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Winery? Nothing — Page 32

Chapter 49: The villa was demolished…

Mu Qiye is different.

Although his private life is chaotic, he has finally made a difference.

It can be seen that his arrangement also explains this matter.He didn’t see any other advantages, but the Suzuki family actually acquiesced in the ambiguous relationship between Mu Qiye and Suzuki Lingzi, and also invested in Mu Qiye’s Jinhui investment, which definitely shows the problem, at least Mu Qiye is more good than bad.

For the Qiben family, it is a good choice to be able to solve the Caicheng Takehiko, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

As long as there is evidence of Mu Qiye’s violation of Xia Jiang, knowing that he is affectionate, moving with reason, giving both kindness and power, and the property of the Qi family, it is not impossible for Mu Qiye to marry Xia Jiang.

As for the Suzuki family, Mu Qiye, who has damaged his reputation, is not worth the trouble with the Qiben family.

Next, with the time he has left, it will be enough to train a qualified flag owner!

But, who expected this to happen?

Qi Ben Haozang was very upset, so he had to be patient, and after thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and called the manager of the coffee shop: “What the hell is going on? Tell the old man exactly what happened. !”


Leave the baroque cafe.

Naturally, Mu Qiye didn’t immediately go to Kudo’s villa to find Yukiko, went to the supermarket to buy some snacks, drinks, and some food, and went straight back to the villa.


“Squeak, chirp…”

In the field of vision, there is a mess, as if it was robbed by robbers.

Cups, china bowls, decorations…

There are all kinds of debris on the floor, the blankets are uncovered, table legs, sofas, chairs, basically bite marks, drawers, refrigerators…

“Mud horse…”

Mu Qiye’s forehead throbbed with blue veins, and his cheeks tugged.Even if he doesn’t like cleaning the room, the room is a bit messy, and he can tolerate a certain situation of messiness, this special code is too unbearable, right?

At this time, the culprit, Brother Flathead, is still chasing ferrets, cats, squirrels…running around everywhere.

Kasuga Ye Qiong was beside the kitchen, standing with his head lowered and not knowing what to do.

Unsurprisingly, I was also busy catching Brother Pingtou just now, and it is estimated that she released Brother Pingtou, otherwise Brother Pingtou would not have escaped from the cage specially kept for him!

Luckily the pig is outside, otherwise…

“Come here, pay attention to the debris on the ground, don’t step on it.”

Mu Qiye shook his head speechlessly, and could only do this.

The offender is Qiongmei, and there is nothing too valuable, what else can I do?Even the others are no big deal.Men lose money, women are beautiful, they stay in bed…

Put two large bags on the cabinet.

Mu Qiye turned around and looked

Sister Qiong came over obediently, but her feet staggered.

Looking down, there was faint blood oozing from the slippers.


Mu Qiye pulled a sofa, then pushed it, squeak…, the sofa slid to Qiong’s side accurately: “Sit there.”

Haruhi Ye Qiong was stunned.

I never thought that Mu Qiye didn’t get angry, and even pushed the sofa over.

Mu Qiye took out the usual phone book under the coffee table, found the doctor’s phone number, and called.

“…Yes, I’m Mu Qiye. Someone in the family was injured, traumatized, and his foot was stabbed by the glass. Please come here… Yes, lady, thank you, hurry up.”

Just hang up the phone.

A few little guys also ran towards Mu Qiye, with the ferret in the front, and Brother Flathead second.

“Oh, still want revenge?”

The ferret hid directly behind Mu Qiye, she was really no match for Brother Pingtou fighting alone.

Brother Pingtou’s eyes were bright, and he ran towards Mu Qiye in a flash, ready to take revenge!

Mu Qiye saw the opportunity, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and Brother Pingtou turned around to dodge.

But Mu Qiye had already touched Brother Pingtou’s body, but the guy’s bones were too soft, and he ran away before he could hold it.

In terms of dodging, pets are not necessarily inferior to people.

Even if Jing Jizhen, with just one claw, he may not be able to catch Brother Pingtou.

With the previous experience, Mu Qiye also had a certain evaluation of Brother Pingtou, concentrated, a burst of spiritual energy and magic, automatically poured out, locking Brother Pingtou.

“It’s now!”

With a flash of light in his eyes, Mu Qiye’s shooting speed was only normal, but he accurately grabbed Brother Pingtou’s head and lifted him up.


Kasuga Ye Qiong looked stunned, is it that simple?

After releasing Brother Pingtou and discovering that Brother Pingtou was damaged everywhere, she spent more than half an hour without catching him!

“So, still not convinced.”

Seeing Brother Pingtou who was still screaming and screaming, Mu Qiye looked around and smashed Brother Pingtou directly towards the wall with both hands!

“Bang, ow~~”

Brother Flathead slammed into the wall, and with the help of the rebound force and the control of Mu Qiye’s mind, it fell into his hands precisely.

After reaching out to take it, it hit the wall again!

“Bang, ow~~”

“Bang, ow~~”

“Bang, ow~~”


Continuous familiarity, and mental analysis, under the control of magic.

Mu Qiye will soon be able to master Brother Flathead’s throwing skills, even if he doesn’t use his mind control, he is more than [*]% sure!

I didn’t expect mind control, or mental power to have this effect.

It is still easy to learn skills such as martial arts, and you can also analyze the opponent’s weaknesses and win quickly…

Yes, Not Bad!

It’s a pity that the time is too tight, and one trick of Skynet to catch butterflies is enough for the time being.

Mu Qiye smiled helplessly.

When he reacted, he took Brother Pingtou and found that Brother Pingtou had been knocked unconscious, but he was not dead.

The ferret behind him had already run far away,

Cats, squirrels and the like also hid around, shivering and bowing their heads.

Seeing Mu Qiye’s gaze, Sister Qiong lowered her head in fear.

Too, too cruel…

“Why haven’t you sat down yet? Take off your shoes and lie down. The doctor will come later.”

Mu Qiye frowned at Sister Qiong who was still standing, but did not go over immediately.

Being too caring makes people feel that he has other intentions, and he is not the kind of person who likes to put his concerns on his lips or put them into action. Most of them will make the wisest choice or worry in their hearts.

“Huh? Oh~”

After Kasuga Ye Qiong reacted, she hurriedly acted obediently on the sofa, but the stinging pain in her feet also made her frown.

Mu Qiye glanced at it and said nothing.

After thinking about it, I found a thread, tied one of Brother Flathead’s hind leg, and hung it on the window sill.

Unfortunately, there is no fan, otherwise it must be hung on the fan!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards…).

Chapter 50: Ambiguous

“Ding dong, ding dong…”

Within five minutes, the female doctor rushed over. As expected of a villa in a rich community, the efficiency is really high!

“Mr. Mu, this is…”

The female doctor stopped at the entrance and looked at everything in the room, suddenly startled.

This is, there’s a storm?

“Oh, little thing, caught.”

Mu Qiye yawned and pointed at the flat-headed brother hanging in the center of the window carelessly.

“Honey badger?!!”

The female doctor nodded knowingly. With this thing, no wonder, most zoos dare not keep it.

As expected of a rich man!

The small head that Kasuga Ye Qiong had just raised lowered again.

“Did you go and have a look?”

Mu Qiye looked at the pretty good-looking female doctor with dissatisfaction, and stayed here to enjoy the scenery. !

The female doctor nodded quickly and rushed over with the medical box.

The competition for a job providing medical services in this community is fierce, and she doesn’t want to lose it.

Although…there is a little bit of caution.

Mu Qiye looked around and touched his forehead helplessly.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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