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Winery? Nothing — Page 354

There are benefits to a purely tech society where people believe in reality.He is also very pragmatic and down-to-earth. Even if he believes in miracles, he can be said to have hope, and his expectations are all within an acceptable range and expectations.

However, the appearance of God is not guaranteed.

Before, the ruling class was high above, what about God?God can easily decide the life and death of anyone!

Degradation of authority, crime, …… a being that wants to be erased.

It’s just that things have developed so far, and they can’t hide it.

The number of people with cardiac palsy in various countries has skyrocketed, and most of them are criminals who deserve it. Not only foreign countries, but also domestic websites have begun to have relevant information.

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!)

(Forbidden, increase the word count, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for support, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly ticket, thank you for your support!!!).

Chapter 552: God, Kira!Yamato Dasuke

(Prohibited to increase the number of words!!!)

It’s just that things have developed so far, and they can’t hide it.

The surge in the number of people with cardiac palsy in various countries is mostly due to criminals who deserve it. Not only foreign countries but also domestic websites have begun to have relevant information.


Cause the criminal’s heart palsy Siang, it is also likely to be the holder of the Death Note or the god of death on the Internet. The names given to them by the people can also be said to be code names or gods!

Some people say that it is a homonym of English killer, but more often it is called Chongxin.

Base, primitive, original meaning, Ra, the sun god who brings light in Filipino mythology and legends.

In Kira’s Weibo, in the fan group, most people agree that Kira is the god who uses thunder to sweep away evil and bring light and beauty to the world!

Moreover, Kira has been widely recognized. Except for a few countries that are fully controlled by ZF, most of the countries that are still open have spread like locusts and have begun to be recognized on a large scale~.

There are a lot of posts now all complaining about the injustice they have encountered, and some of them have written requests, expecting Kira to kill whoever and whoever, criminals and villains everywhere, and they have also received a lot of attention, and some have already- dead…

Things continue to develop, the ending can be imagined.

In the judgment of punishment, there is controversy in itself. Whether to set or remove the death penalty has various considerations, not to mention the dissatisfaction with the current law and the attitude of ZF.

With Kira, the punisher in the shadows, ZF’s credibility and authority have been significantly reduced, and the people’s expectations for ZF have also dropped rapidly, and they have begun to shift to Kira.

It is not difficult to imagine that if things continue to develop like this, the ZFs of various countries are likely to be replaced by Kira, and Kira is likely to become the enforcer of the world, the real uncrowned king!

Therefore, there is absolutely no way. In order to solve the problem quickly, I can only tell everything I know. Although it takes a risk, as long as this problem is solved, it is not too difficult to make up for it later.

After all, technology is deeply rooted in people’s hearts, and the miracles that science can create can also be called miracles to a certain extent.

As long as some viruses are researched, some authoritative people can release all kinds of true and false views, and the governments of various countries issue a joint declaration to deny it, and it is enough for a large number of people to believe it.

People follow the crowd. Even if they know it’s fake, most of them say it’s true. If you say it’s fake, then they will be rejected and run on… After that, the fake will become real.

Others are grasping, grasping, controlling, and educating.

As for what he said… who knows?

He didn’t say it, and zf has never made such remarks!

Under the influence of a series of manipulations and influences, everything will gradually return to the right track and plain, to the road of building a scientific, orderly, and controllable plain and stable world.

After all, it is the individual who has to eat, live, and satisfy them before they are qualified to think.

“There can be six Death Notes in total. Humans who use Death Notes to kill others will neither go to heaven nor hell, and the notes torn from Death Notes also have the effect of Death Notes…”

Listen, Conan’s eyes are full of disbelief for the few rules that are not in the notes: How, how is it possible?Is there really…

No, it’s impossible, it’s definitely because things are too weird, zf or those people find some information and get seated!

Conan’s eyes gradually became firm and confident: What death god, Death Note?I don’t believe it, it’s definitely man-made but I haven’t found the reason!

After telling the information he knew, Hattori Heizang left directly, and handed over the explanation to Yagami Soichiro, he was not interested in dealing with those explanations that were not meaningful.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

And, there seems to be a problem again.

Pawnshop No. [*]…


I didn’t get too entangled with Soichiro Yagami and others.

Conan, Hattori Heiji, Mouri Kogoro, Hakuba Tan, and Sato Miwako left early.

Asking if it’s true, it doesn’t make sense to entangle it at all.

Solving the problem quickly and finding the murderer is the most important thing!

As soon as he went out, there was a cross scar on the ground on his left eye, a sparse beard, and a man who looked a bit vicious, walked up to Hattori Heiji, stretched out his hand, and introduced: “Hello, high school student detective Hattori Heiji, I have long admired the name, I am Nagano Prefecture Headquarters. The police department Yamato dares to help, it is a pleasure to see you here.”

…… 0

“Officer Yamato, it’s not a sensible thing to reveal your name casually.”

Glancing at Yamato Dasuke, White Horse Tan, who came out, commented with a smile.Have a death note, but as long as you write your name and know the appearance of the target object, you can kill the other party.

“It turned out to be Detective White Horse.”

Turning to look at White Horse Tan, Yamato dares to smile, but the smile is not so bright. His friend, it can also be said that the opponent is dead and killed…

“I’m fairly well-known in Changye County. I want to investigate, but it’s not that difficult to investigate, and I really want to try the feeling of being killed by Death Note or Death!”

There was a gleam in his eyes, and Yamato Gansuke’s face showed obvious disdain, or disbelief.It’s not that I question the intelligence of Hattori Hizang or ZF, I just simply don’t believe that there is such a thing as the God of Death or Death Note in the world!

If there is a god, Zhufu Gaoming will not die.

If sins cannot be punished, if they break the law, they will be gods and evil gods!

(Please ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for support, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly ticket, thank you for your support!!!) Fan.

Chapter 553: White Horse Detective’s team invitation, clues of Conan and Hattori Heiji,

“Yes, I want to try it too!” Conan touched his chin and smiled disdainfully: What Death God, Death Note, they are all stupid things!

Looking up at Yamato Gansuke, there is a strong approval in his eyes!


Hearing someone say that, Yamato Kansuke also became interested and turned to look at Conan, whose head was wrapped in a bandage, even if he had been prepared, he couldn’t help but look a little strange.

Seeing Yamato’s thoughts, Conan scratched the back of his head in embarrassment: “Fire, injury, I’m not afraid of that, God of Death, Death Note!”

This way… speechless, he wouldn’t think I was worried about being known by others, so I covered my head, right?

“Hehe, I know.” Yamato Gansuke showed a bit of a smile on his face.

At first, this kid seemed to be wrapped in bandages. When he said this, he was still so young. Looking at his performance at the meeting, he didn’t seem to know the rules in advance.

“By the way, I don’t know what to call it?” Yamato dared to ask “One Fifty Zero”, who couldn’t help but ask curiously.It seemed that, all along, no one at least he knew knew the name of the bandage boy.

“Haha, this kid is a distant relative of my family, and his name is… Haha, the name is not worth mentioning, it’s not worth mentioning!” Mouri Kogoro hurried over and slapped Conan on the head with a smile.

Bad name… uncle?

Conan couldn’t help rolling his eyes: What do you mean!

Looking at Mouri Kogoro, after thinking for a while, he didn’t refute in the end, Conan is rotten, not to mention Kudo Shinichi, this kind of thing, now appearing at this time, isn’t it more misunderstood that there may be a god?

The most important thing is that I really haven’t thought of a name yet…


Looking at Maori Kogoro, Yamato nodded knowingly: The child didn’t believe it, but Maori Kogoro still believed it, or was cautious and didn’t want to tell others.

Dao is different and does not plan for each other, ignorant people with short knowledge!

The White Horse Detective, who had known this part of the information for a long time, sneered disdainfully: It’s right to be rational, too rational, and it would be stupid to deny anything beyond what you think about.

This kind of person is cannon fodder, and you still have to rely on yourself!

Turning to look at Sato Miwako, who is still here, White Horse scout smiled: “Sato still wants to stay here?”

One of the true elites of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, who has a close relationship with Mu Qiye, is also a key promotion target in the system.

Glancing at Tan Ma, Sato Miwako shook her head with a dignified expression.

Unlike them, she is a policeman and an ordinary person, so it is not so easy to laugh when she hears such a thing.Of course, it is more difficult to accept, not to believe, and to be unsure of whether things are true or false.

“No, I’ll go back and think about it and see where I should start. Even if there is a god of death, death note, and the meaning of the Hattori police surveillance, the people who use it are still people. It’s the most important thing to find out who is using it behind the scenes. .”

In any case, look for clues first!

“Agreed, as expected of the elite Sato of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department!”

Sato Miwako’s words aroused the approval of others, and White Horse Detective even smiled admiringly, raised his hand and lifted the bangs in front of his forehead and said with a smile: “I already have some clues, at least one of the Death Note holders. By.”

“If Sato is interested, you can find a time to communicate. Of course, it’s just to exchange information with each other. There is no other meaning. After all, I looked at it and it seems that Sato is more suitable for my companion.”

According to the members and composition of the death, there are at least three holders of the Death Note. At this time, if you want to solve it for a short time, it is a joke.

Most of the food inside is eaten and left behind.Bu Heiji and Mouri Kogoro, bandaged kid together, Yamato Gansuke obviously do not believe in death, and death notebook.

If he cooperates with them, in an emergency, this kind of disbelief is likely to startle him and disrupt his plans.

Among the remaining people, only Sato Miwako is left. She is a sensible type and her ability is not bad. It should not be a disservice. Maybe she can help.

Of course, thinking of the rumors that Sato Mikazu had a relationship with Mu Qiye, he cautiously added the following words, now Mu Qiye is someone who can’t be messed with, I heard…

Thinking of this, his face couldn’t help showing a little solemnity.

“Uh, anytime.”

Mikazu Sato was stunned for a while, but did not expect this arrogant-looking young man to invite her to form a team, and then smiled and nodded in agreement.

Detective Hakuba, the son of the Superintendent of Hakuba Police, is well-known and capable in the Eagle Country, comparable to, or even surpassing, the detectives of the famous high school detective Kudo Shinichi.

If you cooperate with him, it will be beneficial to solve the case.

As for the words behind the white horse, she didn’t care.

With the increase of Mu Qiye’s reputation and the news of her and Mu Qiye’s message, almost no one in the entire Tokyo Police Department dared to make that kind of joke to her.

Besides, White Horse Detective is about 17 years old, what else can you think of her?

However, it is a pity that Mu Qiye didn’t come, and he didn’t want to participate. If he was there, he should be able to find some useful clues…

“Okay, Sato, this way please~”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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