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Winery? Nothing — Page 327

Mu Qiye smiled and shrugged, Koizumi Hongzi nodded, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw Mu Qiye looked up at the sky forty-five degrees with a sigh, and said, “However, life must be full of joy, to live this way. At this point, men always have to pursue a little bit, don’t they?”

“You…” Hearing this, Koizumi Hongzi suddenly became annoyed, pointed at Mu Qiye and didn’t say a word for a while, and finally put down the tool: “I’m too lazy to care about you” and used the teleportation array to leave directly.

She has never seen such a person!

Fall into the eyes of a woman?

If you think about it carefully, it’s not. Judging from Mu Qiye’s behavior, he’s not the kind of person who pays too much attention to women.When it is really necessary, it is estimated that they will die when they die. Mu Qiye sighs a few times at most, and feels sad for a few days. It is estimated that it is not as important as her collaborator, but…

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help feeling a lot more relaxed, as long as she didn’t pay so much attention.She didn’t even realize it, and before she knew it, she began to pay such attention to Mu Qiye’s behavior.

For witches, this is a taboo, because witches can’t cry! !


The new book, Magician from Hogwarts, has been released. Replying to Warlock is a forbidden word and can only be changed.

This book will not be stopped, and the main content of that book has not yet been written, so this book is a bit slow for the time being. At most, it will take a few days to resume at least two updates. Sorry, thank you for your support! ! ! .

Chapter 517: 20 billion, why are they so similar?

Nothing to tease Koizumi Hongzi, interesting!

Mu Qiye couldn’t help but smile, looking at the various spears beside him, he couldn’t help but nod his head.

Although they are all mass-produced products with a few hammers, they are okay.

With this volume and weight, it was absolutely no problem to pierce the black-red flame protection that Koizumi Koizumi later used to provoke the magic circle above with his arm strength.

Of course, if the power is a little stronger, I will say two things.

However, this is his limit?

Just kidding, who doesn’t keep trump cards in normal people?Besides, he is improving every day!

At most half a month, he can definitely break through to the intermediate magician, and then the senior magician… As long as there is enough time, then Koizumi Hongzi, Death, Xu Fu, are all scum!

“Mr. Mu, then… the god of death?”

In the distance, Liu Sheng Ruixue couldn’t help but whispered tentatively.

grim Reaper?Isn’t that the stuff of legend?Does this really exist?Six more?

“Oh? Want to know?”

The corners of Mu Qiye’s mouth raised, and with a thought, he had already appeared in front of Liu Sheng Ruixue.

Seeing Mu Qiye who just appeared in front of him, Liu Sheng Ruixue trembled, and his hair almost stood up.He subconsciously drew his sword to defend, but his whole body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire and couldn’t even move!

Mu, Mr. Mu…

“Really want to know?”

Raising his hand to lift Liu Sheng Ruixue’s chin, Mu Qiye looked at the beautiful face, his heart moved, and a playful expression appeared on his face: “It’s really beautiful, do you want to be my woman?”

After releasing the mental suppression of Liu Sheng Ruixue, Mu Qiye wiped Liu Sheng Ruixue’s face.

“Ah? Oh…”

After getting rid of the shackles, Liu Sheng Ruixue’s whole body was covered with fine beads of sweat, and he nodded subconsciously in response. It was like going back and forth from the edge of death just now, really…

“This is, agree?”

Looking at Liu Sheng Ruixue who was still in shock, Mu Qiye twitched the corners of his mouth. Is this a well-trained wizard?Elite among samurai?


Hearing Mu Qiye’s words, Liu Sheng Ruixue raised his head and was immediately confused. What did he agree with?She was shocked by the patronage just now, and she didn’t have time to listen carefully to the question that Mu Qiye asked.

“Okay, it’s alright, let’s go down~”.

Liu Sheng Ruixue’s expression made Mu Qiye speechless, and his interest was mostly lost. He waved his hand and disappeared immediately. Let’s improve his strength first, and talk about it when you have time!


Seeing that Mu Qiye disappeared without a trace again, he quickly looked left and right to determine whether he had completely disappeared from the field of vision, or he did not feel any aura disappearing without a trace.

Liu Sheng Ruixue’s eyes suddenly widened: This, this… how is this possible?Could it be that Mr. Mu… is also a witch?No, sorcerer, or onmyoji?Or, a ninja master? ! !

Thinking of the small part of the secret book Hirota Masami gave, she couldn’t help adding this last guess in her heart.


Suzuki Home Villa Vault.

“This, Shiro, looks a bit similar, doesn’t it?”

Suzuki Jiroji rubbed his brows and looked at the two in his hands that were almost identical. It seemed that Mu Qiye had given him a round amulet that seemed to be of better quality. The corners of his mouth couldn’t help twitching.

This is so special, this is what you spent [-] billion yen on to get this thing?

When his elder brother Jiro Suzuki saw him, Shiro Suzuki was also embarrassed, touched his beard, nodded and said, “Yes, I saw it, it’s exactly the same, even the pattern.”

“When the Prime Minister gave it to me, I felt that it was exactly the same as the gift from Qiye. At that time, I almost froze. Fortunately, the disguise was timely, and the Prime Minister did not find it.”

“After giving it to me, I carefully checked it on the way back. Anyway, it seems that there is almost no difference. Well, it seems that the quality is better from Qiye.”

“The quality of this seems to be a little worse, but the others are similar. I have seen it. The rest are distributed to the Tuomoto family, and the Fujiwara family and other Kansai families are even less good.”

“Of course, the Prime Minister also said that for the time being, only these can be found. The others have to be refined before they can be given. Of course, you know, it will cost money, so…”

As he said that, he glanced at his elder brother Suzuki Jirokichi with an expression like you know what I mean.

Suzuki Jiroji also nodded, naturally knowing what Shirou Suzuki meant, and twitched the corner of his mouth and said, “You mean, Qiye or Koizumi Hongzi already knew, or guessed that this kind of thing might happen, so after Qiye found out, Did you send it to us in advance?”

The two of them were the only ones present. It was still a vault, and the surveillance had been closed for a long time, so it was impossible for anyone to know.He has no such scruples.

“I think it’s possible, of course, it’s more likely a coincidence.”

“If you have this kind of protection, it’s normal to share it with relatives and friends. The Prime Minister also said that this kind of thing can not only prevent the death god from killing people, but also resist some onmyoji and Western magic attacks. We don’t have this kind of thing. , Koizumi and Qiye have a good relationship, after knowing it, isn’t it normal to ask for some and give it to us?”

Shiro Suzuki nodded and put forward this reasonable assumption in a serious manner.But this assumption, Suzuki Jiroji rolled his eyes as soon as he heard it, it was pure nonsense!

After all, even if you get it, there is no reason why you want so much at once?

Also, is it really just such a coincidence that not long after the seven nights were given, this kind of murder by the god of death happened, which can be called a myth and legend?It just so happens that what Qiye gave can really prevent this kind of murder?

“‘ ‖ Well, agree!”

Suzuki Jiroji nodded firmly and said with a smile, “I think so too. Besides, I think it seems that we have misremembered this thing. We just got it yesterday, or we got it today and tomorrow.”

No matter whether Qiye knows about this matter or not, it has nothing to do with it, at least, Qiye cares about them. When they encounter danger, they will solve the problem for them in advance and protect their safety.

Compared with these, the others are obviously not important, especially at this time!

“Uh, haha, yes, I remembered it wrong!”

Shirou Suzuki stroked his beard, and the two brothers smiled at each other.

Compared with his elder brother Suzuki Jiroji, he stood on Mu Qiye’s side, and wanted to protect Mu Qiye, at least to a certain extent, he felt more comfort.

After all, Qiye is the man of his daughter Lingzi.

Lingzi found a good man, but he was a little bit concerned.

“By the way, what if (getting Zhao) is different?”

Suzuki Jiroji thought about it, and suddenly thought of this question, what if it was just like it?If the effect is different, wouldn’t it be a joke?

Shiro Suzuki shook his head with a smile and said, “I’ve thought about this for a long time. When I came back, I asked Yuanzi to give Qiye a piece, saying that it was bought at a high price. Qiye will call back when he finds out.”

With so many lives at stake, even if it is a relative, it is not acceptable to ask directly.

Yuanzi brought it to Qiye. According to the relationship between Qiye and Koizumi, Koizumi also said that she would give it to Qiye herself, whether it was the same or not, and the result came out.

It is important not to involve sensitive issues.

“Haha, as expected of you, Shiro, you think it is comprehensive!” Suzuki Jiroji patted Suzuki Shirou’s shoulder and exclaimed with a smile!


This book will not be stopped, and the main content of that book has not yet been written, so this book is a bit slow for the time being. At most, it will take a few days to resume at least two updates. Sorry, thank you for your support! .

Chapter 518: The crisis of Qiuting Lianzi, Ye Shenyue’s regret and unwillingness!

in the smart program space.

Xiao Ai saw this scene clearly, and her little face showed a little disdain: “I really thought it would be okay to turn off the camera? It is difficult to hack into the modification program? Humph!”

However, she is still very satisfied with the attitude of the two. If they have other ideas, it is unlikely that they will be killed.To take into account the idea of ​​Suzuki Ryoko.

But it’s still possible to silently install the No. [-] Pawnshop’s program on their mobile phones, and forcefully distort their thoughts or clear some of their thoughts by stimulating the program.

It’s okay for Mu Qiye to know about it, and Suzuki Lingzi’s side… Hmph, they don’t care about her thoughts!

Xiao Ai turned her head, and after restoring the camera program, she reduced the image.

Just when she was about to see what Ye Shenyue was doing, she was startled and quickly shifted the screen.

“Natsuki Yueshui? This is… Qiu Ting Lianzi? How did they meet?”


on the street.

“Two beauties, would you like to go out with us to play!”

The exhaust pipe rumbled, and a few bikers surrounded two beautiful women, one large and one small.The younger one is very familiar, it is Ye Shenyue’s younger sister, Ye Shen Zhuangyu, and the other is the musician Qiuting Reiko, the singer who refused Suzuki Ryoko’s invitation to 117 several times.

Qiu Ting Lianzi has a good appearance, but this good appearance is not a good thing in this day and age.

The two women stood facing each other at [-] degrees in horror,

On the motorcycle with the headlights on, the man with an iron chain hanging around his neck, obviously the boss, took off his glasses, looked at the two women, the flesh was stacked together, and he smiled with a strong accent: “My name is She. Imaru Taiyi, referred to as Taiyi, hehe!”

“As expected of Brother Taiyi, with such good luck, I found two beauties, one big and one small!” Behind Qiu Ting Lianzi and Yeshen Zhuangyu, the skinny little brother on the bike twisted the gas pedal excitedly. The trachea made a humming sound.

The younger brothers around him matched one after another, showing a wretched smile. They looked at Yeshen Zhuangyu and Qiuting Lianzi, but Qiuting Lianzi and Yeshen Zhuangyu were even more frightened and regretted. They knew what they were out for!


Looking through the glasses, looking at the few motorcyclists surrounding Qiu Ting Lianzi and Yeshen Zhuangyu, Yueshui Nanatsu gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice, “I want to solve their strength, it can be a pistol, but, I Disguise is needed!”

Although I don’t know if anyone else is, anyway, after she got a [-]% discount on purchasing services, it was like opening a membership, as if someone was serving her exclusively.

Now she doesn’t need to take out her mobile phone and open the software, and she can directly borrow the power of the No. [-] pawnshop.Moreover, even the icon of the No. [-] pawnshop software on the mobile phone is hidden when it wants to be hidden, and appears when it wants to appear.

“A [-]% discount, it is recommended to use a seven-month lifespan, and the rest can be traded with the soul that can be restored and the [-]% of the property you get.” The familiar voice automatically came to mind.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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