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Winery? Nothing — Page 319

Considering the ninety-nine article, what was the feeling in Miyoshi Mazi’s heart?The soft-heartedness towards Jiu Jiu Wen Nai is not the injustice and indifference towards Miyoshi Mazi (ajej)!

After speaking, Mu Qiye stood up and walked in front of Miyoshi Mazi.She took out her pocket and gave her the Soul Gathering Bracelet, the amulet, and the ninety-nine Wen Nai: “Take it with you, one set for each person.”

Glancing at Ninety-Nine Wennai, Miyoshi Mazi nodded, knowing what Mu Qiye meant, then frowned and asked subconsciously, “What’s the use?”

Positioning, monitoring, what measures?

Although it looks like ordinary jewelry, um, jade is good, but thinking of Mu Qiye’s ability, she can’t help but think this way.Immediately, he shook his head with a wry smile and dismissed the idea of ​​asking. .

What if it was?Does she have the ability and qualifications to resist?

“It’s for protection, of course it’s a little weaker, and the relationship hasn’t reached that point.” Mu Qiye shrugged, but didn’t hide it. Miyoshi Mazi, Jiujiu Wennai, including Xun and Mei actually didn’t know the kind of people who couldn’t give up. level.

Sending this thing can only be regarded as the way, and the soul box will not have their share.

Looking at Mu Qiye in surprise, Miyoshi Mazi nodded lightly and didn’t ask more: Protection?It seems that there is no need for Mu Qiye to lie, is it really for protection?Is it really that simple?

Mihao Mazi couldn’t believe it, even if she had a relationship with Mu Qiye, she felt that Mu Qiye didn’t need to think about them like that. After all, from her point of view, this island was the lover island established by Mu Qiye.

Mu Qiye didn’t explain, and simply took out some drinks and food from the storage space. Even if they didn’t come for a while, they wouldn’t starve to death.

After thinking about it, I also used wood magic to control the branches and vines, and built a few houses for them.Originally, this room was built temporarily when he was with Belmod, with only one bed.

Although it was fine for two or three women to live together, it was still a little small, and they were not that familiar with them. It would be better to build a few more houses, and it would not take much effort.

In the rustling sound, the uncles rose up from the ground, and then crossed and merged with each other… Make up the sloping roof, steps, split the door, open the window…

Seeing that the wooden houses were built like this, Miyoshi Asako… Even the crying Kuju Fumi couldn’t help but wipe away her tears and stared at this scene with wide eyes: “Is this… is it magic?”

Dad said that there is no magic in the world, all magical phenomena are prepared and created by means and techniques, magic is a legend, it does not exist, magic is the reality, it is the greatest skill inherited by human beings!

“This is……”

When it was time for dinner, Uchida Mami and Tatsumi Kazumei, who were already rushing back, immediately rushed over when they heard the sound. Of course, both of them thought that the sound might be the reason why Mu Qiye came, but the purpose was different.

Xun Hemei is because she doesn’t want to offend Mu Qiye, and then be abandoned and forgotten here, living a life that is isolated from the world and can’t even guarantee her survival.Uchida Mami looked at the back of Tatsumi and felt that she would offend Mu Qiye if she didn’t run over, in case…

Seeing the house that suddenly appeared, Tatsumi Kazumei and Uchida Mami, who had just arrived, were stunned: What’s the situation, why did two houses suddenly appear?And the kitchen and warehouse…

“How’s the investigation going?”

Appearing beside Uchida Mami, Mu Qiye raised her chin frivolously, kissed her, and asked narrowly.


Uchida Mami was startled, but being taken advantage of by Mu Qiye, she was upright, her face flushed slightly, she lowered her head, and then took a step back, two steps, and subconsciously shook her head to retort: ​​”No, no, just…”

Before she could finish speaking, she couldn’t go on.It’s not that there is no suitable reason, it’s just that no matter how suitable the reason is, it is unlikely that Mu Qiye will believe it.

Moreover, the fact that Mu Qiye said it so bluntly also showed that he had long expected this.Or it’s possible that Mu Qiye was watching somewhere when she and Tatsumi Kazumei were walking around, asking about things on the island.

Maybe there are hidden cameras installed by Mu Qiye around here, or Mu Qiye can control plants, animals, surrounding plants, and animals are all Mu Qiye’s eyes.

As long as they pass by, or even say that they are on this island, Mu Qiye can infer her intentions by asking about any plant, animal, and knowing anything about them!

(Thanks to Feixiang for your continuous support, thanks to h12421, 05480, thanks to nihao two for the monthly pass, and thanks to dy$ufu# for the monthly pass! Thank you very much!)

(For flowers, for reviews, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…)

The grades are too bad, and I’m about to open a new book, The Reply Warlock of Hogwarts.

Of course, this book will not stop updating, about two a day, I think the later stage is still very cool, but the content of the writing is too complicated, sorry, thank you for your support. .

Chapter 504: The garden is very beautiful!

Well, I’m frightening you, what can I do to you? “

Seeing Uchida Mami’s worried look, Mu Qiye shook his head in a funny way, took out his pocket, took out two soul gathering bracelets and a protective charm, walked over, and handed them into her hands: “Take it with you for protection.”

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Xun Hemei, and gave her a share.

She was brought here forcibly at the beginning, and she also had a relationship with her, so she had to take some responsibility.

“Thank you!” Tatsumi Kazuya had a grateful expression on her face, and immediately took it on.

She didn’t believe Mu Qiye’s words, nor did she really believe that these two things had any protective effect, but she didn’t want to be abandoned again, and she didn’t want to be alone!

For this reason, even if it is poison, he will drink it, let alone put on two pieces of jewelry.


Mu Qiye smiled and nodded, not caring about Xun Hemei’s thoughts~.

He never thought of making everyone like him, and even said that some people like him, as long as they maintain obedience, or the state of Sunda and beauty, honesty and serenity are enough.

After speaking, he disappeared, and there were others!


Seeing Mu Qiye disappear so suddenly in front of his eyes, Uchida Mami, Miyoshi Mazi, and Xun Kazumei are still a little unacceptable. This person… How could this person disappear suddenly?

“This is… magic?”

Ninety-nine Wen Nai wiped his eyes and looked very cute.

When Miyoshi Mazi heard this, he glanced at Jiujiu Wennai, and then at the place where Mu Qiye disappeared: Magic?Maybe it is, but even magic is beyond this era, and even the world’s cognition of shocking magic!


Shengxianxia Courtyard.

In addition to Suzuki Lingzi, Kasugano Saki, and the newcomer Ruixue Yagyu, Huoben Xiajiang also came, and it can be said that he figured it out.Although Grandpa’s bones haven’t been collected yet, as long as he has been cremated for seven or eight days, at most ten days, he can actually come out.

Even Hamoto Ichiro’s parents, Hamoto Mariko and Hamoto Kitaro have long since left.

However, she never knew how to face Mu Qiye.

After Mu Qiye left Qiben Island, there were all kinds of lace news, which made her feel that Mu Qiye didn’t care about her that much, and she wasn’t that good. Apart from being the heir of Qiben’s family, she didn’t have much effect on Mu Qiye, so It kept dragging.

But how long can it be delayed?

Mu Qiye didn’t have any thoughts about the part of her grandfather’s legacy. The cooperation between the Qiben family and the company under the name of Mu Qiye was obviously focused on developing the company under the name of Mu Qiye.

After the transformation of Keqi’s company, the part related to Muqiye Company is actually growing rapidly.Various presidents, general managers, and directors also called and asked to cooperate with the company under the name of Mu Qiye to transform…

Mu Qiye fulfilled all his promises, even better than his promises.

Butler Suzuki told her why she had to come, even if she really didn’t want to be with Mu Qiye, at least she had to come to say hello and say thank you.

She felt that this was right, no matter from which aspect, she had to thank Mu Qiye.Although she knew that she might come here, she would never be able to get out again, but she still couldn’t help but came here.

“Mr. Mu!”

Looking at Huanben Xiajiang, and then at Mu Qiye, Liu Sheng Ruixue held the samurai sword in respect, worshipped him, lowered his voice automatically, and called out in a low voice.

“Mu… Seven Nights…”

Seeing that Mu Qiye didn’t seem to have changed, but it seemed to have really changed, with a more attractive face, Huo Ben Xiajiang immediately stood up, just like a child who did something wrong when facing adults overwhelmed.

“Well, it’s good to come, just right, one for each person, remember to take it with you.”

Mu Qiye smiled and nodded with Liu Sheng Ruixue, then looked at Huo Ben Xia Jiang and smiled… That’s it, if Qi Ben Xia Jiang didn’t come, maybe he would have forgotten such a person!

Just like Noriko Okaya, Huben Xiajiang looks good, but that’s it, apart from Qiben’s family, he doesn’t have any special features. Of course, his personality doesn’t count. It’s strange that there are so many women who can remember them.

Walking over and hugging the flag Ben Xia Jiang, Mu Qiye took out most of the matching soul gathering necklace and amulets.

“This is……”

Suzuki Ryoko, Kasugano Saki, Kikuchienko and the others came over and looked at the jade carvings with their faces carved on the table, but there were no obvious carving marks, showing expressions of joy and doubt.

“It’s for protection, don’t ask where it came from, I’ll tell you when the time comes.” Lazily waving his hands, Mu Qiye walked to the bar and poured a glass of juice, added ice and drank it, refreshing!


Suzuki Lingzi glanced at Mu Qiye, she knew that Mu Qiye had his secrets, or that it was not just someone behind him, it was as simple as a background.

However, if Mu Qiye didn’t say it, she naturally wouldn’t ask.

Especially her identity, she may be the last to know, because she is a woman of the Suzuki family, even if the Suzuki family is Mu Qiye’s collaborator, strictly speaking, it is not a family.

She knew this from beginning to end.

“Uh, Liu Sheng~”

Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo picked up the clearly carved Liusheng Ruixue necklace, subconsciously glanced at Mu Qiye, and then immediately turned to look at the straight and upright Ruixue Liusheng.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

“Ah? Mine too?”

Liu Sheng Ruixue pointed to himself, showing a surprised expression, and then his head was a little messy, obviously it was for a woman related to Mr. Mu, right?Mine too, which means…

There was a touch of pink on her face, and she felt her cheeks get hot, so she glanced at Mu Qiye secretly. Mu Qiye didn’t look at her, but she still turned her head immediately and trotted to the side of the table.

Um… what’s the situation?Stockholm Syndrome?

Seeing Ruixue Liusheng running over, Mu Qiye shook his head amusingly, interesting, and then looked at Lingzi Suzuki and said, “By the way, for Sonoko, your parents, and Mr. Jiroji, the bracelet is fine, just say You can get it from Koizumi Koizumi.”

No matter how they are Ling Zi’s parents, they are also good to him, so they can’t lose anything.

. 0 0

“Uh, for my dad, mom, and Uncle Jiroji? All? Koizumi Koizumi?… Sonoko is coming this afternoon, and I’ll be staying here this weekend. I want to walk around here.”

Suzuki Lingzi looked at Mu Qiye in surprise, as if it was very important, Koizumi Hongzi?Isn’t that the classmate from the garden?Is her stuff important?

But looking at Mu Qiye’s appearance, she wisely didn’t ask, and told Yuanzi what she wanted to come.

“That crazy girl from Yuanzi is coming?”

Mu Qiye almost spit out a mouthful of juice, took out the newly made Huoben Xiajiang’s soul gathering bracelet from his pocket and gave it directly to Huoben Xiajiang, that wide forehead… Isn’t this a mess?A slightly wry smile appeared on his face.

Seeing the necklace engraved with her image, Huben Xiajiang showed a surprised expression, his face flushed slightly, and he lowered his head and said, “Thank you.”

Suzuki Lingzi smiled and shook his head gently. Seeing Mu Qiye’s expression, Gu Jin rolled his eyes again, and said with some dissatisfaction: “Sonoko has some problems with her hairstyle. She looks beautiful when she puts it down!”

“Uh, well, you have the final say.”

Hearing this, Mu Qiye was stunned. In the plot, Sonoko seemed to be really a beautiful woman with her hair down. She shrugged and no longer bothered about this matter.

(Thanks to Feixiang for your continuous support, thanks to h12421, 05480, thanks to nihao two for the monthly pass, and thanks to dy$ufu# for the monthly pass! Thank you very much!)

(For flowers, for reviews, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…)

The grades are too bad, and I’m about to open a new book, The Reply Warlock of Hogwarts.Up to two days, or three days will be released.

Of course, this book will not stop updating, about two a day, I think the later stage is still very cool, but the content of the writing is too complicated, sorry, thank you for your support.Where.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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