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Winery? Nothing — Page 352

Even the relatively calm Fujiwara Shizusai couldn’t help but express his attitude.One time is too much, and I want to continue irresponsibly, and let their sisters…

“haha, really?”

Seeing their sisters smile, Mu Qiye didn’t speak, turned around and left, and waved goodbye: “Let’s go, maybe this week will come.”

He Mu Qiye wanted to come, even if he was a great master, he couldn’t stop him!

Well, not the direct hands-on kind.

Asshole, shameless, nasty, shameless…

Listening to Mu Qiye’s shameless and irresponsible words, Fujiwara Jingzhai and Fujiwara Mie scolded in their hearts, but thinking that Mu Qiye said that this week will come again, they couldn’t help but think of the scene that happened before… …..

His face suddenly turned red, and he was speechless.


Walking out the door, Mu Qiye directly ignored the maid not far away, glanced at the corner of the other courtyard, and said with a smile, “Tell Fujiwara Kenzo that you can cooperate and leave.”

Sumitomo chaebol is different from Mitsubishi and Mitsui chaebol.Although it has been established for a long time, the business is basically in heavy industry.

As a result, there is no business conflict, and Kansai ZF will not agree to completely block their business, so it is better to take the initiative to give them a step.

Secondly, among the three major chaebols in Kansai, they are the weakest, but none of the chaebols want to stay weak forever, and have no ambitions. It would be good to use Sumitomo to trouble them or add some blockages.

Of course, the same is true for the Fujiwara family. If they really set boundaries, Mu Qiye unites with Suzuki, and if Nakiri troubles them, they will lose a lot.

Corner turn.

A skinny old man in his sixties walked out and looked at Mu Qiye, who had already jumped on the wall for 4.9 years, and Mu Qiye, who had disappeared after jumping, couldn’t help sighing, “As expected of a person who dared to enter the Yamaguchi-gumi, but also went to Yaodao Village, he is so rich. With this kind of power, the world is really unfair!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!).

Chapter 549 : We…are a couple?

Edogawa Villa.

Looking at the smiling Mu Qiye by the window, Koizumi Hongzi poured herself a cup of coffee and said lightly, “Are you back?”

I only came back after a night outside, and I definitely went to the waves again!

“well enough.”

Lazily walking across to Koizumi Hongzi, Mu Qiye asked Gan Rixiangzi to prepare juice, then sat down with a smile and said, “It’s not bad, I finally don’t give in to this trip.”

When I went at night, Koizumi Hongko also arrived.

Of course, after seeing him and Kenshi Oba, they went in, and they left after making sure everything was fine.

Koizumi Hongzi’s complexion softened a lot when she finally knew that she was coming, and then she asked with interest, “Have you got Muramasa?”

“How do you know?” He glanced at Koizumi Hongzi in surprise, but Mu Qiye didn’t pursue it.He took out the Demon Sword Muramasa from the magic bag, and then handed it to Koizumi Hongko.


Looking at the village is in Mu Qiye’s hands, Koizumi Hongzi was startled: she just asked, she felt that according to Mu Qiye’s character of plucking, since Yi Rong killed the Yamaguchi group, and also knew that Yaodao village was, she would not Let go.

I didn’t expect it, it’s coming!


Even if she was 09, she couldn’t help but sigh because of Mu Qiye’s ability to deceive people. It is estimated that she also deceived a lot in other aspects. Of course, she didn’t bother to ask, most of them were useless things.


After Koizumi Hongko took it, she frowned as she looked at the samurai sword that was suddenly shaking and wanted to break free: Dare to resist me even with a broken sword?

“Be careful, she’s stronger than me. Although she’s not as strong as me, she might be able to burn you with a fire.” Looking at Koizumi Hongzi, Mu Qiye couldn’t help shaking his head and said to Yaodao Village.

Yaodao Village is still very good, he doesn’t want to lose it like this.


The blade paused for a moment, and then it calmed down.

“Hmph, not so much!”

Seeing Mu Qiye’s thoughts, Koizumi Hongzi snorted and threw the knife to Mu Qiye.

Hearing this, the blade trembled again.

“It’s still good, but unfortunately I didn’t recognize the master…”

Mu Qiye shrugged helplessly, then knocked on the blade and warned, “You better be honest, maybe at some point, she will find a chance to set you on fire.”

Thinking about it now, Koizumi Hongzi’s black fire obviously has the ability to burn the soul.Usually fire is nothing, but if the fire is a little stronger, more than [*]%, the soul in this broken knife can’t resist it.

Stuffing Yaodao Village into the magic bag, after thinking about it, I asked Kanhi Xiangzi to make breakfast, but I haven’t eaten in the morning!

Do you think this is your home?

Koizumi Hongzi glanced at Mu Qiye and did not organize.

After eating and chatting for a while, I got up and prepared to leave.

“Let’s go, I haven’t gone back yet!” Waving lazily, Mu Qiye used the transfer formation he got from Koizumi Hongzi.

A blue-colored magic circle appeared around Mu Qiye, a flash of light flashed, and Mu Qiye disappeared without a trace.

“You haven’t gone back yet?” Looking at the place where Mu Qiye left, Koizumi Hongzi was slightly startled: Where are you going back?Don’t you just come here when you come back?Thinking of the possibility, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help showing a somewhat charming and willful arc.


Edogawa Villa.

Mu Qiye entered the living room and looked at Fei Xiaolan who was standing beside the piano with her fingers running across the keys, she couldn’t help but smile: “It seems that she is recovering well.”

“Huh? Sleep?!!”

The sudden voice frightened Fei Xiaolan, and she turned around immediately. After realizing it was Mu Qiye, she breathed a sigh of relief. Then, she looked left and right, wondering, “How did you come in? Didn’t I close the door?”

She remembered that the windows and doors were closed, and there was no sound of opening the door.

“Suddenly…it came in.”

Looking at Concubine Xiaolan, Mu Qiye couldn’t help but smile, a cute little Lan, it’s still interesting not to speak.


Fei Xiaolan was still so serious, with a confused look on her face, thinking about how Mu Qiye suddenly came in.

Then, thinking that this villa was all Mu Qiye’s face turned red again, and felt a little uncomfortable, and mother, sister Yuxizi, including everyone else…

“That… Mom, Aunt Gui has gone to work, and Sister Youxizi said to buy some clothes and cosmetics, Gui…” Fei Xiaolan briefly explained the matter to Mu Qiye.

“Yeah. I know.”

Mu Qiye smiled and nodded.

I didn’t know it just now, but after I came in, I knew that only Xiaolan was there, and I asked Xiaoai, and it became clear.Moreover, it is clearer than the parties’ estimates that within [*] meters of them, Xiao Ai directly recorded the video.

Mu Qiye looked at Xiaolan with interest and walked towards her: “Are you nervous?”

“Uh… no.”

After being surprised, Fei Xiaolan shook her head a little embarrassedly, indicating that she was not nervous, but her fingers could not help wrapping around the corner of her clothes and leaning on the piano.

She has lost her memory, and it’s just her and Mu Qiye, it’s strange if they’re not nervous!

“That’s good.”

Walking to Fei Xiaolan’s side, Mu Qiye rolled his eyes, looked at her split lips, raised her chin naturally, lowered her head and asked.


Her head was like being hit by a baseball bat, Fei Xiaolan’s head was blank, she stared at Mu Qiye coldly with wide eyes, her body was stiff and she didn’t know what to do.

Mu Qiye smiled, raised his head, looked into her eyes and said, “Do you remember?”

“No, no, don’t…”

Concubine Xiaolan pushed Mu Qiye away, her face flushed, and she took a few steps back, looking at Mu Qiye, not knowing what to say.

Mu Qiye shrugged and said helplessly, “It seems that I still haven’t thought of it.”

Concubine Xiaolan wiped the corners of her mouth, and when she heard this, she was stunned for a moment, raised her head in disbelief, pointed to Mu Qiye, and herself, and said stutteringly, “What do you remember? Could it be that we, before? …”

Sure enough, I am one of them!

“Earlier than miles.”

Looking at Concubine Xiaolan, Mu Qiye suddenly smiled: “But it was an accident, and we got together after that. Miles is just suspicious, others don’t know.”

People who have amnesia are really shameless!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!).

Chapter 550: The truth of the matter!


Hearing what Mu Qiye said, Fei Xiaolan suddenly believed a little more.

After all, she also felt that Mu Qiye was not the one she liked.At least, how could she not fall in love with such a messy private life, someone older than her, let alone one of the women in Mu Qiye…

Thinking of this, she felt a little embarrassed and didn’t know how to get along with Mu Qiye.

Mu Qiye ignored this.

Now that you have been deceived, you must continue to deceive!

Walking directly to Fei Xiaolan, Mu Qiye asked again, but this time it was obviously not easy for Wen.

“No, no, no~”

“Don’t worry, it’s not the first time.

“Ah? No? The first time??!!”



Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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