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Winery? Nothing — Page 332

Koizumi Hongzi glanced at Mu Qiye, but the shy Ryuk did not remind him.According to Mu Qiye’s method and character, he would never use Death Note,

“Ah, this is…”

Looking at a notebook that flew out of thin air, Koshimizu Nanatsuki was simply confused…

I, what I see is true?

Who are these people?Could one of these two be the owner of the thirteenth pawnshop, the person behind the scenes?

Glancing at Yueshui Nanatsuki, Mu Qiye thought for a moment, then took a note and said to her with a smile, “Death Note, as long as you write your name on it, you can kill the opponent’s item. Of course, you can only kill it. Some ordinary people.”

“You can kill ordinary people by writing your name? Death Note?!!” Koshimizu Nanatsuki’s eyes widened and his head went blank, this, this thing?Not true, right?

“Well, how honest!”

Ryuk grinned and looked at Carl, and said curiously, “Do you want to give the Death Note to this little girl named Yuesui Nanatsuki? I can tell you the detailed rules of use, and of course you can ask.”

“My friend died, this can also be said to be my Death Note, whoever holds this Death Note can also see me,?”


Karlsson slackened his shoulders, Yueshui Nanatsuki had the No. [-] pawnshop software, and according to her habits and style, it didn’t make much difference whether she had Death Note or not.As for the rules of the note, there is little difference between knowing and not knowing. What is important is the news of the Death God and the situation in the Death God Realm!

“OK then.”

Lucy shook his head in disappointment. It could be seen that after Mu Qiye got it, it should not be possible to use it. If you don’t give it to this little girl, it is estimated that this Death Note will be in vain, and it will not have any interesting impact on the world at all. .

He couldn’t help but feel depressed again. He looked at Mu Qiye and Koizumi Hongzi with no interest, and said, “So, are you two going to do something to me? Then I’ll leave.”

Looking at the two of them with some anticipation: What an interesting thing to deal with the god of death?He really wanted to see how the two of them could deal with him!

“Not interested.” Mu Qiye simply stretched out his hand to signal him that he could leave at any time.Before determining the basic rules of the God of Death, as well as some means and taboos, if you can’t do it, you can’t do it!

Forget it, and there is Kuroba Kuito, killing God is just a last resort.

Koizumi Hongzi’s eyes calmed down, and she spread her hands to express her casualness.

“It’s a pity, let’s go.”

Lucy sighed, and had to spread out some long, narrow and thin wings, and his lower body didn’t even move as if he was being hung by the wings, and he directly fanned the wings and flew vertically.

Halfway through the flight, he started flying straight again. After thinking about it, he stopped, turned to Karl and Koizumi Koizumi and said, “No matter who it is, I can know after using the Death Note.”

“At that time, I will find it soon, and I can explain the relevant rules of the Death Note to the user. If the user asks, I can also tell the user about the God of Death according to the user’s request. This is the possession of the Death Note. rights of the people.”

After finishing speaking, Ryuk nodded, flapped his wings and left.

Such a waste of a note, a pity.

Forget it, I’ll go to the owner of my notebook first. I’m really hardworking, and I’m busy again…

Fluttering his wings, Ryuk flew according to the breath of the Death Note.


“You can ask the god of death for information…”

Koizumi Hongzi glanced at Mu Qiye with quite a move, but she didn’t expect Koshimizu Nanatsuki to ask directly, “Would you like someone to try it?”

Although there are records in the inheritance notes, who knows if those things are true or false?Besides, even if it is true, there are still some cosmetic things, it is better to be cautious, at least there is a comparison.


Mu Qiye saw what Koizumi Hongzi meant, and nodded after thinking about it, agreeing.

It’s okay to know more news.

Of course, even if you don’t know the difference, it’s not a big difference. As long as his strength is raised to the level of a high-level magician, with one move of the Sword of the Archangel or the Holy Baptism, even if he can’t kill 117 God of Death, self-protection is still no problem!

“Uh, can I ask, what are you talking about?” Yueshui Nanatsuki couldn’t help looking at Koizumi Hongzi and Mu Qiye, and asked in a low voice.

Even the thirteenth pawnshop said she could give it a try, what else was she worried about?Anyway, it seems that Mu Qiye also looks very powerful, so he probably won’t do anything to her.

“of course.”

The inquiring glanced at Koizumi Hongzi, Koizumi Hongzi said that it didn’t matter, Mu Qiye told Koshisui Nanatsuki about Death and Death Note.

In the original anime, Koshisui Nanatsuki is not a simple good person, let alone in this world. He kills people in double digits. Besides, from the standpoint of this matter, he is on the side of mankind. Even if Koshimizu Nanatsu knew about it, what if it was spread out?

I am decent, decent decent!

(Well, catch up, update a chapter, will not break, won’t break, won’t break!!!)

(Thanks to Feixiang’s monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much, at most one week, two more updates will be restored, it will be restored, definitely!!!)

I need to check the information for the new book, and I have to find new information. Recently, the update of this book is a little late, a little slow, sorry, sorry, sorry………….

Chapter 525: The Meeting of Ye Shenyue and Ryuk

“So, the god of death came here just now. This is the god of death’s note. As long as the name of an ordinary person is written, the other party can die of cardiac palsy?”

Even if she owns the No. [-] pawnshop software, Koshisui Nanatsuki said that she still needs to slow down: There is really a god in this world, and the god was in front of her just now, but she couldn’t see it, it was still the god of death!


Mu Qiye shrugged and explained, “Death Note has other rules, but this is the core one.”


A flash of light flashed through his mind, and Yusui Nanatsuki looked at Carl strangely and asked, “Could it be that the murderer also died in Death Note for Morigu Teiji and the recent cardiac palsy cases?”

“Oh? The news is very well-informed, even know this?” Mu Qiye showed a little surprise.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki shook his head with a wry smile and said, “I don’t have this ability. I learned from Hattori Heiji, and he got the news from the Toyama Police Department.”

According to Mu Qiye’s identity, it’s not too difficult to investigate, and there’s not much difference between saying it and not saying it.Moreover, it seems that Hattori Heiji also wants to find Mu Qiye.

I heard that this case was hidden by the superiors, and it was only with great difficulty that Hattori Heiji found out.

“Oh, it was him.”

Mu Qiye nodded knowingly.

Also, according to Hattori Heizang’s character, even if he knew it should be, he wouldn’t tell the abdomen Heiji about it.

Seeing that Mu Qiye was only talking to Yueshui Nanatsuki, Koizumi Hongzi couldn’t help but feel a little irritable, and said, “You guys talk first, I’ll go first.”

The wand didn’t feel like it was hitting the ground hard, and a black-red magic circle rose up!

“Wait, go to your place, it’s convenient.”

Seeing that Koizumi Hongzi’s expression was wrong, Mu Qiye said quickly.At times like this, Koizumi Koizumi, an ally, is a must.

Hearing what Mu Qiye said, Koizumi Hongzi’s expression couldn’t help softening a bit. After thinking about it, she separated a part of the flames from the magic circle.

After the two entered, the magic circle closed again, a dazzling fire flashed, and the three disappeared without a trace.

Night God Villa.

“Zhuangyu, are you alright? Damn, those abominable gangsters, thugs, they should all be put in jail! ~”!” Yagami Yukiko hugged her daughter Yagami Zhuangyu, looked at it carefully, and determined When Zhuangyu had no time, she couldn’t help scolding with tears in her eyes!

“It’s okay, Mom, I’m really okay.”

Seeing her mother’s tears, Yeshen Zhuangyu was relieved a lot and felt surprisingly warm and relieved.A smile appeared on her face, her fists lit up, and she said sweetly, “Thanks to Teacher Qiu Ting, Mr. Mu, and of course my brother, otherwise I would be in danger.”

“Yes, yes, with them, you really are, let you go out at night…” Yasami Sachiko was grateful, but she couldn’t help but scolded and reminded her daughter Yeshen Zhuangyu,

Hearing the words of her sister Yeshen Zhuangyu, Ye Shenyue could not help but grit her teeth, ashamed from her heart: Zhuangyu, damn… Shikai Maru Taichi, I must find a way…

“Mom, sister, then I’ll go upstairs first.” Holding back the guilt in his heart, Ye Shenyue didn’t know what to expect on his face, but he also went upstairs as he wished and returned to his room.

He locked the door tightly and threw himself on the computer desk!

At this moment, everything he was hiding, resentment, guilt, self-blame… and his firm yearning for a peaceful world, filled his heart and showed on his face!

Ye Shenyue did not speak, but a deep and complicated voice came out of her throat.

However, his current expression is distorted, his blood-red eyes are swollen and bloodshot, and his face is distorted like a human demon, or a crazy human demon!

Definitely, definitely, get rid of them all and build a truly peaceful and happy world!

“Oh? Are you sad!”

An unfamiliar voice suddenly came from behind.


Ye Shenyue was startled, turned around subconsciously, and suddenly screamed, “Ah!” She was so frightened that she became unsteady, fell to the ground, and hid in the corner of the wall with her hands and feet, staring at the… creature in front of her.

“Why are you scared like this? I’m the owner of your notebook, Ryuuk, the god of death, you should have used it quite a few times, right?” Thinking of the performance of Mu Qiye and Koizumi Hongzi, Ryuk couldn’t help but feel sorry for Ye Shenyue A little less interest.

Yagami moon



Ordinary people.

Lucy shook his head slightly.

After all, it is the owner of his Death Note, Mu Qiye and Koizumi Hongzi, it is estimated that they will not be able to find the owner for the time being.

“”Reaper Ryuk? Death’s Notes? That’s right!”

Quickly calmed down, Ye Shenyue stood up with the computer chair, and kept staring at Ryuuk, the god of death: “I didn’t frighten Ruk, I was just shocked. It can also be said that I have been waiting for you.”

There was a smile on his face.

Indeed, he has been waiting for Ryuk and the owner of this notebook. This notebook can kill people, so the owner of this notebook must also have the ability to kill and build a peaceful world!


Looking at the smile on Ye Shenyue’s face, Ryuk came to a lot of interest. It seems that this person is still interesting, at least, not so boring and hypocritical.

“The moment I was sure that Death Note could kill people, I didn’t doubt the existence of the god of death, I knew that one day the god of death, or other people, creatures, gods, would be found.”

“I don’t regret what I did, Lucy, I just did what I should do for the world I aspire to, but, unfortunately, I didn’t do it completely.”

Ye Shenyue smiled and sat on the computer chair unwillingly, looking at Lucy and said, “So, Lucy, what are you going to do next? Take my soul?”

Putting his right hand in his pocket, he couldn’t help slashing the palm of his hand again, and his fingertips were stained with blood. If he really died, before he died, he must kill Shikai Maru Taichi to avenge his sister. !

(Well, catch up, update a chapter, won’t break, won’t break, won’t break!!! Gas)

(Thanks to Feixiang’s monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much, at most one week, two more updates will be restored, it will be restored, definitely!!!)

I need to check the information for the new book, and I have to find new information. Recently, the update of this book is a little late, a little slow, sorry, sorry, sorry………….


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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