-elemental body, and when the time comes, she will be turned into a pure lightning elemental body…

But dealing with so many things at once, and taking care of the thirteenth pawn shop of the Wishing Program, even she felt a little busy!


Unknown island.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Mu Qiye, Jiujiu Wennai, a cute girl with long curly hair beside Mihao Mazi, suddenly widened her eyes, pointed at Mu Qiye and said, “Big sister’s boyfriend, Mu Qiye! Brother Mu, hurry up and save me! “

With that said, Jiujiu Wennai broke free from Miyoshi Mazi’s hand, ran over, hid behind Mu Qiye, and watched Miyao Mazi vigilantly.

Miyoshi Mazi had a few funny faces on his face, and said with a sneering and mocking expression: “Do you think it’s useful?”

“Mmmm, Brother Mu is amazing!” Jiujiu Wennai nodded earnestly, pulling on the corner of Mu Qiye’s clothes, he was very sure about this, the eldest sister said, Brother Mu is the best!

After speaking, he raised his head and looked at Mu Qiye expectantly.

Mu Qiye is very recognizable, in newspapers, magazines, on the Internet… There is a lot of news, it’s strange that she doesn’t know it!

“‘ ‖ Big sister? Still a boyfriend?”

Mu Qiye couldn’t help showing a little smile, how come Mingwei has a girlfriend of a little girl?Kneeling down and rubbing her head, she smiled and said, “Who is your eldest sister? Gui Xin?”

Thinking about the age, it seems that the age of Gui Xin and Qingpu is more suitable.

Qingpu Mo was introverted and didn’t like to talk very much. The only thing left was the little girl Gui Xin, and it seemed that this little guy still had some problems with his spirit.

Immature suggestion techniques, hypnotism, I didn’t expect to do it to the little girl.

It’s nothing, it seems, it’s also controlled, not using all your strength, it can be said that it’s intentionally useless, but the effect of repeated stacking is similar to brainwashing.

If it wasn’t for him being too good at spirituality, it was because he taught Gui Xin (who got it), otherwise, he wouldn’t be so easy to discover the influence of this level.

“No, the eldest sister is Sister Gui Yanye, and the eldest sister is Sister Gui Xin!”

Jiujiu Wennai looked at Mu Qiye seriously and shook his head, and then said, “My name is Jiujinji Wennai, I am from Class A of Didan Elementary School, and Ayumi Yoshida from Class B is also our member…”

(Thanks to Feixiang for your continuous support, thanks to h12421, 05480, thanks to nihao two for the monthly pass, and thanks to dy$ufu# for the monthly pass! Thank you very much!)

(For flowers, for reviews, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…)

The grades are too bad, and I’m about to open a new book, The Reply Warlock of Hogwarts.

Of course, this book will not stop updating, about two a day, I think the later stage is still very cool, but the content of the writing is too complicated, sorry, thank you for your support.Compare.

Chapter 503: Mami Uchida’s Brain Supplement

Good guy, there are still a lot of people!

Also eldest sister, eldest sister is big… Really…

Shaking his head with a speechless wry smile, Mu Qiye rubbed the head of Ninety Nine Wen Nai, glanced at San Hao Mazi, then looked at Wen Nai and said, “Why did you say I saved you, what happened to Sister San Hao?”

Seeing Mu Qiye being so kind to Wen Nai, Mihao Mazi was slightly startled, but he didn’t expect Mu Qiye to have such a gentle and patient side!

Ninety-nine Wen Nai glanced at Miyoshi Mazi with a hostile expression, and then said dissatisfiedly: “Sister Miyoshi said that my father killed her brother, my father is not the murderer, my father is the most powerful magician!”


Hearing this, Miyoshi Mazi, who thought of his brother’s death, had a cold expression on his face. He sneered fiercely with his arms in his arms, and didn’t bother to explain the problem at all.

The most powerful magician?

Don’t say it wasn’t before, now it’s estimated that even Sanada Ichizo can’t compare, let alone her.

Three good sisters?It doesn’t seem to be too hateful!

“Then do you think Sister Sanhao will lie?” Mu Qiye asked with a smile.


Ninety-nine Wen was a little hesitant.She glanced at the disdainful sister Sanhao again, thinking about her usual indifference and arrogance, don’t lie, even if she can’t say polite words.

It is the kind of knife mouth 100 mentioned on TV. It is not a tofu heart, but it is definitely a typical example of soft-hearted and inconsiderate. As long as she acts like a spoiled child and pesters her, no matter how impatient Miyoshi’s mouth is, she will still bring her in the end. run around with her…

“It seems, no, but… Dad can’t be the murderer, Dad won’t be the murderer who caused the death of sister and brother Miyoshi…” Jiujiu Wennai came to a conclusion, but he couldn’t believe this fact, and his tears were out of the frame. When she came out, she wiped her tears and sobbed softly.


Miyoshi Mazi’s heart twitched, and he felt a little regretful, but thinking about his brother who was killed by Jiujiu Yuankang, his face became cold again.

Although the main culprit, Ninety-Nine Yuankang, is dead, he must let the Ninety-Nine Family experience the loss of a loved one!

for sure!

“Okay, don’t cry, Wen Nai will stay here for the time being.”

She smiled and rubbed her head, but Mu Qiye didn’t mean to comfort Wen Nai. What kind of grievances do not involve the family, what kind of generosity and understanding, do not stand on the other side’s position, know that the kindness of the other party’s thoughts is selfish, ridiculous, and even okay. Say it’s disgusting!


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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