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Winery? Nothing — Page 342

(Thanks for the support!!!).

Chapter 532: Stab!

“……”this is me?

Mao Lilan’s eyes suddenly widened, he couldn’t believe it: I, I have such a lot of strength?This is what I did?

However, after thinking of killing Ryoichi Takahashi by accident, I was worried again.

With so much strength, she won’t die, will she?

She couldn’t help but look at the boss of the female prisoner who was flying away, and hurriedly wanted to go to see if she was okay!

good chance!

At this moment, after the woman with the dagger reacted, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, and the dagger drew a graceful arc. Taking advantage of Mao Lilan’s unpreparedness, she directly stabbed her in the lower abdomen!

“Xiao Lan!”

Akiko Yonehara was shocked and couldn’t help but speak out, she got up and went to help~!

“Hey, don’t come here, teacher!”

Mao Lilan suddenly sobered up, endured the severe pain, and pushed the woman with the dagger directly away, preventing Teacher Mihara’s actions.She could barely cope by herself, if Mr. Yonehara really came, then she would have nothing to do.

mission completed!

The woman with the dagger stepped back, the corner of her mouth raised slightly, and she swiped the dagger in her hand at the people around her, threatening: “Fuck it all off for me!”

Under the threat of the bloody dagger, even the female prisoner who was squatting on the ground and holding her head could not help but move away, lest she anger the other party and stab herself with a knife!

The woman with the dagger saw the female prisoner get out of the way, and without saying anything, she ran to the back along the road.


don’t kill me? ! !

Looking at the woman who left, Mao Lilan was even more stunned: What’s the situation?In such a big situation, you used a knife in prison just to stab me?


Seeing the woman with the dagger just leave like this, the remaining two female prisoners who attacked Maurilan were also startled, thinking of the plan,

Severe injuries are enough!

The female prisoner with slender eyebrows glanced at Mao Lilan’s still bleeding wound, and felt that her goal had been accomplished.

Although it wasn’t their hands, Mao Lilan was seriously injured. If they continued and angered Mu Qiye, they probably wouldn’t end well!

Even if you can’t get the money, it’s okay.

“Little bitch, how dare you hurt Big Sister!” The female prisoner with a tattoo on her neck showed a strong expression of anger, and rushed towards Mao Lilan!

Damn, the eldest sister is not very good, but she was stunned by a little girl, how will they get along after it is spread out?How can I teach Mao Lilan a lesson!


The woman with slender eyebrows brows, Mao Lilan can’t kill it!

I wanted to stop it but it was too late.


Covering her bleeding belly, Mao Lilan bit her lip to make herself more awake, and she looked a little solemn when she saw the female prisoner rushing over.

It would be better if I didn’t get hurt, now…


“court death!”

In the smart program space, seeing that the female prisoner dared to take action, Mu Qiye’s face suddenly showed a bit of stern expression.Tool man, just get out of here when you’re done, how dare you continue to take action?

Make a fist directly and strike out of thin air!


The familiar power appeared in the body again, and Mao Lilan was slightly startled: Here again?

It’s just that this time it seems to be stronger than the last time.

I only felt that the huge clear current was directly instilled into her right arm and right fist, and at this time, her right fist was swung out subconsciously or uncontrollably, and a punch hit the bridge of the woman’s nose.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・


At a speed visible to the naked eye, the woman’s nose collapsed and her face was almost deformed by being smashed. The female prisoner lost consciousness before she could even think about it. It was faster than the last time. The female prisoner smashed directly into the wooden wall and closed her eyes. Eyes closed, life and death do not know.

Eyes, nose, mouth… The blood slowly flows out.

Suddenly, there was silence!


The female prisoner with slender eyebrows swallowed and looked at Mao Lilan in fear: This strength… No wonder, the criminal can be killed by accident!

… … …

Mao Lilan’s eyes widened, looking at the female prisoner still in the wooden wall in disbelief: “…”

No, it won’t…

Forget it, forget it!

The female prisoner with slender eyebrows looked at a second sister who didn’t know her life or death, a fainted eldest sister, gritted her teeth, turned around and ran after the woman with the dagger.

This time we can’t go together!

Besides, if Mu Qiye knew the news, whether the two of them would still be able to live would have to be discussed.Staying is equivalent to waiting for death, a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist, let’s go!

Shortly after the woman disappeared.

Soon, the iron door that was closed for some reason was opened, and the policewoman who had received the news hurriedly rushed over: If Mao Lilan was killed, it would be over!

The warden has long since explained that Mao Lilan can’t have an accident, and there are gunshots now, in case…

When he reached the corridor, he was stunned.

This… what’s the situation? ! !

(In the past few days, I have had stomach problems again, and it was too uncomfortable at night, so I didn’t update it, and I won’t stop it, I won’t stop it, I won’t stop it!!)

(Thank you for your support!!!) Fan.

Chapter 533: A group of idiots, check, check!

One prisoner was stuck in the wall, bleeding from seven holes, and he didn’t know whether to live or die. One prisoner collapsed to the ground, and many prison guards and prisoners were directly shot to death. Almost the others squatted on the ground holding their heads…

“Xiao Ran, how are you? Xiao Ran, doctor, call the doctor quickly!!” Akiko Mihara had already run to Xiao Ran’s side, worriedly covering Xiao Ran’s wound with her hand, and kept begging for help.

Akiko Mihara’s words also instantly brought the others back to their senses, and ran over quickly, shouting, “Come here quickly, call the doctor, Mao… Concubine, Concubine…”

Oops, Maurilan was injured, now…

“I, I’m fine, hurry up and save “One Three Three” them, I, I don’t want to…”

Lying in Akiko Mihara’s arms, Mao Lilan held Akiko Mihara’s hand nervously, looking worriedly at the two female prisoners who were injured, especially the one who was trapped in the wall and bleeding from the seven orifices…

If you accidentally kill someone…



In the consciousness space, Mu Qiye was a little bored, and even looked at this scene with disdain.

There is revenge for revenge, there is grievance for revenge, and everyone else has you started, so you still care about the other party’s life and death?How stupid are you?Idiot, Our Lady!

This is also what bothers Maorilan the most.

Too lazy to look at anything.

Mu Qiye stunned Mao Lilan directly through the electromagnetic signal from the prison, temporarily suppressing her memory, and reached out and waved to turn off the projection screen.

I have never seen such a disgusting person!

The corners of Xiaoai’s mouth in the arms raised slightly, and she was inexplicably happy in her heart: Hmph, she is indeed an idiot.

“What? Happy?”

Aware of Xiao Ai’s actions, Mu Qiye couldn’t help but smile, raised Xiao Ai’s chin, and couldn’t help showing a bit of a smirk on his face.

Xiao Ai was formed based on his memories of Hai Yuan Ai, that is, Hai Yuan Ai in Conan’s plot, combined with some of his values, so Xiao Ai’s character is somewhat similar to him.


Xiao Ai’s face flushed, and she immediately turned her head away, not admitting that she had the same idea as Mu Qiye.

“Really?” Holding Xiao Ai’s arm tightly, Mu Qiye didn’t care if the little guy’s mouth was wrong, and the other hand fell on Xiao Ai’s body…



It’s here, it’s here! !

In the dark underground pipe, the female prisoner with slender eyebrows kept climbing up the ladder of the sewer pipe and pushed open the manhole cover. As a result, a car was parked above the warning, and a round entrance opened at the bottom of the car. .

The female prisoner suddenly felt refreshed and had a broad vision, as if she was reincarnated!

But as soon as her head entered the car, a slender wire was wrapped around her head, and it was the ordinary-looking female prisoner who shot just now!


The news that Mao Lilan was stabbed and stabbed in the abdomen quickly spread.


Tokyo Metropolitan Police Chief Inspector’s Office.

“What? Maori… something happened to the concubine? What did you eat? Didn’t you take good care of it and don’t have an accident? What did you do? Why did something happen? You were shot and stabbed…”

The newly replaced police chief’s eyes widened and he was so anxious that he was pacing back and forth, almost going crazy!

Special code, there is no clue in the case of cardiac palsy, and now Mao Lilan has been stabbed!

He really doesn’t know how these idiots and idiots do things!


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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